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  • Thread starter gamelle71
I still think, like someone else suggested in another thread, that "20 locations" refers to the track editor.

As the public has already been shown 4 of these sceneries to lay your tracks on, I would say it's reasonable to believe that not everything has been revealed and there's a significant number still to be unveiled.

At the time the infamous 20/70 numbers were leaked, nobody really knew about the track editor. I think, if people had known back then, it would have been the obvious interpretation that "locations" refers to track editor sceneries and "variations" to tracks.
That's just based on GT4 having two versions and the GT5 demo one being a third, distinct one. I imagine they will at least keep the unchicaned one, to suit the three '67 racers.

Well the more modern version with the 2 chicanes would add to the "what if" scenario....
I still think, like someone else suggested in another thread, that "20 locations" refers to the track editor.

As the public has already been shown 4 of these sceneries to lay your tracks on, I would say it's reasonable to believe that not everything has been revealed and there's a significant number still to be unveiled.

At the time the infamous 20/70 numbers were leaked, nobody really knew about the track editor. I think, if people had known back then, it would have been the obvious interpretation that "locations" refers to track editor sceneries and "variations" to tracks.

I actually like CoolColJ's theory that the "20" number refers to Photomode-only locations.

It'd be reasonable if it applied to the real-life tracks count as well, I guess.
A world location wouldn't be a wholly fantasy GT track now would it?.... Kazunori understood the question - note that his answer, mine and the further discussion were all wholly fantasy GT tracks...
It makes little difference when the subject of your discussion was to build a fantasy GT track in the real world (at a real world location)... As this clearly doesn't actually offer any insight into whether we'll see (m)any more GT4 / PSP tracks in GT5 - I'm going to drop this. As far as I'm concerned we've seen nothing, so I shall expect nothing - irrespective of master lists and what people believe. There is still no evidence or words attributable to KY to indicate that GT4 / GTPSP fantasy tracks will be in GT5 besides the High Speed Ring & perhaps one or two others not yet revealed.

It's probably worth noting that in the breakout session answer and our interview Kazunori used the word "torakku" which specifically refers to a car racing track - as opposed to "circuit", "layout", "location" which has been used in the past.
That only makes things more confused at the end of the day because the figures we have are more than 20 locations and more than 70 variations. To start talking about "tracks" now leaves us nowhere as you can have variations of a track - including reverse - in addition to multiple tracks at a location... I've indicated how 70+ variations is possible. It's a simpler solution, far more achievable and thus far more likely (throwing occam's razor right back at you)!

How am I wrong about Piazza del Campo? It follows the path of Palio di Senna - and originally bore the flags of the Palio di Senna (which aren't flown year round). That's probably why it's in the game - an historic race track, albeit one for horses.
Both "tracks" go around the outside (ish), but look how wide the GT5 track at PdC is... It clearly overlaps where the bollard posts and the cobble stones are in the real world. The real world horse race track is nowhere near as wide as the GT5 track.

As a simple comparison / reference look at the bottom left 'bend' at this photo below... Now look at how the paved area shows a fairly decent - not far off straight (the top edge) section - at this photo here >

The two are not the same.

Quite simply - PD has basically overlapped where the bollards would be in the real world. PD can AND DO whatever they want. They're under no obligations at all to stick to where actual paved areas / tarmac / road exists. Look at the GT5 track again here... Look at the gravel on the inside. Look at how wide the track is... Look at where the spectators are sat on the outside (and look elsewhere at the gravel on the outside corners of the track - the GT5 kart videos are a good source).

Now look at your horse track. Look at the real world birds eye photo... The two (GT5 Vs the horse track / outside paved area) are clearly not the same.


There may be no reason for there not to be 10 versions of Rally Toscana but, more importantly, there is no reason or evidence that there is. Occam's Razor states that we should not needlessly multiply entities - we have seen one Rally Toscana track with no reverse version and there is no need for us to invent additional ones without evidence.
Paying for a WRC license implies some rally driving, which is reason enough to have more variations. I would expect more than just 1 version of Toscana and maybe a reverse.

