GT6 'MY HOME' HUB: Awards time.

  • Thread starter photonrider
The way it works at the HUB is really simple;

Okay - PD gives us 'Seasonal' events right?

A 'Seasonal' race event is just a race picked by PD that everybody does because it comes online and everybody can see this 'new' event - actually it's just another race event like any other racing event WITHIN the actual game itself.
No difference - except, through a Forum, people get to compare their stats and all because everybody is doing the same event together and comparing stats as such.

What does the HUB do?

The same thing. Except, WE, as players (winners) get to pick and 'design' an event for everybody to do. So the event may have all sorts of criteria and results to meet = fastest time, highest position, slowest time, finding fastest AI, bringing in most of one marque, etc. and maybe even the race confined to one particular car to make the race more challenging.
(that answers your question about why RMan72 picked the Camaro - he threw us a bone hard enough on which to gnaw for quite some time.)

PD's 'Seasonals' were mostly confined to winning Gold, Silver, cars, credits, chips, etc.
It was the Prizes, more than the actual race, that mattered sometimes.

In the HUB's case we try to take it further:
We test our driving skills.
We test tuning and racing skills.
We test AI behaviour-reactivity when we use the game to drive in a manner that the game may not be usually programmed to handle.
We force various limitations on - underpowered cars, or exceptionally hard maneuvering, precision driving . . . etc.

And that's just some of the things being done inside this lab.

Precision driving? Yes.

That's what a '15.00' race is all about.

How close can you get (with all your driving/racing skills) to the 15.00 mark and still win?
That would be the real challenge.
Shall we tie a hand behind your back to make it more difficult?
We can do that here at the HUB and have done so many times.
I am still boggled by some of the antics that @Vic Reign93, @nowayback, @WhoosierGirl, @MTM79, @ERAZER, etc. would come up with when challenged.
I think @Vic Reign93 actually has a Sonic screwdriver - there was no way the Time-Traveller trophy he won would have been possible without one.

And so on . . . and it gives a chance to all - even those who have beaten the game - to come in here and test their mettle (or test their mettle in secret against the times posted in here) and so play the game with a spirit of competition against other real live players as well as the AI.

Keep practising that 15 minute race - because very soon you're going to prove that you're actually the GT MOVIESTAR. Or the 15 MINUTE MAVEN. ;)

It's the choice of car you use that's going to be crucial - another test of your GT skills; knowing your cars. :lol:

Any more questions - don't fail to ask. My apologies for the House Rules (even though simple) not being comprehensive in the OP - I aim to attend to this soon so that we're all on the same page.

The House Rules, of course, exist so that the fine line between 'freedom' and 'chaos' is clearly defined.
Thank you for being in here and adding to the competition and DNA traded.
Thank you for taking the time to get me up to speed. I am with you all 100%. Super work by all of you to keep us going racing for sure!!!!!!!!
Wouldn't wet tyres be best in the rain :odd:
But for that event, RH all the way.
I can tell you that I was not winning in the rain until I took a chance with racing soft and cannot give you any rational thought as to why it worked.
Yeah like @lfm58 said. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Check out some pages to get an idea about how it works in here.:cheers:


Only some new entries since the end of the online races from myself, with some very poor times.:D

For those who don't know (ie: @skeagracing ) I post updates of the new times people post in here on a weekly basis to help out your fearless leader @photonrider. And I do a write up about what's been happening, and try to make you guys laugh or make you cry either one? Most likely cry.

It makes me very happy to see @skeagracing (aka the washing machine) in here as I've admired his racing for a long time. Thanks to @smoothbore12 for that Nickname.👍



@smoothbore12: 4:18.840
@RMan72: 4:19.408
@lfm58: 4:19.931
@bjl23: 4:22.016
@photonrider: 4:23.243


@ERAZER: 9:02.803
@RMan72: 11:24.708
@lfm58: 11:47.996
@Racin510s: 11:50.050
@photonrider: 13:01.031

Vic Reign Rights Holders not eligible

@Racin510s: 7:44.969


Vic Reign Rights Holders not eligible

@Racin510s: 8:08.305


GT DRAFTMASTER - Olds Toronado

@lfm58: 4:14.078
@RMan72: 4:17.149
@bjl23: 4:22.261
@photonrider: 4:26.408
@Racin510s: 4:28.611



@smoothbore12 - 339 km/h
@bjl23 - 332 km/h



@lfm58: +44.379 - 2013 Jeff Gordon #24 Chevrolet
@smoothbore12: +37.133 - 2013 Carl Edwards #99 FUSION
@bjl23: +18.539 - 2013 Jeff Gordon #24 Chevrolet
@RMan72: +16.718 - 2013 Jeff Gordon #24 Chevrolet



@RMan72: : +05.957
@bjl23: +7.279


10 Laps of Suzuka

@RMan72: P5 (21:53.314)
@bjl23: P9 (22:23.381)
Love the washing machine comment:cheers:!!
I thought it was just because @skeagracing is so clean around the track.

FYI watch the double posting, they get a bit funny with it. Use the edit button.

