GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Here is Sony's unofficial calendar:


We have to continue believe in sony:ouch:
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First of all, considering how important the GT series is to Sony, if the game was in fact ready it would be released, and clearly based on what we have seen already from trailers, presentations, interviews, articles, and press releases, it's not a stretch to understand why this game, unlike many of its competition is taking so long to develop. So yes, the word "rush" deserves to still be in the conversation.

Perhaps more importantly though, it troubles me to see you claim similar companies have handled the PR of their games better than PD, when in fact, you would have an exceptionally difficult time finding such examples.

Despite the language obstacles that often occur between Japanese companies and their foreign customers, PD has still managed to release countless footage of GT5 through it's continued development with screen shots, videos, presentations, new conferences, interviews, articles, and even hands on demonstrations - far more so than just about any of the hundred or so games that I have followed closely over the last there years or more.

I think perhaps it's because as fans, many want to know every single detail about GT5, perhaps more so than any other game, and want to know it right away, but I'm sorry that's just not the norm for any game. Especially when there isn't even an official release date.

Besides, one thing history has proven is that when game developers do release a lot of information, like PD already has for GT5, and certain features change or even removed as is likely often the case, then they get bashed by fans for saying they were promised these features and now they are gone... which is why it is very understandable why unlike PD, most game developers chose to be far more tight lipped about their games until they are close to finishing the game.

In fact, we see this in all forms of commercial products. Apple is famous for never saying anything about their products until they are close to being released, sometimes even waiting until just a day before the product will be made available to announce it for the first time.

So no, by comparison to most game developers, PD has been far more generous to the public in regards to releasing information about their games far in advance of them actually being finished and for sale. In fact I would dare say to a fault.

If I were heading PD, I'd do what Apple does and not say a word until the product was practically done before saying a word, but I also understand why they don't. What I don't understand is why some people think that similar companies have released more information about their games as far advanced to their release than PD has, as that simply isn't true.

I'm guessing you want some examples right?
- FF XIII: there has been a steady flow of info even though the wait was very long, japanese company and they did a better job than PD.
- Bioware with ME2
- Heavy Rain

the fact that GT5 has had many press conferences is because they've been developing it for years. Remember when KY had a timeline drawn out...wasn't the release date set for 2008? I can't remember. Either way, I don't want all the details. I 'd like PD to communicate with the fans; info on how development is going,if they're nearing completion. Juts some insight. Other company's do this A LOT better than PDl it'snot too much to ask. But hey, I'll wait, it's not like the game is delayed right...
There are any good hackers here? If so... you know what I'm thinking?

If it's "I'd better not go any further down this line of enquiry if I wish to keep my GTP account" then yes, I know what you're thinking.

If not, then you know what I'm thinking.
If it's "I'd better not go any further down this line of enquiry if I wish to keep my GTP account" then yes, I know what you're thinking.

If not, then you know what I'm thinking.

So, we are thinking the same thing 💡

Hacking PD won't help, and it's illegal: I don't approve!

You guys think bad... LOL
On the SCEJ website they have the GT5 release date as ocotober/november 2010

Still skeptical about it all though, and the date at the top says the article was written in dec 2009. But it does tie in with the apparent GDC rumours. Will just have to wait and see though.

Before anyone's hopes get raised, the auto-translation is wrong. In Japanese it doesn't say October/November 2010, it says 3rd month 2010.
And I'm talking about the bit about GT5, and definitely not confusing it with information about the academy. Read on and you'll see this: 2010年 3月予定 where it says October/November in the translation.
Dear, Gran Turismo 5....

I've written you many times, yet you still don't respond. Why is this? Is it something I did? You seem so far away......I feel like when we're about to meet you drift even farther apart. I cannot play cat and mouse forever. I need you now. You give me hints that we'll unite soon, that we'll see each other in the near future, but you reveal no date. Why? Are you afraid? What's the matter? Stop trying to be perfect. I'll accept you for all that you are and all that you're not. Trust me, baby. I love you. Just come to me. I need you. I want you. And **** 3D! Waste of my ****ing time.

