GT6 Customizability

  • Thread starter MrSwagg
(Please forgive me for not reading the whole thread).

If GT6 had the option to do engine swaps for a car of the same engine, it would mean we would have Lotus Elises with X2010 engines.
Restrictions. Always restrictions.

It can't lead by standing still. If it doesn't add features, it's not going anywhere, and getting left behind by franchises with more life in them. GT games still sell well on account of their loyal and large fanbase, but the series is creeping down the road to irrelevance, and if the other guys (namely Forza) keep improving in every way while GT just stands still, another handful of years down the road the series just won't matter any longer. As it stands, the franchises isn't leading anything anywhere. Nobody points to GT5 and says, "Look at these neat things it did. I'd like to see that in this other game."
I. AM. Speechless.
Detachable parts on impact with a wall or another car. Nothing like high flying into a wall at 170mph and driving off with no damage.

The damage model from RACE 07 is brilliant. Please implement it.

You shouldn't be able to even drive it after that. I'd like engine and car fires too.

Being able to install exhaust were you want it would be nice. Like sidepipes (Cobra /Corvette like) or out the front hood etc
I. AM. Speechless.
IceMan makes a valid point. Fans (and probably developers as well) of other racers don't look at GT5 and say "look at those crippled customisation options! We need those!" or "look at paint chips! We need that feature!" I can't think of one area of customisation in GT that other games could take from, or indeed would want to take from.

Unless there are fans of other racing games mad enough to want a paint chip feature. lol
IceMan makes a valid point. Fans (and probably developers as well) of other racers don't look at GT5 and say "look at those crippled customisation options! We need those!" or "look at paint chips! We need that feature!" I can't think of one area of customisation in GT that other games could take from, or indeed would want to take from.

Unless there are fans of other racing games mad enough to want a paint chip feature. lol

You and ice man are talking about something different. He is talking about a whole while you are talking about customizations which this thread is about. So no he has no point GT5 does some amazing things that no other games can deliver. On the customization part yes gt series needs to step it up and I think they will.
You and ice man are talking about something different. He is talking about a whole while you are talking about customizations which this thread is about. So no he has no point GT5 does some amazing things that no other games can deliver. On the customization part yes gt series needs to step it up and I think they will.

I'm curious how he doesn't have a point? He answered against someone else (namely on your side) that had to do with this thread but rather generalized it. He does have a point, you wanting or not wanting to agree with that is a subjective matter which you are fully entitled to.

Also what amazing things does it do that no other game does? I mean GT Academy is the only thing that comes to mind, but even iracing has similar sponsored series by V8 Supercars and Nascar along with others. Other than that what else is there? I'm curious because I may be forgetting. As far as customization goes, those opposing it have yet to give a logical argument as to why PD shouldn't. I see in no way shape or form how a GT game having such a feature detracts from its realism.
LMS stop kidding yourself if your going sit here and tell me GT5 doesn't do things where other games cant learn from/better or where other owners who just have Xbox say damn I wish FM4 had this like GT5 then your lying to yourself. Just as I would say the same thing for FM4 it has things besides the customization part GT5 can learn from. We were talking about customization while Ice man was talking about the whole and ranting about nothing.

It can't lead by standing still. If it doesn't add features, it's not going anywhere, and getting left behind by franchises with more life in them. GT games still sell well on account of their loyal and large fanbase, but the series is creeping down the road to irrelevance, and if the other guys (namely Forza) keep improving in every way while GT just stands still, another handful of years down the road the series just won't matter any longer. As it stands, the franchises isn't leading anything anywhere. Nobody points to GT5 and says, "Look at these neat things it did. I'd like to see that in this other game."

