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I've got way more money in my sim setup for GT5 I started building 2 years ago(and still no GT5) then I do my RC car. I can see how they would get boring, but if you build a nice track or have one in your area they are great. You get to tune something that's real, the physics are real, everything about it is real. The only thing that would be better is a real car, but there isn't a track within 150 miles of where I live, and it would make my sime project and rc car look like chump change.
I'm just saying. If you got tired of waiting on GT5 like I have, these RC cars are a blast and a great hobby to get into if you have friends that you can get to race with you. It's easily the most fun I have ever had in a hobby. I've got the big sim setup and have only set in it once since I got my buggy. This really doesn't have anything to do with GT5 though, so I'll leave the RC cars out of the thread. Just thought I would let some race fans see what else is out there. I had no idea anything like this existed until someone talked me into buying one.
True that.
I do RC planes btw, search me up on RCForums.com.