Mistakes happen.

Especially when we're dealing with all this high-tech stuff they keep churning out like candy.
Nothing to worry about - keep working on those challenges - and as I said, if necessary get together with Noel and create a Challenge thread with a set of rules you can enforce.
We need this sort of activity in here. Why?
Because GT6 went
offline and left a whole slew of their fan base homeless.
Where once there was the opportunity to meet online regularly, there is now a gaping black hole. Drifters are running around screaming. Lobby hosts are pounding their head against walls. Club hosts and various leagues are left homeless. And . . . the folk that crowded the Seasonal Events Forum suddenly found the waterhole dried up.
The Seasonal Events Forum was a hub of activity for a huge fan base - even after GTS started up. (I'm sure some players
still play both games.) The Seasonal Events - with great and efficient output and management of threads by the indefatigable
@nowcontrol - brought many players together; swapping info, tunes, and many times challenging each other in the threads. There were even individual threads for focused or complicated challenges.
All this, of a sudden, dried up.
I requested Jordan move this thread from the Seasonals Sub Forum to the Main GT6 Board in anticipation of the close-down, and he kindly complied - the Seasonals went offline shortly after.
This now leaves us the GT6 Forum as the hub of activity where GT6 and the GTPlanet fan base is concerned - and while the other Subforums like Photography and Tuning will continue to be active, actual driving and racing play has no playground.
This is where these challenge events that some members are so eager to share come into focus.
In effect - you all are now creating your own 'Seasonals'.
Leaving alone what I have done over the course of almost 4 years here in this thread (having engineered and overseen well over a hundred events) I can see from
@bjl23's Challenge threads - both A-Spec and B-Spec - there is activity that can be generated, there are players willing to join the fun and unabashedly throw their leader boards in (without waiting for an alien time) and there seems to be no lack of ideas when the GTPlanet GT6 community is given the chance to design their own 'Seasonal' events - right here.
I will continue to maintain the GT6 'My Home' AI Hub (where we basically explore the game inside out and top-to-bottom - as
@Baron Blitz Red once explained to someone who asked what we do at the HUB:
"We play a game within a game in the game we play in here.")
There is no better way to describe the HUB's unique style of rules, traditions, levelling, trophies, and event-types.
This shouldn't deter those players out there that have a 'challenge' and would like to confront the community with it. I'd rather see this Forum filled with challenge threads than a flood of threads from a single player about this or that. Easter eggs, probably.
Cheers, Hunters, participants, competitors, spectators. . . .
