GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
That's the thing, Prologue is numb, you get no feedback whatsoever through the wheel.
You just condition yourself by repetition,

When the rear end gets light and starts to slide, I can feel that in the wheel. What else do you need to feel?

Try doing Salom run in Prologue, the car does not get upset like it should. It works as it should in the Time Trail. Much better weight transfer and suspension movement in the Time Trial, you can do flick manevours, and all the other tricks.

I've done this many times in Prologue. Sure it's harder to upset the car, but it can be done.

Even just watching the replays of Prologue vs what you see in the Time Trail you can see which is more realistic in how the cars move

This is true, I will agree there.

The only thing wrong with the Time trial is the tyre model, which is what your probably complaining about, but that's separate from what I'm talking about

Probably, yes. I always felt like I was driving on ice no matter what.
SimBin has announced the launch of a new GTR in 2011. It is curious the image they use for promotion where there are references to the advantage that separates them from GT4, Need for Speed and Forza 3.


What advantage dos the picture show?
ahh, numbers next to flags and letters. Is it supposed to mean something or are they just having a good laugh?
To me it seems like GTR is 9.7s behind the leader. I don' know about how pits and all that stuff works so that's what it looks like to me.
I'm hoping for something between Prologue and the TT demo. I love the way Prologue feels, and I had a hard time getting used to the TT demo physics. I just didn't get enough feedback through the wheel and it was way too easy to spin out. However, with all the videos we have seen I don't see many people spinning out, so that give me some hope.

I'm kind of the other way. I loved the challenge of coming to terms with the TT physics, and it helped that the DF GT wheel is such an excellent controller. I'm hoping that the physics are further developed and even more realistic, with good tire squeals to let us know how well the car is gripping the road. And a carefully done grip/loss envelope to rival even the best PC sims. Maybe GT5 needs a third performance level to cater to the true hardcore racer: Standard (arcade), Advanced (similar to Prologue), and Professional (full bore realistic). And of course with a full load of driving assists to tailor your experience even more.

As someone who almost by default always chooses the most sim-like experience or the hardest settings in any game i really wanted to like the TT-demo but had a hard time getting to grips with it and didn't particularly enjoy it ( not sure this was because i used a DS3 or maybe just incompetence ).
People here seem to be divided by either loving it or question its implication in the final game.
There should be many options agreed, and maybe the TT physics are just something i might get used to and eventually like, although i'd hate it if i just weren't capable to drive the most hardcore/realistic setting ( but that's just my problem ) but it should be available to those who will.
The main problem i've had with the demo wasn't the overal feel ( which felt great ) but indeed the lack of info/feedback especially during over/understeer, etc. and some other issues which only seemed to bother controller users like me.
Maybe if the general feedback of Prologue and feel of that demo were combined, or doesn't that make any sense?
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SimBin has announced the launch of a new GTR in 2011. It is curious the image they use for promotion where there are references to the advantage that separates them from GT4, Need for Speed and Forza 3.


I was a big fan of GTR's mod-ability but EVO was just GTR2+bloom hdr now "GTR3" looks like RACE with bloom hdr, the 3d)from what i see) is still very crude. By the time it arrives, dont know if it will hold a candle to GT's rpg-esque car porn museum and dozens of HD real world locations.
I was a big fan of GTR's mod-ability but EVO was just GTR2+bloom hdr now "GTR3" looks like RACE with bloom hdr, the 3d)from what i see) is still very crude. By the time it arrives, dont know if it will hold a candle to GT's rpg-esque car porn museum and dozens of HD real world locations.

Race 07, GTR Evo, STCC, and Race On are all the same game engine.
Should we assume that GTR will be on consoles as it pokes fun at console games in that screen shot or is it just some of the typical PC elite macho stuff on display.
I was a big fan of GTR's mod-ability but EVO was just GTR2+bloom hdr now "GTR3" looks like RACE with bloom hdr, the 3d)from what i see) is still very crude. By the time it arrives, dont know if it will hold a candle to GT's rpg-esque car porn museum and dozens of HD real world locations.
Thankfully, Simbin is more about the racing experience than the graphic-overload that GT5 is becoming at this point.
Should we assume that GTR will be on consoles as it pokes fun at console games in that screen shot or is it just some of the typical PC elite macho stuff on display.

There was a rumor a while back about GTR coming to consoles, but personally, if it did it would be limited to what either consoles are capable of.

