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  • Thread starter gamelle71
Perhaps Sony is pushing too much with new tech on PD; motion control, 3D, making the game 1080P (instead of 720P)....I sometimes wish PD were independent...but then again that would bring its own set of problems so. The thing is, we have been waiting a long time for GT5 to be released, and this kind of news isn't helping. I know were in the final stretch, but still. I for one NEVER thought we'd see GOWIII before GT5, but there you go; I NEVER thought we'd see FFXIII before GT5 and I just played it a few days ago.

It's not that I don't appreciate the effort, but look at it this way: if they'd released it already perhaps they could be working on GT6 already? I know a lot of you will complain with: I'd rather have a finished and near perfect product!...Sure, so do I, but really waiting this long is also kind of a dangerous bussines proposal...what if the game has faults? What if it's not the best racing game? What if the frame rate isn't solid? They've had so many years.

I just hope PD deliver a great product and sell a bucketload, but this is very tricky. Then again, seeing as we haven't seen as much as we'd like to, perhaps there is a lot of GT5 waiting to be revealed? Or there isn't...
They could have released it already, but SONY forced Kaz to produce GT PSP first, which was completely against his wishes, and I think is the reason he looked so upset at last year's E3. A couple of times, I thought he looked ready to cry, showing off that tiny PSP.

I've been called a GT fanboy. Heck, I call myself a GT fanboy. :lol: But no matter how good other racing games are, I play them for a few weeks or so - Forza 3 did last two months with me, and then I keep coming back to GT4 and Prologue. There just isn't anything like Gran Turismo, so waiting is all any of us can do right now.
Oh man.. october?!?

I prepped myself for december to be honest.. so nothing can dissapoint you then if it comes out before december.
But this does suck, as it's still 8/9 months away then... i was expecting a summer release.
October release date? Just 'cause of 3d??? Ok, my face right now is like this T.T"

I doubt it. 3D is already implemented, so it's not a reason for delay on a technical front.

Where did you get October from?
Thats it. :grumpy: Thats it, I'm getting a 360 and Forza.

I was thinking about it for the past few weeks and decided not to get them but now this...

Perkele. :mad:
From your news :D

Oh, the 4news thing. I give that date just as much a "meh" as any other.

In fact... I wonder if I can add an entire site to the Release Date name & shame thread... :D
Thats it. :grumpy: Thats it, I'm getting a 360 and Forza.

I was thinking about it for the past few weeks and decided not to get them but now this...

Perkele. :mad:

Noh noh eipä kirota

I was hoping for a summer release but oh well.. Just gotta wait.
Exactly... :yuck:

The article doesn't give the reason for the date, much less "just 'cause of 3D" - which would be factually inaccurate. GT5 is already coded for 3D - so there is no technical reason to hold the game back.
The article doesn't give the reason for the date, much less "just 'cause of 3D" - which would be factually inaccurate. GT5 is already coded for 3D - so there is no technical reason to hold the game back.

So... what is this news? a joke? :dunce:
This gives Sony plenty of time to establish themselves in the 3D television market over the summer, providing the platform to introduce GT5 as the technology’s “killer app” at the start of the popular holiday buying season.
We can't go anymore this way :grumpy:
We, need, OFFICIAL, news.
So... what is this news? a joke? :dunce:

I don't get the relevance. I'm telling you 3D is not a technical reason for the game to be held until October. I didn't say it's not a marketing reason - Jordan is opining that such a date might be a marketing reason, to allow Sony's 3DTVs to permeate through the market before the big 3D game is released. But since the date isn't necessarily true, any reason for it is just opinion to that point (and I agree with Jordan's opinion).

Similarly, they might sell GT5 on June 10th - their 3DTV launch - in order to shift 3DTVs. After all, people need something to watch on their 3DTV... But that's also not a date which isn't necessarily true, and the reason is also just opinion.

But, ultimately, 3D is not a technical barrier to GT5's release. It's already done in 3D.

We can't go anymore this way :grumpy:
We, need, OFFICIAL, news.

Good luck with that. I don't recall ever getting "OFFICIAL" news about a GT game until after it was released.
I don't get the relevance. I'm telling you 3D is not a technical reason for the game to be held until October. I didn't say it's not a marketing reason.

I know it's not. But it's always a reason for a delay. 'Cause Sony rules over PD :yuck:
what the hell else is new...

You know,we've waited for quite some time now but even so, this is really getting ridiculous...but hey, there's nothing we can do about it so that's that, just good old PD doing...well, whatever it is they're doing.
doesn't matter: is no one else sick of looking for scraps of info? And even if it does say June or whatever that doesn't mean S***. KY said it would release soon, it was basically finished and we still don't have it. Whatever any article says is really nothing you can trust.
It never ceases to amaze me that for a game so important both for sales of the game itself as well as consoles and other parafernalia, every Sony spokesman seems to develop a spontaneous form of verbal diarrhea when it comes to answering questions of a possible release date.
Isn't there any form of control or organisation to synchonise the answers whether it's official, unofficial, planned or confirmed?

