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If it's coming out in 2011 I'm switching to regular version and not buying any DLC ever. They can suck me off after all this nonsense. 6 years for a freaking racing videogame are you serious? It's not like creating a living breathing world full of vibrant characters as in an RPG.
PD, you suck royally. I'm sorry but you do. I'll be a GT fan forever because I was 14 when I started on GT1, but I really do think you guys suck at getting things done in a timely fashion.
Are you serious? it is extremely harder to emulate a real life experience than some rpg. Do u know why? Because as humans we live it everyday; so subconciously we will be the most critical at analyzing and picking out what's wrong that can elude the experience. RPGs are majority fictional, which the worlds are set up for interpretation, not so much with GT5.
Physics/lighting/shadows/reflections/tracks/track bumps and elevation changes/car differences/weather w effects on cars and physics all running real time to convince ur mind you that you are in a real life situation is incredibly astonishing. Its a much more daunting task.