From the bold on to me is non sense and I don't agree one bit in my respectful opinion. This is just how he feel and he throwing it out as a fact so like I said I don't agree with anything this guy is saying. Yes GT5 is lacking in the customization part, But as a whole GT5 is a great game and the future is looking bright in my opinion.
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LMS stop kidding yourself if your going sit here and tell me GT5 doesn't do things where other games cant learn from/better or where other owners who just have Xbox say damn I wish FM4 had this like GT5 then your lying to yourself. Just as I would say the same thing for FM4 it has things besides the customization part GT5 can learn from. We were talking about customization while Ice man was talking about the whole and ranting about nothing.

So in other words you don’t know or can’t tell me what areas that are pioneers/innovators at currently in this modern age? Yet because my fanaticism doesn't meet yours with this game (I have other priorities like Sim racing as a whole) I'm lying to myself, wow that's elaborate!

That's your argument by telling me I'm lying to myself? Um, sure guy. I've been playing the series since game one yet you tell me like I don't know. Why not string together a better argument and actually back up what you’re talking about instead of back stepping. Just seems like ignorance being passed around by you for an answer. He wasn't ranting about anything he has talked about the topic at hand and was making an argument against another user, what bit of that concept do you not quite understand? Other user was generalizing and saying GT shouldn't be a follower in general and Iceman made his comment. So, maybe if you did some sleuthing instead of banter you might be more knowledgeable just a rational guess.

I'm glad you do see the lackluster attempt at customization PD has implemented thus far for GT, and want improvement.
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From the bold on to me is non sense and I don't agree one bit in my respectful opinion. This is just how he feel and he throwing it out as a fact so like I said I don't agree with anything this guy is saying. Yes GT5 is lacking in the customization part, But as a whole GT5 is a great game and the future is looking bright in my opinion.
Yeah, it's nonsense because it makes perfect sense to barely listen to your fanbase and not try to improve on anything in a major way. :rolleyes:

IceMan and LMSCorvette have solid points. The series is creeping down the road to irrelevance, and if PD doesn't step their game up and actually compete against T10 I can see Sony pulling the plug on them. Oh, and what an absolutely glorious day that will be for other game devs. Not like PD is a big threat to them, though. They've proven that over the last few months.
I am glad GT5 has suffered so much criticism. It will either spark PD to begin to listen to our ideas, or GT will simply fade into the darkness.

Got to keep the pressure on PD and Kaz. I want to see them succeed, but I could easily see a large fan base buying a different to play a different game.
I highly doubt gt will lose its fan base. Most fans were fans from day 1. There is still something about gt that no one will let go, the driving. There are many different driving games but none of which can come close. PD doesn't need to step anything up, if someone isn't happy, they can go play something else. People need to stop complaining and start driving!
I highly doubt gt will lose its fan base. Most fans were fans from day 1. There is still something about gt that no one will let go, the driving. There are many different driving games but none of which can come close. PD doesn't need to step anything up, if someone isn't happy, they can go play something else. People need to stop complaining and start driving!

Once again, not everyone shares that consensus obviously, and realistically it's not that black and white. If you enjoy it to that extent, that's great and good on you, but others want more and know that PD can do the job. I would agree many don't come close to GT but rather go above and beyond it, yet that is quite subjective. What seems to get people is the fact that they have been loyal from day one, and have gone through all the trails of each game up to now. They supported it and now after almost two decades it's wrong of them to wish for more? So once again just because we're no longer fanatical about the series like others seem to be we're in the wrong. What gets me is users like you generalize and make it seem that everyone should share the same opinion and just follow the stick that PD puts out. Hey if you want to play fetch by all means do so, but I rather ask for a little more bang for my buck.

We see all other games offer some extent of customization on levels that GT has yet to show, so what is wrong of us wanting that from PD. To be blind and say they don't need to do that to keep newer fans and some amount of older fans is fine, but probably not all that true.

If you mean driving as in driving physics, then no.

