GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
I was always under the assumption the PS3 was super powerful and that we were to expect games like this, that the PS3 was the future, the cell,etc,etc.....
Agree, and I can probably speak for all GTPlanet members here, that we forgive him EVERYTHING. This new stuff lets everything forget.


I certainly don't forgive EVERYTHING, but the guys at PD sure know how to get you to momentarily forget the bad things:tup:
I can't resist, I mean LOOK AT THIS FRENCH PORN! fap fap fap fap fap...
I thought the road car was the coolest thing on wheels, but the race version...pure filthy awesomeness!
Hmm? He mentioned things that did not make the cut for gt5 maybe do to time constraints ( funny that 6 years is still a time constraint ) and will be in Gt6. I'm guessing it is the Honda HSV and Lexus LFA as well as more cockpit views for other others and Porsche. I kinda feel that Gt6 will still appear on ps3.
I'm guessing it is the Honda HSV and Lexus LFA as well as more cockpit views for other others and Porsche. I kinda feel that Gt6 will still appear on ps3.

The exhausts for the LFA are at the start of the video released earlier on the Red Bull site, including free backfire.
Hmm? He mentioned things that did not make the cut for gt5 maybe do to time constraints ( funny that 6 years is still a time constraint ) and will be in Gt6. I'm guessing it is the Honda HSV and Lexus LFA as well as more cockpit views for other others and Porsche. I kinda feel that Gt6 will still appear on ps3.

In the RedBull trailer at the beginning we see the triangular exhaust layout from the LF-A, so i'm gonna assume the LF-A has made it in GT5 :)
What boggles my mind is why doesn't the official GT site talk about the GT Auto options like painting and whatnot?

I want to know what all the options do specifically.
Respect for Kazunori and his team.

I'm glad they made GT PSP. They must have learnt a lot on how to optimize a game to run on low ram, CPU and GPU power at 60fps.

The PS3 in terms of GPU spec is considered to be very weak, equivalent to a very low spec gaming PC today or low to mid range gaming laptop. I think their engineers must have maxxed out the GPU a long time ago and now are optimizing as much as possible to get any further anti-aliasing. I reckon they must be using the Cell processor for the graphical weather effects and tyre smoke, as in most racing games with tyre smoke, their frame rate drops quite a bit while in GT5 it does not.

This game is a technological marvel piece, which I believe makes Polyphony Digital the most talented game producers around.

It is amazing how they can get dynamic weather, day and night cycles, dust and debris effect, tyre smoke, fully 3d modelled driver, highly detailed cars, high texture quality tracks with 16 cars racing all running at 1080p at 60fps.

No other game in any console has any of these effects runnning at 60fps at 1080p. I wonder how it would have looked like if they released it for the PC now, probably be what they are planning to do for GT7, even though the hardware available now would finally allow them to show of their car details being miles a head of any racing game and most likely 3d trees and better detailed track environments.

Competitors who have weather effects struggle to make it run at 720p at 30fps on consoles. F1 2010 should run at 60 fps at 1080p on most gaming PCs though. GT5 would probably run at 60fps at 4320p Ultra HD. One thing I don't get on consoles is, you can link them up to give enough graphical power to run on triple screens, why not also be able to run another console, to enable higher levels of anti-aliasing and car detail. That would make the PS3 not look that dated when the PS4 comes out. GT5 won't look dated compared to PS4 launch titles, as it will still look graphically better, just won't have the sharpness due to less anti-aliasing. This game is the best looking game on any platform, whether it be 360 or PC. No other developer puts as much effort into making a game as good as this.
I was always under the assumption the PS3 was super powerful and that we were to expect games like this, that the PS3 was the future, the cell,etc,etc.....

I wrote a little song hear me out, "Teh powah of teh cell, teh powah of teh zell, Kaz couldnt give us mean car sounds, But gave us everything else. "Chrorus" fap fap fap fap fap ~SpeedFreak 69~ fap fap fap fap what the hell does Fap mean? fapfapfap
This game is simply insane.woww,right now I'm crying!!thanks PD,thanks Sony and thanks for all of you Gtplanet Community,I love you guys!see you online(I will beat you):)