GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Something just came to mind...

If Sony can't get PSN back online any time soon, or if PSN suffers continuing outage (for whatever reason), what will this mean for GT5 which relies so heavily on it's online content due to the main game being so limited?

Think about it, how many here will be bored of their game if PSN stays down for say 2 or 3 months, what are you guys going to do, wait patiently or start and finish the game a few more times, will you FINALLY listen to those of us who have been screaming that 5's main game is so limited???

Well one things for sure, you can't shrug it off by saying "play online if you think the main game is limited".
what i ve been doing is finishing Aspec at the same time as my cousin who starts the same race at the same time in aspec aswell. We talk to eachother over skype and the objective is to finish in shortest overall race time with the fastest lap. We use the same cars (stock) for each race and it has a real competitive feel to it that keeps up the intencity.
The ten's??? Is that what this decade is forever going to be reffered to as? And i thought the noughties was bad...
The other option is teens. Honestly, I just followed standard numerical naming convention, the words you chose to say 10's as are up to you.

Yes, because Foolkiller says so, this decade will forever be referred to as "The 10s" ;)
If only I had that much influence...
Something just came to mind...

If Sony can't get PSN back online any time soon, or if PSN suffers continuing outage (for whatever reason), what will this mean for GT5 which relies so heavily on it's online content due to the main game being so limited?

Think about it, how many here will be bored of their game if PSN stays down for say 2 or 3 months, what are you guys going to do, wait patiently or start and finish the game a few more times, will you FINALLY listen to those of us who have been screaming that 5's main game is so limited???

Well one things for sure, you can't shrug it off by saying "play online if you think the main game is limited".

There are games which rely even more on online content than GT5 does (first person shooters for example, an even bigger market not catered for right now) and everyone here already knows the main offline content of GT5 is severely limited, we can listen but the real question is, does PD listen?
It seems they do since the seasonal events basically evolved into an extended A-spec but since it ironically requires PSN it's better to just remain patient for now since it seems it's gonna take a while (they have to rebuild PSN from scratch apparantly).
And you don't have to play GT5 if it bores you, you might have other games with more offline content or other interests to keep you occupied if you need online to play GT5.
Have you tried 'building' a series of really nice tracks yet or do other things which you until now haven't paid much attention to perhaps (like Photo-mode, etc.)?
Yes the offline content is limited but I at least still find things to do with online now being impossible, even after all these months, might be strange but I'll admit to actually like just driving my cars for the sake of driving them. :)

(Edit, not trying to defend GT5's offline shortcomings and I too miss online right now)
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There are games which rely even more on online content than GT5 does (first person shooters for example, an even bigger market not catered for right now) and everyone here already knows the main offline content of GT5 is severely limited, we can listen but the real question is, does PD listen?
It seems they do since the seasonal events basically evolved into an extended A-spec but since it ironically requires PSN it's better to just remain patient for now since it seems it's gonna take a while (they have to rebuild PSN from scratch apparantly).
And you don't have to play GT5 if it bores you, you might have other games with more offline content or other interests to keep you occupied if you need online to play GT5.
Have you tried 'building' a series of really nice tracks yet or do other things which you until now haven't paid much attention to perhaps (like Photo-mode, etc.)?
Yes the offline content is limited but I at least still find things to do with online now being impossible, even after all these months, might be strange but I'll admit to actually like just driving my cars for the sake of driving them. :)

(Edit, not trying to defend GT5's offline shortcomings and I too miss online right now)

Good for you that you're still able to enjoy GT5 despite what's going on. I wish I could. I relied heavily on online just to get me to turn the game on. But without that, what's the point? I could do WRS, but I don't have time right now to put my best effort into it and I want to do more than just hot lap all day. And I already made plenty of tracks and downloaded a bunch from my friends and I have taken plenty of photos as well.