No you don't agree or no, no other games come close? Sorry I just wanted to ask.
Once again, not everyone shares that consensus obviously, and realistically it's not that black and white. If you enjoy it to that extent, that's great and good on you, but others want more and know that PD can do the job. I would agree many don't come close to GT but rather go above and beyond it, yet that is quite subjective. What seems to get people is the fact that they have been loyal from day one, and have gone through all the trails of each game up to now. They supported it and now after almost two decades it's wrong of them to wish for more? So once again just because we're no longer fanatical about the series like others seem to be we're in the wrong. What gets me is users like you generalize and make it seem that everyone should share the same opinion and just follow the stick that PD puts out. Hey if you want to play fetch by all means do so, but I rather ask for a little more bang for my buck.

We see all other games offer some extent of customization on levels that GT has yet to show, so what is wrong of us wanting that from PD. To be blind and say they don't need to do that to keep newer fans and some amount of older fans is fine, but probably not all that true.

I'm not saying everyone should share my opinion, I just stated mine. What gets ME is that everyone wants everything, there's no pleasing anybody. You give them something, they want more. You get 5 DLC cars, you want 10. PD doesnt need to impress anyone, look at this site, there's new players everyday!

You asked if I wanted to "just follow the stick that PD puts out" and if I "want to play fetch", i found that a little insulting! Buddy, you've need doing it for almost 2 decades too, what changed?

You said that many games offer customization. How many of those games are actually worth driving in? Customization in most games (not all) is fluff to make up for things they lack in. So basically people want PD to lose focus on being a "Real Driving Simulator" and focus more on customization? Would more customization be nice, sure, do we need it, no. I'd rather a solid game than fluff.
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I'm not saying everyone should share my opinion, I just stated mine. What gets ME is that everyone wants everything, there's no pleasing anybody. You give them something, they want more. You get 5 DLC cars, you want 10. PD doesnt need to impress anyone, look at this site, there's new players everyday!

You asked if I wanted to "just follow the stick that PD puts out" and if I "want to play fetch", i found that a little insulting! Buddy, you've need doing it for almost 2 decades too, what changed?

I'm quite blunt if you find offense to that, I apologize but I find it more insulting that your argument is one of PD not being up to task for what we ask. It is far different than going out and wanting a wish list of cars, an integral feature isn't the same. The same people saying customization on a realistic scale isn't needed are the same that didn't want time shift, weather and damage. Yet now those same fans stand by those features as if they wanted them all along. I wonder will they do that when the next games adds more customization like a livery editor? History suggests that yes they will.
You're ending makes no sense...sorry it just seems like you typed it up quite fast and didn't read it back.

You said that many games offer customization. How many of those games are actually worth driving in? Customization in most games (not all) is fluff to make up for things they lack in. So basically people want PD to lose focus on being a "Real Driving Simulator" and focus more on customization? Would more customization be nice, sure, do we need it, no. I'd rather a solid game than fluff.

As far as games that have drivability and customization there are plenty, I'm going to take a guess and say you don't venture out past the old ps3 much. Such games that feature both are FM series, iracing, pcars, rfactor, grid and a few others. There is plenty of evidence on this site to show what degree of customization they offer. To suggest it is just fluff is once again a vast generalization to detract and save face for GT which is perplexing since you guys claim it is doing fine but imply that it doesn’t need any saving because the numbers suggest otherwise. Sad part is figures can be one sided when certain questions are asked.

Wow when will you people give that "real driving simulator" tag line a rest? You know that if you flip the case over the synopsis of the game talks about how it is the most real racing experience out there. Not sure why people stop at the front cover and act as if PD only intended for the game to be a so called driving simulator. Furthermore, you make PD sound quite incompetent by saying that if they don't focus on one the other feature will be awful and lackluster. People wanting more seems to show more belief in PD and fully trusting that they capable of implementing multiple feature that enhance a realistic driving/racing simulator. You're idea that you must give up one for the other is a daft claim, and makes PD seem like quite the primitive game maker circa 1990s. It also shows your bias and makes every other dev seem like crap because they offer more to their games driving simulator while GT stick with driving which also can be argued about how much or how little realistic it is. Yet the last part isn’t on topic for this thread.
I'm quite blunt if you find offense to that, I apologize but I find it more insulting that your argument is one of PD not being up to task for what we ask. It is far different than going out and wanting a wish list of cars, an integral feature isn't the same.

