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  • Thread starter gamelle71
I'm thinking if some knowledgble people might know this.

Will the 3D image be as colourful, vibrant and sharp as the HD version or does something take a hit.
First of all, considering how important the GT series is to Sony, if the game was in fact ready it would be released,

That in itself proves you wrong since the game is ready but isn't released. The game was done in february and ready for the march release. Just because the march release was canceled, doesn't mean they went back to work on it.

Of course! Why do you think that makes them "a bunch of dillweeds"? If they get a crapload more money, they've done their job.

They're dillweeds cause I don't have the game and I should. Other parts, agreed.
Dave how do you know the game was done in feb?

because in order to launch in march, it would have to be. The delay was due to sony marketing, not PD. There were no production problems or whatever sony called it.

I think you just made my point though. Just like you are claiming, others claimed that "95% of us don't care about HDTV" and they were certainly proven wrong. Then it was "95% of us don't care about 1080p, 720p is just fine", and that's clearly been proven wrong.

And as I said before...

Whatever. People like technology. They go googoogaga for new tech and beg manufacturers to release it. Then when the tech is out most people complain about the price and don't buy it. Playing a game with a controller isn't the same as wearing glasses to watch TV.
Fact is no one knows for sure that the game was completed in febuary. That's speculation on your part.
Normaly IMO when people start adding gadgets and gimicks to their product, it's because the product itself is not up to scratch. Tony hawks ride being an example. Although I'm sure gt is different to most trends.
Fact is no one knows for sure that the game was completed in febuary. That's speculation on your part.

Think whatever you want. It's more believable to speculate the game was finished in Feb. rather than it wasn't.
Maybe PD/SONY has to wait another 5 years to add another new technique? Move and 3D is not enogh :crazy:

Really an epic fail... To make all their fans angry and pissed off, only for that ******** techniques... They really think that some people will buy an 3D TV, 3D glasses and the move controller only because of GT5? Why don´t they delay God of war III also? 👎

EDIT: Oh sorry, haven´t read the posts before, it already was discussed...

Discussed and pointed out that nothing you just said is a point of fact, but just a heavy dose of hyperbole based on rampant speculation. Sorry.

You wont see me watching tv with something flashing right in front off my eye's any time soon, That's what active shutter glasses do and they will be needed for those home 3d tv's being released over the next couple off months.

That's simply not true. In fact they are 100% safe for even someone with epilepsy as the "flashing" is absolutely undetectable to humans... now aliens may be in trouble here. ;)

The Creators, Devellopers and marketing people working on 3D TV seem to forget there are consumers who suffer from bad eyesight (Wearing glasses) AND who also have the misfortune of having bad hearing as well (wearing hearing aids.)

Being part off that select group of people, I think i can speak for all of them when I say:

I'ts already too darn crowded behind my ear! So i don't want your extra pair of glasses.

Well you can't speak for all of them, only yourself, and while I understand your personal concerns, I wear glasses and have no problems with using the 3D glasses I demoed. Granted, I don't like the ones IMAX and RealD DLP theaters hands out as they are fairly poor quality and sometimes even scratched up... yet despite that millions of people are lining up left and right for 3D films, before Avatar blew the top off box office tallies.

However, like any popular product/technology, there will always be some who won't like it for any number of reasons. Perhaps you will be one such person, but just like those that don't like to play video games, it doesn't mean the product(s) will fail.

It was like yesterday HDTVs came out. LED had their time and now 3D? Already? lol, a bit too fast for the average consumer to keep up.

However you once again are just proving otherwise. You are giving examples of successful display technology despite the world economy and despite how quickly display technology is changing.

Also, just to be clear LED is just a light engine technology, and is already being used in 3D displays, so it's not like some kind of replacement. If you will, LED is like the light bulb, and the display is like the lamp shade. :)

That in itself proves you wrong since the game is ready but isn't released. The game was done in february and ready for the march release. Just because the march release was canceled, doesn't mean they went back to work on it.

because in order to launch in march, it would have to be. The delay was due to sony marketing, not PD. There were no production problems or whatever sony called it.

This is absurd. None of what you said is a known fact. It's pure speculation at best.

