GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I've not seen too many interesting guesses to Famines wibbles except the One-77, which it isn't. Not that we'll know even if we guess right until Famines clear that he can release the info. The source could very well be Amar then it might not be either, but regarding the car it could be anything really (I say anything, I mean anything by a manufacturer previousely in . I'd hazard a guess that it's something realtively unique or different, or that the inclusion of this car could hint at the inclusion of further cars of a similar nature or maybe a track perhaps but that's still just pure guesswork. But if for example it was the Suzuki Aerio hill climb car (which it's not) then that would be the first time since GT2 that a Pikes Peak car has been in besdes the Escudo, or maybe it's a Formula 1 car (I forget the specific car names). It could be a lot of things really, but there are some potentially interesting cars it could be. Marcos TSO,

Then again it could be a Vauxhall or a Fiat for all we know, maybe a Holden.
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It can be a RUF, a Chevrolet, a Ford, a Ferrari (if by GT title he includes Prologue).....the list can go on. It's no use to guess any longer.
I go for the Bentley Mulsanne.
We should stop guessing and move on.

When Famine is fully allow to talk, he should tell us the car.

I suggest you should stop doing this. Do not release bit of information Please...

I expect to see

An updated Tokyo demo
More WRC Footage
More NASCAR footage
New tracks revealed
New Cars
More of the SLS and 458
And an official Release date.

I expect to see

An updated Tokyo demo
An updated sls driving on Nurburgring Nordschleife
More WRC footage
More Nascar Footage
More of the sls and 458
Secret Trailer "It will not be show to the public"
An announcement of an announcement
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First, I have to ask:
Is this person/source credible?

I do not share information that is not credible.

Why has he/she divulged only ONE car to you (or is this the only one that interests you?)

You assume it's just the one source. However I'm party only to the information that one car has been requested/offered. This does not include, nor does it preclude, any others from the same marque.

How is it that you're not totally sure of the car which is being described to you? Is he, too, writing in a secret code? Does he/she make you work for the truth?

There are multiple possibilities for the one car which has been requested - even a model name would generate multiple possibilites within that range.

However, I don't recall saying I'm not sure of the exact car - just that I'm not saying what it is yet.

It can be a RUF, a Chevrolet, a Ford, a Ferrari (if by GT title he includes Prologue).....the list can go on.

Yes it can, particularly if you include every manufacturer I've told you it isn't - your list of four manufacturers includes three I've already told you it's not.

To help you out, it can't be a Ford (GT and Focus WRC seen in GT5 screenshots), a Ferrari (458 seen in GT5 screenshots) or Chevrolet (Z06 seen in GT5 screenshots and Chevrolet contains a V). I already told you this.

It's no use to guess any longer.

It's no use to guess in the first place, since I already told you I won't confirm any correct guesses until I am permitted to do so.

You might be desperate for information, but I've brought you all I can for now. It might be just a bit of info in a game for you, but it's someone else's livelihood - and they're putting it at risk to bring it to you.

It is little wonder that PD never release anything - and are derided for doing so - when any small piece of information is jumped on and denounced by ingrates.

Take the information as what it is - rumour of a manufacturer making a return to the series, from a credible source. Then get on with something else. Guess if you want, in full knowledge that I won't confirm any correct ones.

You might be desperate for information, but I've brought you all I can for now. It might be just a bit of info in a game for you, but it's someone else's livelihood - and they're putting it at risk to bring it to you.

No offense, but what information have you provided? All I've read is speculation. It seems like the typical 'my friend knows a guy that works for the company' type of thing going on here. I've seen this on so many different forums and it's always the same attention seeking people who do it.

Basically, if you know something and want to share it, then share it. Don't post teasing things that you know will get you lots of attention.
If you know you can't share the information because it might put someone's job at risk, then don't say anything. Simple as that.

I'm not saying that you don't have information, but every other time someone does this type of thing they've been wrong.
If i had to quess it would be some new Jay Leno car(like the ethanol car) Jay was involved recently in PSP game and i bet PD captured also some of his cars. (tank car was already in GT4)
No offense, but what information have you provided?

I didn't say I had. I even said, in the last post, to take it for what it is - rumour.

All I've read is speculation. It seems like the typical 'my friend knows a guy that works for the company' type of thing going on here. I've seen this on so many different forums and it's always the same attention seeking people who do it.

And are those people typically supermoderators of those forums and with reputations to consider?

My reputation (and that of GTPlanet by extension of my position as "staff") relies on truth, fact and data - I cannot afford to put information out which might be untrue. This is part of the reason why I am unable to clarify at this time.

