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  • Thread starter gamelle71
Does someone know the framerate of the GT5 3D demo?

Wipeout HD 3D only runs at 30fps.

Well, it's PD, 60fps is their mantra(as it should be), so that will stay, which means they'll have to scale back from 1080p to 720p coupled with some graphical tweaks to make it not dip below 60fps...
Not sure what that has to do with anything to be honest. Regardless of whether a lap time is considered official or not, the fact is, some cars have lapped the public toll road faster than others. Whether that was due to favourable weather conditions, a great car setup, a driver on top form, or more likely some combination of those, it doesn't matter.

But it does matter for the purposes of record-keeping. To whit, there isn't any. So there's no official lap time, no official record... nothing.
But it does matter for the purposes of record-keeping. To whit, there isn't any. So there's no official lap time, no official record... nothing.
Right, so there is no offical means by which they record lap times. That still doesn't change the fastest recorded lap time, because it is what it is, officially recognised or not.
I guess that depends on which car maker you talk to, as a lot have their own "official" lap time.
Call it what you want, they call it official.

Is there 1 sanctioning body for an official lap time, no.

It doesn't mean there is no official lap time, it's just not recorded by the track (whatever you want to call it :rolleyes:) officials.

Question here is : Why nitpick?
It proves nothing......nothing.

Do I really care if it's official in someone's eyes and not another's? Hell No.
Take it for what it is.
Leave the obvious differences be, obviously different.
I think the major change between GT5 to all of the other GT games is the focus on online play. I read in an interview with him that they were putting in a lot of work into the online play to make it as good as possible. What the other changes might be, i don't know.
Completely agree, Yamauchi said same time ago, online mode will be an special part of GT5, so i think they are working very hard on online mode.
GT mode is the ONLY important part of GT for me. It defines Gran Turismo to me.

Luckily Kaz did specifically assure us that GT mode would be part of GT5 in an previous interview.
GT mode IS MOST important part for me!!!!

GT mode is the ONLY important part of GT for me. It defines Gran Turismo to me.

Luckily Kaz did specifically assure us that GT mode would be part of GT5 in an previous interview.


I'd like to say I would buy the game depending on what the GT mode is like (But i'll probably buy it as soon as it comes out so I won't have time to find out).

So PD already have a near certain sale from me. Let's hope they have improved the GT mode since GT4. (As let's be honest, the GT mode from GT4, whilst large, had quite a few shortfalls, like the lack of class racing, the lack of rally championships, how some cars were non-raceable, how the AI could bring to an event cars which are not suitable - CLK GTR in DTM anyone? etc. etc.)
Jep, same here: the GT-mode is my main focus and always has been. Look, I appreciate the online abbility but I believe for different reasons. Having online races is the least important to me.

I GPS system that tells you the weather at different tracks is awesome; I love the leaderboards and being able to dowload a ghost driver; sharing setups with those who have the top times would also be very good, that way you can simply get a tune and adjust it to your taste and driving style; sharing replays and watching replays; actual weather beining replicated in the game if it's a real-life track; video content like GT-TV; maybe a user forum online within the game itself where people can ask questions related to the game or the automotive sector; auction house where one can buy and sell for in-game credits; LIVE-feed for some racing events like the Ring 24 hours, Super GT, WRC, Nascar; a news section which is also kept up-to-date concerning car news, like a digital magazine with PD behind it; have lap times on circuits in real-life being uploaded to the game...well you get my point :)

After all that, I'd look at online races, because for me all they are is 'fun' and nothing more. I'd HATE an online incorperated GT-mode: Thank god KY already confirmed this won't be the case!
Well, it's PD, 60fps is their mantra(as it should be), so that will stay, which means they'll have to scale back from 1080p to 720p coupled with some graphical tweaks to make it not dip below 60fps...

Well it does not work that way. I am very confident that max outuput frequency for PS3 is 60Hz. That means you have only 30Hz/eye in 3d mode. Game could of course run in 120Hz; 60Hz per eye but it think PS3 is still limited to 60Hz.

To do 60Hz/eye in 3d with PS3 needs:

a) PS3 had to be designed to output 120Hz.(seems highly unlikely that even Ken thought of 3D whenever the box was designed)

b) You would have to cut prosessing power demand in half(resolution,textures, etc)
I think the major change between GT5 to all of the other GT games is the focus on online play. I read in an interview with him that they were putting in a lot of work into the online play to make it as good as possible. What the other changes might be, i don't know.

There better be a ton because online play doesn't interest me all that much.
Well it does not work that way. I am very confident that max outuput frequency for PS3 is 60Hz. That means you have only 30Hz/eye in 3d mode. Game could of course run in 120Hz; 60Hz per eye but it think PS3 is still limited to 60Hz.

This is the reason for the summer firmware update.New spec will be compatible with new HDMI version that supports 120Hz output. (and for videos too!)
There are different ways to transmit 3D. One of them is to transmit 2 pictures side-by-side or on top of each other in a single, larger framebuffer.

This way 60Hz output is enough.
Yes, it's basically two pictures @ 60Hz and it will need to be of lower resolution(720p) and with some other graphical features reduced to keep it steady @ 60fps.
+new firmware.
I don't foresee any problems, because it's a conscious sacrifice(trade-of), resolution+detail vs. two pictures, but with a benefit of a more immersive 3d experience.
I think the GT5 era will see the online racing move in, and become the way most people choose to get their racing fix.

I've never been terribly impressed with the selection of events, and how championships are locked to a series of tracks. A good event generator would help that problem, but then there's still the imbalance in driver skill from the AI at the front of the pack, and those at the back. I can't remember the last time an AI car pressured me, or even executed a good pass, on me.

There should be a good GT mode, single player, but I think that online will end up being more popular, and I would love to see a crossover, opening up GT mode to some kind of multiplayer interaction. It's something those who don't want could easily ignore, but it would expand the experience for a great many more people.

Let's have cake, and eat it too.
Yeah I'm with you guys, GT mode is where it's at for me. Especially now because even the AI in GT5:P were a huge step up from GT4. They were really fun to race against and many of the races were quite hard when you used professional physics. Online will just be something I would use to play with my friends, and if it lets me do that I would be very happy.
GT mode is what i want & need!
But okay, we discussed this topic already numerous times..
pathetic silence

BTW, a week or two ago someone said some nascar drivers twittered they were beta testing GT5..
Does anyone know more about that today?
Does someone know the framerate of the GT5 3D demo?

Wipeout HD 3D only runs at 30fps.

Wipeout HD runs at 60. If anything causes it to drop, the resolution changes on the fly to keep it at 60. It's a really technically advanced game. It's awesome.