In fact, that the "Course Maker" can generate endless variations implies how easy it would be to have 5 or more in-game, half-decent default variations. It'd be easy for PD to have even used the "Course Maker" themselves just to create a nice range of point-to-point variations and tacked on a reverse option.

Again, all I'll agree with you on - is that we don't know. My solution is far more simple than PD going ahead and recreating all of the GT4 tracks in GT5, so there's no sense in you looking to Occam for help!

The evidence we have is that each track has 1.69 alternate configurations and 2.06 ways to drive on it.
Come on now. You're not really trying to convince me that we'll see GT4 tracks because of some mystically calculated 1.69 alternative configurations per "track" and 2.06 ways to drive on each "track"? How many times does it need repeating that what's been offered is 20 locations, 70 variations?

I'll see your 1.69 alternate track configurations and raise you that in Back To The Future the Delorian needed 1.21 Giga Watts to get back to the 80's!

GT5 is a new platform on a new system and a lot of time has been spent building lavish looking cars. KY's fixation is on cars, not tracks / circuits / locations... Always has been. Physics. Weather. Karting. Damage. Course Maker... B-Spec..... Come on... These things take time. 5 or 6 years is actually not that long and consider that in the first year the PS3 was not just difficult to get to grips with, but the SDK's didn't even include access to the h/w horizontal upscaler.

The three 'Ring versions tied in with Kazunori competing in the 24 hour race there. There needs to be no other explanation. There is no reason for this on a technical basis.

It's time. KY has been around. La Sarthe... The 'Ring... Fuji (Data Logger Visualisation tool)... Not much to expect PD to have been to Tokyo again to work on R246 and Suzuka... Plus London, Madrid, Rome, etc... In fact, it's not even just likely - we know they've done it.

Again, I'm pretty sure I've read that KY has said PD are more inclined to work on real world locations and streets than rebuild fictional locations. It'd be more relevant to "The Real Driving Simulator" to use real equipment and go around taking photos, collecting data and having obvious points of reference to work on and then create variants based on all that work, than it would be to try and up-convert PS1 or PS2 textures and landscape / track geometry data into a suitable format.

There's always hidden stuff on GT discs. GT3 had three hidden cars. In GT2 there was a track called "Eiger Loop" - it even appears, named, in the opening credits - which one could access through nefarious means but, from memory, it couldn't be driven.
Lets not move away into the realms of "there's always hidden stuff", I'm interested in what's been said and what we can see. That's the stuff we can believe and expect and look forward to... Not just hope for. We've had more than 5 years of hoping, rumours and nonsense. It's so close to the release date now that we really should have most of the information.
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Both "tracks" go around the outside (ish), but look how wide the GT5 track at PdC is... It clearly overlaps where the bollard posts and the cobble stones are in the real world. The real world horse race track is nowhere near as wide as the GT5 track.

As a simple comparison / reference look at the bottom left 'bend' at this photo below... Now look at how the paved area shows a fairly decent - not far off straight (the top edge) section - at this photo here >

The two are not the same.


Now look how wide it is if you take away chairs and tables. It's all about photo angles, height etc


Yeah the one in the demo is a bit wider, so what?
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I've indicated how 70+ variations is possible. It's a simpler solution, far more achievable and thus far more likely (throwing occam's razor right back at you)!

Occam's Razor doesn't mean that the simplest solution is the correct one.

Both "tracks" go around the outside (ish), but look how wide the GT5 track at PdC is... It clearly overlaps where the bollard posts and the cobble stones are in the real world. The real world horse race track is nowhere near as wide as the GT5 track.

It's actually relatively narrow - remember, the track is for karts and karts are tiny. Incidentally, the square bollards form the basis of the concrete barrier in the centre. You can see them more clearly from other GT5 shots.


Paying for a WRC license implies some rally driving, which is reason enough to have more variations. I would expect more than just 1 version of Toscana and maybe a reverse.

I'm afraid it doesn't make a lot of sense if you then note that Rally Toscana and its variations are your only rally tracks...

