Aint that the truth.
the only reason i bought a PS3, was for the GTA's (which are now multi platform) the final fantasys (which are also now multi platform) and the Gran turismo's (which dont seem to ever come out!)
so whats the point in me staying with sony i have to ask myself?
if this game had come out nov 5 like they said then yeah, but this kinda thing irritates me. i know its only a game, but i plan my gaming purchases around each other, and GT 5 was going to be my game till xmas, no i dont know whether to wait or not!
sort it out sony FFS
i guess we will probably get the new date at the paris games show.
makes sense to me.
hopefully the new OPM will carry the review still, especially if the games still due out before xmas.
im not buying it unless its in, although i imagine it should say on the cover!!! (arnt these mags always written 2 months in advance??)