Don't flatter yourself; it has nothing to do with who posts baseless claims - if I notice an obviously wrong statement, I'll point it out. You just happen to make more than the average poster
I'd like to report a mod for abusive behavior. My opinions do not qualify as baseless statements. And while you say you don't single me out, you sure do comment negatively on a lot of what I post. And you do it in an very rude and abusive way, and I don't appreciate it. There is a better way to say these things, which, I've already given you an example of, but you, of course, decided to spit in my face. I assume you've already gotten a warning from our last exchange.
It's Christmas. Perhaps you should take a nice long, relaxing vacation, Slipz. I don't post baseless facts nearly as much as you think I do.
And the Furai's body would change the handling of the car. There is a reason why it was given that body. While it maybe a LMP2 underneath, it's still technically not an LMP2. It was more of an LMP2 Concept. Meaning, there's still really no way to know for sure how the body would affect the handling unless you actually drive it, which you can't do anymore. Remember, a computer simulation is pretty much just a calculated guess at how a vehicle handles. It could be spot on, or it could be completely off. Which is where the real world data gathering is useful. Granted, the simulations are getting better, but you still need real world tests. But, I'll admit, since it's based on an LMP2, testing one of those will HAVE to do for now.
As for the interior. *shrug* Considering that the car hasn't been made Premium yet, I don't know if we'll ever see it as one. I agree that PD most likely took interior shots. And who knows, they could prove me wrong by popping out a Premium model soon. That said, however, I believe GT5 had the only "Road going version." Everyone else had the LMP2 livery design. Perhaps PD got a look at a different car...or simply worked a bit more closely with Mazda. Who knows. We'll see how this story ends. It would be nice to see it converted to Premium. Still, as I said, with only really old data at their disposal, it's doubtful we'll see it in many more games.