GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Very true in that it can ruin things for everyone else.

As for playing online, there are many many people who bought Modern Warfare purely for the campaign, and many more people will be buying GT5 mainly for its offline career mode.

Unfortunately, some of these people are cheapskates, or come from countries where games are stupidly expensive. In some ways it is understandable.

I honestly doubt that GT5 will be downloaded like hotcakes on the internet even if it's pirated. If GT5 does take up 100% of the blu-ray as PD claims, then that's about 50gb. That's alot of bandwidth taken up. Here in Canada, the average user probably has monthly bandwidth cap of 60gb. Over that there's overusage fees. Obviously people can opt for higher bandwidth caps, but 50gb is alot to download. Downloading will probably take a good day or two even if you have a killer connection.

Next, when you consider data transfer, it's even more pain in the arse. You can't throw 50gb of data in any USB stick, and it takes forever to transfer 50gb from computer to flash memory to PS3 if you're still using USB 2.0. That's another day or two already. Though Hard drive space isn't really an issue as people have easy access to 500gb drives easily.

If the above post is true, then all these things won't matter as only firmware 3.41 is hackable. Even if it's playable, you would lose out all online functionality such as online racing, leader boards, real time, weather forecasts, and spec updates that fix bugs and glitches and hopefully bring new content.
People, atleast we know the game is GOLDits ready to be put into your ps3s, so not that much time left, 8-12 day realease period is good news. better then us looking at the news page and read.

GT5 reason for delay, premium vehicle count pushed to 500, game release dates now pushed to holiday 2011 or Q1 2012..
I honestly doubt that GT5 will be downloaded like hotcakes on the internet even if it's pirated. If GT5 does take up 100% of the blu-ray as PD claims, then that's about 50gb. That's alot of bandwidth taken up. Here in Canada, the average user probably has monthly bandwidth cap of 60gb. Over that there's overusage fees. Obviously people can opt for higher bandwidth caps, but 50gb is alot to download. Downloading will probably take a good day or two even if you have a killer connection.

Next, when you consider data transfer, it's even more pain in the arse. You can't throw 50gb of data in any USB stick, and it takes forever to transfer 50gb from computer to flash memory to PS3 if you're still using USB 2.0. That's another day or two already. Though Hard drive space isn't really an issue as people have easy access to 500gb drives easily.

If the above post is true, then all these things won't matter as only firmware 3.41 is hackable. Even if it's playable, you would lose out all online functionality such as online racing, leader boards, real time, weather forecasts, and spec updates that fix bugs and glitches and hopefully bring new content.

I'm in the USA and have no cap on my bandwidth. They make 64 gb flash drives. Very expensive though. What they are really worried about is people renting the game or borrowing a friends game and ripping it.
Couldn't Sony make the production facilities manufacture GT5 for the remaining days, then the rest as soon as possible? In this way those who preodered the game in advance would be rewarded.

This is what I want to know. Surely they couldn't print all discs in 3 days so they should be able to atlease print some.

nice to see the mood has lighten up, do you think that 'turismo Tuesdays' will continue, I hope it will and they have more weeks now so they can show us some more stuff.

Wouldn't surprise me if everything is on lockdown now.
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I love the Blame game: ok, let see:

- Ben Collins... Check!
- BluRay Production plant tight schedule... Check!
- Sony PR... Check!
- Kaz and his damm meticulous mind ... Check!
- Piracy... Check!
- All of the above... Check!

now how about:
- 10Turn curse
- Aliens
- ran out of gas.
- a flat tire.
- Not enough money for cab fare.
- My tux didn't come back from the cleaners
- An old friend came in from out of town.
- Someone stole my car.
- There was an earthquake.
- A terrible flood.
- Locusts.
- God, maybe?
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Didn't forza3 suffer a huge case of piracy?

lol who cares about Forza, the xbox was hacked within a couple weeks or months. There was nothing they could do about it. Sony still has some measures they can take to give the hackers a harder time. I heard eventually people shouldn't be able to play the newer games, not sure if that's true though.
People, atleast we know the game is GOLDits ready to be put into your ps3s, so not that much time left, 8-12 day realease period is good news. better then us looking at the news page and read.

GT5 reason for delay, premium vehicle count pushed to 500, game release dates now pushed to holiday 2011 or Q1 2012..

lol who cares about Forza, the xbox was hacked within a couple weeks or months. There was nothing they could do about it. Sony still has some measures they can take to give the hackers a harder time. I heard eventually people shouldn't be able to play the newer games, not sure if that's true though.

You never know in computer science... for every Security mesures, there are some genius out there with a counter-mesure... I wouldn't bet one dime on the "impossible to hack" vision. it's like "war on terror"... stupid concepts...
Hackers will always find a way to bypass the new security update too..
That's just the way it is.