In fact, the reputation of GTP is held in such high regard that we were invited by SCEE to attend GTAcademy and I had an audience with Penrose Tackie, Sony's European brand manager and all-round GT-nut. I'm not about to jeopardise that reputation with information that isn't complete fact.

Basically, if you know something and want to share it, then share it.

I have done. I've shared that which I know, and not that which I suspect or think.

Don't post teasing things that you know will get you lots of attention.

I have more posts than anyone on this site and post in bold indigo font. Some might opine from that alone that I desire attention.

They'd be wrong, but they're entitled to their opinion.

I'm not saying that you don't have information, but every other time someone does this type of thing they've been wrong.

I am acutely aware of the situation that arose from GT4 - where a guy had his Ruf Turbo R (and BMW E39 M5) modelled by PD. He had proof too - photographs of them modelling it, a certificate from them including the model. It was absolute fact that his car was in the game.

He went ahead and shared this information and, for reasons known only to him and PD, the car didn't appear in the game. He absolutely wasn't wrong - all the proof was there. Yet the car wasn't included...

So, let's go all the way back to the first thing I actually said:

Not to steal TGS's thunder here, but I'm hearing some interesting news about a car being included in GT5 and, by extension, the marque which makes it.

I'm seeking a bit of clarification - and what precisely I'm actually allowed to say here - but it's quite good news...

That all still stands and, as you can see, there are multiple reasons - my reputation, implications for the sources, PD's personal fiat when it comes to cars' covers being broken early - why I'm seeking clarification on what I'm allowed to say.

The phrase "poisoning the well" still applies.

Of course, it's up to you to believe what I've said or not, to guess what car I'm talking about or not, to get on with your life or not or to complain or not. But I will not elaborate beyond what I posted originally, despite accusations of attention-seeking.
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I know how old Penrose is :D I will do him the favour of saying "His gaming experience compares to, though is longer than, my own." and note that I've been playing games since the ZX Spectrum in 1982.

Also, I had an Amiga A1200 and he was stuck with an Atari ST, between the C64 and PS1 :lol: I've invited him to a game of Sensible World of Soccer on my still-functioning A1200...
No offense, but what information have you provided? All I've read is speculation. It seems like the typical 'my friend knows a guy that works for the company' type of thing going on here. I've seen this on so many different forums and it's always the same attention seeking people who do it.

Basically, if you know something and want to share it, then share it. Don't post teasing things that you know will get you lots of attention.
If you know you can't share the information because it might put someone's job at risk, then don't say anything. Simple as that.

I'm not saying that you don't have information, but every other time someone does this type of thing they've been wrong.

You sir are maturely young, foolish and very ill informed. Famine has more respect than you could possibly understand being a 'new member'. Do your research before you say anything else.

In general, i hate to say it, but the community spirit in this thread is pathetic. You drove Amar away, your giving Famine more and more reasons not to share any more. Thank God Famine is experienced enough and long enough in the tooth to handle all your crap.
Anyone else get upset when PD screwed up the first corner of that track in GT4? I liked it when it was a nice round corner, then they had do go and square it off. :yuck:
I actually prefer the GT4 version. It's a lot more of a challenge, I reckon.
I've been playing games since the ZX Spectrum in 1982.

You lucky lucky bar steward! I was stuck with an Amstrad CPC 464 (green screen and tape drive) for a very long time...the sound of that thing trying and then failing to load haunts me to this day :lol:


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You lucky lucky bar steward! I was stuck with an Amstrad CPC 464 (green screen and tape drive) for a very long time...the sound of that thing trying and then failing to load haunts me to this day :lol:



Poor you, i had the colour version. I actually taught myself how to program using that machine, just didn't ever learn how to save my programs to tape.
So it is official Famine is the only one who knows something about the release date and this mistery manufacture .So we should now wait for him to release said information because if he said what he knows now and it turned out not to be true ,then you will probably kill him :D :D
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No. Shortly after GTPSP's release.

So it is official Famine is the only one who knows something about the release date and this mistery manufacture.

Wait... when did I learn the release date?
No. Shortly after GTPSP's release.

Wait... when did I learn the release date?

well you don't exactly know the exact day but didn't you say Persone or whats his name gave you a slight hint :sly:

Oh and the Ps move latest ad suggests it might be released in November ,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
well you don't exactly know the exact day but didn't you say Persone or whats his name gave you a slight hint :sly:

I specifically remember reading that Famine avoided that question altogether.

So Famine, when is the release date? :sly: [Really bad Irish sarcasm, for those from other countries who don't quite get it].