I do not know anything about this Pozzi Camaro. And why this car???
The way it works at the HUB is really simple;
Okay - PD gives us 'Seasonal' events right?
A 'Seasonal' race event is just a race picked by PD that everybody does because it comes online and everybody can see this 'new' event - actually it's just another race event like any other racing event WITHIN the actual game itself.
No difference - except, through a Forum, people get to compare their stats and all because everybody is doing the same event together and comparing stats as such.
What does the HUB do?
The same thing.
Except, WE, as players (winners) get to pick and 'design' an event for everybody to do. So the event may have all sorts of criteria and results to meet = fastest time, highest position, slowest time, finding fastest AI, bringing in most of one marque, etc. and maybe even the race confined to one particular car to make the race more challenging.
(that answers your question about why
RMan72 picked the Camaro - he threw us a bone hard enough on which to gnaw for quite some time.)
PD's 'Seasonals' were mostly confined to winning Gold, Silver, cars, credits, chips, etc.
It was the Prizes, more than the actual race, that mattered sometimes.
In the HUB's case we try to take it further:
We test our driving skills.
We test tuning and racing skills.
We test AI behaviour-reactivity when we use the game to drive in a manner that the game may not be usually programmed to handle.
We force various limitations on - underpowered cars, or exceptionally hard maneuvering, precision driving . . . etc.
And that's just
some of the things being done inside this lab.
Precision driving? Yes.
That's what a '15.00' race is all about.
International A 15 Minute Race Nurburgring Nordschleife. Tune By me. No aids. Cockpit race on Replay View. Total Time 19:50.492. Fast lap on lap 3. Fast lap 6:36.647. Pass for the win over the McLaren F1 GTR on lap 1 at km 16. Winning margin 42.698.
How close can you get (with all your driving/racing skills) to the 15.00 mark and still win?
That would be the
real challenge.
Shall we tie a hand behind your back to make it more difficult?
We can do that here at the HUB and have done so many times.
I am still boggled by some of the antics that
@Vic Reign93,
@ERAZER, etc. would come up with when challenged.
I think
@Vic Reign93 actually has a Sonic screwdriver - there was no way the Time-Traveller trophy he won would have been possible without one.
And so on . . . and it gives a chance to all - even those who have beaten the game - to come in here and test their mettle (or test their mettle in secret against the times posted in here) and so play the game with a spirit of competition against other real live players as well as the AI.
Keep practising that 15 minute race - because very soon you're going to prove that you're actually the
It's the choice of car you use that's going to be crucial - another test of your GT skills; knowing your cars.
Any more questions - don't fail to ask. My apologies for the House Rules (even though simple) not being comprehensive in the OP - I aim to attend to this soon so that we're all on the same page.
The House Rules, of course, exist so that the fine line between 'freedom' and 'chaos' is clearly defined.
Thank you for being in here and adding to the competition and DNA traded.