But anyway, why would sony want to take the message away on the blu-ray forum about the sdk update reason for GT5's Delay? They would really hate it if we knew that ? It's like what we exactly want to know and find important.. the real reason.
I can't forget that Kaz promised that the game will exceed expectations. Those of us who pay attention to everything revealed about this game are most likely in for an awesome experience but I find it hard to imagine what could make it better than fans think it will be. Have the demo builds been far from the real thing or is there some secret content that will be revolutionary? I know the demos lacked full visual effects but I don't think they left too much to be desired.
I can't forget that Kaz promised that the game will exceed expectations. Those of us who pay attention to everything revealed about this game are most likely in for an awesome experience but I find it hard to imagine what could make it better than fans think it will be. Have the demo builds been far from the real thing or is there some secret content that will be revolutionary? I know the demos lacked full visual effects but I don't think they left too much to be desired.

Everytime I think about how awesome GT5 will be I look at those
or those
There is so much more we haven't seen yet, so I'm not worrying about the quality of the full game.
You never know in computer science... for every Security mesures, there are some genius out there with a counter-mesure... I wouldn't bet one dime on the "impossible to hack" vision. it's like "war on terror"... stupid concepts...

for the record, PS3 was never actually "hacked" more like accessed through stealing development tools. I think it would've at least lasted a year or two before it was actually hacked. One of the world's best hacker couldn't complete the process, so i doubt it would've been hacked anytime soon. But definitely a hack for the firmware update is very plausible.
To those who don't understand why 3 days late = 4-5 weeks delay or even longer, please read on.

Firstly, you need to remember that production facilities aren't only producing GT5 copies and are probably busy 24/7 making Blu-rays. Everything goes by a schedule and there's little time for buffer. The production facilities are probably churning out big titles like Call of Duty, Need For Speed, Assassin's Creed which are all November releases right now and are at full capacity.

If GT5 was 3 days late and it only had 5 days slotted in the production facilities, Sony can't just tell the production facilities to finish GT5 and delay all the other games. That would be chaos. Imagine COD, NFS, AC: Brotherhood all getting delayed, people are going to be mad pissed.

So, GT5 has to wait until there's a free slot to copy the games. That can take up to a week, 2 weeks, however long it takes. Hopefully this can be resolved in a couple of days. That's point one.

Secondly, global distribution can take up to weeks to get around. The most cost effective method to get 5 million discs around the world is by sea. However,those cargo ships don't just ship GT5s out. There's all sorts of stuff from all kinds of companies that needs to be shipped out to a certain location. Taking that in mind, cargo ships can't idle in the port, because they can't afford to be sued by companies for being late and screwing up their business. So they don't care if the GT5 shipment isn't there, they just sail off without it.

So now GT5 misses the original shipment date and needs to wait for the next ship to come. Funny thing is, these cargo ships aren't like planes and aren't as frequent and can be days to weeks until the next ship arrives. Also need to take in mind that ships are slow and can take weeks to get to destination depending on how far it is.

If you add all these things up, it's reasonable to see why Sony can't give us a date before the end of October. They are probably scrambling to see if there's any open production slots in any facilities and checking with shipping companies to see the next available ship that isn't full. Taking in the holiday seasons where everyone shipping stuff, it's going to cost extra for such last minute shipments. If you account for all the locations GT5 is shipping to and how it's aiming at a worldwide release, then it can be quite a long delay. Hopefully GT5 gets out as soon as possible even if Sony has to pay a hefty penalty for it. :nervous:

Good insight sir.

Looking at it from this perspective, Sony will be lucky to get the damn thing out the door before X-mas
To those who don't understand why 3 days late = 4-5 weeks delay or even longer, please read on.

Firstly, you need to remember that production facilities aren't only producing GT5 copies and are probably busy 24/7 making Blu-rays. Everything goes by a schedule and there's little time for buffer. The production facilities are probably churning out big titles like Call of Duty, Need For Speed, Assassin's Creed which are all November releases right now and are at full capacity.

If GT5 was 3 days late and it only had 5 days slotted in the production facilities, Sony can't just tell the production facilities to finish GT5 and delay all the other games. That would be chaos. Imagine COD, NFS, AC: Brotherhood all getting delayed, people are going to be mad pissed.

So, GT5 has to wait until there's a free slot to copy the games. That can take up to a week, 2 weeks, however long it takes. Hopefully this can be resolved in a couple of days. That's point one.