As I said in another thread, so many people on here keep talking about how great online is and having a career mode doesn't really matter, but it's times like these where having a fun single player mode is very important, but GT5 just doesn't do well at that. What will happen when GT6 is released and most people abandon GT5 to play that? Or even worse, what if Sony pulls the plug on the GT5 servers years from now and it's no longer possible to enjoy GT5's online features? Either way, we'll be stuck with GT5's offline mode. And when that happens, I'm not going to remember GT5 fondly to the point I'll want to play through it again like I've done for the previous four games, because the single player was poorly done.
Yep. Online content is being missed by most.

I just bought Socom 4, played the singleplayer components and when I was done and went to go online...

With GT5 this just goes to show you that PD should make the Seasonal Events available offline and what prevents me from wanting to play GT5 the most is that I would spend time tuning my cars, but there is no online physics option available offline and the only reason I tune my cars is for online races.

The only good thing about this outage is that it has forced me to go to my CD case and pull out an old-school, challenging PS1 game that I never finished.

The thing that bothers me about Sony's treatment of the situation is that they have no rough timeline: they tried with their vague one or two days (but should have said "it's a holiday weekend and we might have trouble getting the right people together so don't hold your breathe"; but they have now given up on any kind of specifics. It is this uncertainty that drives most people crazy: if Sony just came out and told us a minimum number of days that we can expect not to have PSN rather than being afraid of trying to say when it will be back, it would be much better: e.g. "the PSN definitely will not be up before Friday" (hypothetical). The truth goes a long way, and it is better to limit people's expectations and surprise with the PSN going back up 'early' than to keep them in a constant state of wishful thinking.
There are games which rely even more on online content than GT5 does (first person shooters for example, an even bigger market not catered for right now) and everyone here already knows the main offline content of GT5 is severely limited, we can listen but the real question is, does PD listen?
It seems they do since the seasonal events basically evolved into an extended A-spec but since it ironically requires PSN it's better to just remain patient for now since it seems it's gonna take a while (they have to rebuild PSN from scratch apparantly).
And you don't have to play GT5 if it bores you, you might have other games with more offline content or other interests to keep you occupied if you need online to play GT5.
Have you tried 'building' a series of really nice tracks yet or do other things which you until now haven't paid much attention to perhaps (like Photo-mode, etc.)?
Yes the offline content is limited but I at least still find things to do with online now being impossible, even after all these months, might be strange but I'll admit to actually like just driving my cars for the sake of driving them. :)

(Edit, not trying to defend GT5's offline shortcomings and I too miss online right now)

Point taken 👍

The only online aspect i'm missing tbh is the seasonals. haven't tried the track builder yet, didn't see the point, but i'll give it a go and hopefully i'll be surprised.

I didn't see the point in photo mode either since i have no way of uploading the pics.

But in all honesty, i cant see myself spending more than 10 or 15 mins on either...but i will give it a go.

Sony has finally come clean about the "external intrusion" that has caused the company to take down the PlayStation Network service, and the news is almost as bad as it can possibly get. The hackers have all your personal information, although Sony is still unsure about whether your credit card data is safe. Everything else on file when it comes to your account is in the hands of the hackers.

In other words, Sony's security has failed in a spectacular fashion, and we're just now finding out about it. In both practical and PR terms, this is a worst-case scenario.
What did they get?

Here is the data that Sony is sure has been compromised if you have a PlayStation Network Account:

* Your name
* Your address (city, state, and zip)
* Country
* E-mail address
* Birthday
* PSN password and login name

"It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained. If you have authorized a sub-account for your dependent, the same data with respect to your dependent may have been obtained," Sony announced. While the company claims that there is "no evidence" that credit card information has been compromised, it won't rule out the possibility.

Keep up the good work, Sony.
Too bad we can't race over LAN huh? Yeah thanks a bunch PD!!! You've put a real strain on our relationship 'ya know...
To be fair, Sony does apologize for the inconvenience. There is still no update on when service will be restored, but that is the least of your concerns if you have a PlayStation Network account. It's time to change your passwords, at the very least, and if you're like to be completely safe it's not a bad idea to cancel your credit or debit cards and request replacements.