Yours truly,

SrRd RacinG
I'm guessing you want some examples right?
- FF XIII: there has been a steady flow of info even though the wait was very long, japanese company and they did a better job than PD.
- Bioware with ME2
- Heavy Rain

I understand you feel this way, but even the examples you have listed I see no actual evidence to prove your case. Not only did I follow closely the development of three out of four of those games, but I even started an official GTP thread for Final Fantasy XIII (among several other official GTP threads for other games), and other than some pretty trailers, and some basic information about the new battle mechanics, very little was revealed until the very end, and most of it came from 3rd party sources and not Square Enix.

The GOWIII info was extremely limited to a teaser trailer, a couple typical game trailers, an old E3 demo, and a few very short statements even after an official street date was announced.

Quantic Dream, the developers of Heavy Rain did release more info about their game than the others you mentioned, although perhaps Irrational Games released a lot of information about BioShock as well, but if they did I certainly never saw it, and doing some basic Google archive news searching I still am not seeing more than what PD has released.

Of course it's also understandable why there might be more info released about Heavy Rain and BioShock being that they were brand new big budget IPs.

So while I do understand you feel PD isn't releasing as much info about GT5 than other game developers, I'm afraid I have found no actual evidence that that is the case, quite the opposite. And as I mentioned before, frankly that's often come back to bite them, as things change in the developmental process and that often upsets fans who will rant about features promised and then changed.

Bottom line is that it's yet another example that there's no way of pleasing everyone. People are always going to find something to complain about. Either its not enough info or its too much info too early before they even know exactly what the end product is going to be like.

And as for all the wild assumptions made by several people in this thread on why GT5 is taking so long, or why it may have been delayed. Just ask yourself. If you ran Sony and or PD, and you understood that to stay in business you need to make a profit, and you knew you had a game that was highly anticipated and fans would likely buy whatever you threw at them... and IF the game was really and truly done and ready to be shipped as early as last November or even today, then why on earth would they hold it up just to add 3D? It simply doesn't make any sense.

Think of it. Sony and PD would stand to make sooo much more revenue and profit by releasing GT5 now, and then the following year, when there are actually some people who have 3D displays, come out with GT5 3D. It makes absolutely no sense from a business stand point to wait and sell them together as one instead of releasing two separate versions that combined would certainly sell far more than just one single game, and that the delay is very likely due to something none of us are the least bit aware of.

In fact, frankly I am amazed, although happily amazed, that GT5 is apparently covering so much of the motorsport classes. If it were I calling the shots, I'd release them as separate games. GT5, NASCAR, WRC, etc.

This way, combined sales would surely be far greater than just one game, and would allow them to release each game on its own, rather than wait for all the content to be developed for just one game.

Of course, this brings up once again the fact that you'll never please everyone, and that some people are just looking for an excuse to complain, and if they released multiple games like GT5, NASCAR, WRC, GT5 3D, etc, some would get angry suggesting they should get everything in one game... but not have to wait years for it to be developed, and not have to pay more despite how much content and how long it took to make... yes, some people can be quite irrational, or perhaps just self-centered, as proven time and time again.

I certainly wouldn't ever want to be a game developer these days. If the rabid fans demanding every last detail about a game that is still in development doesn't give them an ulcer, surely it would be the vast community of trolls just looking for any excuse to insult them at every opportunity and not hesitating to make things up and spread misinformation where ever they can.

As if that isn't bad enough, then even once your game is out there, now its success or failure may easily be left to the countless biased reviewers. And even if it's a hit with reviewers, then you have to deal with the high probability your game is going to get pirated, bootlegged and shared among a vast group of consumers who are more than happy to put their ethics aside and play pirated games.

No, I can honestly say I would never wish any of that on anyone. :ouch:
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Enjoyed your post.👍
It's funny that a week or so ago, a on of people here were complaining about lack of GT5 info, PD and Sony keeping us in the dark, no new info anywhere. While other devs, gave us tons of info about their upcoming games. Yet, here you are, telling us that other HUGE games and their developers did the exact same thing as PD and sony are doing. Small amounts of info here and there, few trailers, some photos, and mostly 3rd party participants giving us news. Doesn't look like sony and PD are doing anything out of the ordinary.
Gran Turismo 5 = Planet Telex :scared:

Anywho, an October release, although distasteful, seems logical. For marketing reasons, and also GTPSP was released last October (how appropriate. Soon after = 1 year later). Although, we shouldn't read into it much until we have an actual release date (when we own it).
Gran Turismo 5 = Planet Telex :scared:

Anywho, an October release, although distasteful, seems logical. For marketing reasons, and also GTPSP was released last October (how appropriate. Soon after = 1 year later). Although, we shouldn't read into it much until we have an actual release date (when we own it).

