Odds per ticket is an element you just introduced to defend your point, one where you incorrectly assumed that I bought one ticket last week, and one ticket this week.
It's also an element that is completely irrelevant. If I buy 1 ticket, I have a "1 in 13,983,816" chance of scooping all 6 numbers. However, if I buy 13,983,816 tickets, I am guaranteed to have all 6 numbers, therefore at least part of the jackpot. Financials aside, this is a statistical fact for our National Lottery.
I am perfectly aware that if I roll a die today, the odds of getting a "6" are "1 in 6", and if I roll the same die again tomorrow, all things being equal, the odds of getting a "6" are still "1 in 6". Naturally, if I have two dice and roll them together, the odds of getting a "6" are improved to "2 in 6", or "1 in 3" taking it to the lowest form.
Having said that, odds are not always fixed. Just look up the "Monty Hall" problem. It's not quite the same as a lottery, but shows that with a bit of thought, you can alter the odds in certain situations to your favour.
Thanks for arguing, I liked this one, although well off-topic (sorry guys!)