"To be fair..."

How the hell is an apology "fair"!?!

Whoops, i accidental-on purpose just kicked you in your testicles...sorry! friends again?

Sony (imho) are taking the complete and utter p$%&! they have to assume full responsibility for this debacle, if i hang a sign up in front of my house asking the local thievery to burgle my house and i leave the front door open with a welcome message and then leave for the day i shouldn't be to surprised if i come back to an empty the same token, Sony was aware of PSN's vulnerabilities and yet did nothing till it was to late.

Sony-a powerhouse corporation-should be utterly ashamed of themselves...but they wont be.
I'm stunned and amazed at the security breach, christ knows where to start with so many personal accounts now needing to be changed. Unbelievable.

Regarding GT5 and it's online content... Thought I'd send B-Spec Bob off on a couple of 24 hour challenges I've not done while PSN is down.....

But of course, they are all set to online for remote racing and can't break them free from the land of Tron........ will they make it out alive?
Nope. This is what you get when you click "sign in".
Site Maintenance Notice

The server is currently down for maintenance.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.

Maybe he meant when it comes back up? I dunno.
Or maybe Sony will let us know how/when to change password. I think I saw something about that in their last blog.
The hackers will have a 2 week lead on Sony and us by the time PSN comes back next week and we can change our passwords.
The hackers will have a 2 week lead on Sony and us by the time PSN comes back next week and we can change our passwords.
Two weak lead on what? They can't do anything to your PSN account right now, you can change your other passwords that are the same as PSN right now, and you can have your card provider cancel your card and send you a new one.

So, the only thing they have that you can't change right now they also can't do anything to.

They did get a week because Sony didn't announce that they suspected a breach that resulted in lost security, but if nothing strange is on your card now then you are still ahead of them.

If you are concerned about your personal info, like name and address, that is available in any phone book unless you request it not be put there.
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just read that sony is losing alot of money trying to solve the psn problem.
one of swedens biggest newspaper wrote that sony is losing billions of dollars trying to fix psn.
that pisses me off:censored: they could have spent that money making the ps3 better or develop new games, now thanks to the hackers that money is spent on getting everything to work as it should and hiring other companys to help them fix it.
Does anyone know the reason for hacking the PSN in the first place? (i'm expecting some sort of Team America Alec Baldwin justification here)
Does anyone know the reason for hacking the PSN in the first place? (i'm expecting some sort of Team America Alec Baldwin justification here)

For the lulz?

Reason don't really matter anyways, end result is Sony's reputation takes the hit and are viewed as incompetent and their fiscal report will reflect it. Hackers ... (I lost count) and Sony nothing at this point.
Does anyone know the reason for hacking the PSN in the first place? (i'm expecting some sort of Team America Alec Baldwin justification here)

I don't think anyone except the hackers will know this. The following is just an educated guess: I suspect it involved mostly kids who cheat and steal. [...and by kids, I mean immature people younger than myself who are very short-sighted and egotistical; so it might include people in their late teens early twenties in some cases; but I have witnessed many 14-15 year olds do this sort of thing.] When a PS3 gets banned from the PSN for cheating, harassment, language, etc (breaking the Terms of Service which you accept everytime you log on) they must get a new PS3 or since the jailbreaking they seem to be able to hack back in with the use of Custom FirmWare (I think it's called Rebug). I visited some hacking sites and found that many are indeed sharing how to use this to get free downloads. These kids were the sort who would gameshare PSN downloads beforehand, but once they got the keys to get anything they wanted free...well you get the picture. They were essentially stealing stuff from Sony. And these kids spread cheats, hacks, etc around the web in forums like wildfire: they really think that it gets them a good reputation to be the first to post tutorials on how to do this stuff amongst their no-good peers. So essentially I think that there just ended up being a whole slew of kids robbing form the Sony. I doubt they were after anyone's data specifically; though I guess that some who were banned or angry at others could have tried to retaliate by hacking into others' accounts.

