GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Sony has to launch a brand new console between now December 6th. If they blow their marketing budget on GT6 before the PS4 launches they will end up muddying the water. Once the PS4 hits shelves I think we will see more of a push for GT6 in the run up to release.
They don't have much of a marketing budget apparently. I watched the NASCAR race Sunday, F1 race Sunday, Walking Dead, Amazing Race also on Sunday, watched the Bears game Monday, and can't really recall swing ANY Okaystation (I'll leave in the typo) ads. There was plenty of ads for that other console though. I saw 1 PlayStation ad during Sons of Anarchy tonight. One thing SONY has no clue about is, how to advertise their product!!!

On the other hand, outside of having a PS4 on preorder, chances of getting one in the first wave of shipments are probably slim to none. I'm confident that well will be fairly dry until January.
They don't have much of a marketing budget apparently. I watched the NASCAR race Sunday, F1 race Sunday, Walking Dead, Amazing Race also on Sunday, watched the Bears game Monday, and can't really recall swing ANY Okaystation (I'll leave in the typo) ads. There was plenty of ads for that other console though. I saw 1 PlayStation ad during Sons of Anarchy tonight. One thing SONY has no clue about is, how to advertise their product!!!

On the other hand, outside of having a PS4 on preorder, chances of getting one in the first wave of shipments are probably slim to none. I'm confident that well will be fairly dry until January.
Sony has no need to advertise when there ps4 is outselling( in pre orders) the xbox one 10 to one on its own home turf..
Comeon they already said it would come out in a future update
I would fall in love with GT if they really do this.
But I dont know if it's a good idea to keep our hopes too high about it. Kaz just said: "there is a good possibility that we might do this", so it's not confirmed.
Heres what you said in another thread
Now its something different.

It hasn't changed at all, PD are quite vague and asinine with the more finer details, they show the more exterior parts to get people to jump before they see everything fully in action. For example I got to see what exactly I was buying with the new Arkham game and even more so with the new Pokemon games. I'm simply asking why PD rather go the opposite route that many others seem to be able to meet. That being, giving forward insight to customers. GTAV would be another one to point to as a beacon of how to market above what PD do. Releasing obvious info like car lists and track lists usually are done around this time for PD, it was this way with GT5 a month before the game came out.

That was 2 weeks before release, this time it's a month. I thought I had the original list for GT4 but I'm sure someone else can find it for me.

My intention is my intention. Sorry you feel like I challenged you in a personal manner. I see youre getting off that track. I said nothing about predictions. I called you out for saying things like that quote above concerning information being released by PD.

You called me out and basically said I should wait, well I've done that song and dance since GT3 and many of us long time fans have been burned by PD to various extents. Point is we still have yet to see more valued insight, I had already expected to get this two weeks in advanced rather than 4 so I guess that's a change.

No thanks. Theres no trend imo. They release information when they feel the game is ready to release. Makes sense to me.

So if they had not released info, does that mean we could expect a delayed game like they've done in the past. On another thread we proved that every gt before this has been delayed to varying degrees. They already told us when the game would hit our hands Dec. 6th, thus it seems very reasonable to question a group when you don't see a final product coming to form in any amount. If I did that I'd be out of a job.

I have, and then you change your tune on the timeliness of game info and say your trend still works when it doesn't since no one knows how PD operate in that sense.

What have I changed my tune on? Basically what I said was that PD don't give info of great detail before releasing a game, that is the trend. We saw this with the past several games and then I proceeded to give you examples of such features that weren't explained but rather hyped. I also told you the trend went further with how we can predict each platform will have 2 games, or that there is a high chance this game will be delayed (doubt it cause they can get around that now), and so on. You didn't challenge any of that though, you just flat out said "nope". What I'm saying is we know PD operate to the extent of not operating.

Seems you took 'kid' personal but it was just a slang term. I don't take your posts seriously, or to heart. Just question your logic. Don't see how you get spite out of anything I said. You aren't my enemy or even my rival. Just a picture of a corvette in a forum, man! ;) (Sorry for the kid remark)

Of course it's personal, because it's a personal stab at anyone, and others seemed to go after you for that and the personal habit of being a spell check. I know what the term is, but once again if you get called that on the street here it wont go over very well, that is all. My point is you should just keep that in mind that not everyone will receive your specialized vernacular like you think. I'd hope I'm not your rival, once again it's just a forum.

I would fall in love with GT if they really do this.
But I dont know if it's a good idea to keep our hopes too high about it. Kaz just said: "there is a good possibility that we might do this", so it's not confirmed.

Why wouldn't they? That's the new norm now, and why we wont have to worry about delayed games ever again but rather incomplete games that will be patched to finish. So it's very possible they will update this, but whether or not it's good is what is up for debate.
Someone need to make a thread for " Most Used Track Online in GT6". Im not good at the poll things. But, now that we know what circuits are in, would be a good poll.