Again, all I'll agree with you on - is that we don't know. My solution is far more simple than PD going ahead and recreating all of the GT4 tracks in GT5, so there's no sense in you looking to Occam for help!

Again, it's actually simpler for PD to gussy up a GT4 track as GT5 - they have all the parameters they could want on file, since it's their track - than create and test variants.

But since Occam's Razor is nothing to do with simple explanations, it's not relevant for you to quote it.

Come on now. You're not really trying to convince me that we'll see GT4 tracks because of some mystically calculated 1.69 alternative configurations per "track" and 2.06 ways to drive on each "track"? How many times does it need repeating that what's been offered is 20 locations, 70 variations?

You can repeat it often if you wish - that was a (bad) French translation of a page that existed for about an hour a year ago.

There's nothing mystic about the calculations either. We know all the tracks in GT4 - you can do it yourself. I've even been kind and included El Capitan and Cathedral Rocks as one location.

Presently there are 16 tracks. Each track has 1.69 alternate configurations and 2.06 ways to drive on it.
GT4 had 34 tracks. Each track has 1.56 alternate configurations and 2.44 ways to drive on it.
Shirakawa's data requires 46 tracks. Each track has 1.5 alternate configurations and 2.37 ways to drive on it.
Your data requires a maximum of 24 tracks. Each track would have 2.91 alternate configurations and ways to drive on it, requiring them to be added at the rate of 5.5 alternated configurations for each unknown track.

Your data is not consistent with existing data or known trends. Shirakawa's is. It requires a needless multiplication of entities for your data to be correct and as such, at this point, Occam's Razor favours Shirakawa's data (though it may not be accurate with regards to specific tracks, just the numbers of them).

Lets not move away into the realms of "there's always hidden stuff", I'm interested in what's been said and what we can see. That's the stuff we can believe and expect and look forward to... Not just hope for. We've had more than 5 years of hoping, rumours and nonsense. It's so close to the release date now that we really should have most of the information.

Errr... that was a response to a different member who was wondering how Eiger Nordwand was a hidden, undriveable track in GT2. Hence my quoting him.
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Yeah the one in the demo is a bit wider, so what?
The GT5 track area is definitely wider. The bollards aren't there, etc... It may mean that we will see other kart variations at this location as well as a reverse option. That's the only point.
Both "tracks" go around the outside (ish), but look how wide the GT5 track at PdC is... It clearly overlaps where the bollard posts and the cobble stones are in the real world. The real world horse race track is nowhere near as wide as the GT5 track.
The ring around the square is shown as between 11 and 12 meters on Google Earth, more than enough for a kart track and it didn't seem like PD made it any wider. The horsetrack also has grandstands around it, doesn't use any of the actual square and has to put the inner barriers around the bollards remember. No guarantee but I'd make a bet about PD having changed nothing to the width..
Still? I already told you why its impossible to get 70 variations from 20 tracks(locations). You think Tokyo route 246 will have 4 variations? Tokyo only has 2 variations. If you add up all the GT4/GTPSP tracks to the new tracks from GT5P/GT5 demos there will be about 66-68 tracks total. Which scenario makes more sense?

EDIT: Rally driving? Previous GTs already had rally driving. Toscana isn't the first rally track in the GT series.
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Still? I already told you why its impossible to get 70 variations from 20 tracks(locations). You think Tokyo route 246 will have 4 variations? Tokyo only has 2 variations. If you add up all the GT4/GTPSP tracks to the new tracks from GT5P/GT5 demos there will be about 66-68 tracks total.

I'll point out that I agree with him that it's not necessarily safe to assume all of GT4/PSP's tracks will be in GT5 - even if the cars are.

But that's about it.
The GT5 track area is definitely wider. The bollards aren't there, etc... It may mean that we will see other kart variations at this location as well as a reverse option. That's the only point.

The bollards are there - in the inner "wall", as Famine rightly pointed out. Their "caps" are rather distinctive, and they're almost as tall as a tourist. Both shots of the game and the real life ones are using very wide angles. Games are not prone to lens distortion (because it's [WIKIPEDIA]frustum[/WIKIPEDIA] based - creating a different kind of distortion), so there may be some influence on the perception of scale in the two groups of images.