This, again, is all speculation, it could have been something else altogether, but these activities do seem to have been possible and growing in popularity right before the PSN went down (e.g. go visit "nextgenupdate" and look at the topics from early to mid-April, but be warned it will likely just infuriate you see what goes on in this sort of site; also notice the extremem fascination with nudie-pics for avatars and signatures--> obviously the naked form of the opposite sex is very new to many of these users ;) [which is why I tend to see this sort as extremely immature]).
I don't think anyone except the hackers will know this. The following is just an educated guess: I suspect it involved mostly kids who cheat and steal. [...and by kids, I mean immature people younger than myself who are very short-sighted and egotistical; so it might include people in their late teens early twenties in some cases; but I have witnessed many 14-15 year olds do this sort of thing.] When a PS3 gets banned from the PSN for cheating, harassment, language, etc (breaking the Terms of Service which you accept everytime you log on) they must get a new PS3 or since the jailbreaking they seem to be able to hack back in with the use of Custom FirmWare (I think it's called Rebug). I visited some hacking sites and found that many are indeed sharing how to use this to get free downloads. These kids were the sort who would gameshare PSN downloads beforehand, but once they got the keys to get anything they wanted free...well you get the picture. They were essentially stealing stuff from Sony. And these kids spread cheats, hacks, etc around the web in forums like wildfire: they really think that it gets them a good reputation to be the first to post tutorials on how to do this stuff amongst their no-good peers. So essentially I think that there just ended up being a whole slew of kids robbing form the Sony. I doubt they were after anyone's data specifically; though I guess that some who were banned or angry at others could have tried to retaliate by hacking into others' accounts.

This, again, is all speculation, it could have been something else altogether, but these activities do seem to have been possible and growing in popularity right before the PSN went down (e.g. go visit "nextgenupdate" and look at the topics from early to mid-April, but be warned it will likely just infuriate you see what goes on in this sort of site; also notice the extremem fascination with nudie-pics for avatars and signatures--> obviously the naked form of the opposite sex is very new to many of these users ;) [which is why I tend to see this sort as extremely immature]).

They are extremely immature? Make a judgement from a 10minute browse do ya?. The naked woman can be thought of as an inside joke, your missing the theme of those photos but anyways.

Yeah i can agree with you that this wasn't to steal Credit Card details as much as people's internal dialogue and hysteria is causing them to think so. This was imo to show Sony they aren't untouchable, they thought they were. This was an attack to show them no place inside their network is safe and that at anytime of choosing it can be brought down.
This message was put across very accurately if you look at the current situation, but it was also a forewarned situation that Sony chose to ignore.
In their words " Your personal data was behind a 'sophisticated security system' - Listen to the arrogance in their word's, they are still claiming it was 'sophisticated' . It really is amusing, because it was shown to be an 'incompetent security system' rather than a 'sophisticated security system' - Obviously customer privacy and protection is NOT high on Sony's agenda as they proved by demanding the ip address's of all people who watched a freakin youtube video? Hello ? This is Sony, just a company and they think they can DEMAND the ip address of people who watch a video on the internet? I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong and freakin ridiculous in every way shape or form.
They deserve everything they got, and i hope they have managed over the last few months to learn everything Sony gathers about you so that Sony can be sued for Privacy Breaches in future.

Better to be safe than sony :D
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They are extremely immature? Make a judgement from a 10minute browse do ya?. The naked woman can be thought of as an inside joke, your missing the theme of those photos but anyways.

