GT5 Online Mode

  • Thread starter Neal
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I would like, as stated by others, team races, but with added capabilities such as endurance races that cross global timelines, 24hr competitions between teams, so I can sleep in my timezone, while my teammates can continue the race.

Perhaps spotter abilities and even simulated radar for advance pit warnings for adverse weather, and fuel strategies.

As with previous gt versions, the more realism the better.
I hope there will be options to create rooms only for people with a wheel, manual shifting, no tcs/asm...
and then, we will be able to say that gt online is a real online simulator game
I gotta say, those online race lobby screenshots from a few months ago (page 3) are probably the most promising bit of GT5 news I've seen. I know they'll nail the graphics and the physics, I'm hoping for the weather/time of day/damage as much as the next guy, but it's the online functionality that worried me the most particularly when going back to prologue after a few months in iRacing.

What I don't yet have a feel for is whether GT5 will allow you to organize private racing leagues in-game.

I've actually been toying with the idea of doing a community site for that purpose but it doesn't make much sense until we know what the game will offer. Looking at the translated feature list from back in TGS they mention online replay gallery and youtube upload, which indicates that there'd probably be good tools available for reliably reporting race results, which is probably the main thing you'd need if you had to build a community site.

Anybody know of any efforts underway to build a site like this? I know we've got some programmers around doing hotlap prologue sites and the Android phone app...
I gotta say, those online race lobby screenshots from a few months ago (page 3) are probably the most promising bit of GT5 news I've seen. I know they'll nail the graphics and the physics, I'm hoping for the weather/time of day/damage as much as the next guy, but it's the online functionality that worried me the most particularly when going back to prologue after a few months in iRacing.

What I don't yet have a feel for is whether GT5 will allow you to organize private racing leagues in-game.

I've actually been toying with the idea of doing a community site for that purpose but it doesn't make much sense until we know what the game will offer. Looking at the translated feature list from back in TGS they mention online replay gallery and youtube upload, which indicates that there'd probably be good tools available for reliably reporting race results, which is probably the main thing you'd need if you had to build a community site.

The photos are quite revealing and do show a lot of promise for the online side of the game. Unfortunately when GTPlanet members went to the GT Academy events in the UK the organisers had the positioned the PS3 host TV screen out of view so they couldn’t get a better look or any more photos, they read this forum so knew we would be looking for it ;)

The below extract from the CES Motortrend interview with Kazunori Yamauchi bodes well for the online part of the game and confirms that users will be able to set up car clubs and racing leagues which I assume will be in game.

MT: What are some of the features your most excited about releasing to the public?

KY: With GT5, we're striving to redefine the racing game that we started with GT1. The game as a whole is completely new. But online functionality has to be at the top. We've worked so hard on it and we're hoping it's a hit.

MT: Will users be able to set up car clubs and racing leagues?

KY: Yes, they will. But I'm sorry but I can't elaborate much at this point

I’m sure this forum will be one of best places to organise online racing so if you’re planning on setting up a community site it might be a good idea to start here, the Weekly Race Series is already up and running so I’m sure it will explode once GT5 is released.

I’m hoping GTPlanet will be able to have its own private car club with racing leagues and tournaments within it but we’ll have to wait and see.

Anybody know of any efforts underway to build a site like this? I know we've got some programmers around doing hotlap prologue sites and the Android phone app...

One feature I’m really hoping for is an online portal to the game with Android/iPhone apps. My gaming time is a lot less than what it used to be so being able to browse the GT and Online Modes as well as make purchases and tuning changes on a PC or phone and have it sync with my PS3 ready for racing when I get home would be awesome. I’m not sure if this has been discussed before but it’s been at the back of my mind for a while now and would be a pretty cool feature.
One feature I would love, is to have true race stewards, the organizer of the race(GTP race admins, of course ;)), which will receive compaints after the race and apply the appropriate penalties, like adding 20 seconds to the punter total race time. Of course, the game must have a fully functional flag system to aid the stewards and apply basic penalties for shortcutting, excessive speed at pitlane and things like that, but the idea of a human monitoring what's happening in the race, totally changes the way people drive. ;)
I wish PD would just do something crazy and release like a dedicated server file so that you could basically host your own private server just like FPS games do it on PC. Would eliminate all the possible lag problems and would greatly help racing leagues :P
Private server could be cool, but it's got that highly unlikely feel to it.

