GT5 public demo locations index.

  • Thread starter paskowitz
That's bloody typical! About a thousand locations/demos across America yet there's nothing for the rest of the world. Favored much!?
Maybe it would be beneficial to readers to also have the Target Stores that have the demo? Anyway I think if you put the date next to it, confirmed stores that DO NOT have the demo would be equally beneficial to forum readers.

If you do want to make a Target list as well as a confirmed "does not have" list with dates:

BestBuy -- does not have it as of Sept 9th

950 County Road 64, Elmira - (607) 739-9471

Target -- does not have it yet as of Sept. 9th

930 County Road 64Elmira, NY 14903-9704(607) 796-5910,+NY+14903&cid=7912646726910505140

This town (my hometown) is about 2.5 hours away from Buffalo NY, where I used to live for 10 years, if anyone from around here wants to go to Buffalo BestBuy to play. The guy in the Elmira NY BestBuy told me a lot of people had come in the store asking about the GT5 demo and they mentioned they heard about it online. So I know at least there's a bunch of GT5 fans nearby.

As soon as these stores have the demo, if they ever do- I'll update this thread.
Best Buy - Pittsburgh Mills Mall

1015 Village Center Dr
Tarentum, PA 15084

Google Maps

No proof at the moment.

I'd also like to make a suggestion - perhaps it would be easier if the stores were sorted by state.
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Nothing in Miami nor Miami Beach yet :( ill let u know as soon as I see it !

Also. Suggestion. Organize it by State.

Thanks again for this great idea !
Nothing in Miami nor Miami Beach yet :( ill let u know as soon as I see it !

Also. Suggestion. Organize it by State.

Thanks again for this great idea !

I bold-ed that states so that they jump off the page and you can just skim and look for your state. Once there are more submissions I'll make categories for each state.
thx man for the list of states. still nothing at my best buy. i dont usually enjoy playing these demos as much as playing them in my own home so i sure do hope a demo comes out soon damn it. lol :D
913 Hartford Tpke
Waterford, CT 06385 (USA)

I really wish I could show proof, but I'll give you the phone number to them if you really want verification. 860-701-0300
I live right on southside blvd in jacksonville, i'll be checking that best buy soon.

If its not there i'll also check the one at the saint johns town center.

The Best Buy on Southside Blvd by the Avenues Mall has one up and running, frustratingly the game controller appeared to be broken. Played with it for about 20 minutes.

As much as I could gain from it, the physics was in line with the Time Trial Demo.
Got another confirmation. They have it at the Target off of 141 in John's Creek, Georgia.

2625 Peachtree Pkwy
Suwanee, GA 30024

I took this video with my phone of the startup of the demo. Sorry for the sleeveless shirt, I was working in the yard earlier and wasn't planning on going to the store.

My impressions of the demo are that it's a VERY early build. Lots of inconsistencies and glitches, and the damage seemed to be backwards where there was almost no damage in high-speed hits and more damage from smaller impacts. I tried a lot of cars on a lot of tracks, and noticed a few interesting things.

1. The handling is very different from anything I've experienced in a GT game. The cars seem to react slowly to inputs, which makes it very difficult to drive precisely with a controller. It will likely feel much better with a wheel. I'm expecting a few small changes to the physics, but not too many as they seem fairly sorted out.

2. Some cars show a lot more damage than others, especially the AI cars. I messed around with the JGT cars on Indy and some of the car models got torn up pretty good, while some I couldn't put a scratch on. Again, I'm sure this is because it's an early build.

3. The shadows looked very strange, the shading was pretty poor with horrible gradients in the shadows.

4. I believe I experienced mechanical damage with the Citroen rally car. I smashed it up pretty good, and by the time I was done with it it no longer had the power to top out 3rd gear, where previously I was getting to the top of 4th pretty easily.

Overall I came away pretty happy with the way the game behaved, as the physics were much improved compared to GT5:P, especially the tire physics as S tires had much more grip before they broke away.
I would say very unlikely. Even though they have demo builds, it has to get review and approved by Sony. It has to be under 2gb. Double checked to make sure there are no bugs. And on and on... We will probably get a demo after release.

