GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I understand you feel this way, but even the examples you have listed I see no actual evidence to prove your case. Not only did I follow closely the development of three out of four of those games, but I even started an official GTP thread for Final Fantasy XIII (among several other official GTP threads for other games), and other than some pretty trailers, and some basic information about the new battle mechanics, very little was revealed until the very end, and most of it came from 3rd party sources and not Square Enix.

The GOWIII info was extremely limited to a teaser trailer, a couple typical game trailers, an old E3 demo, and a few very short statements even after an official street date was announced.

Quantic Dream, the developers of Heavy Rain did release more info about their game than the others you mentioned, although perhaps Irrational Games released a lot of information about BioShock as well, but if they did I certainly never saw it, and doing some basic Google archive news searching I still am not seeing more than what PD has released.

Of course it's also understandable why there might be more info released about Heavy Rain and BioShock being that they were brand new big budget IPs.

So while I do understand you feel PD isn't releasing as much info about GT5 than other game developers, I'm afraid I have found no actual evidence that that is the case, quite the opposite. And as I mentioned before, frankly that's often come back to bite them, as things change in the developmental process and that often upsets fans who will rant about features promised and then changed.

Bottom line is that it's yet another example that there's no way of pleasing everyone. People are always going to find something to complain about. Either its not enough info or its too much info too early before they even know exactly what the end product is going to be like.

I think we don't understand one another: the company's and games I mentioned simply communicated better with the fans than PD has; this sin't so much about info than it is about simply communicating, telling us how things are going, what stage they're at. I know some will say: they don't need to and all that. But SMS do THAT a lot better than PD, and so do SE. Perhaps we still won't agree but that is the way I see things and rightly so I believe.
perhaps Irrational Games released a lot of information about BioShock as well, but if they did I certainly never saw it, and doing some basic Google archive news searching I still am not seeing more than what PD has released.

Bearing in mind I don't buy games magazines and wasn't seeking information about BioShock 2, I've only seen 2 bits of publicity for the game.

Both were the same advert. On TV. A week after the game was released. And both were "BioShock 2. Now available on Microsoft 360."

Something is bothering me lately.

If GT5 doesn't have a worldwide release I feel there is a large possibility that online will be region specific since there may be different cars in different versions.

Hopefully there won't be any restrictions, although based on prior GT releases it's not exactly a longshot to happen.

GTPSP had a unified car list - for the first time in the history of GT.

Did GT4 have different car lists depending on where you lived, EU, US JP? I'm asking because in the US version there were many JP and EU spec cars so having different cars in different regions didn't make sense to me.

Yep. 4 versions, 4 car lists.

The bulk were the same - the lists only differed by 19 cars, though each region also had their own names for certain cars (for example, MX-5 in European, Miata in North American, Eunos Roadster/Mazda Roadster in Japanese and Korean). I strapped together a complete guide to it a while ago.
Here is Sony's unofficial calendar:


Fixed it!
myfacetube :D

Actually I personaly don't give a damn about GT5 news because I know we'll get the game this year and it will be stunning.
Despite my loathing for the "delays", and thinking that we could be already playing GT5 if it wasn't for marketing reasons and pushing 3D Tv, and having accepted that "fact", I'm now convinced that this 3D thing is gonna make our GT experience better than one could ever imagine.

Here is an example of a 3D gaming experience:

But, I have a doubt. I think 3D will reduce the current image quality in some way. After all, the PS3 will have to process 2 images at a time. But the added perspective will most surely compensate for this or even make it unnoticeable.

So, any thoughts from you the "graphics experts" ?
I wonder if the transition from mono to stereo for audio had all the naysayers and haters that video has from mono (HD) to stereo (3D HD).

I read all these things about people not being able to correctly judge 3d in real life once they become to accustomed to the static distance stereo images and all sorts of crazy notions.

I for one have embraced stereo audio over mono, even my guitar amp is stereo, and I look forward to GT in 3D when all the bugs are ironed out of the technology.

Actually, you're quite right in assuming that stereo was (and is) quite a mixed bag. Just take "Beatles stereo" - oh how I love those original mixes. Then there was Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide radio play for the BBC. Him being a Beatles fan, he insisted the play to be produced in stereo. The officials weren't too keen on that because they were afraid the audience wouldn't know which speaker the punch-line was coming from.

Maybe another very good example is the binaureal "stereo" recording - a dummy head is used to place two microphones in the "ears" of the dummy, and the listener gets a very immersive experience. If he is using headphones mind you. Now today in iPod age everyone uses them, but in the 70s and 80s they were not that common at all IIRC. Myself I am a very fond of binaureal recordings as the result is really astonishing compared to what is sold as "stereo" experience. It's sometimes even more impressive than multi-channel recordings.

But unfortunately, binaureal recordings never caught on. They weren't expensive or technically very challenging.

You only had to wear headphones. And who wants to wear additional kit? ;)

But, I have a doubt. I think 3D will reduce the current image quality in some way. After all, the PS3 will have to process 2 images at a time. But the added perspective will most surely compensate for this or even make it unnoticeable.