Ah yes I remember that quote from Kaz way back that you'd be able to do private clubs/leages, I hope that stands the test of time. I think I'll poke around a private site just in case we're missing that functionality in-game, but ideally it'd be built right in.
Private lobbies should be a must, where you get to choose all of the settings yourself. Also racing against AI whilst online could be a pretty good idea, that way if you don't have enough friends online to fill up a race, the AI drivers would fill in so that you still have a grid of 16 racers. Anything else is a bonus.
Private server could be cool, but it's got that highly unlikely feel to it.

Ah yes I remember that quote from Kaz way back that you'd be able to do private clubs/leages, I hope that stands the test of time. I think I'll poke around a private site just in case we're missing that functionality in-game, but ideally it'd be built right in.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed there will be private rooms and it's implemented well, I'm pretty sure we've got nothing to worry about but it's difficult when we've only had prologue as a taster. One of the main reasons private rooms are so desirable is to avoid races with morons who drive dirty and punt you off the track but it may not be an issue if they match players based on skill level and incident history.

Post back here with how you get on with the private site, it could be less than 6 months before we may need it ;)

Uh oh, the icon to the right of flag "none", could be toggle weather (looks like a sun) = means no dynamic weather :nervous: Or maybe you could choose between different weather conditions and dynamic weather.
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Uh oh, the icon to the right of flag "none", could be toggle weather (looks like a sun) = means no dynamic weather :nervous: Or maybe you could choose between different weather conditions and dynamic weather.

I think they went over this a million times.
Looks more like a car and impact icon, I was thinking it had something to do with damage settings.

The sun and 8C in the top right however... :)
Looks more like a car and impact icon, I was thinking it had something to do with damage settings.

The sun and 8C in the top right however... :)

That's what I edited out of my post. I didn't want the discussion to reopen.
KY: With GT5, we're striving to redefine the racing game that we started with GT1. The game as a whole is completely new. But online functionality has to be at the top. We've worked so hard on it and we're hoping it's a hit.

Perhaps Famine can elaborate or review the possible translation effects of this word as it was used by KY in the interview because it has been on my mind lately since these pictures were posted... Does PD host/maintain/support GT5p servers or does SOE (? or whoever)? It would seem to me (and I am far from a techie or IT sport) that the infrastructure and equipment to 'properly' support the gaming community and the magnitude of GT5 online players would be staggering.

Could the Japanese delay which was stated as production based, not be on PD's part (or on Sony proper), but rather on the construction and commissioning of the online infrastructure to create the 'GT5 Sphere' that will support the online portion of the game?

His use of the word "has to be" would indicate that it is not under his control???? (Or am I reading too much into the english translation):odd:
I think that the PP and the bottom of the screen is most likely Perfomance points as a nissan 370z would be around 500, so it seems they are back but in the regualtions they can be adjusted all the way up to 1000 and maybe more so that is great

I think everyone will agree when i say that the menus look really slick and polished just like what you expect to see in a F1 pit lane very very impresive with changeable views in the bottom right corner.
Very nice PD
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One feature I’m really hoping for is an online portal to the game with Android/iPhone apps. My gaming time is a lot less than what it used to be so being able to browse the GT and Online Modes as well as make purchases and tuning changes on a PC or phone and have it sync with my PS3 ready for racing when I get home would be awesome. I’m not sure if this has been discussed before but it’s been at the back of my mind for a while now and would be a pretty cool feature

Never thought about this but would be great and it would mean so many people would never do anything but play or edit stuff on GT5:)
I think that the PP and the bottom of the screen is most likely Performance points as a Nissan 370z would be around 500, so it seems they are back but in the regulations they can be adjusted all the way up to 1000 and maybe more so that is great

I think everyone will agree when I say that the menus look really slick and polished just like what you expect to see in a F1 pit lane very very impressive with changeable views in the bottom right corner.
Very nice PD

I think it’s definitely indicating performance points so it’s pretty much guaranteed they will be in the full game. 1000 PP is effectively unrestricted though so we should still be able to tune to hell out of our favourite cars and still have events they can enter :D

One feature I’m really hoping for is an online portal to the game with Android/iPhone apps. My gaming time is a lot less than what it used to be so being able to browse the GT and Online Modes as well as make purchases and tuning changes on a PC or phone and have it sync with my PS3 ready for racing when I get home would be awesome. I’m not sure if this has been discussed before but it’s been at the back of my mind for a while now and would be a pretty cool feature.