NOT TRUE! the god of war 3 demo is nearly 3gb, so you're wrong, demos are not limited to 2gb bro. they made the gow ghost of SPAAAARRRTTTAAAAA!!!! demo exclusive to PSN plus. I find that to be rediculous. it's a PSP game & less 200mb. no one's going to pay $20 for that. however if they released this BB/ Target demo in full as an exclusive demo, I would understand because after all, it's nearly as big as that other demo (prologue) that we paid $30 for lol they would instantly gain thousands of new PSN plus members
I understand your point here... but the issue is not there...
The issue, and what i was trying to say, is that with a smaller screen (lower quality), you have lower resolution and less definitions.

With a bigger screen, no matter where you stand, close or far, it would still look good...

With a smaller screen, closer usually does not do it/you a favor... you would have to stand back 4 or 5 feet out just to have a (false) sense of quality.

See above... I am glad you added the last part in parentheses. 👍.. because that is a huge difference... The in-store screen, compared to what i have at home, is/would be like night and day... I compared the graphics in that specific sense.

In regards to TV, generally bigger is better.

WOW, you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. 1080p on a 20" is just as detailed as 1080p on a 60" TV. I don't how you came to conclusion that larger TV's have "more definitions" &smaller TV's are less detailed but you are way off. You're making things up. If anything, smaller TV's are more detailed because they squeeze 1080 lines of color into a smaller space. Larger TV's are better because of field of view, but they're just as detailed.
For anybody in the Boston/New Hampshire area.

This Target has it
101 Commerce Way, Woburn, Ma, 01801
(At the intersection of I95 and I93 North of Boston)

and This Best Buy has it (although the controller was broken when I tried it today :( )
290 S Broadway, Salem, NH, 03079
(off exit 1 I93)

sweet. I go to school near Woburn
I just came back from my local best buy i saw the demo in the XMB but some idiot was playing MLB 10 for 2 hours!!!!!
I was going to rip that controller from his hand but then I left..
Theres one In the MALL OF AMERICA in Bloomington in Minnesota, just got back from playing it. Its really fun especially when i crashed my car in nascar really hard it went through the ground at 999 miles per hour!!!
The Best Buy on Southside Blvd by the Avenues Mall has one up and running, frustratingly the game controller appeared to be broken. Played with it for about 20 minutes.

As much as I could gain from it, the physics was in line with the Time Trial Demo.

broken controller... bleh, oh well, cant expect too much from the Avenues. Hopefully the one in Town Center gets it soon.
Las Vegas Nevada

gamestop at the galleria mall
gamestop at rainbow / 215 has it.

Pretty soon I think every major retailer will have it.

My only complaint is that the brakes in rally are useless for the most part.
It turns out the GT5 demo's are at GameStop aswell.

i played it today in jacksonville, Florida on atlantic by walmart and kohl's

it was indeed awesome but i haven't played a racing with X and 'square' in years...

i'm also annoyed the game would not let you finish a damn race....always fading out after the 1st lap or even before in some cases.

it seemed to me that some of the texture resolutions were a bit low, mainly for rome (Hideous place that has statues).

japan looked beautiful though, but some other places seems a wee bit lower quality than in recent screen caps.

Theres no way to test high beams, i think i need them for toscana. And i had a hard time driving toscana, i think using square the brakes could be locking for the difficulty of managing pressure? i really wanted to use the triggers...
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Yes I registered just to post a new location. Seems as though Fry's Electronics has them all over their stores.

Fry's Electronics
2311 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 526-8100

No pics since all the cameras in my house suck or just doesn't work.

I was expecting a little more from the demo. I hate how they have that 2 minute timer like at E3. Only about 5 tracks and 10 cars to choose from. However, I was impressed by how far this game has come since Prologue. Damage is impressive and car handling feels so much more realistic. Maybe I'll get pics another time if someone else can't confirm it.
Roseville, CA 95678

just installed today, spoke with the rep. He is going to be installing more in the area next week, including target and bestbuy.