GT6 Demo in July!

  • Thread starter NCRthree
Someone in Tijuana was able to download it so it's only a matter of time before it makes its way up to us right?


You would think that right?, or unless it has trouble crossing the border , and they hold it up lol
It´s not that interesting that people download it. More interesting what it includes :)

Will there be a proper GT 6 demo later on or is this it? It´s out in Sweden now but I had to dig deep to find it.
HOLY COW! GT6 DEMO IN THE UNITED STATES is still not up, so don't get excited over this.
Wired ... PS3's seem VERY slow to me downloading over wi-fi
Finished YAY
Normally I can max out my connection on Wi-Fi or close to that but I guess due to this one having heavy traffic, Wired probably gives more connections to server. Might take 5 times longer for me, hope it speeds up although I am not in a rush to play it. Should have been finished for me a few minutes a go, instead only at 25%.
Dont we have to wait for them to update the PS store? If so, doesnt that normally happen mid day in USA?
UK usually updates later afternoon on Thursday, yet it's already there for us, so hopefully okay for you too.

It takes longer to install because the HDD that comes with the PS3 is very slow. Min downloaded a lot faster than its taking to install too
Precisely my point, though maybe architecture was the wrong word to use.
Almost downloaded! Shame I have to go out soon or I'd get the wheel 'n pedals out... Gota use this strange thing called a controller on a GT!:sly:👍:grumpy:
This is Sony's way of telling the US competitors that they should always get their proper amount of sleep. THE TEST STARTS NOW :D
Wait, so where did we get the idea that it would release 50 minutes ago in the U.S store as well??????

Dammit. Just wasted a good couple of hours sleep right there :banghead:

11 more minutes possibly...

Dude, you're in Columbia!!!
Well if anyone wants info you do race in the Sunday cup.
1st race is a Leaf 3 lapper around Autumn Ring Mini
You also "buy" the cars from the dealer. Start with 100k credits. Can even earn credits from racing.
Not a single American/Canadian GT fan will be sleeping tonight

Eh, im only not sleeping because its still 80 degrees outside here... and im miserable when its hot. Im barely angry its not there already, but id love to kill the next 4 hours of the early morning playing the demo!