Maybe PD/SONY has to wait another 5 years to add another new technique? Move and 3D is not enogh
Really an epic fail... To make all their fans angry and pissed off, only for that ******** techniques... They really think that some people will buy an 3D TV, 3D glasses and the move controller only because of GT5? Why don´t they delay God of war III also? 👎
EDIT: Oh sorry, haven´t read the posts before, it already was discussed...
Discussed and pointed out that nothing you just said is a point of fact, but just a heavy dose of hyperbole based on rampant speculation. Sorry.
You wont see me watching tv with something flashing right in front off my eye's any time soon, That's what active shutter glasses do and they will be needed for those home 3d tv's being released over the next couple off months.
That's simply not true. In fact they are 100% safe for even someone with epilepsy as the "flashing" is absolutely undetectable to humans... now aliens may be in trouble here.
The Creators, Devellopers and marketing people working on 3D TV seem to forget there are consumers who suffer from bad eyesight (Wearing glasses) AND who also have the misfortune of having bad hearing as well (wearing hearing aids.)
Being part off that select group of people, I think i can speak for all of them when I say:
I'ts already too darn crowded behind my ear! So i don't want your extra pair of glasses.
Well you can't speak for all of them, only yourself, and while I understand your personal concerns, I wear glasses and have no problems with using the 3D glasses I demoed. Granted, I don't like the ones IMAX and RealD DLP theaters hands out as they are fairly poor quality and sometimes even scratched up... yet despite that millions of people are lining up left and right for 3D films, before Avatar blew the top off box office tallies.
However, like any popular product/technology, there will always be some who won't like it for any number of reasons. Perhaps you will be one such person, but just like those that don't like to play video games, it doesn't mean the product(s) will fail.
It was like yesterday HDTVs came out. LED had their time and now 3D? Already? lol, a bit too fast for the average consumer to keep up.
However you once again are just proving otherwise. You are giving examples of successful display technology despite the world economy and despite how quickly display technology is changing.
Also, just to be clear LED is just a light engine technology, and is already being used in 3D displays, so it's not like some kind of replacement. If you will, LED is like the light bulb, and the display is like the lamp shade.
That in itself proves you wrong since the game is ready but isn't released. The game was done in february and ready for the march release. Just because the march release was canceled, doesn't mean they went back to work on it.
because in order to launch in march, it would have to be. The delay was due to sony marketing, not PD. There were no production problems or whatever sony called it.
This is absurd. None of what you said is a known fact. It's pure speculation at best.
There is enough misinformation in this thread as it is, is it really necessary to add to it?
(this recent discussion is reminding me why I usually avoid these types of threads/discussions) *sigh*