Sure they have a monopoly, but for every loyal "fanboy" there are perhaps one or two people who are persuaded to jump ship.
If 3D is the reason, why would people even invest if they're already out of frustration gone out and bought an X-box and Forza?
I will wait, already have a PS3 and have been a loyal fan, but a whole new generation probably won't have the patience.

And you have to sell to a wide audience, not just the hardcore fanbase to make a profit and with the current economic climate the usual marketing strategies and tactics regarding selling more new hardware just don't seem to apply anymore.
If it is about 3D ( and it is just speculative ) i think they're taking an enormous gamble, 3D has already failed 2 times before and most are still not convinced it is more than a gimmick, even if it works out this time with better technology.
doesn't matter: is no one else sick of looking for scraps of info?

I'm too busy enjoying more games than I have time to play to be bothered even considering looking for scraps of info on a game. Frankly, I'd just as well have them release it when it's ready, rather than rush it out to appease rabid fans and to make a quick buck. It's not like there is a shortage of great games, nor even a shortage of racing games either.

Yes, I am certainly going to be looking forward to GT5 based on what I have already seen from past GT games, but I'm not going to get needlessly worked up over a game that isn't even out yet.
Because an Italian website announced this, does this mean they are referring to the European release date, or the Japanese release date?
i'm too busy enjoying more games than i have time to play to be bothered even considering looking for scraps of info on a game. Frankly, i'd just as well have them release it when it's ready, rather than rush it out to appease rabid fans and to make a quick buck. It's not like there is a shortage of great games, nor even a shortage of racing games either.

Yes, i am certainly going to be looking forward to gt5 based on what i have already seen from past gt games, but i'm not going to get needlessly worked up over a game that isn't even out yet.

So am I; I practically DON'T have times to play any games anymore for a year now since i'm in the middle of my Law study at University. It's just that as a consumer I fail to see how this form of interaction with your core audience is justifiable? I'm sure you have a lot of games to play, I have a lot of books to read, this doens't mean that PD can say: oh well, there are enough games out now, lets work on it for a few more years.

Look, I am by no means impatient; like you, I will wait for the game to release and then enjoy it and I swing by these forums from time to time. I see fans hanging on for dear life because there is a certain way of interpreting something PD might have said. I don't blame them really. When you're between 12 and 20 you have different priorities and you look forward to games a lot; and I'm sure in that age group a lot of people have been disappointed. I think that PD HAS dropped the ball on the marketing aspect and simply telling fans how things are going. Does this mean the game won't be good? Of course not. Just to clarify: I don't think I am worked up, I do believe that similair companies who work on big projects handle this side of things far better than PD have. Oh, and if PD released GT5 6 months ago the word "rushed" wouldn't enter in conversation, so it certainly has no place now :)
It never ceases to amaze me that for a game so important both for sales of the game itself as well as consoles and other parafernalia, every Sony spokesman seems to develop a spontaneous form of verbal diarrhea when it comes to answering questions of a possible release date.
Isn't there any form of control or organisation to synchonise the answers whether it's official, unofficial, planned or confirmed?

Sure they have a monopoly, but for every loyal "fanboy" there are perhaps one or two people who are persuaded to jump ship.
If 3D is the reason, why would people even invest if they're already out of frustration gone out and bought an X-box and Forza?
I will wait, already have a PS3 and have been a loyal fan, but a whole new generation probably won't have the patience.

And you have to sell to a wide audience, not just the hardcore fanbase to make a profit and with the current economic climate the usual marketing strategies and tactics regarding selling more new hardware just don't seem to apply anymore.
If it is about 3D ( and it is just speculative ) i think they're taking an enormous gamble, 3D has already failed 2 times before and most are still not convinced it is more than a gimmick, even if it works out this time with better technology.
Soy's marketing is a bunch of dillweeds. They know, or think, that the current fanbase will get the game whenever it releases. By releasing it with the new 3d fad, they are hoping to entice new customers they wouldn't otherwise get. New customers>existing customers.
I think 95% of us agree that 3D is a joke and that it'll do worse than expected. Probably a lot worse than expected. It doesn't enrage me that GT5 is likely being stalled in the name of 3D, but it certainly is going to be funny how badly 3D GT5 will sell. The goggles, the price of the goggles, the price of the TV, etc. Sony is the best at making silly decisions (remember the PS3 launch @ 600 USD?) LOL!

Now the question remains: E3 or TGS? (who's going to divulge the most information?)

I think it's got to be E3. Let the hype build up for a few months, then BLAM!

TGS will probably just announce a playable demo on PSN or something. But who knows?

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