GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Its amazing to me that anyone here still believes in anything they say. This exact same thing happened with duke nukem, another popular franchise and a very hyped up game that many people were waiting for. Years later, even after it seemed so close to going gold, its still not out.

Where did I say I believed anything they say? Read what I said again, in CONTEXT.

I could have said,

Darn, I was hoping for a release date by today. I had thought they said they would have one by the end of Oct. On second thought, that doesn't happen until Sunday. Stupid release date rumors.
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If they weren't sure, should have said nothing anyways. Atleast they wouldn't have angry fans holding them accountable on that later on. Better to have a surprise release date anyways. This is turning into one big bad joke for sony and company, if I'm their share holders, I'm shaking my head. Too bad forza isn't on the PS3 and I can't afford a 360.:grumpy:

I sum it up to: **** happens. Sometimes you can control it, other times you cannot. Either way, you are going to get hit with it and it becomes a simple matter of how much.

At this point, it's probably wiser to take the hits and NOT announce another date until it's a sure bet.
I sum it up to: **** happens. Sometimes you can control it, other times you cannot. Either way, you are going to get hit with it and it becomes a simple matter of how much.

At this point, it's probably wiser to take the hits and NOT announce another date until it's a sure bet.

Best way to sum it up.
Well what does putting out a AAA title at the same time do? Obviously it would damage Move's sales. Sony doesnt have anything big lines up for early next year, and AAA game sell well regardless of when they come out. They dont need the holiday, in the end in will still accumulate the same amount of sales.

So push GT5 to 2011, try to maximize Move's sales. They know damn well all of you will buy this game in March if thats when they come out. You can cry all day about it being delayed, they dont care, Move is their focus right now.

If I were working for them Id do the same damn thing, push GT5 away from Move, let all the moms n pops buy that for their kids, THEN put GT5 out in 2011. It makes sense whether you personally like it or not.

They really need to lower their expectations with Move. Who the hell are they trying to sell that thing to? All the soccer-moms and their kids have the Wii and everything goes with it. Expecting the casual gamer like them to invest in a PS3 and then the add-ons is flat out dumb. Hardcore gamers don't give a rats-butt either, they are too busy fragging noobs in COD, MoH or any of the other huge hardcore titles this season.

Sony is effing stupid for thinking that anyone cares about Move. Same goes for Xbox Kinect. The same thing is going to happen to it that happened to everyone's Wii. Its going to sit there and not be played with the favor going to the hardcore games. I bought a Wii in 2006 and I haven't turned it on since 2008. That will be the fate of Move and Kinect.
Check out what says when you purchase.
A date that will live in infamy!

Kinda odd date for a Japanese based company to launch a product on the US market, Hmmm?

If I were working for them Id do the same damn thing, push GT5 away from Move, let all the moms n pops buy that for their kids, THEN put GT5 out in 2011. It makes sense whether you personally like it or not.

I wouldnt, becuase i would realise the PS3 needs a huge kick up the arse and EVERYBODY knows the move is poorly supported at present.

they have already sold a few moves as it was out weeks ago, if it were the Xmas item then it should have come out in the last couple of weeks.

GT 5 is the system seller, GT 5 makes the PS3 desirable NOT the move.

The GT 5 bundle would have sold like hot cakes at christmas, now Sony will lose out as everyone will buy an Xbox and say sod it if GT 5's not out for christmas, i might as well wait until next Xmas!

By next Xmas we will probably hear about ps4 and how Gt 5 development is being moved over to the PS4, in which time i will have to think if i really want to continue buying the playstation brand.

I really like Gt games, ive not even played Forza, but im thinking i might as well play SOMETHING as who knows hwen GT 5 will be out?

by the time its out, it will be old and everyone else is going to have caught up at this rate.

Long story short, GT 5 has to be out for Xmas or SONY are screwed for another year or two.
I'll be gone all December and was hoping to be playing the game on Nov. 2 till Thanksgiving. Now just hoping it'll be out by the time I get back.
Microsoft's Expenditure on the Kinect's Release: 3.85 billion dollars

Sony's Expenditure on GT5's Release: 12 dollars and 56 cents

Kinect Kits sold :Probably about 12

GT5 Sold (if the game come out someday soon): over 5 millions :dopey:
Kinect cost: $150

GT5 (standard edition) cost: $60

haha ... it goes on bro.

my point is: Sony's advertising/marketing budget for the PS3 just ... SUCKS.

EDIT: see it's kinda dumb to change your post after someone's replied to it. It borders on "rude".

EDIT 2: 12 units in mexico probably. but like you said originally before EDITING your post: 2 million.
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Do you think Sony have "given up" on the PS3 are are secretly rushing development on the ps4?

thats how it feels. i'm tired of all this xbox this, and x box that ****. i tried to buy a ps3 keyboard for rock band 3 yesterday, and what a surprise, everywhere i went sold the xbox and wii version, but the ps3 one is out a week later, and online only.

Sony sort it out for ****s sake!
Last Ghost from Gamefaqs pretty much sums it up below...

Not saying that I won't pick this one up, but at this point the money I had put away for this is probably going to a different title this season. And when I do pick it up, I may wait till the price drops on the web, or buy it used. At this point I want to make sure sony gets the least amount of money out of me.

Well, by buying another title plus GT5....Sony wins :crazy:

I would never put anyone else's head on that woman's body! :dunce:

I lightly rework this picture over the initial: see if you can spot the new things :dopey:

so we are really NOT going to get any date before the end of the month after all :) Kaz does what he does best: delay and make us want his game!

Its 30/10/2010 & we havent any news on release date ...

Well this sucks...

Fail as usual.
Yes, the GT5 European has also been delayed, we are sorry to say. We expect to confirm a new release date before the end of the month.

That's for everyone who didn't get it by now - they never said that we WILL be getting a new release date in October, so stop crying please. Reading some posts in here makes you wonder if those people haven't got bigger worries than a game release -.-
I love how Sony/PD are screwing you whiners over, so funny.

Forza for the Win, we have out game. ANd the way it is going, we will have our next before you do, bahahahahaha.
trouble is mr forza boy is telling the truth!

i predict forza 4 will be out next year and steal gt 5's thunder.

I think kaz has held GT 5 back for these reasons

1: he wants to add the engine sounds everyone complains about
2: (this should take a days programming max) add in an in game (not replay) hood view
3: change the track editor to a more modnation style editor (q4 2011 here we come)
4: add in motorbikes
5: Add the new cars from the SEMA show in a couple of weeks
6: ADD in a livery editor
7: ADD in all of Vettels acne (could take months)

And you guys think im joking! (i am but i dont doubt anything anymore that could compromise a q4 2010 release)
trouble is mr forza boy is telling the truth!

i predict forza 4 will be out next year and steal gt 5's thunder.

Well it looks like Forza 4 has a big plate to fill for them to compete with GT5, and this invisible kinnect steering isn't really a great selling point. If F4 is a small upgrade of F3, like F3 was to F2, it won't be enough to steal GT5's thunder. Also worth noting that GT5 Prologue sold as many or more(?) copies as F3.
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