GT5 Master Track List (NOT a wishlist)

  • Thread starter CyborgGT
I just watched a GT4 replay, and I can't believe I never noticed this lake until now, it's as obvious and in plain site as the sky, I guess I was always focused on the road.


Five years and the game keeps on giving :D
I honestly think that in the Ending Credits of GT5: Prologue, all those tracks shown will be in GT5. I mean, some of them were not in any GT Game, not even Prologue...

I did notice some old tracks in that as well... like Laguna Seca and Trial Mountain (Now Confirmed)) and Autumn Ring and my favourite from the old GT's RED ROCK VALLY SPEEDWAY
The water appears to move on the Trial Mountain replay - nice. I hated the static water in Prolgue's High Speed Ring
Well, since is this the track thread, I was wondering. Will we be able to change the display of the map while racing? I want to see the whole track, not just the portion I'm on.
Well, since is this the track thread, I was wondering. Will we be able to change the display of the map while racing? I want to see the whole track, not just the portion I'm on.

Yeah you can change it, I remember seeing a gameplay video where the guy changed the minimap settings.
If this is old news then feel free to ignore this..
I think I may have confirmed a track from the weather trailer.
Part of the Tokyo Expressway is shown, I am pretty sure its the C1 loop.
Could you post some comparative screenshots?

You mean you want me to find a specific section of the expressway so I can compare it to the trailer?
Unfortunately I dont think anyone takes pictures of every bit of the Tokyo Expressway.
If you've played Shutoko Battle, Tokyo Xtreme Racer 0/1/2/3 or Import Tuner Challenge you will recognise it.

The parts I'm on about in this trailer are 0:14, 0:30 (I think, cant make out too much) & 0:36 (this is definately 100% C1 loop)
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This screenshoot is weird. It looks like the track is placed on a high edge above the city lights. Secondly, there is not even a city that big in this direction of the track. There is a small airport and behind that is a countryside before reaching the small town Arnage. The screenshot almost looks like Los Angeles seen from the Hollywood hills.

Also notice how the track seems cut off next to the background scenery. As a result, the ferris wheel before the pit straight is invisible. Now look 2:50 minutes into the clip below. The ferris wheel is included in the game but cut off in the first screenshot. I guess that's the price we pay for high quality graphics but they could solve it with lower camera angles.


On the other hand, the horizon in this screenshot is really dark considering the city of Le Mans is in that direction.
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"In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see the legacy tracks familiar to the fans of the series."

That pretty much says we will get Deep Forest and Grand Valley at least.

I miss these old tracks as well as Trial Mountain. It will be like a homecoming for a lot of us since a large portion of this community has followed this series since the first release. Wow, I'm so excited. :dopey:

"In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see the legacy tracks familiar to the fans of the series."

That pretty much says we will get Deep Forest and Grand Valley at least.

Actually, it says this ''In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see SELECT fan-favorites from past Gran Turismo titles.''

Select means to me that some will be in and some won't.
Sadly they used footage from GT PSP intro for that El Capitan footage, you can see the Enzo is not a full GT5 premium car. Same goes for the Ice Arena section.
Actually, it says this ''In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see SELECT fan-favorites from past Gran Turismo titles.''

Select means to me that some will be in and some won't.

You refer to the US site but what I quoted was from the UK GT site. And legacy tracks are probably those which have appeared in every single GT game or most of the GT games.
I suspect the discrepancy might be do to different people working on the UK & US sites translating from Japanese to English, but hope it's not intentional. UK Site
In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see the legacy tracks familiar to the fans of the series.
While maintaining the allure of the course, they were rebuilt from scratch to drastically improve their quality. Even those familiar with the track will be able to enjoy them as if they were seeing them for the first time. US Site
In addition to the new courses appearing in Gran Turismo 5, you can also expect to see select fan-favorites from past Gran Turismo titles.
While these modern recreations have been rebuilt from scratch to drastically improve their quality, they still maintain the allure of the original courses that fans know and love. Get ready to re-experience these tracks for the first time.

I hate to bring up the Premium & Standard issue, but I think it applies to tracks to. It is my belief that for it to be possible to get the track count up as high as it is, a lot of the GT4 tracks models will have to be carried over. Much like the cars, we are going to get premium tracks & standard tracks.

Premium Tracks - built from scratch for GT5 will all new textures, objects etc.,

Standard Tracks -tracks models created for GT4 & PSP carried over into GT5, they might have improved textures, objects & sky domes might be updated.

It seems PD is emphasizing tracks such as Trial Mountain, quote PD "rebuilt from scratch to drastically improve their quality"
discerning from this, a lot of the older tracks not seen yet, will not built from scratch & might only have slight improvements to them, just a wait and see. :)
Good find. From the japanese version I understand they speak about the most popular/famous courses from past games, so I think we will not see all the old ones.
They also define "Tracks" (in english characters) as "courses" (translated from japanese characters), so when PD od KY refer to "courses" I think they mean unique tracks.

This screenshoot is weird. It looks like the track is placed on a high edge above the city lights. Secondly, there is not even a city that big in this direction of the track. There is a small airport and behind that is a countryside before reaching the small town Arnage. The screenshot almost looks like Los Angeles seen from the Hollywood hills.


On the other hand, the horizon in this screenshot is really dark considering the city of Le Mans is in that direction.

Both pics show opposite sides from the starting grid.
All those ligths are from camping zone during the race. There is more than 200 000 spectators and much of campsites are close along and inside the track limits.

On the 2nd picture, there is few lights because it's, on the left, the airport field (the airport is closed at night) and next to there is a large sheds lot (all closed at night). The town of Le Mans is few miles away and not very visible with the track luminosity.

This is a pic at daylight

But, yes I agree, there's a certain lack of activity in the back of the grandstands.:)
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