There aren't a lot of nic names in here, except for @ERAZER aka 'ALIEN'
maybe @smoothbore12 that could be a good job for you.
I know 'Very Sorry" I just got up and forgot were I was with the post and why I ended double posting. Again sorry!! I will get to work on a nick for @smoothbore12.
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NASCAR TOP GUN (new record)

Photofinish with @smoothbore12 ... :D

#1863 AIHUB IADAYT R600RH NASCAR R585RH 418889 20180403_113809.jpg

Moreover, as promised, here are the pics of Nissan GT-R collection:

#1862 AIHUB NISSAN GT-R GIFT 20180403_121854.jpg
#1862 AIHUB NISSAN GT-R GIFT 20180403_121908.jpg
#1862 AIHUB NISSAN GT-R GIFT 20180403_121930.jpg
#1862 AIHUB NISSAN GT-R GIFT 20180403_122344.jpg
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Beautiful! ^

No other word for it. I'm glad you actually opened the packages and are truly enjoying the cars.
And . . . yes, guys, there is another Prize pack on the way for someone. For that you'll have to play a very subtle game; make sure you're in P3 at the end of a certain race. Check OP. ;)

P.S. @lfm58: you take awesome pics, too, man. Talented!
Thanks @bjl23, I just put the right label.

@photonrider you are too kind about my talent and to be frank I'm feeling a nob...


I think you mean noob not 'nob'. :lol: You are certainly no knob.

And . . . not at all - noob is newspeak for 'newbie' and everybody is a newbie at something or another - unless they shy away from anything new they're afraid to try. So there'll be lots of newbies in here at one time or another as they join up but it doesn't make them noobs at the game or at awesome driving.
But - having said that - it's great to see average, and even less-than-average drivers in here trying to get some position in that top ten list of names on the leader board of an event we are holding. There were times in the past in here that we've had ten or more entries for a single event - and it's great to see the 'silver', and 'bronze' players come out of hiding and battle the 'golds'.
In other words 'the more the merrier' - and it's not always getting P1 that matters.

As a 'newbie' here you have quite made your mark and I'm sure there is much respect for the phenomenal standards you are setting - no doubt the 'aliens' in here are welcoming the competition from you. :cheers:


There was some discussion here about 'double-posting' and the legitimacy and importance of the AUP.
The GTP AUP is one of the finest on the WWW - and it has stood the test of time keeping this site decent, workable, and environmentally geared towards attracting the right sort of people.
As we all know - social networking around the internet is a mess.
Just a reading of YouTube comments is representative enough of what happens when a site isn't moderated to a particular standard.

In addition to disciplinary moderation (which would apply to obscenities, harassment, inciteful hate-speech, false information, etc.) there is also the technical aspect of posting that falls under the AUP - and that there to keep the pages uncluttered, topics from being unduly bumped, off-topic kept to a minimum, and the posts presented in a form that is clear and understandable to all.
So there is some focus on standard grammar and spelling, the use of Standard English as predominant, some respectful punctuation, proper cut-and-pastes, quotes, edits, and so on.

What double-posting does is that it clutters the thread with information from a single member that could have gone in one post and made it easier to read.
It also bumps the thread up again unduly - because all other threads, too, must have a fair chance of flashing an alert when the site shows a new post has been made in that thread - and the same thread being bumped every few minutes kills that.

Most times a double post is made because the poster was not entirely familiar with the Forum posting tools - which is unfortunate; the more I use this site the more I realize how much passion Jordan puts into making this site 'social-networking' worthy, having provided a vast resource of tools for use

Use the 'quote' and edit' buttons judiciously.
To post elegantly learn how to use the 'multi-quote' and 'edit' buttons.
If you quote often then learn how to add, subtract, insert, remove, chop and paste quotes all in one post.
More importantly - learn from the mistakes. To keep repeating the mistake because that is the only way you know is . . ..

Well . . . I'll leave it like that. :)


In other news - I finally sourced the nowcontrol Seasonal Prize Car Pack.
No prizes for guessing; it was a Camaro, a Camaro, a Camaro, a Camaro, a Camaro . . . and, yup . . . another Camaro.

I had to get all that down - even though I'm in an awful rush to leave - have to go inspect an office complex and lock it down for the night - could take hours - so back much later.

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Been playing GT5 for some additional challenges but keep getting drawn back to GT6 :). Couple of entries on the offline challenges.


GT DRAFTMASTER - Olds Toronado





10 Laps of Suzuka


Will revisit the above to see if I can improve, hopefully I'll get the end time correct this time :banghead:
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Hello. :)

Nowcontrol Trophy:

Ran a few times to figure out tyre strategy and tactics etc, then did 2 attacks, first was sloppy and I did several misstakes. The second was much more clean, and only did like 1 misstake, but still was only 2 sec faster wich suprised me. I think maybe I got more rain the second time but I dont know. I dont know if it wven possible to get different ammount of rain in this cahllenge, or if it is always the same...
Hello. :)

Nowcontrol Trophy:
View attachment 727719

Ran a few times to figure out tyre strategy and tactics etc, then did 2 attacks, first was sloppy and I did several misstakes. The second was much more clean, and only did like 1 misstake, but still was only 2 sec faster wich suprised me. I think maybe I got more rain the second time but I dont know. I dont know if it wven possible to get different ammount of rain in this cahllenge, or if it is always the same...
In the times that I have run this race I have seen different rain patterns both in time and degree.

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