I'm a big boy, I can handle it lol. Back to business...
Its not that PD isn't up to task for what people ask for, its the fact that every game developer has their own vision on how the want their game carried out. We as the end user have little to no say in what happens, we can only hope and dream. Sure, sometimes devs look to the forums to see where they can improve BUT this is usually for bug fixes and things of that nature. Only struggling titles will look to the boards and find every single possible way to revive a soon to be dead game. This is not the case, in my opinon, for GT.

The same people saying customization on a realistic scale isn't needed are the same that didn't want time shift, weather and damage. Yet now those same fans stand by those features as if they wanted them all along. I wonder will they do that when the next games adds more customization like a livery editor? History suggests that yes they will.

Point taken but I surely wasn't on the vote for NO (time shift, weather, and damage). To each his/her own.

As far as games that have drivability and customization there are plenty, I'm going to take a guess and say you don't venture out past the old ps3 much. Such games that feature both are FM series, iracing, pcars, rfactor, grid and a few others. There is plenty of evidence on this site to show what degree of customization they offer. To suggest it is just fluff is once again a vast generalization to detract and save face for GT which is perplexing since you guys claim it is doing fine but imply that it doesn’t need any saving because the numbers suggest otherwise. Sad part is figures can be one sided when certain questions are asked.

Its hardly fair to compare a PC game to console. PC will win every time! PC hardware can be superior to that of a console making it easier for devs to really beef the games up without limitation (as consoles are fixed hardware). I only play console games, I don't own a gaming computer, that's for work only. I have an XBox and I've played FM3 and PGR. As they weren't bad games, I'd still stick with GT5.

To the other point I wasn't talking solely about numbers. I merely said that there are NEW USERS on here on a daily basis wanting tips on GT5. When I see a new user asking for advice, I take it they just bought the game.

Wow when will you people give that "real driving simulator" tag line a rest? You know that if you flip the case over the synopsis of the game talks about how it is the most real racing experience out there. Not sure why people stop at the front cover and act as if PD only intended for the game to be a so called driving simulator.

The motto is "The Drive Of Your Life". I'm pretty sure that's why people (even me) come to that conclusion.

Furthermore, you make PD sound quite incompetent by saying that if they don't focus on one the other feature will be awful and lackluster. People wanting more seems to show more belief in PD and fully trusting that they capable of implementing multiple feature that enhance a realistic driving/racing simulator. You're idea that you must give up one for the other is a daft claim, and makes PD seem like quite the primitive game maker circa 1990s. It also shows your bias and makes every other dev seem like crap because they offer more to their games driving simulator while GT stick with driving which also can be argued about how much or how little realistic it is. Yet the last part isn’t on topic for this thread.

I'm not saying you must give up one for the other. I'm saying, if you're going to to something, do it right. When PD gets the game running perfect (as we can see there are some problems/glitches) THEN they can venture off into different aspects.

As per your last statement (about me being biased), I don't intend to nor care to go into debate about which game is better, I don't care. I just generalized things for others reading. There are a lot of people who still compare GT to NFS.
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I'm a big boy, I can handle it lol. Back to business...
Its not that PD isn't up to task for what people ask for, its the fact that every game developer has their own vision on how the want their game carried out. We as the end user have little to no say in what happens, we can only hope and dream. Sure, sometimes devs look to the forums to see where they can improve BUT this is usually for bug fixes and things of that nature. Only struggling titles will look to the boards and find every single possible way to revive a soon to be dead game. This is not the case, in my opinon, for GT.

