I got somewhat of an update with some rants, regarding the AI and the way the whole tyre scheme works.
The AI only seems to be programmed for a certain tyre type.
The AI will ram you non stop if you choose something like N2 tyres in arcade mode as soon as you brake on the first corner. (no different from any other GT at this point.)
Basicly, you change the tyre type, but the AI doesn't. And it doesn't adjust to your now slower cornering speed and earlier braking. (it's very frustrating, you can be running perfect laps, but the AI will just ram you and drive you off the track with out warning.)
I really wish PD made N2 the default tyre unless you chose otherwise, (or just put in a "stock" tyre option and rename N2 accordingly, cause N2's seem to be the closest to stock, but seem to lose grip a bit more than they should in some situations IMO) and programmed the AI for that as well.
I think sports & racing tyres should be available as an upgrade, not something you get when you buy the car by default. (if i remmember correctly, even though you do get the N2 tyres when you buy the car you actually have to equip them in past gt's) This would keep cars truly stock when you buy them, and the performance would be very close to what you'd expect if you actually ran it on a real track.
I really don't know how the sport tyres work in some cars, since the stock tyres a Ferrari has ARE sport tyres and of course N2 will still be the stock tyre for a Ferrari as oposed to a S1, S2 or S3.(or any other sports car in the game for that matter.)
Which really makes you wonder if sports tyres are realistic at all in a sports car that is still scaling in grip compared to their "N2" tyre when you choose something like "S1", etc.
It'd be really nice if they explained that in more detail. But what it looks like they do, is they take the N2 as something close the stock tyre, and just scale the grip up from there for N3, S1, S2, S3.(which would make tyre grip completley unrealistic in cars that their "N" setting is allready a sports tyre.)
They haven't adressed this in many years now, so i don't see hints on them starting now.
They really should take a hint from EPR here, and make the stock tyres the default ones. (of course it'd be nice if the whole tyre simulation was as good as that, but that's another can of worms that i don't wanna get into since the post isn't about this.)
Heck, it'd be really nice if PD just simulated a bunch of different brand tyres and type of these and sold them aftermarket parts, and just simulated each car with their stock tyre and sold it with that one equiped. They allready have the licences from the car companies, so why stop there?
Anyway, the reason i see this as being somewhat of an issue, is online races. I really doubt that the avarage Joe will chose anything less than R3 even for stock cars, (which for me kinda ruins the point of racing stock cars to begin with, but that's just me...)
I'm assuming PD will have options to restrict the tyre type, or at least i hope they do. And i hope the GT community is varied enough that people like me that preffer true stock tyres race over what i think is in some cases irrealistic "sports" tyres, don't have any trouble finding people that will play with N2 tyres for a realistic stock car race.
Also worth mentioning that even in modified cars such as the Amuse S2000 for example, the N2 tyre seems to be the tyre you'd get if you bought the car in real life, even though the car is obviously using a performance tyre, the N2 tyre is the one that yields the realistic lap times.
Anyway, it's just some observations and some food for thought.