Got another confirmation. They have it at the Target off of 141 in John's Creek, Georgia.
2625 Peachtree Pkwy
Suwanee, GA 30024
I took this video with my phone of the startup of the demo. Sorry for the sleeveless shirt, I was working in the yard earlier and wasn't planning on going to the store.
My impressions of the demo are that it's a VERY early build. Lots of inconsistencies and glitches, and the damage seemed to be backwards where there was almost no damage in high-speed hits and more damage from smaller impacts. I tried a lot of cars on a lot of tracks, and noticed a few interesting things.
1. The handling is very different from anything I've experienced in a GT game. The cars seem to react slowly to inputs, which makes it very difficult to drive precisely with a controller. It will likely feel much better with a wheel. I'm expecting a few small changes to the physics, but not too many as they seem fairly sorted out.
2. Some cars show a lot more damage than others, especially the AI cars. I messed around with the JGT cars on Indy and some of the car models got torn up pretty good, while some I couldn't put a scratch on. Again, I'm sure this is because it's an early build.
3. The shadows looked very strange, the shading was pretty poor with horrible gradients in the shadows.
4. I believe I experienced mechanical damage with the Citroen rally car. I smashed it up pretty good, and by the time I was done with it it no longer had the power to top out 3rd gear, where previously I was getting to the top of 4th pretty easily.
Overall I came away pretty happy with the way the game behaved, as the physics were much improved compared to GT5

, especially the tire physics as S tires had much more grip before they broke away.