FM5's most expensive car via microtransactions: £32.50
GT6's most expensive car via microtransactions: £120
Not that either is good IMO; they're both ridiculous, terrible attempts to pry more money out of consumers. But the numbers speak for themselves; GT charges well over double the cost of the game for a single car.
NOTE: To pay the £32.50 for the Lotus in Forza 5, you HAVE to buy the £65 Token pack. And the smaller the pack, the more expensive the car. The Lotus could cost you £79 if bought with the smallest token packs. And I should have mentioned that I knew that buying the in game credits for the most expensive cars in GT6 would cost a crap load of money.
But, there is a secret: Don't buy monies. Just like every other game that gives you the ability to buy in-game money with real money. *coughfacebookgamescough* You don't HAVE to buy the money.
EDIT: It's not like the difficulty in Absolute Supercars. PD isn't forcing you buy money in order to progress through the game. Ugh, I hate gamers. Facebook has been doing this exact thin for YEARS! GTA5 did it even and no one complains. Heck, there was barely a murmur when Forza 5 did it. Everyone was just like "Oh, it's Microsoft, they're new to this they don't know what they're doing." Yeah, well, PD and Rockstar are also new to the micro-transaction game, too. If you don't like it, don't participate in it. It's really that simple guys. Are the prices stupid? Yes. but, you are using real money to buy virtual money. The entire idea is stupid. But is that going to stop some people? Nope. If it works for Farm Ville 2...
I don't get half of what you wrote and the other half I disagree with. First, let me premise this with I never intended to buy credits and the fact they offer them does not offend me. At this point I'm not to concerned with how their presence affects my progression in the game.
But how does GT not charge more than the price game when it cost £120 to buy enough credits to get a 20 mill credit car? It's insulting to people to charge that much and act like it's a convienence if you want quick credits.
What do you mean by the bolded part? You make it sound like there are restrictions to how you can use the parts and cars purchased with microtransaction credits? I don't see the relevance of how the credits are used. The only problem I see is Sony thought it was okay to charge that much for virtual currency.
There ARE restrictions. Every race has PP and tire restrictions. So, all you can REALLY do with 21 million credits is buy cars to use in the events. But the events aren't unlocked right away. So, but the time you'd be able to actually USE the Jaguar, you might not need to actually buy so much credits, if any at all. Really, what Sony did is create something that very few people are going to use. I mean, sure, you can buy whatever car you want, but have fun not using your X2011. Also, you guys do know that if a company prices a microtransaction like that, they're not really expecting many people to buy it. The majority of people will just get 500k credits. But, I'm sure there will be some rich people out there who don't mind dropping money to fill up their garage. Which is why they 7 million credit price is so high. Think about it like society classes. You have the Poor, Lower-Middle, Middle and Upper Classes.