Never thought about this but would be great and it would mean so many people would never do anything but play or edit stuff on GT5 :)

I’m not sure how this would work with the offline game save but there’s no reason your online profile couldn’t be updated from a different PS3 therefore allowing the same from a PC or phone.

BTW you can click the “edit” button to add to an existing post rather than double posting if no one has posted in-between ;)
ok thanks a lot will do next time, would be good to be able to update online profile form different ps3 as long as the throphies don't get confused or locked if you play GT5 on anouther consol
Would be good to be able to update online profile form different ps3 as long as the trophies don't get confused or locked if you play GT5 on another consol

I’m pretty sure that your online profile for most games and all your trophies are just linked to your PSN login id rather than being saved on the HDD so there shouldn’t be a problem using different PS3’s. Also you should be able to copy your offline game save from the PS3 HDD to a USB stick and copy it onto other PS3’s, or other profiles on the same PS3, so it shouldn’t be a problem playing on different machines. The reason I say it shouldn’t be a problem is that some games (e.g. Killzone 2) don’t allow you to copy, or even back up, game saves but you could copy them with prologue so I’d assume it will be ok for GT5.
i know this but moving both a ps3 game save and still earning trophies is difficult as the game saves are related to certain ps3s so when you move the game save you have earn't all your stuff but sometimes (even when signed in on my own account) it comes up you have not earn't a trophie when you should have earnt one
I thought saves were linked to psn/user accounts not PS3s. I took a friends save from his user account from his ps3 and put it on my ps3 and used his user account and it worked. I think it might be game dependent too.
AFAIK PS3 gave saves are not linked to anything and can be copied to any PS3 or user account. There are many websites (e.g. where you can download PS3 gave saves for pretty much any game and then copy them to your PS3. Just be careful as some games only allow one game save per user (e.g. GT5P) so create a new user if you're not sure.
AFAIK PS3 gave saves are not linked to anything and can be copied to any PS3 or user account. There are many websites (e.g. where you can download PS3 gave saves for pretty much any game and then copy them to your PS3. Just be careful as some games only allow one game save per user (e.g. GT5P) so create a new user if you're not sure.

Some are, otherwise you wouldn't get messages saying "this save is from a different user account and trophies will be disabled". GT5P has no trophies as far as I'm aware so that never came up.
Some are, otherwise you wouldn't get messages saying "this save is from a different user account and trophies will be disabled". GT5P has no trophies as far as I'm aware so that never came up.

You learn something new everyday! 👍
I love that when I took my Bad Company 2 save data to friends house on a flash drive and when I progressed further it just comes up with "You did not earn a trophy" :lol:
Netcode netcode NETCODE! It has to be the top priority.

You guys can wish for private lobbies,etc all you want, but if the game has lousy netcode, then it will seriously detract from the overall racing experience. I do not want to see cars disappearing, flickering and zig-zagging all over the track like what I've read happens in GT5P.

iRacing is growing at an ENORMOUS pace and is rapidly becoming *the* premier racing game for online multiplayer, because its netcode is superb and racing each other is an almost LAN-like experience. I would take that over private lobbies any day.

But yes, as others have mentioned, things like live spectating with multiple camera views, and the ability to save online races and watch them offline would certainly be welcomed and I'm hoping we'll see those features in the game. But it's gotta about getting the netcode right so we can enjoy racing each other with as little lag as possible.
If you look at the iracing participant stats, the highest shown number of racers in a day is <15k for jan 15, 2010. That's a 100% increase from feb 2009. 8000 new racers in 11 months isn't that great.
While that doesn't show all the drivers, it does show the ones who participated. Also the US alone probably makes up 85% of all iracing members.

Hopefully in the E3 announcements about GT5 we&#8217;ll get more information about the online multiplayer mode and confirmation of private car clubs and racing leagues. I&#8217;m sure the vast majority of people will get stuck into career mode to begin with, myself included, but the online mode is where a lot of people will end up and will provide an endless amount of game play.

As we know from GT5P some races can be ruined by idiots ramming and driving dirty so hopefully PD will have addressed that in the penalty system but more importantly provide the ability for private races. Maybe we&#8217;ll be able to create a club within GT5 exclusively for GTPlanet members linked to our PSN id&#8217;s so you&#8217;ll be sure to get clean and competitive racing.
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