Leave it on the PC where it belongs.
I don't believe GTR3 will be much different from the previous games. They say the development has begun, and they plan on releasing it next year, which means... I think you get the idea.

in this video from 1.07 I like the shifting animation,it's less robotic than the other videos!!
I think it looks like crap. There is no reason to take the hand off the wheel, and the way he is holding the wheel look like some retarded way of doing thumbs up.
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just weren't capable to drive the most hardcore/realistic setting ( but that's just my problem )

It's mine too. Everthing felt much better with academy demo until tyres let go and then some strange physics took over. It was not realistic after that. In reality controlling slides is quite easy with most FR cars on every surface. In Finland we have to be able to correct normal tale slide before even we get our licenses. I can drift even in academy demo but it is like driving with knife on your throat and not enjoyable at all unlike real life. I am not a "pro" drifter or anything, but like most people, i can handle rwd car in real life, lfs or in enthusia and they all feel 'somewhat' similar. Reports say that physics have already been changed for newer builds of GT.
Thankfully, Simbin is more about the racing experience than the graphic-overload that GT5 is becoming at this point.

I still prefer the feel of GT4(N or S tires no aids) over GTR, especially because the mods are for the most part home made rough estimates of how the cars behave, i think their physics model has less than 100 values. not 100% about it but its very simplistic compared to the GT system.
It's mine too. Everthing felt much better with academy demo until tyres let go and then some strange physics took over. It was not realistic after that. In reality controlling slides is quite easy with most FR cars on every surface. In Finland we have to be able to correct normal tale slide before even we get our licenses. I can drift even in academy demo but it is like driving with knife on your throat and not enjoyable at all unlike real life. I am not a "pro" drifter or anything, but like most people, i can handle rwd car in real life, lfs or in enthusia and they all feel 'somewhat' similar. Reports say that physics have already been changed for newer builds of GT.

It's the tyre model. The physics are excellent in the Time Trial. Everything that was missing in Prologue is here. Go an play the very lastest beta trial of Netkar Pro and then you'll see why Prologue is terrible in not only basic physics, tyre model, but feel and force feedback. The car feels alive in Netkar Pro, and the force feedback tells you all about it

If you do a constant high speed salom in Prologue, you can do it all day without upsetting the balance of the car, which is incorrect.
The Time Trial gets it right.

Locking up the rear tyres or any tyres for manner in Prologue, doesn't bring an drastic attitude changes like you would expect in real life. The cars sometimes understeer in Prologue, with rearward brake bias! :)

I think the slicks are fine in the Time Trail, they should let go suddenly, that's how slicks are in real life. Street tyres need to be more progressive
The tyre model is the most important thing, get this wrong and the rest doesn't matter - at least in my experience.

Time Trial physics were indeed great, up to the limit - more so on the normal car. The slicks were OK, mostly because you rarely did overstep the limit. Everything else is better in the Time Trial - though I can't remember about feel. I don't think I had a problem, other than the limit suddenly sneaking up on me (which is realistic) but having no way of controlling the car just beyond the limit (which isn't).

By the way, I was also terrible with the DS3 (not much better with a G25, mind you :dopey:)

GTR-3 had better be good, all the others are disappointing.
I don't believe GTR3 will be much different from the previous games. They say the development has begun, and they plan on releasing it next year, which means... I think you get the idea.

I think it looks like crap. There is no reason to take the hand off the wheel, and the way he is holding the wheel look like some retarded way of doing thumbs up.
Gt5 is the first racing game that implement the driver animation,I know it isn't perfect but It will be in gt6!:sly:
The slicks were OK, mostly because you rarely did overstep the limit.

Unless I was doing something wrong, I found it very easy to overstep that limit in almost every turn. I felt like if I turned the wheel just a bit to far and gave it just slightly too much gas....around I went every time.

I don't want to play like that. It's not fun.
I don't think I had a problem, other than the limit suddenly sneaking up on me (which is realistic) but having no way of controlling the car just beyond the limit (which isn't).

That's exactly what i meant, hope it will be adressed ( at least as an option ).
Glad to know i'm not the only one struggling with DS3 in that demo.;)
GTR 3 will be awesome, but I would need to finish GT5 first. Wonder when that will happen >___>

BTW in those new GT5 vids, I am quite concerned for the game's reputation as a graphical achievement since there are alot of jaggies in the shadows and the trees are still 2D :grumpy:
If you do a constant high speed salom in Prologue, you can do it all day without upsetting the balance of the car, which is incorrect.
The Time Trial gets it right.

Locking up the rear tyres or any tyres for manner in Prologue, doesn't bring an drastic attitude changes like you would expect in real life. The cars sometimes understeer in Prologue, with rearward brake bias! :)

I think the slicks are fine in the Time Trail, they should let go suddenly, that's how slicks are in real life. Street tyres need to be more progressive

+1 👍 I was doing that the other day on Prologue with an NSX (MR) on N3 tyres for the recent WRS. As long as you didn't force the change of direction with harsh movements of the steering wheel, the car would stick to the road all the way down the HSR straight.

Nice bit of fun from the SimBin team. Can't argue with GT being in last place can you though! :sly:

Indeed. No worries though, we can use our super-duper slipstream to overtake them.