The North Loop, Monza, Tsukuba, Suzuka East and Rome seem like the most used when I go online.

Bathurst, Ascari, Brands Hatch, GT Arena. Will these circuits be the tracks of choice for online users?
@LMSCorvetteGT2 ,I think if they were planning to include the new sounds in GT6, they would not lose the opportunity to announce it before release.
An announcement confirming new sounds would be the perfect marketing, PD just would not keep it in secret or under speculation.
I hope I'm wrong anyway.
@LMSCorvetteGT2 ,I think if they were planning to include the new sounds in GT6, they would not lose the opportunity to announce it before release.
An announcement confirming new sounds would be the perfect marketing, PD just would not keep it in secret or under speculation.
I hope I'm wrong anyway.

Once again as I told you, it isn't secret or under wraps they told us that sounds would be patched. We aren't getting new sounds at release that has been told to us. Not sure why you responded this way since I made note of that last post too.
I just noticed in the GT6 site, when you open up the Competition cars and look at the pics for the SLS GT3, there was a red one. Now the colour is changed to white. Thats weird.
Once again as I told you, it isn't secret or under wraps they told us that sounds would be patched. We aren't getting new sounds at release that has been told to us. Not sure why you responded this way since I made note of that last post too.
Ok, show me the link where Kaz confirmed that the new sounds will be on GT6.
I just noticed in the GT6 site, when you open up the Competition cars and look at the pics for the SLS GT3, there was a red one. Now the colour is changed to white. Thats weird.

Weird indeed, not like it defaulted back to silver, but white?
Sony has no need to advertise when there ps4 is outselling( in pre orders) the xbox one 10 to one on its own home turf..

Do you really believe that is why they have far less of a presence? So what was their excuse last go round?

Yeah, I know the other console maker has a MUCH deeper ocean of money to scoop from. Microsoft is using the Budweiser model of advertising. They bombard us with almost a billion dollar ad campaign and find themselves the number 1 selling beer, even though it tastes like warm goat urine conpared to a halfway decent craft beer. Same goes for McDonalds. Their cold burgers a soggy fries are NASTT!!! But their sales are high and so is their ad budget.
Once again: "Possibility" and "might" do this, not confirmed.
They dont need to announce when it would come, they could just confirm it.

Sounds were "updated" 2.02 of GT5 to think that they wont be updated for this game is naive. I know what it says, and no where did I say that it's absolute. Why would PD lie about an update? I'm critical of them myself, but it's asinine to be over critical and think they'd lie about that too. We already know we're getting patches. I think Kaz is being cautious just in case the patched model isn't up to our standard. I think they are trying to get something right for once. Also confirming they basically did, they're already going to lose sales because it isn't going to be fully finished day 1 and confirming it wont get people to buy the game day 1.
I just noticed in the GT6 site, when you open up the Competition cars and look at the pics for the SLS GT3, there was a red one. Now the colour is changed to white. Thats weird.

Very very strange ...

It has been

It became

It hasn't changed at all, PD are quite vague and asinine with the more finer details, they show the more exterior parts to get people to jump before they see everything fully in action. For example I got to see what exactly I was buying with the new Arkham game and even more so with the new Pokemon games. I'm simply asking why PD rather go the opposite route that many others seem to be able to meet. That being, giving forward insight to customers. GTAV would be another one to point to as a beacon of how to market above what PD do. Releasing obvious info like car lists and track lists usually are done around this time for PD, it was this way with GT5 a month before the game came out.
So they did like I said and released info when the game was about ready to release ;). Looks like my trend is whats happening, but not really. You were complaining they arent giving us anything to go by. I'm saying its GT. What do they need to show besides new cars, tracks and tuning? The other details like online and special events or celebrity/race driver were hinted at as well.
That was 2 weeks before release, this time it's a month. I thought I had the original list for GT4 but I'm sure someone else can find it for me.

You called me out and basically said I should wait, well I've done that song and dance since GT3 and many of us long time fans have been burned by PD to various extents. Point is we still have yet to see more valued insight, I had already expected to get this two weeks in advanced rather than 4 so I guess that's a change.
This is the part that seems counter productive. If you don't expect anything, why are you expecting something? You were "burned" by PD before? Because he gave out things that didn't make GT5. So NOW PD go about the route of lowering the promises and it's wrong of them because you don't know enough about the game. I said wait for the info because we all knew it was coming. And it sure did.

So if they had not released info, does that mean we could expect a delayed game like they've done in the past. On another thread we proved that every gt before this has been delayed to varying degrees. They already told us when the game would hit our hands Dec. 6th, thus it seems very reasonable to question a group when you don't see a final product coming to form in any amount. If I did that I'd be out of a job.
You dont know the reasons for the delays. Besides that theres no indication of a delay. It looks like the things they can't fit or fully implement in time for launch will be updated. That should put to bed most fears of delays or PDs trustworthiness. Which imo is silly to call into question over a slight release pushback.