Uh, then why does a iracing have a twitter feed to interact with fans, why does CM have an open forum asking fans and listening to what they want for the next F1 game (i.e. 2010 not having a safety car but 2011 having one because of fans). Turn 10 has listened to fans hence why FM4 is quite different in many areas. Those are not struggling titles by any stretch of the mind. Rather they are looking at it from an enthusiast point of view and trying to give fans more realistic freedom, in a game that is suppose to simulate or mirror a real life setting. GT also seems to do that to an extent and the mods here have said that PD does look at GTP, there was a thread on it even with it being proven factual that PD does use this site to an extent.

The idea that users of a product or item don't have some say on the bottom line of said product is a bit naive. Improvement in any of these items would never have happened and I already pointed out in that past post items that PD put in this game due to buyer/fan feedback.

Point taken but I surely wasn't on the vote for NO (time shift, weather, and damage). To each his/her own.

I understand and it was not my intention to point you out as one of them, I realize now that I could have done more to make that obvious. For that I apologize.

Its hardly fair to compare a PC game to console. PC will win every time! PC hardware can be superior to that of a console making it easier for devs to really beef the games up without limitation (as consoles are fixed hardware). I only play console games, I don't own a gaming computer, that's for work only. I have an XBox and I've played FM3 and PGR. As they weren't bad games, I'd still stick with GT5.

I never said it was fair, but it is a factor. People and such devs for console are always going to try and reach PC sims within the boundaries a console will allow. I know and others should know that no console of this gen and probably the next will get to that level, yet a livery maker/editor isn't something that these boundaries withhold or prevent.

To the other point I wasn't talking solely about numbers. I merely said that there are NEW USERS on here on a daily basis wanting tips on GT5. When I see a new user asking for advice, I take it they just bought the game.

That's not always the case though, and ultimately they become a number to a statistic. There have been plenty of users I've seen in my time here that claim they've owned the game since day one and were either lurking as guest on the site or just found out about the site rather than just bought the game.

The motto is "The Drive Of Your Life". I'm pretty sure that's why people (even me) come to that conclusion.

Yet that is a false reality because the very game maker even believes that the game isn't just a driving sim but also a racing sim. It does so to such an extent that it wants to build real life racing drivers out of the gamers that play said game. It’s fine you see it that way, but realistic wise as a fact, PD market the game as a driving/racing sim.

I'm not saying you must give up one for the other. I'm saying, if you're going to to something, do it right. When PD gets the game running perfect (as we can see there are some problems/glitches) THEN they can venture off into different aspects.

Which makes sense and I agree, I also think the same as far as their attempts on new features to this game that will likely be on future games.
However, the idea here is that it should be on the plans and as you say (paraphrasing) navigated correctly.

As per your last statement (about me being biased), I don't intend to nor care to go into debate about which game is better, I don't care. I just generalized things for others reading. There are a lot of people who still compare GT to NFS.

Okay but why generalize and seem like your just doing a simple defense of GT? Then again that doesn't matter I suppose, but do you see why people might think to say what I just did, due to over generalizing the topic at hand?
I'm not trying to say they are better than GT really, more so wanting to know why people intend to defend a group of devs that seem years behind many others. To me it seems either PD can do it or they really can't. I see the prior being far more realistic than the ladder

Also I don't see why others would do that but I get your point.

I guess we somewhat see each others view, I hope :)

With all that said, we'll have to wait to see what GT6 holds. Would I like more customizations? Sure. Will we have GT6 for ps3? Probably not. Hardware (ie; RAM) is too limited to feature such customizations.

I guess we somewhat see each others view, I hope :)

With all that said, we'll have to wait to see what GT6 holds. Would I like more customizations? Sure. Will we have GT6 for ps3? Probably not. Hardware (ie; RAM) is too limited to feature such customizations.

I agree with that, as for more customization Kaz did want that for future Gt games so we will se what exactly "more customization" means.
I highly doubt gt will lose its fan base. Most fans were fans from day 1. There is still something about gt that no one will let go, the driving. There are many different driving games but none of which can come close. PD doesn't need to step anything up, if someone isn't happy, they can go play something else. People need to stop complaining and start driving!