That doesn't really have much to do with it. Before the GTPSP release, we were told that GT5 was to be released soon after GTPSP. There was sony again, throwing "soon" around, .
That doesn't really have much to do with it. Before the GTPSP release, we were told that GT5 was to be released soon after GTPSP. There was sony again, throwing "soon" around, .

I wasn't implying that they planned it that way, just merely saying that if October for GT5 was the case, it's funny that "soon" turned into 1 year later by circumstance. I realize what I stated was misleading from my point, and I apologize. I should've typed "turned into" rather than "=".
Personally, I would welcome an October release, not that I wouldn't love it tomorrow. But my money is on December. I so hope I'm wrong.
I wasn't implying that they planned it that way, just merely saying that if October for GT5 was the case, it's funny that "soon" turned into 1 year later by circumstance. I realize what I stated was misleading from my point, and I apologize. I should've typed "turned into" rather than "=".

haha, no worries. This whole "soon" thing is getting out of hand.
Enjoyed your post.👍
It's funny that a week or so ago, a on of people here were complaining about lack of GT5 info, PD and Sony keeping us in the dark, no new info anywhere. While other devs, gave us tons of info about their upcoming games. Yet, here you are, telling us that other HUGE games and their developers did the exact same thing as PD and sony are doing. Small amounts of info here and there, few trailers, some photos, and mostly 3rd party participants giving us news. Doesn't look like sony and PD are doing anything out of the ordinary.

Regarding the information released about these other recent games, what proportion was released prior to their respective release date announcements and what proportion was released after said announcements?
Something is bothering me lately.

If GT5 doesn't have a worldwide release I feel there is a large possibility that online will be region specific since there may be different cars in different versions.

Hopefully there won't be any restrictions, although based on prior GT releases it's not exactly a longshot to happen.
haha, no worries. This whole "soon" thing is getting out of hand.

Oh I completely agree.

Although, I do have to say that I LOVE anticipating big, "hyped" games. On the other hand, for me with games other than the GTs and *most* of the Resident Evils (not RE5. What I'm about to explain applies to RE5 as well as other games) that I still play to this day, everything just sort of falls apart. When you're waiting for a highly anticipated game for a long time, it comes out, you play it until you beat it and/or grow tired of it, and you catch yourself thinking "....I waited this long, took the day off from work/school, and locked myself in a tiny room...for this...?!" and angry that you just blew $60 on a game you could've rented. I've had plenty of those disappointments, as I'd suspect many here have. But I do say that I love the anticipation. It's just the ones that you still play years later that sets them apart as extraordinary, in this case.
Regarding the information released about these other recent games, what proportion was released prior to their respective release date announcements and what proportion was released after said announcements?

God question. GOW3 release date was announced during the last days of January, so 6-7 weeks before release. FF13 release date was announced 2nd week of november. Heavy rain got it's release date 2nd week of January. FF13 being the only Japanese game of the 3 got it's date over 3 months before release. How much of the news came before or after, I don't know.

Something is bothering me lately.

If GT5 doesn't have a worldwide release I feel there is a large possibility that online will be region specific since there may be different cars in different versions.

Hopefully there won't be any restrictions, although based on prior GT releases it's not exactly a longshot to happen.
Did GT4 have different car lists depending on where you lived, EU, US JP? I'm asking because in the US version there were many JP and EU spec cars so having different cars in different regions didn't make sense to me.
I find it interesting that audio transitioned from mono to stereophonic and quadraphonic then a surround channel badly encoded in a stereo channel, 5.1 6.1 and now it seems GT5 will support 7.1.

I wonder if the transition from mono to stereo for audio had all the naysayers and haters that video has from mono (HD) to stereo (3D HD).

I read all these things about people not being able to correctly judge 3d in real life once they become to accustomed to the static distance stereo images and all sorts of crazy notions.

I for one have embraced stereo audio over mono, even my guitar amp is stereo, and I look forward to GT in 3D when all the bugs are ironed out of the technology.