Gt500 t/p 1 last hurrah at suzuka! 3/1/2013 happy new year!

  • Thread starter TDZdave

If there is enough interest for yet another race, Which Track?

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  • Poll closed .
Sorry guys, but I'll have to withdraw from this race.
Something came up and I'm not able to work my way around that..
:( :( :(

Practice Room open: 1472 6118 3787 3246 9078

What about the tyre/fuel Depletion? Normal, Fast or Very Fast?

EDIT: Hit a 48.858 after 5-6 practice laps. Think i can down to the low 48 with more practice but i don't have the time.

See you tonight on the track.

Room closed.
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reset your stuff, modem, ps3 and re sign in, if that doesn't work then it wont work tonight, stupid update 2.08
Car seems squirrely again! Weird, last night it was hooked up. Now it's loose loose loose all over. Funny how that works as you can't even tune the cars!
:lol: I've noticed that for ages with online physic's, you can test at different times and everything will be sweet, then its like there's oil on the track for an hour,

1472 6118 4259 7711 2615

room open gent's,
Not made a single change since Le Mans other than Oil... and can;t enter track. Even by lowering hp. 🤬
Sorry guys. I have been poorly for two days and I am just too tired and unable to concentrate, I would have just caused a ton of crashes for myself and others if I continued. :(
Sorry guys. I have been poorly for two days and I am just too tired and unable to concentrate, I would have just caused a ton of crashes for myself and others if I continued. :(

Firstly, get well soon and I accept your apology :D . But make sure that you get loads of rest before an event, especially when it's as big/long as this one.

Great racing guys, wish I could have been further up in the results, but I guess I didn't start getting fast laptimes until the very last stint. I got 1:49.999 as my best laptime during the race. Oh and cam_from_nj, good racing today buddy, but try causing fewer accidents. I saw you spin out the guy in the Blue Epson a few times I think and you almost spun me too. But to any stewards reading this, don't worry. I don't think any action is necessary.
My best was a 1:48.9xx. I donno what happened on the first lap, there was a traffic jam at Turn 1. Then turn 4 I tried to go to the outside edge to avoid slower guys coming out of that turn, and ended up spinning. I went 20 seconds down. I was able to work my way back up through the field and pit from 4th or 5th though. But I should have done a 3 stopper. Too much fuel to take all at once and then tires go away around your 18th lap of the stint.
got disconnected on lap 45 after spending all of the race in the top 5, made my first mistake at the end of lap 44 and may of got a podium out of it
Oh and cam_from_nj, good racing today buddy, but try causing fewer accidents. I saw you spin out the guy in the Blue Epson a few times I think and you almost spun me too. But to any stewards reading this, don't worry. I don't think any action is necessary.

Yea thats all that dude does. And then he will deny it and blame it on everyone else, watch.
very impressive guy's all round a good effort from all involved, I can't believe my start, started 3rd row inside, got picked the start perfectly and took the lead out of turn 1, the amazing part was chris followed me, I was really worried about the double file start, I haven't seen the replay but I believe all went well through turn 1 and 2,

hope you get better furi, fatigue killed me me after lap 40, lost around a minute with mistakes made, particularly the last corner, I could have hung with sakery but giving him room I ran onto the astro turf which has no grip at all,

as for results I will post the top 3 on the OP in the next 24 hours, I think it was GTP_michmich, Seth then Sakery,

also guys, I'm thinking of shortening the Spa event to between 200-250KM, 300KM at 2hrs was far to long, fatigue really got to me, what are your thought's?
the le mans race was ok for length, go for 250KM for spa with around 2:30 laps it should end around 1 and half hours. track length of 7km which will be 36 laps
thanks mate, it will be 35+1, hopefully everyone can get sorted out and we can start at the GT start line,

The race started really bad from my point of view. I confess me and MichMich are really used to endurance races and there's no need to push so hard and be so agressive in the first corners. Race is long, take it easy guys.

So Mich and me given the room for the hurry guys and we decided to follow patiently. Then we decided to overtake the leaders one by one conscientiously. We were now 1st and 2nd, so just need for us to test our different pit strategies. I hit my PB in my first stint which was a 1:48.5 iirc, and i decided to be safe on tires and not pushing hard for my other stints. I was on a 2 stopper in the GTR, he was on 4 in the NSX. I pitted end of lap 21 and added 17 liters, then end of lap 42 and added 75 liters (which was too much imo). I lost a monstrous time in my second pit. At this time, i knew i will stuck in the 2nd place. Unfortunately, i got disconnected lap 46 or something like that.

I think the best way for the GTR to win was a 3 stopper... I failed. Anyway, we are racers, not race directors who tell informations to the racer ahah.

I noticed that some guys couldn't see each other during the race, mics were enabled and visible damages were set to ON. These parameters are really important if we want to minimize the disconnections etc...
So for the next event i advice to the host to open the room with mics disabled and visible damages off. That helps a lot. Anyway, mics are not useful huh. Are you guys here for racing or chatting? ;)

EDIT: For the next event i hesitate between testing the Takata or keep a GTR (Xanavi this time). I hesitate with the Takata cuz i'm a DS3 drivers and i know NSX's are really tough to drive for me. But that could be a good challenge. I need to test it before. I'll tell my final choice asap.
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I know I can't wait to get home and check gippone's pit strategy. I was on the 3 stopper and I think he did a 4 stopper and drove right around me for 4th pl. TDZ 250km is a really good distance. That's just about the distance when people start getting tired. When you 1st set thi race up I was thinking I wish it was 250km, but after the complex pitting strategy because of fuel made me enjoy the 300km race. So 250km or 300km count me in. My only gripe is if we could start at least an hour earlier because I can't keep lying to my boss every 2 weeks, he's soon to catch on. If not ill just catch every other 1 then.
If we start an hour earlier, that'd work for me too. I changed my strategy up because I got pushed wide coming out of turn 4 and spun. I was going to go for 3 stops. But since I fell back so far with the spin ruining my tires. I tried to catch pace with the leaders, it wasn't to be with traffic. You guys put up some good racing and didn't let me by easy. Even though I was faster. I liked that. I don't want to fly past people, a challenge is always a good thing. I wasn't sure of the fuel economy, so I learned as the race went on. Definitely in retrospect, 3 stops was the way to go. Taking so much fuel on board for the final stint was a killer. You go slow because you weigh so much, and the tires wear more because of that weight. I took 18 liters in my first stop, and something like 65 in my second. Way too much fuel and way too much time in the pits.
Great race yesterday!! Not bad for me was my first time in Motegi ever so I'm pretty happy with my performance and strategy. At the end we had a very good battle with Sakery 👍 I was faster but he was very tough to pass and I had to renounce after loosing control of my car :)

Anyway driving the Lexus here was quite like having a F1 car without DRS, I was never able to catch someone ahead using drafts :ouch:

Hope that the Supra for SPA is a good choice 👍