Thank you Sir I am getting sick of this GT need to do what Forza does or it's going to be left behind because a few members on this forum say so, but sales say something totally different. Oh here it comes sales have nothing to do with it that's the next argument because as GT fans we are all brain washed ughhh. Don't get me wrong lets critique the GT series and make it better but some people are like broken records. I will say It again and no I don't need to explain it LMS just as fast you can come down on GT5 and say it has nothing to offer other games you have been playing GT since the beginning so you should know GT5 does things that other games can learn from. Yes they are behind on the customization part but I truly feel Kaz knows this and will address this as he had it on his list of what he wanted In GT5.

Yeah, it's nonsense because it makes perfect sense to barely listen to your fanbase and not try to improve on anything in a major way. :rolleyes:

IceMan and LMSCorvette have solid points. The series is creeping down the road to irrelevance, and if PD doesn't step their game up and actually compete against T10 I can see Sony pulling the plug on them. Oh, and what an absolutely glorious day that will be for other game devs. Not like PD is a big threat to them, though. They've proven that over the last few months.

Dude are you serious? You sound like a hater Sony pulling the plug on PD :lol: The sales don't agree with your theory Did you read his quote? This guy said GT5 has nothing to offer other games and as somebody working in the PD camp you would want them to take this guy, and others who share his opinion serious and consider them a fans. OK :rolleyes: See the problem with some of the folks on GTP is they do not know how to give positive criticism. I am one of the biggest people on this forum who wants customization's in GT5, difference is true fan is going take the situation look at it from all sides before saying something silly or throwing a personal preference to judge a game harshly. Anybody who feel GT5 doesn't offer anything any racing game could use I will not take them serious as they remind me of a spoiled child saying he has the worst parents because they didn't get him ice cream for his 5 star dinner.

Also remember folks I think when GT finally comes to the new era of customization its going to blow many people put of the water, unlike other games GT5 is very detailed so it's going to be more work. So while you might like the roll cage they put in the cars in FM4, look at the roll cages in GT5 and how they have screws, and Takata belts wrapped around the bar. It is truly insane on the detail PD have achieved. They will have to match this style with the way they let us Racemod a car vs FM4 building a race car. This is better in every way besides the livery part. If you look at a Racemod car in GT5 and look at a Race car build in FM4 the GT5 race car looks better Inside and out. Once PD give us the opportunity to build and customize cars like RM cars, GT5 will be on another level. Only a few people can see this coming.. It's just like when FM came out they spent the extra time to build the cars part by part while PD did textures and the end result was people where blown out of the water by FM new gaming style. Turn 10 was able to continue to build off of that (FM4) while PD had to start over(GT5) Now I see Turn 10 having this problem in the future because PD now is going the extra length to build these super detail cars and parts because the Next gen system are on the way. T10 is going to have to make those autovisa graphics come alive during gameplay while PD has already got the platform and now need to match up the game options
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Yes they are behind on the customization part but I truly feel Kaz knows this and will address this as he had it on his list of what he wanted In GT5.
Kaz told us in 2006 that customisation would improve; he acknowledged it in a 2007 interview where he said Forza were way of them, and then finally in 2009 he said, and I quote: "Customization in GT5 will be better than GT4".

Yet here we are with the same crippled options: and in many ways, GT5 was worse than GT4 in customisation. So he might well know about it, but he's not doing anything about it and/or taking far too long.

The sales don't agree with your theory
You mean the sales that have been in constant decline? GT5 will likely be the lowest selling main edition. Not all the fault of PD, no doubt: the racing genre as a whole isn't doing too clever, but PD haven't yet persuaded me to stick with GT6 next time out.
Kaz told us in 2006 that customisation would improve; he acknowledged it in a 2007 interview where he said Forza were way of them, and then finally in 2009 he said, and I quote: "Customization in GT5 will be better than GT4".

Yet here we are with the same crippled options: and in many ways, GT5 was worse than GT4 in customisation. So he might well know about it, but he's not doing anything about it and/or taking far too long.

