Gt500 t/p 1 last hurrah at suzuka! 3/1/2013 happy new year!

  • Thread starter TDZdave

If there is enough interest for yet another race, Which Track?

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  • Poll closed .
its what would be turn 5 that I'm worried about, 16 cars getting a flat out run through Eau Rouge and down the straight, most people from 8th back will be topped out and brake at their usual point, causing chaos,

There is plenty, but the new update has made astro turf''s almost undriveable, I'm worried that someone will touch it and spin,

If you go single file for the start, with the start being at the final corner, the chicane, the field is twice as long as double file. If you don't allow passing in the first corner it'll spread out a bit more heading down into Eau Rouge as people adjust to each other's braking points in the first corner. You will have some bunching up in corner 5 it's unavoidable, but not nearly as much if you allow the field to bunch up completely in the first corner and use a double wide start. Also, by the time you hit turn 5, nerves will be calmed down and likely you'll only have to deal with the guy behind you, if that.

It's a bit of a comprimise but a clean start would be paramount to me in a race this long, no matter where I started in the field. Any passes made in the first lap aren't going to affect the outcome of a race of this length anyway. It's consistency combined with pace, keeping your nose clean, managing tire wear and pit stop strategy that lead to better finishes in these races, not who passes who in the first lap.
yeah I'm atcually thinking perhaps a single file start at the sign that's just past Eau rouge, thus making turn 5 turn 1, and not allowing over takes at said turn 1 will quell any bone head mistakes, plus we wouldn't need to do a full warm up lap to get the race going,
yeah I'm atcually thinking perhaps a single file start at the sign that's just past Eau rouge, thus making turn 5 turn 1, and not allowing over takes at said turn 1 will quell any bone head mistakes, plus we wouldn't need to do a full warm up lap to get the race going,

That's a good idea but still people need to hold back at the first turn, where ever it is. Im in a league where they don't allow passing in the first turn and it works well
yeah, I'm thinking if people cant jump on the throttle until their car is in the shadow of the bridge it should space the cars out alot,
yeah, I'm thinking if people cant jump on the throttle until their car is in the shadow of the bridge it should space the cars out alot,

That would be good. I don't know exactly where the sign is but the draft won't bunch everyone up still?
I wouldn't think so, if it goes like a WRC style rolling start it should separate the field enough to make it fair for everyone to maintain distance yet allowing the space to be close enough as to not be a disadvantage,
yeah stretch, you need to check the OP and find a different car mate, NISSAN is full, sorry mate,
Ahh I thought if it didn't say locked out then you can use it.

Well, all the competitive cars are gone so I guess I will just have to use the YMS Supra
ok cool mate,

last race we had a full team for just the Weider HSV, the reason I listed it was because I stated that there are enough car's on the premium list to fill 4 car's per manufacturer, which stop's it form becoming a GTR Vs HSV battle, for me that's just boring and loses the variety, also I wouldn't be to worried with the Supra, Sakery finished 3rd and I finished 5th or 6th in the Castrol Supra this week at Motegi,

but no one was going to catch Litchi or Michmich, they were the class of the field,
I will take your word for it as I've not tested the new tyre physics and all the other stuff in the patch.

Also, it says in the op that people are changing cars every race, is this still the case?

The Supra is a straight line car so I guess I will be ok at Spa!
the Supra top's out at 306KPH, the NSX's can draft up and pass, they top out around 330KPH I don't know about the Lexus or GTR's, but the Supra is great through long high speed corner's and very pointy and has fantastic acceleration, they all have their pro's and con's,

yeah, but people don't seem to like it, so that decision will most likely change after Spa, if there is another event,
Proposal for the start:
Pace speed up until first intermediate then no overtake on the first les combes turn. What do you think?
That would be good. I don't know exactly where the sign is but the draft won't bunch everyone up still?

If you start the race just before EauRouge and don't allow passing for several corners yes the field will likely be nose to tail for quite a while. Everyone will be able to benefit from the draft to get close to the person in front but won't be allowed to pass.

I've only done this in a couple of series but we had the best results starting races at a very tight chicane or hairpin. Starting single file spreads the field out by several seconds at 80 km/h. Just one car length between cars at that speed means a minimum of 4 seconds from front to back. At Spa if you have the tight last corner as your start, no passing on the front straight then another tight 1st corner, I think you can just let everyone go from there. Unless the guy in front makes a mistake, you won't pass going into Eau Rouge and after that the field will be at least 5-6 seconds front to back unless everyone has a perfect mistake free launch from the chicane and through the first corner on cold tires which never
I think we should go with JP's idea, but at Les combes, that way we aren't doing a full lap warm up on this huge track,

so the the race start's when the leader enter's Les Combes as gippone said, no overtaking until you get out of the Les Combes complex, sound good?
so the the race start's when the leader enter's Les Combes as gippone said, no overtaking until you get out of the Les Combes complex, sound good?

That should be good, but until Les Combes we will mantain pace speed in one row formation, right?

Also this race is confirmed on Nov 27th? Because in the opening thread is still Nov 20th... :nervous:
Is there still a slot available for Spa's race? If so, I'll take the remaining Lexus.

P ENEOS, Yeratel84/ Yeratel84
That should be good, but until Les Combes we will mantain pace speed in one row formation, right?

Also this race is confirmed on Nov 27th? Because in the opening thread is still Nov 20th... :nervous:

yes and whoops, thought I changed that, fixing it now,

Is there still a slot available for Spa's race? If so, I'll take the remaining Lexus.

P ENEOS, Yeratel84/ Yeratel84

good to have you,
Anyone online now

Do I have to put a S3 in the car to get 504 BHP? Also can we use ridgidity or is it against tuning rules?
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Ok so all I need to do is break in the car and hope that it's a good race! I really could do with some good GT500 content for youtube so I hope it's clean and fast!
Ok so all I need to do is break in the car and hope that it's a good race! I really could do with some good GT500 content for youtube so I hope it's clean and fast!

Yeah, our idea to start Spa race after Les Combes is aimed to avoid collisions 👍

Saw your videos! I like the commentary :)
Well, talking about weather conditions.... :scared: I suppose that we will keep the Le Mans settings?

Weather at Race Start: 25%
Weather Changeability: 7
Surface Water at Race Start: 0%
change to 10 mate, last time it took way to long for it to come around,