GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
I've got way more money in my sim setup for GT5 I started building 2 years ago(and still no GT5) then I do my RC car. I can see how they would get boring, but if you build a nice track or have one in your area they are great. You get to tune something that's real, the physics are real, everything about it is real. The only thing that would be better is a real car, but there isn't a track within 150 miles of where I live, and it would make my sime project and rc car look like chump change.

I'm just saying. If you got tired of waiting on GT5 like I have, these RC cars are a blast and a great hobby to get into if you have friends that you can get to race with you. It's easily the most fun I have ever had in a hobby. I've got the big sim setup and have only set in it once since I got my buggy. This really doesn't have anything to do with GT5 though, so I'll leave the RC cars out of the thread. Just thought I would let some race fans see what else is out there. I had no idea anything like this existed until someone talked me into buying one.

True that.

I do RC planes btw, search me up on
mass suicide :ouch:

I like your thinking.
If this happens, I am canceling my pre-order and suggesting that everyone else do the same. I will buy the game, and probably even pre-order it when the time gets closer, BUT Sony and PD need to be punished for this disgusting and horrificly bad screw-up. Retailers having to give tens of thousands in refunds with no garrauntee of recouping that business will send a message.

Unfortunately it will only inconvenience the retailers(and yourself if you make a special trip dedicated to canceling your pre-order),they know you or someone like you will be back to either pre-order or buy the game once it`s
( finally 🤬 ) released.
That sure would be a strange way to build hype, by not talking about the game!

Look at Media Molecule (People who are making Little Big Planet 2), they have experienced the same delay from November into next year but they have a beta, they have a pretty consistent presence on the Playstation Blog with videos and things that are going to be in the game. PD and Sony rarely post about GT and when they do it's mostly about the car shows and not the game. Really strange. I know GT can get by on name alone but with such a long wait between games this time I'd hate to see that prestige lose some of it's luster.
I haven't read much about LBP2 so I guess their marketing is focused on gamers.

GT5 seems to be everywhere but the focus is on car enthusiasts.
You know LeMans I guess I never thought of it that way.. hmm. That's a good point! GT would seem to be becoming more and more for real car enthusiasts instead of the average console gamer.

GT definitely made me a car enthusiast. Before GT I would never have raced lap after lap in time trial mode trying to get a better time, tweaking the car. Trying out the lower end cars to test times with others online (fondly remembers the Ring Diary threads on Gamefaqs). Oh man... please release this game soon!! XD
this wait has been the longest wait in the history of video games, WE WILL GO INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS FOR WAITING!!!! See it as our place in history!

I still annoys the hell out of me though, and GT6 will not be far off GT5 i'm guessing.
this wait has been the longest wait in the history of video games, WE WILL GO INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS FOR WAITING!!!! See it as our place in history!

1,000 years from now, GT24 will come out. When people will start living to be like 150 years old, waiting 6 years won't mean poop.
I was expecting a date from the Paris show since they had said they "expected" a date by the end of the month. However I saw what appeared to be a link to that same post today and the text read that they will have a date in the near future which leads me to believe as some others have already suggested the date may come at the SEMA event next week.
this wait has been the longest wait in the history of video games, WE WILL GO INTO THE HISTORY BOOKS FOR WAITING!!!! See it as our place in history!

I still annoys the hell out of me though, and GT6 will not be far off GT5 i'm guessing.

*cough* Duke Nukem Forever *cough*
DNF - In develpment since 1997. As of 2010 it still is not released.
GT5 - In develpment since 2006. As of 2010 ... well do I have to explain? :(

I am looking forward to both games though :D
Duken Nukem was practically finished, it was legal issues that held it back so long. So technically its not the game that took the longest to DEVELOP.

It wasn't practically finished according to Randy Pitchford (one of the founders of Gearbox, the company that bought Duke)

What Gearbox inherited when it bought the Duke Nukem intellectual property, says Pitchford, wasn’t a game that was as complete as some might think. And there were no console versions at all. “There was a lot of work there, but there wasn’t a game. What there was was a lot of great tech, a lot of great features and subsystems, a lot of great gameplay mechanics. It was a lot of stuff, but it wasn’t assembled into a game.
How desperate do you think Sony are to sell a few more copies of a game that is the 5th main entry in one of their most popular and high selling series, whose glorified demo (which I still love) sold millions of? It's not a gamble that GT5 is going to have impressive sales numbers and make everyone involved a lot of money.

Does anyone know how much has been spent to date on GT5? I've seen $60M, but I would imagine they've spent more than that. For comparison, I think the original Gran Turismo was something like $1.1M or so to produce.
Does anyone know how much has been spent to date on GT5? I've seen $60M, but I would imagine they've spent more than that. For comparison, I think the original Gran Turismo was something like $1.1M or so to produce.

And also, consider this--what were the profits of the GT series up until the start of development for GT5P? Pretty substantial right? What was the development cost for GT5P? Are people actually counting it as a separate game from GT5 in terms of development costs? To me, I've always considered GT5 Prologue to be "gravy" for Sony and Polyphony, and a means for financing development of GT5 and GT PSP--not that those games needed justifying or financial support to produce. Sort of like releasing the first 6 chapters of a 60 chapter book/books that the author was already working on anyway and making a nice profit, then releasing the full book and making profit again. Am I off base in this analysis? I'm just thinking out loud here.