@photonrider , where Rman72 or lfm58 involved ........ we feel like the AI.

That could be a lot more true than we might think possible.
What if PD was using us - our real driving habits culled from the data they have via all sorts of seasonals - to program the AI?
We need to slow down the likes of
lfm58 - or else the lead rabbits in the next game are going to be murderous to race!
Oh! Wait . . . we're already doing it. Here. Now. We
are the AI!

Who are these aliens?

I got a question from a member via PM - but I'll answer it here so that many others could be informed too - since it's a good question.
"Harry could you explain the race about finding the fastest AI. I've run some of the races but not happy with my results even the one I posted. I ran that stock except transmission."
This whole project - which began as "
The Artificial Intelligence Hub" and through many changes is now known as '
The GT6 'My Home' HUB (since we have nothing after Online went offline but 'MY HOME" to play with now) began with the search for the fastest AI - trying to see how fast
E. Papp (AI in the British Lightweight Seasonals) could go in his Rocket.
A read up of the first two pages of this thread will give members the true conversations in that history.
In short - the premise is this: the AI can only go as fast as the course and car can in reality permit - not what the code would permit.
So a bunch of us rabbit-hunters of the time got together and tried to see how the 'rubber-banding' worked.
The rabbit-hunters were mostly the fastest runners in the Seasonals at that time - quite legendary racers.
Papp was driven so hard he was driven right into the sand (proving that the code didn't permit him taking one of those 'impossible' turns possible in Wipeout, for instance) - that even programmed to be the world's best driver, he would not be able to over-ride classical physics (which rules our reality at the moment.)
Obviously - he's not the worlds best driver, because W
hoosierGirl came and kicked his AI ass well and truly - even keeping him from plowing into the sand at Brands Hatch and racing his best - rubber band to the max.
That led to a lot more interesting experiments which was the foundation of the challenge-event platform of this thread.
And we learned so much about the AI in the end. There was a time players believed the AI was scripted, that they used illegal moves, that there was only one lead rabbit, that all grids were the same, that the grids were not influenced by the car or the previous race run or the drivers former-race data, etc. even that all Bobs were the same (if given the same car, and run the same race on the same settings) - all these were proved wrong in our tests.
This is a very complex driving game.
And interspersed with many little bright lights of PD's unique playfulness (like Jenkins the cat.)
This playfulness extends to the AI programming. Play the AI close enough and suddenly they all start to exhibit very definite 'personalities' -
Papp, for instance, doesn't run like
Calvo or
French drivers don't run like Brits.
Play the game enough and there is a sort of Da Vincian code hidden in the game.
Here's a quote from MTM79 during the usual heavy discussion about a particular bunch of AI in the early days of the game. Here we were analysing Seasonal AI behaviour - PD was mixing up AI from the game as well as new AI they had introduced via the Seasonals:
Interesting outcomes from the current expert seasonal at Ascari. The AI is behaving in my opinion a bit differently. There looks to be variation in how the rabbits race with each other. 50% of the time the lead rabbit chases me alone and the other 50% there is a tight pack of 3-5 cars on my tail. Looks like anyone from the pack can assume the role of lead rabbit and keep somewhat similar pace as the lonely chaser, others just get sucked in. This results in greater variation in who actually is the lead rabbit. In the ten races I've driven with different cars the lead rabbit has been Bowers (x3), Reilly (x3), Calvo (x2), Gaertner (x1), Conde (x1). Also the outcomes have been constantly taking turns, first there was a lone rabbit, then a pack of rabbits, loner, pack, etc.
edit; 'This was mostly not because a certain lead bunny was not present. Bowers did 5 races, Gaertner 6, Calvo 4, Reilly 3 and Conde 1. '
Other note, one race was especially close, I was racing with a Clio RS '11 against Calvo in his Zonda. It looked like Calvo was doing everything possible to keep the speed at wich I was gaining in on him relatively constant. At one point I went off track. While I was returning to track I glimpsed at the minimap an noticed Calvo's arrow spinning around at a chicane right after my excursion to the grass. Sort of reversed rubberbanding? In the end I didn't win because I made too many mistakes, maybe a rematch needed.
So to answer the question:
With the
PEAK SPEEDVISIONARY event we are trying to find out who the fastest AI (gold rabbit) in the field is.
There are usually 3 (in a large field) with a mid pack that rumbles 'silver' players and a back-marker clump that represents 'bronze'.
Is it
Faulkner? or
Carpentier? that is the top rabbit among the Golds?
Is the car, pole position, track (for instance some cars however fast are not the best for some tracks) all factored in?
If one were to place bets - who is the fastest of all the AI at Sarthe?
The one who finds out gets to be called '
So in this case winning may not matter - do you 'push' or do you 'pull'? Aids on or off? How about drafting? How fast can one go without snapping the 'rubber band' ? (There is a point where if the player goes too fast - simulating a hyper-car for instance like the Alpine VGT - the whole grid may fall back to merely go on racing themselves and the lead rabbit doesn't take his car to maximum potential.)
It's a fun drive -
open to all members except Holders of Vic Reign Rights (who have been told to stay away from this event and go race the AI in an underpowered car at Sarthe.

The section that THE PEAK SPEEDVISIONARY is held is a whoosier-ruled section open to all Non-licenced members (no titles at all, never played before, or less than 3).
So if you don't have a GTHunter Licence yet - this is a good time to go hunting (while the licensed GTHunters are busy) and investigate for the HUB and find out whether Molinari is as fierce as rumours say he is.
For that you have to get up close to Molinari and actually race him - neck and neck.
In the Alpine VGT it should be a Sunday drive.
Tip: There are
4 distinct sections in the event line up: The section labelled
OPEN IN-GAME EVENTS containing 5 open events is open to
all members - and not whoosier-ruled. Grab as many trophies as you can.
As always driving a car stock is all about getting up on the knife edge and keeping it there, getting the balance between speed, slide and power just right. Still away to go to getting the whole lap like that but that's half the fun.
I love driving a car bone-stock, and anytime I need to tune a car I buy a duplicate. Yes, I know - switchable templates - but colour is important to me, too - as well as the wear and tear, etc, that make-up the personality of a car.
If PD says the Gold is possible - then it should be - and bone-stock, yes, it's possible to not just gold but go well beyond.
A proving ground for anyone accused of not being able to drive without a tune.
AI was pretty non existent after parking himself in the middle of Druids hairpin and letting me power past
You read my mind - that was the next question I had for all who participate in RAGING BULLRIDER - about
where you pass the AI and their behaviour.
Set up your pass for the right moment just like IRL and the AI will accommodate you better than the most gentlemanly human driver would - that's my prediction.
Play nasty and you might experience some road rage.