GT5 Master Track List (NOT a wishlist)

  • Thread starter CyborgGT

To whomever mentioned Pikes Peak recently, considering we've got the 24H Nurburgring configuration, I imagine they could actually include the entire PPIHC course instead of the shortened, modified GT2 version. It'd be nice to see point-to-point races return, especially considering WRC cars.

Who wouldn't want to do this?


My point exactly, it really can't be beyond PD to make a track somewhere along the lines of that? i mean nurburgring a little longer and no in circle form.

Hell Vrally2 had it (made up but similar) :P
Colin McRae Dirt also had the full Pikes Peak ( and after watching that video it seems to be more accurate than I thought ).
Monaco is definitely in. 3'42" in on this montage of clips and you can clearly see an F1 car coming out of the Nouvelle Chicane and heading down towards Tabac. Not sure its been mentioned before and seeing as this thread has around 4 billion replies I decided against looking all the way through it.

I saw on another thread that the views of Monaco circuit were extracted from a video of GT PSP, in this particular montage.
Monaco is definitely in. 3'42" in on this montage of clips and you can clearly see an F1 car coming out of the Nouvelle Chicane and heading down towards Tabac. Not sure its been mentioned before and seeing as this thread has around 4 billion replies I decided against looking all the way through it.

So whats the big deal about seeing the Ferrari F2007 going around Monaco in the GT PSP intro?
Too bad the physics blow, like in every other Codemasters game as of late! :grumpy:

That's why I tend to use those Dakar trucks and off-road vehicles mostly when playing that game these days ( not very often, more a rare occasion ) as they tend to be more "floaty" in real life too.;)
Too bad the physics blow, like in every other Codemasters game as of late! :grumpy:

I'm guessing like most people, you expected sim from it and most Codemasters games, which to my knowledge has not been promised?
Do we know anything about this track? From one of the trailers:


Tuscany Possibly (but it's not paved, at least not seen so far), but it reminds me of Complex String backstretch from GT3.
I'm guessing like most people, you expected sim from it and most Codemasters games, which to my knowledge has not been promised?
Nah, I just wanted an enjoyable driving experience - sim or not. But if you like your cars to handle like the Goodyear blimp, go ahead! :sly:
I hope we're getting point-to-point courses.
Stelvio pass would be one if it's in.
Other road courses, like possibly this new Tuscany tarmac one, could be too.
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.

If you want premium cars, and 16 of them on the track then forget about it, the PS3 can only pump out so many polys each frame at 1080p 60fps
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.
You can't be serious. If you are though, you better stop playing racing games, because you won't see 100% smooth roads in any game this or even the next generation.
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.

I hope you are kidding:crazy: