GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Come on guys...China? What would they gain by doing this? More to lose if you ask me.

They are known to attack specific websites only available by sidetracking the official and highly censored Chinese internet, the PSN message system could perhaps be regarded as a similar threat, if it's working the same way in China that is, given the increased political tensions I mentioned in my previous post.
Although I agree there must be more likely scenarios, these regimes don't always follow the most logical or sensible routes when feeling threatened.
They might gain 'political stability' short term when shutting down any means of free communication and since it's not official or able to be proven they might not lose that much in doing so either, apart from their reputation which isn't much in the first place.

But I agree that a bunch of hackers with nothing to gain or lose is far more likely, whether located in China or somewhere else.
China was just a thought, I doubt it's them, I have no proof or specific info... but they are attacking the US so who knows.

It is strange though, Anonymous "said" they weren't responsible.. if that's true who knows. I mean Geohot and Sony settled the lawsuit. Why would they continue to attack Sony? Could a dos attack take them down anyway? Is a dos attack even considered an intrusion?

It does suck though, I can't believe they're STILL down.
Sony have admitted that it's "an external intrusion" so it could be a hacker group.
Although this seems a bit more professional than Anon's last attack. Makes me think this is something bigger than them.

Related to this maybe?

"Around 1AM PDT on Thursday, our network of sites went down due to a large failure at the Northern Virginia data center of Amazon, where its Elastic Block Storage (EBS) product is held. Being a pretty popular provider of cloud-based storage, the shutdown also took down several other high-profile websites, including Reddit, Foursquare, and Quora.

Although it would be easy to directly pass the buck onto Amazon for our downtime, we've been extremely happy with them over the years and realize things like this happen from time to time. The Whiskey Media "Top Men" take pride in our architecture and our ability to provide a stable environment for you to goof off with on the Internet...."
Do you not have a singleplayer game you could play?

Well Yes , i was trying to get a few GT5 trophys which was fun , but the most fun on a console in my opinion is playing against other people.
Singleplayer doesnt have the longevity of multiplayer and theres no replay value as it can be boring.

All we can do is hurry up and wait :)
China was just a thought, I doubt it's them, I have no proof or specific info... but they are attacking the US so who knows.

It is strange though, Anonymous "said" they weren't responsible.. if that's true who knows. I mean Geohot and Sony settled the lawsuit. Why would they continue to attack Sony? Could a dos attack take them down anyway? Is a dos attack even considered an intrusion?

It does suck though, I can't believe they're STILL down.

False. Anonymous said they didn't take down the PSN , not that they didn't attack Sony. It was sony's choice to pull the plug on PSN in order to try and thwart the attack - But like anonymous have said - " We will attack sony again when the PSN is working "
In their words - " We did not attack the PSN, think about it " .

Anonymous is merely a meme for an online pool of consciousness,without an identity.
Just like a flock of birds they are a group heading towards the same general direction, but at any moment some could split off and head their own direction. The very foundation of anonymous relies on people to have their OWN opinions.

I don't support them but i can relate to them, we have had our PSN taken away, just like these people have had their other OS feature taken away.. Even if you don't use the OOS feature, surely now in your mind you know what's it's like to have something taken away from you that you rightly paid for -
That is anonymous situation, they have had a feature taken away that THEY PAID FOR upon purchasing a ps3, except they have the capability to actually do something about it - Sony did not anticipate this reaction or capability.
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False. Anonymous said they didn't take down the PSN , not that they didn't attack Sony. It was sony's choice to pull the plug on PSN in order to try and thwart the attack - But like anonymous have said - " We will attack sony again when the PSN is working "
In their words - " We did not attack the PSN, think about it " .

Anonymous is merely a meme for an online pool of consciousness,without an identity.
Just like a flock of birds they are a group heading towards the same general direction, but at any moment some could split off and head their own direction. The very foundation of anonymous relies on people to have their OWN opinions.

I don't support them but i can relate to them, we have had our PSN taken away, just like these people have had their other OS feature taken away.. Even if you don't use the OOS feature, surely now in your mind you know what's it's like to have something taken away from you that you rightly paid for -
That is anonymous situation, they have had a feature taken away that THEY PAID FOR upon purchasing a ps3, except they have the capability to actually do something about it - Sony did not anticipate this reaction or capability.