Yeah i can agree with you that this wasn't to steal Credit Card details as much as people's internal dialogue and hysteria is causing them to think so. This was imo to show Sony they aren't untouchable, they thought they were. This was an attack to show them no place inside their network is safe and that at anytime of choosing it can be brought down.
This message was put across very accurately if you look at the current situation, but it was also a forewarned situation that Sony chose to ignore.
In their words " Your personal data was behind a 'sophisticated security system' - Listen to the arrogance in their word's, they are still claiming it was 'sophisticated' . It really is amusing, because it was shown to be an 'incompetent security system' rather than a 'sophisticated security system' - Obviously customer privacy and protection is NOT high on Sony's agenda as they proved by demanding the ip address's of all people who watched a freakin youtube video? Hello ? This is Sony, just a company and they think they can DEMAND the ip address of people who watch a video on the internet? I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong and freakin ridiculous in every way shape or form.
They deserve everything they got, and i hope they have managed over the last few months to learn everything Sony gathers about you so that Sony can be sued for Privacy Breaches in future.

Better to be safe than sony :D

Wow, so you think the criminal hackers were right, and Sony was wrong? Wow.

Obviously customer privacy and protection is NOT high on Sony's agenda as they proved by demanding the ip address's of all people who watched a freakin youtube video? Hello ?This is Sony, just a company and they think they can DEMAND the ip address of people who watch a video on the internet? I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong and freakin ridiculous in every way shape or form.
Sony encrypted the CC info, so they did that because they wanted CC info to be stolen? didn't care if it was stolen? That makes no sense.

They deserve everything they got, and i hope they have managed over the last few months to learn everything Sony gathers about you so that Sony can be sued for Privacy Breaches in future.
Sony DESERVED to be hacked? Really? Have you thought that statement through? If they deserve it, that means the hackers were justified in breaking in and stealing private info and intellectual property. Maybe Sony made some stupid mistakes, but that doesn't mean they deserve to have their network hacked and taken down or to have products stolen from their servers. That is backwards thinking if I ever saw it.
Sony DESERVED to be hacked? Really? Have you thought that statement through? If they deserve it, that means the hackers were justified in breaking in and stealing private info and intellectual property. Maybe Sony made some stupid mistakes, but that doesn't mean they deserve to have their network hacked and taken down or to have products stolen from their servers. That is backwards thinking if I ever saw it.

Hackers(crackers) are a sub-set of the larger consumer group but possessing a skill set or tools that will allow them to fight to the man. Much like any other political polling, the general consensus of the larger community can be read through media blog postings and tech articles. When a big enough portion of the consumer base becomes disgruntled because some international mega-corporation conglomerate wants to screw over their consumers by removing features, jacking up prices without market reason, or simply deny a particular use of a product because said use would not benefit them; then the hackers step forth and do their civil vigilante duty and seek some retribution on behalf of all us. However, you must also differentiate between thrill seeking Anonymous' motivations and those of pro-criminal Russian mafia hacking groups or foreign government backed groups. Depending on what the group that stole the information does with it inevitably will answer the question of their motivation.
Wow, so you think the criminal hackers were right, and Sony was wrong? Wow

Sony DESERVED to be hacked? Really? Have you thought that statement through? If they deserve it, that means the hackers were justified in breaking in and stealing private info and intellectual property. Maybe Sony made some stupid mistakes, but that doesn't mean they deserve to have their network hacked and taken down or to have products stolen from their servers. That is backwards thinking if I ever saw it.

Yes i thought it through throughly. Now you look at it from a different perspective and open your mind just for a second. Bear with me.

You imagine that i discover a way where i can download games and DLC for free on the PSN and i post a how to video on youtube. Sony takes away the PSN feature forever that you thought you paid for when you bought a PS3. That's it no PSN because of me, one person.
Now imagine how you would feel, now imagine you have the capability and knowledge to do something about it and get revenge, knowing you can cover your tracks.

The thing i have a gripe with is i watched the youtube video out of pure interest, i have current firmware and never thought about jailbreaking but i'm a curious person.
Now Sony has my IP, and thousands of other's who viewed this video, what right does a company have to demand my personal information from another company who has nothing to do with them (youtube). I watched i video, i did not break a law, but to demand my Internet Protocol Address is a plain invasion of privacy.
Better to be safe than Sony.