Secondly, global distribution can take up to weeks to get around. The most cost effective method to get 5 million discs around the world is by sea. However,those cargo ships don't just ship GT5s out. There's all sorts of stuff from all kinds of companies that needs to be shipped out to a certain location. Taking that in mind, cargo ships can't idle in the port, because they can't afford to be sued by companies for being late and screwing up their business. So they don't care if the GT5 shipment isn't there, they just sail off without it.

So now GT5 misses the original shipment date and needs to wait for the next ship to come. Funny thing is, these cargo ships aren't like planes and aren't as frequent and can be days to weeks until the next ship arrives. Also need to take in mind that ships are slow and can take weeks to get to destination depending on how far it is.

If you add all these things up, it's reasonable to see why Sony can't give us a date before the end of October. They are probably scrambling to see if there's any open production slots in any facilities and checking with shipping companies to see the next available ship that isn't full. Taking in the holiday seasons where everyone shipping stuff, it's going to cost extra for such last minute shipments. If you account for all the locations GT5 is shipping to and how it's aiming at a worldwide release, then it can be quite a long delay. Hopefully GT5 gets out as soon as possible even if Sony has to pay a hefty penalty for it. :nervous:

+1 I wished there were more people with this kind of insight instead of pointing fingers at everything they find and declaring "no excuse" as if they work with them.

That all leads back to a comment by a "Super Moderator" at the Blu-Ray Forum:

Well, it does to a point anyway. Everyone seems to be referencing a post on page 108, which as far as I can tell, does not exist. Maximus did post this on page 105:

"Guys, it's three weeks. Some sort of manufacturing delay..."

Unless he PM'd or e-mailed someone (as a followup to the post on page 105), there is not proper "paper" trail for this rumor, that I can find.
To those who don't understand why 3 days late = 4-5 weeks delay or even longer, please read on.

Firstly, you need to remember that production facilities aren't only producing GT5 copies and are probably busy 24/7 making Blu-rays. Everything goes by a schedule and there's little time for buffer. The production facilities are probably churning out big titles like Call of Duty, Need For Speed, Assassin's Creed which are all November releases right now and are at full capacity.

If GT5 was 3 days late and it only had 5 days slotted in the production facilities, Sony can't just tell the production facilities to finish GT5 and delay all the other games. That would be chaos. Imagine COD, NFS, AC: Brotherhood all getting delayed, people are going to be mad pissed.

So, GT5 has to wait until there's a free slot to copy the games. That can take up to a week, 2 weeks, however long it takes. Hopefully this can be resolved in a couple of days. That's point one.

Secondly, global distribution can take up to weeks to get around. The most cost effective method to get 5 million discs around the world is by sea. However,those cargo ships don't just ship GT5s out. There's all sorts of stuff from all kinds of companies that needs to be shipped out to a certain location. Taking that in mind, cargo ships can't idle in the port, because they can't afford to be sued by companies for being late and screwing up their business. So they don't care if the GT5 shipment isn't there, they just sail off without it.

So now GT5 misses the original shipment date and needs to wait for the next ship to come. Funny thing is, these cargo ships aren't like planes and aren't as frequent and can be days to weeks until the next ship arrives. Also need to take in mind that ships are slow and can take weeks to get to destination depending on how far it is.

If you add all these things up, it's reasonable to see why Sony can't give us a date before the end of October. They are probably scrambling to see if there's any open production slots in any facilities and checking with shipping companies to see the next available ship that isn't full. Taking in the holiday seasons where everyone shipping stuff, it's going to cost extra for such last minute shipments. If you account for all the locations GT5 is shipping to and how it's aiming at a worldwide release, then it can be quite a long delay. Hopefully GT5 gets out as soon as possible even if Sony has to pay a hefty penalty for it. :nervous:

There is some sense in that but is it unlikely they would use cargo planes to get their product delivered faster? And are all these games made in Japan?
That all leads back to a comment by a "Super Moderator" at the Blu-Ray Forum:

Well, it does to a point anyway. Everyone seems to be referencing a post on page 108, which as far as I can tell, does not exist. Maximus did post this on page 105:

"Guys, it's three weeks. Some sort of manufacturing delay..."

Unless he PM'd or e-mailed someone (as a followup to the post on page 105), there is not proper "paper" trail for this rumor, that I can find.

The guy removed the message after it started getting picked up by other major gaming sites.
Why is it that you only get the news item about the delay on the Gran Turismo site when you pick North America,Canada etc, but if you pick UK or it seems most of Europe you don't get the story in the news section?
As to why he removed it? The guy doesn't work at Sony but has some contacts with them. My guess is that those contacts weren't too happy about him releasing the info to everyone on the net.
As to why he removed it? The guy doesn't work at Sony but has some contacts with them. My guess is that those contacts weren't too happy about him releasing the info to everyone on the net.

So possibly he is under the same strict confidentiality agreement not to release info until further notice?

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