I fully agree. Corporations are doing whatever, whenever they want without honoring their contracts, legal or moral. Slap a disclaimer somewhere and they can do whatever they want.

On GT5, I can only hope some surprises may come our way once PSN is reestablished. Maybe a new good patch for a change.
Latest Update for PSN/Qriocity Services+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media "We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security. We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available."
Shouldn't Sony have foireseen that hackers would attack its network and have built defenses accordingly? I think some responsibility has to lie with Sony.
Latest Update for PSN/Qriocity Services+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media "We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security. We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available."

so hackers conveniently brought down the psn so u could rebuild it.. awesome !
Does anyone find it strange that a day after I posted a message on anon's site that my credit card was used twice for beer and steaks($220.00 worth) 2000 miles away from me?

hard to know, tho it happened to me before, contact your CC asap , i never paid for a single dollar of fraud on my CC's ,yours should be the same as well.

As far Anon's news and video messages myself, i always read them or watch them from a 3rd party per say a video from them ill watch on youtube thru someone else channel , news i read from someone else website maybe is stupid but it makes me more anonymous to them and to whoever is watching them.
Warning: Bad English!

Anon are stupid little kids, with to much time to there Hands!

Sony take away OS from them? Really? Are you kidding?
Why did they take it away? Because they hack the ps3 and start to pirate games which is an action that hurts all players, because developers don´t get the money they deserve. What would it be like to work for free?

I can understand 14 YO little kids with not much money copy games and things (did it too, when I was a kid) But Hackers get pissed for being sued is stupid and they don´t have any right to fight this fight on our backs!
So go to Jail Anon and leave Sony alone!

Of course sony whants to make profit and is doing some things that are not fair, bla bla who don´t? I like them much better than MS or Apple but thats just my 2 cents.
You assume these guys use the PS3 to run pirated games. In fact, even the military had a problem with Sony preventing other OSs from running. I believe it was the Navy that had just bought a large number of them to run Linux for whatever war training. Removing the capability of running Unix was an easy fix, which in the end fixed little of what Sony hoped it would.

I am not saying what the hackers did, if indeed they did anything, is right. I am just saying I do not feel too badly for Sony...only for us and our inability to play GT5.
Shouldn't Sony have foireseen that hackers would attack its network and have built defenses accordingly? I think some responsibility has to lie with Sony.

When Sony was attacked by Anonymous, they hired a firm called Prolexic that was supposed to help keep the servers up and active. While the PSN remained up (although spotty), "third-party" (for lack of a better term) sites like GTHome went down.

This most recent attack has not been condoned by the collective known as Anonymous, although they are quick to point out that it's not beyond reason to believe a splinter cell of Anon may have taken up the battle. If there's a master key to jailbreak the PS3s and allow the OtherOS feature (like Geohot claimed to have found), they certainly have motive to go looking for it.

With the brilliant timing, this also reeks of possible corporate espionage, or perhaps a virus introduced into the PSN.,2817,2384214,00.asp

Regardless, quotes an insider as saying that we can expect the network to be back up in Japan on Monday, with the EU and US following sometime Tuesday. You can also expect a lengthy system update.

Here's hoping.

And to answer the quote, Sony should have foreseen that offering an optional OS would lead to someone creating an emulator of some sort. Duh.
I don't understand why it is so hard for Sony to actively engage in damage control, public relations. I would hope daily updates or statements would reassure everyone. How about an email to its customers explaining at least that, although not their fault, they are sorry we can not play online and they understand player's frustration, or we are doing all we can.

This is no minor outage by now, this is huge. Sony must engage in damage control and give us updates of some kind.
Hum, well that's not what I call PR. As you say, that's a blog.
For developers and Sony to release official public statements regarding the PS3 and its games. AKA the official outlet for direct communication with consumers.

Welcome to the 10s.
For developers and Sony to release official public statements regarding the PS3 and its games. AKA the official outlet for direct communication with consumers.

Welcome to the 10s.

The ten's??? Is that what this decade is forever going to be reffered to as? And i thought the noughties was bad...