Anyway, I'm more interested to find out why there was a picture of three 500s in that same square, sans tents and tarmac ;)
I'd have no problem if they ditched some of of the GT4 tracks as half of them don't come near the old classics such as Grand Valley, Deep Forest etc.. It would be brilliant if all the GT5P weather locations would replace some of them with real world circuits.
I'll point out that I agree with him that it's not necessarily safe to assume all of GT4/PSP's tracks will be in GT5 - even if the cars are.

But that's about it.

I agree as well. I think a few tracks will be left out or probably be replaced with others. My main point is that its impossible to get 70 variations from 20 tracks but having around 70 tracks (including short/east/west but excluding reverses) makes more sense.
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The bollards are there - in the inner "wall", as Famine rightly pointed out. Their "caps" are rather distinctive, and they're almost as tall as a tourist. Both shots of the game and the real life ones are using very wide angles. Games are not prone to lens distortion (because it's [WIKIPEDIA]frustum[/WIKIPEDIA] based - creating a different kind of distortion), so there may be some influence on the perception of scale in the two groups of images.

Anyway, I'm more interested to find out why there was a picture of three 500s in that same square, sans tents and tarmac ;)

The demo allowed the track to be raced on by Fiat 500s and Go-karts...

Another snippet to note is that the track creator has four themes. Two of those themes - German Springtime and Tuscan Sunset - have GT tracks associated with them - Nuerburgring and Rally Toscana. The third - Belgian High Fens - has a real track associated with it but which we haven't yet seen any in-game evidence - Spa-Francorchamps. The fourth theme was unstated, perhaps to prevent any such conclusions being drawn...

Well, here, the course maker has something like a scroll bar, so, i think there are more 4 themes... I can be very wrong, but thats what i think... :)

and another thing; in GT2 licence center -IA License, i think-, there was a part of a track that you race with a GT One, and i don't know where this course is from, if someone have an information or an explanation, i'll be very happy :dopey:
So....what's bothering me.... The Kia Cee'd, to be included? And to be premium i'd imagine?

Same for the Chevvy Lacetti, and the Suzuki Lianna....?
So....what's bothering me.... The Kia Cee'd, to be included? And to be premium i'd imagine?

Same for the Chevvy Lacetti, and the Suzuki Lianna....?

Is that really bothering you? Oh well at least a Toyota Pick-up truck will probably be included ( Tacoma, not the same one but still ) and damage is included.
Does make me wonder if this whole stunt-arena thing involves caravans....
To me the Top Gear track is more than enough to be honest.
Track looks narrow to me. Fiats 500s are tiny too

What Dave_sz was saying, is that the picture that Griffith500 posted was photomode, not racing. In the picture that was posted, there was no tarmac/pavement, and all the tents and barrier was gone, indicating that it was a photo, instead of racing. Yes, the Fiats have been seen racing on that track, but he was referring to that picture.
Yes that's exactly what I was hinting at, also. 👍
Then there's also the shot of San Galgano with the Alfa in it, and what seem to be dashed, painted white lines inside the ruins of the abbey. Then again, it could just be the same as this, but blurred a bit.
Yeah nice I really love those low-hp-car races 👍
Much better and funnier to me then those supercar 1000hp races :yuck: and the best is on a city course :scared:

I'm not sure. A mid range, 4-600hp supercar race in the city fighting for traction around every corner squirming about in desperate need of hooking up, are some of the best to me
I came up with kind of a cool idea for a new GT feature. PD should create like, an online "GT Car Marketplace" where we can buy and sell each others used cars lol.
I came up with kind of a cool idea for a new GT feature. PD should create like, an online "GT Car Marketplace" where we can buy and sell each others used cars lol.
I think Yamauchi said something about it in the live interview with japanese LovecarsTV, back in april
We had a translation and I remember the words "auction house" "cars from users and cars from Polyphony"...SHIRAKAWA Akira help!!!!

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