You mean the sales that have been in constant decline? GT5 will likely be the lowest selling main edition. Not all the fault of PD, no doubt: the racing genre as a whole isn't doing too clever, but PD haven't yet persuaded me to stick with GT6 next time out.

Say what you want to say about sales some folks are saying GT is going to be irrelevant in the future compared to FM but GT has sold more since GT5P hit. Also there are other factors why sales have dropped one you have mentioned already. Also beside the rims GT5 customization is better than GT4 we could race mod put on body kits carbon hoods and paint the cars something you could not do in GT4 so please dude stop fronting. For the persuading part I don't care if you wont stick with the GT series but I bet you will buy GT6 :sly:
Thank you Sir I am getting sick of this GT need to do what Forza does or it's going to be left behind because a few members on this forum say so, but sales say something totally different. Oh here it comes sales have nothing to do with it that's the next argument because as GT fans we are all brain washed ughhh. Don't get me wrong lets critique the GT series and make it better but some people are like broken records. I will say It again and no I don't need to explain it LMS just as fast you can come down on GT5 and say it has nothing to offer other games you have been playing GT since the beginning so you should know GT5 does things that other games can learn from. Yes they are behind on the customization part but I truly feel Kaz knows this and will address this as he had it on his list of what he wanted In GT5.

Dude are you serious? You sound like a hater Sony pulling the plug on PD :lol: The sales don't agree with your theory Did you read his quote? This guy said GT5 has nothing to offer other games and as somebody working in the PD camp you would want them to take this guy, and others who share his opinion serious and consider them a fans. OK :rolleyes: See the problem with some of the folks on GTP is they do not know how to give positive criticism. I am one of the biggest people on this forum who wants customization's in GT5, difference is true fan is going take the situation look at it from all sides before saying something silly or throwing a personal preference to judge a game harshly. Anybody who feel GT5 doesn't offer anything any racing game could use I will not take them serious as they remind me of a spoiled child saying he has the worst parents because they didn't get him ice cream for his dinner 5 star dinner.

PD has driving...that is true. T10 can get that too. That being said, PD can learn things from would be foolish not to. Conversely, T10 can learn from PD...there is nothing wrong with stating this. There are, however, issues that GT5 has that are easy to remedy. Most can be solved by implementing a few popular features. PD would do well to note that the direction games have been moving is toward a more custom experience.
PD has driving...that is true. T10 can get that too. That being said, PD can learn things from would be foolish not to. Conversely, T10 can learn from PD...there is nothing wrong with stating this. There are, however, issues that GT5 has that are easy to remedy. Most can be solved by implementing a few popular features. PD would do well to note that the direction games have been moving is toward a more custom experience.

Rudenut... Dude I cant say it better than that. 👍 I said it earlier any GT fan telling me GT cant learn things from FM4 is lying to themselves and this is vice versa. I was just playing FM4 last night doing a mountain chase with traffic down hill and it was a blast. I would love something like this in GT. My problem is the comments of some people just saying things because they want a feature in the game but because it not in the game is automatically irrelevant.
Also beside the rims GT5 customization is better than GT4 we could race mod put on body kits carbon hoods and paint the cars something you could not do in GT4 so please dude stop fronting.
I'm not fronting anything. We have a vastly reduced selection of wheels, a vastly reduced selection of wings, and, more broadly, lost brake upgrades, nitrous, triple plate clutch, racing flywheel and extra LSD parts, amongst other things.

There is plenty that we could do in GT4 that we cannot in GT5.
I'm not fronting anything. We have a vastly reduced selection of wheels, a vastly reduced selection of wings, and, more broadly, lost brake upgrades, nitrous, triple plate clutch, racing flywheel and extra LSD parts, amongst other things.

There is plenty that we could do in GT4 that we cannot in GT5.

I Understand you on that! You also forgot the stage 4 turbos also I miss that lag I though we where just talking about the visuals. I always wondered why they took some of that stuff out.