So, any thoughts from you the "graphics experts" ?

Indeed. A renowned German magazine claims that only 10% of the brightness makes it through because of the way 3D TVs and shutter glasses work. Now that doesn't sound too promising.
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If GT5 doesn't have a worldwide release I feel there is a large possibility that online will be region specific since there may be different cars in different versions.

That will kill me, cuz i wanna play Nascar races, and there`s no too much euro Nascar fans like US.
I'm thinking if some knowledgble people might know this.

Will the 3D image be as colourful, vibrant and sharp as the HD version or does something take a hit.

It will depend on the source material, the hardware used, and which 3D display format is being used, of which there are many, like Checkerboard (which is what Samsung DLP 3D TVs are using now), Under & Over, Time Sequential, Line Sequential, etc.

There are more than enough variables that no simple yes or no answer would suffice. However, from the demos I've seen on they didn't suffer in the least, and it's probably safe to say upcoming flatpanel 3D HDTVs will be just as impressive if not more so.

Also, unless that article in that "renowned" German magazine was improperly translated, they are completely off their rocker if they think the brightness level is reduced to 10%. If anything, maybe it is reduced by 10%, but if so, it's not discernible.

I find it interesting that audio transitioned from mono to stereophonic and quadraphonic then a surround channel badly encoded in a stereo channel, 5.1 6.1 and now it seems GT5 will support 7.1.

I wonder if the transition from mono to stereo for audio had all the naysayers and haters that video has from mono (HD) to stereo (3D HD).

I read all these things about people not being able to correctly judge 3d in real life once they become to accustomed to the static distance stereo images and all sorts of crazy notions.

I for one have embraced stereo audio over mono, even my guitar amp is stereo, and I look forward to GT in 3D when all the bugs are ironed out of the technology.

Well said, and yes, I believe much of what you are suggesting is true, and as I mentioned, there is always initial resistance to change and new technology by some, but history has also proven most naysayers wrong.

And just to be clear, I don't foresee 3D dominating 2D content. In fact, at least for several years 3D will likely be treated as a "special event" in most households that have 3D capable displays, and the same will likely be the case with gaming as well, although with games, unlike films, in the hands of a capable developer, 3D can be used as a very useful tool to add new functionality to a game instead of just a visual enhancement.

Despite my loathing for the "delays", and thinking that we could be already playing GT5 if it wasn't for marketing reasons and pushing 3D Tv, and having accepted that "fact"

Just so there isn't any more misunderstanding for those just tuning into this discussion, it is not a "fact" that GT5 is "delayed" due to marketing reasons and pushing 3D TV. In fact, it is purely speculation at this point, and most likely not very good speculation at that considering that one doesn't need to be a marketing genius with an MBA to understand that Sony and PD would much better benefit by releasing GT5 now (if it were truly ready), and then release a GT5 3D version the following year, thus getting many people to buy it all over again - but that to is purely speculation. :)

I'm now convinced that this 3D thing is gonna make our GT experience better than one could ever imagine.

Here is an example of a 3D gaming experience:

While I agree with the overall tone of the article, and much of it mirrors my own experience with 3D gaming, there are several inaccuracies in that article.

For instance:

even when the PS3 and Xbox 360 get 3D support you'll need a new 3D HDTV that supports HDMI 1.4 to run em

You do not need HDMI 1.4, if you did then the 360 (which only has HDMI 1.2) and the PS3 (which has always had HDMI 1.3) wouldn't work in 3D, and at least the PS3 is already demonstrating 3D gaming. Not only that, but there are plenty of 3D capable displays already on the market, as this has been a supported feature for several DLP RPTVs, most of which have HDMI 1.3.

The main reason for HDMI 1.4 is for commercial use, and for those who have a "4K" (~4000 x ~2000 resolution) projector, but HDMI 1.4 is also capable of supporting more 3D frame packaging formats than 1.3 does, including those that output 1080p/60fps in 3D.

The Xbox 360 is going to be even more limited to its 3D capabilities as HDMI 1.2 has half the maximum signal bandwidth of 1.3 & 1.4, half the maximum TMDS bandwidth of 1.3 & 1.4, half the maximum video bandwidth of 1.3 & 1.4, and half the color depth bit rate of 1.3 & 1.4. Also, unlike 1.3 and 1.4, HDMI 1.2 also doesn't support Deep Color, color space xvYCC, Dolby TrueHD bitstream, and DTS-HD Master Audio bitstream.

However, depending on the type of 3D format being used, HDMI 1.3 may not be able to display the full original resolution or frame rate, but there are many variables to this as well, including the use of the new high speed HDMI 1.3 cables.

Also keep in mind, even if you have a display and player with the HDMI 1.4 chip set, that in no way insures you'll be able to watch 1080p/60fps 3D video. You'll also need a pixel clock of around 300 MHz, of which only recent HDMI 1.4 chip sets do.

But, I have a doubt. I think 3D will reduce the current image quality in some way. After all, the PS3 will have to process 2 images at a time. But the added perspective will most surely compensate for this or even make it unnoticeable.

