GT5 Master Track List (NOT a wishlist)

  • Thread starter CyborgGT
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.

You're right, I'm going to ditch GT5 and play a game that doesn't have blocky roads 👎
It's not that hard to get rid of the blocky roads with the hardware of the PS3 you know...
Man, half a decade and the blocky roads are still not gone...there goes the life-like graphics LOL.

I'm dissapointed.

You might as well stop playing racing games altogether because not even the PC sims have gotten away from the blocky roads. Seriously, you picked quite possibly the most pathetic thing to complain about and its one that half the time no one notices or cares about. You also mind telling how it isn't hard to get rid of them since you sound like you make games, unless you're just talking nonsense.
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I dont have time to go through the whole thread but just judging from the first post, this game does not have enough tracks. Racing staples like Monza, Spa, Monaco should definitely be included. Monaco I know was present in other GTs, Infineon raceway too hopefully more real life tracks make it to the game, it's getting awfully close.
I dont have time to go through the whole thread but just judging from the first post, this game does not have enough tracks. Racing staples like Monza, Spa, Monaco should definitely be included. Monaco I know was present in other GTs, Infineon raceway too hopefully more real life tracks make it to the game, it's getting awfully close.
Jeff Rubenstein | June 18th, 2010 at 9:56 am

More than 40 tracks with over 100 layouts (including all versions of Nurburgring – which nobody’s ever done before). That enough for you? :)
That's what he has to say about it
You might as well stop playing racing games altogether because not even the PC sims have gotten away from the blocky roads. Seriously, you picked quite possibly the most pathetic thing to complain about and its one that half the time no one notices or cares about. You also mind telling how it isn't hard to get rid of them since you sound like you make games, unless you're just talking nonsense.
We are in 2010. Therefore your argument is invalid.
You can't just have beautiful cars with BLOCKY ROADS...what an eyesore!!!

But hey what do i know...i'm just a complete idiot who just says his opinion...riiiight? :)👎
No racing game has 100% smooth roads, actually GT5 is one of the better looking examples regarding this. And you have to make sacrifices somewhere, if it would be soooo easy to smooth that stuff out, like you wrote, it wouldn't be like it is now.
if it would be soooo easy to smooth that stuff out, like you wrote, it wouldn't be like it is now.
The roads will never be 100% smooth, just smooth enough so it is barely visible to the naked eye.
I think there are still blocky roads cause they spent too much time on the cars. :ouch:
I see what you're talking about. I was scrutinizing the screens, and was at a loss. Honestly since I didn't notice them till they were pointed out...I don't much care. And at a couple hundred kph I'm not sure how noticeable that would be.
Well, I guess we have the official name of the Tuscany Road Track (San Galgano). And we have a whole new category, Karting!! Which is making its debut at Piazza del Campo. Oh yea, and we now have another of the GT5P weather locations, Monza.
We are in 2010. Therefore your argument is invalid.
You can't just have beautiful cars with BLOCKY ROADS...what an eyesore!!!


But hey what do i know...i'm just a complete idiot who just says his opinion...riiiight? :)👎

Complete idiot, yes. Purely because you act as if you work in game development and make these absurd claims with nothing to back them other then "omg, its 2010!!!". Unless you actually have any experience in doing so, you're talking completly out of your ass and therefore have no valid justification. You try developing a game without your "blocky roads" and then come back and make that same statement.
We are in 2010. Therefore your argument is invalid.
You can't just have beautiful cars with BLOCKY ROADS...what an eyesore!!!

But hey what do i know...i'm just a complete idiot who just says his opinion...riiiight? :)👎

Well, you got one thing right.
Hmm could that Ferrari trailer Tuscany track and the Stelvio pass inspired one in the FT-86 trailer be a Course Maker auto-generated tracks???

Yamauchi created one for the purpose of the demo, a 10km run through the Belgian High Fens. It was sparse but not without sparkle, with rolling hills and fields and the occasional environmental feature like a small village giving it the feeling of a long and winding country road.
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I always assumed that the track editor would be toned down so its quite a surprise that we've been given quite a bit of freedom in terms of the utilization of space on the two areas.
Yeah you can add QLD Raceway and maybe Lakeside Raceway, as I'll probably be trying to make them in my game with the course creator.:D

Note: That was a joke, don't add those tracks to the list, although I will be trying to make them.:sly:
You won't be able to create real tracks. You need much more than a course maker in order to do so.

I won't be able to create the actual backdrop and scenery, but trust me, QLD Raceway doesn't have much to see anyway, the track has no elevation change worth mentioning, and the track layout is very basic. Even with a basic editor, I'll be able to create this real track.
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It doesn't look like you will be able to draw a layout, just tell the game how hard the corners should be etc. I guess you will only be able to create roads like the one in the FT-86 trailer, just for sheer driving pleasure and to take pics, nothing like a normal racetrack. Still extremely awesome and way above my expectations.
It doesn't look like you will be able to draw a layout, just tell the game how hard the corners should be etc. I guess you will only be able to create roads like the one in the FT-86 trailer, just for sheer driving pleasure and to take pics, nothing like a normal racetrack. Still extremely awesome and way above my expectations.

If you can dictate the shape of corners and the length of straights, as well as elevation changes, then you can create real world tracks with time and effort, why is that so hard to understand? I read it was also mentioned elsewhere you can share your tracks, which probably means you can race them too.