There is enough misinformation in this thread as it is, is it really necessary to add to it? :ouch:

(this recent discussion is reminding me why I usually avoid these types of threads/discussions) *sigh*
Even the opinions on a forum like this are ranging widely concerning 3D, assuming most people here are slightly more interested about new technology than most of the general public.
I fear it's going to be just another expensive gimmick they hastily applied after the HD-hype is finally settled, unlike HD ( which was a significant improvement ) this will not convince people to trade up quickly, a lot of TV-stations don't even offer HD yet.
In regards to 3D gaming, no more so than needing a controller for each person playing a game.
Still doesn't address a 3D game being played with headache inducing visuals for those just hanging out in the same room or passing through, nor do games often have a need for more than four controllers.

In terms of watching 3D sports, movies, TV shows, videos, etc, with a large group, then yes, and if you don't want to buy extra glasses, then you can stick with 2D in those cases. It wont be a 3D or nothing choice.

3D displays will continue to be able to play traditional 2D images just as good if not better than current HDTVs.
I get that it still does 2D, but does it get annoying for people watching/playing in 3D when the wife or kids come in and want you to switch it to 2D so it isn't annoying while they work on homework/fold laundry, etc? It would be like having to switch from channel 311 (HD ABC) to channel 11 (SD ABC) because the HD images can be annoying to those not paying direct attention. At a certain point part of you has to wonder if it is worth it.

From my perspective, I live in a house with a large living/family room, moderate sized kitchen and then two relatively small bedrooms. It isn't much bigger than an apartment and no one is hanging out in the small bedrooms. I can play my PSP while my wife is watching a TLC marathon of "We have a bajillion kids" or "Look how small we are" but if it were doing the weird image that 3D creates I could see it getting annoying.

Primarily, I see it as less of an issue selling the TVs, but more so for selling content. It would be similar to people that canceled HD packages early on because not enough stuff was in HD. If I had the ability to play in 3D and my wife was in bed would I do it? Yes. But will I likely have to turn it off if she is working on stuff in the living room? According to the brief conversation I just had with her on the phone (she called me about something unrelated and I asked), yes.

See, the issue I am seeing is more of a fact that it requires a concerted effort to get everyone on board for using the 3D, or having it in a dedicated entertainment room that isn't a family room as well. It seems like it could be a wasted technology in many homes, or that those who are using it will disappear for hours at a time.

But like I said, it is a hurdle. I already see the marketing opportunities to overcome the glasses issue. GT5 or PS3 designed glasses with a game. Hannah Montana pink or purple glasses with a copy of Hannah Montana 3D. With proper marketing it can be a money making opportunity, and dads who want to use their cool new tech will pay for over-priced pink glasses to get their daughter to want to wear them so he can watch sports in 3D.
This is absurd. None of what you said is a known fact. It's pure speculation at best.

There is enough misinformation in this thread as it is, is it really necessary to add to it? :ouch:

Absurd? Are you kidding me? These 3d TVs that you're so madly in love with are most likely the reason for the delay, are we agreed? GT5 has been 3D ready for months, we saw demo footage. The game was supposed to release in march, which means it had to be done within a month of that, maybe less. In jan/feb we get a delay and indefinite release date. Many many times, and very recently, KAZ has said the game is almost finished and will be ready for a march release. He said may times that they had a schedule and were sticking to it and the release itself was up to the marketers. All we have disproving any of this is a sony press release stating production issues.
And delay never, but act like it has been?

I thought GT5 had been delayed, even if it was just for the japanese market (with the consequent delay for the rest of the world, given that Japan apparently was getting it first, and if they get it later, the rest of the world gets it later too).

Anyways.... I hope it is released in October. Can't stand seeing you guys wait this long.
I cry for Gran Turismo 5. Tis' a shame it has to be stuck in the middle of such a petty gimmick targeting 12 year old kids who just saw Avatar in 3D. It's a joke and I laugh hard at it. Gran Turismo 5 should have been out..and flourishing.

Again, I cry for you, GT5. Locked up without a home. Now Sony expects flocks of gamers to follow the pack. Hopefully, no pack forms.
I think the whole 3D TV thing is much like Xbox. We all know Xbox is on their last leg with their fancy HD DVDs, and in a few years, they're going to HAVE to recreate their system to run Blu Ray, and everyone is going to have to upgrade. I'm still on a SDTV and it works just fine for me, let alone getting an LCD HDTV? I'll wait a bit longer, and there will already be 3DTVs? They should've just delayed it awhile longer. The average GT5 consumer is not going to buy a $4k 3DTV just to play this new game, let alone hardcore GT players, since they just want the game bad enough. Bad marketing strategy imo, but it's nice to display a SONY game on the 3DTV, although why not just a demo?
The 360 will not have a blu ray drive, they would have to give them to current owners for free. It wouldn't be fair to start releasing games on a console on blu-ray disks and have only a few be able to play it. Wait, nevermind, this is microsoft we're talking about. Next gen consoles are due in 2012-2013. MS will move to a new platform and leave 360 behind. As is sony with PS3
I have two and a half important questions for you, GTPlanet:

1. Will E3 or TGS prove to be the "big event"? Which one?

2. Does "2010 release" mean "Japan release" only?
I have two important questions for you, GTPlanet:[/SIZE=3]
1. Will E3 or TGS prove to be the "big event"?

2. Does "2010 release" mean "Japan release" only?

1. e3
2. no
that still doesn't mean a simultaneous world release
(this recent discussion is reminding me why I usually avoid these types of threads/discussions) *sigh*
Check your PMs. I didn't mean to add to this in this thread.

I would like to know how some of the people in this thread have suddenly become so sure that 3D TVs are a part of the development time and that there was no production issue. As I have pointed out before, the Japanese delay announcement timed exceptionally well with when the game should have been in final testing. It also pushed the game into a new fiscal year for Sony.

There are many possible reasons.
The 360 will not have a blu ray drive, they would have to give them to current owners for free. It wouldn't be fair to start releasing games on a console on blu-ray disks and have only a few be able to play it. Wait, nevermind, this is microsoft we're talking about. Next gen consoles are due in 2012-2013. MS will move to a new platform and leave 360 behind. As is sony with PS3

Yeah, it is MS we're talking about. However the PS3 will indefinitely be able to hang with anything else on the market, even with PS4, the PS3 will still get love/releases just like the PS2
Check your PMs. I didn't mean to add to this in this thread.

I would like to know how some of the people in this thread have suddenly become so sure that 3D TVs are a part of the development time and that there was no production issue. .

Because every other possibility that was brought up, was very quickly dismissed by many. Even if the plan was to simply push the game into the next fiscal year, it has nothing to do with the game production cycle. Next fiscal year starts in a little more than 2 weeks and there is no release info. So now 3d TVs must be the reason.
As for there being an actual production issue, the only thing that I think it could be and likely was at first, was the online aspect of the game. When the TT ended the japanese contestants were invited to some "online event" or something badly translated. I thought that event was a GT5 beta for the online portion of the game. If that was the case it would make sense why only the japanese market was affected by the delay. That's of course if it was indeed a beta and it wasn't just another lost in translation type of deal.
Yeah, it is MS we're talking about. However the PS3 will indefinitely be able to hang with anything else on the market, even with PS4, the PS3 will still get love/releases just like the PS2

agreed. Sony has always been good with supporting their consoles for as long as they can.
Absurd? Are you kidding me? These 3d TVs that you're so madly in love with are most likely the reason for the delay, are we agreed?

Yes. No. No.

Tis' a shame it has to be stuck in the middle of such a petty gimmick targeting 12 year old kids who just saw Avatar in 3D.

Fictional hyperbole.

Check your PMs. I didn't mean to add to this in this thread.

No worries, and I will check my mail box, thanks. 👍

I would like to know how some of the people in this thread have suddenly become so sure that 3D TVs are a part of the development time and that there was no production issue. As I have pointed out before, the Japanese delay announcement timed exceptionally well with when the game should have been in final testing. It also pushed the game into a new fiscal year for Sony.

There are many possible reasons.

Well said. 👍
March 2009 was official and look whats happened.

The fact that it is still as vague as OCT/NOV isn't getting me too excited to be honest. They are still leaving themselves a pretty big window to play with.

Until they announce another provisional date I am just going to contain my excitement.
I don't know, it says release date october/november 2010 but the article, mainly about the GT Academy time trial, is from december 17th 2009.
In december the release date was still unchanged (march 31 2010 for Japan), the delay was announced nearly 1 month after.

It's confusing...
Maybe the article was updated lately? I don't know o_0