So, any thoughts from you the "graphics experts" ?

The PS3 is more than capable of outputting HD 3D video, even at 1080p. As mentioned before, just like we see in 2D video, the quality of the 3D video will depend on many variables including source, hardware, and which 3D format is being used.

Indeed. A renowned German magazine claims that only 10% of the brightness makes it through because of the way 3D TVs and shutter glasses work. Now that doesn't sound too promising.

Nor does it sound correct, based on what I have seen for myself, what others have seen and reported on, and based on the actual engineering and scientific data that's already been published about the multiple digital 3D frame packaging and display formats.

Unless it's a poor translation or a poor typo then they are completely wrong. I suspect either it says or it was meant to say that the brightness level drops by 10%, which is not only practically indiscernible, but easily compensated for.
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Thanks Digital-Nitrate for the tech sum-up, it's exactly what I was looking for 👍
and the quick explanation of the conspiracy theory of "delay for 3D", to increase the hype around it and boost sales (TV, consoles, whatever) :grumpy:

Picking up on this:
(...)The PS3 is more than capable of outputting HD 3D video, even at 1080p. As mentioned before, just like we see in 2D video, the quality of the 3D video will depend on many variables including source, hardware, and which 3D format is being used(...)

...if GT5 is/was/will be going to run the PS3 very close to it's processing limits in 2D FullHD 1080p, I'm convinced that in 3D mode it will have to make some concessions to run smoothly.

I guess that actually leads to question nr2: will they really process 2 different images form 2 different points of view? Or a simple stereoscopic rendering of the 2D video signal (what some people are calling "fake 3D") and have very little more processing to do?

I was thinking of the first, after all, quality is what GT is all about.
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the article in german magazine "heise" makes perfect sense (native german speaker here). the brightness level can´t drop just by 10%:

imagine one frame out of the 120 frames per second: one eye is completely blind--> brightness level just dropped by 50%!
the article in german magazine "heise" makes perfect sense (native german speaker here). the brightness level can´t drop just by 10%:

imagine one frame out of the 120 frames per second: one eye is completely blind--> brightness level just dropped by 50%!

I'm sorry but that is completely false. If you don't understand, may I suggest you do some research on how 3D shutter technology works and how our human vision system works. And if you still don't believe it, then go seek out someone or some store that has 3D shutter glasses, they have been available for over ten years.

I'll give you a hint though... we humans have a very limited vision system, and it can be easily tricked. This is why we think we see movement when we watch film and videos... but all we are seeing are "flashing" still images even as slow as 24fps. What shutter glasses do is to control what each of your eyes can see each time it "flashes" you, just like a TV screen "flashes" images.
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3D TVs compensate for brightness, so I highly doubt that the bump it up ten fold.

Edit: Oh yes and closing 1 eye doesn't make my sight 50% darker.
I am behind that research/own 3d experience state. technically speaking, heise sets "shutter glasses fully open" as 100% of brightness. if you close one side/glass/eye/ of the glasses, the brightness level of the glasses as a whole drops by 50%.

I/heise never talked about human vision/subjective perception.

So I guess it´s a misunderstanding based on different definitions of that matter?
I am behind that research/own 3d experience state. technically speaking, heise sets "shutter glasses fully open" as 100% of brightness. if you close one side/glass/eye/ of the glasses, the brightness level of the glasses as a whole drops by 50%.

I/heise never talked about human vision/subjective perception.

So I guess it´s a misunderstanding based on different definitions of that matter?

Well it's a great deal worse than just a misunderstanding if it's true, as has been suggested here, that "A renowned German magazine claims that only 10% of the brightness makes it through because of the way 3D TVs and shutter glasses work."

That is entirely false and shows a tremendous lack of understanding on how the technology works.

More importantly, if as you are now suggesting, they were not even taking in account what we humans would and are seeing through the shutter glasses, then they are even more misguided. I'm sorry, but if what you say is true in regards to what the article claims, then they have done their readers a great injustice - as they have clearly already had at least two people in this thread convinced that shutter glass would cause the brightness (what we actually can see) to drop to dramatically low levels, which is absolutely untrue.
They claim that brightness is reduce to 10% because the shutter glasses compensate for the sluggishness of LEDs lighting up and becoming dark again. So they stay closed longer than they would have to if there would be no lag for LEDs to light up and shut down again. And I'm not "convinced" that 3D technology is per se a bad idea.
Check out this post in the Master track list. I need peoples help to identify if there is anything missing. Let me know and i'll update the image.

In the pic you say it's deep's the ring

Quite helpful list Ozy, I appreciate it. Though I agree that there is no "Deep Forest" in there, that's the ring (Look at the track layout, width, the environment, the Nordschleife). Also, I don't understand the difference between the two "Mountain tracks". I also believe you should discard Daytona dawn, since it'll just be Daytona with the weather system. You could explain this things and another facts about tracks in a little "About" section under the pictures. And...sorry for being so nitpicky but, it's called Chamonix, not ChaRmonix.

I hope you take my criticism the right way dude ;).