What have I changed my tune on? Basically what I said was that PD don't give info of great detail before releasing a game, that is the trend. We saw this with the past several games and then I proceeded to give you examples of such features that weren't explained but rather hyped. I also told you the trend went further with how we can predict each platform will have 2 games, or that there is a high chance this game will be delayed (doubt it cause they can get around that now), and so on. You didn't challenge any of that though, you just flat out said "nope". What I'm saying is we know PD operate to the extent of not operating.
That makes no sense. If they didn't operate they would cease to exist. I challenged your whole premise but you continued on with your repetitive "they don't show me enough". Then you fall back to your trends as if that can't change in this modern age. Hype is what you make, not PD. Hype is caused by people getting excited for something. If you claim they hype the game, then thats a form of marketing. So your business model for PD based off other games is flawed logic, if we use your logic. Thats why I said your whole argument is useless because its based on an assumption and you know this.

Of course it's personal, because it's a personal stab at anyone, and others seemed to go after you for that and the personal habit of being a spell check. I know what the term is, but once again if you get called that on the street here it wont go over very well, that is all. My point is you should just keep that in mind that not everyone will receive your specialized vernacular like you think. I'd hope I'm not your rival, once again it's just a forum.

Like you said, its a forum. So taking offense to "kid" is a little sensitive imo, but it wasn't a jab (even if thats in my username). Ive been on the streets and calling someone kid isn't a big deal. Its like calling someone dude, or man. Thats why I said sorry for offending you, because I don't find it a personal jab, but a slang title.
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So they did like I said andcreleased info when the game was about ready to release. Looks like my trend is whats happening. You were complaining they arent giving us anything to go by. Its GT. What do they need to show besides new cars, tracks and tuning? The other details like online and special events or celebrity/race driver were hinted at as well.

Um if that's all you care about is Tracks and Cars then why don't you buy every car game with cool cars? There is clearly other details like Physics, mods, features (e.g Senna), A.I., Arcade/GT Life/Online features updated and so on. There is plenty. Being hinted at doesn't tell us squat, it just hypes up another feature that we don't know about. This was done with time lapse tracks and "active" weather. Features that were first sold to us as all encompassing then later on told to us certain tracks, and then we find out it was quite minimal. Same went with Damage. Difference this time is we know Damage wont be updated at all because PD don't believe in that.

This is the part that seems counter productive. If you don't expect anything, why are you expecting something? You were "burned" by PD before? Because he gave out things that didn't make GT5. So NOW PD go about the route of lowering the promises and it's wrong of them because you don't know enough about the game. I said wait for the info because we all knew it was coming. And it sure did.

Because I'm actually a long time fan of PD, but just like a sports team or anything else I support when they screw up I'm going to call them out on it, in hopes they'll get better. Just like I'd hope for same when I do work, living and being okay with the what is there isn't enough. PD aren't lowering anything they're still hyping and not showing, where did I say they've lowered they're promising? We knew the obvious was coming we still don't have any of the more expansive features. Also you might wanna read all my comments before you pass judgement.

You dont know the reasons for the delays. Besides that theres no indication of a delay. It looks like the things they can't fit or fully implement in time for launch will be updated. That should put to bed most fears of delays or PDs trustworthiness. Which imo is silly to call into question over a slight release pushback.

Yeah we do know the reasons, because PD told us. As for the other part I already said there wont be a delay, I'm not worried about delays which I said in that post and others.
I just want news on how many events/championships are in game. Also I hope PD don't resort to the standard seasonal event again. If the game has enough to do from Day one, you wouldn't necessarily need them back.

I think it probably will, but I agree that is more info that would be nice to learn about.
The amount of events is make or break for me. There is little point having a thousand cars, a load of tracks but nothing to with them apart from hot lapping and risking the online deathmatch.
The amount of events is make or break for me. There is little point having a thousand cars, a load of tracks but nothing to with them apart from hot lapping and risking the online deathmatch.

You can always fight against "enemy" cars in arcade mode.
Um if that's all you care about is Tracks and Cars then why don't you buy every car game with cool cars? There is clearly other details like Physics, mods, features (e.g Senna), A.I., Arcade/GT Life/Online features updated and so on. There is plenty. Being hinted at doesn't tell us squat, it just hypes up another feature that we don't know about. This was done with time lapse tracks and "active" weather. Features that were first sold to us as all encompassing then later on told to us certain tracks, and then we find out it was quite minimal. Same went with Damage. Difference this time is we know Damage wont be updated at all because PD don't believe in that.
You must've missed my previous post where I said they updated the physics, tire and aero model, like described on their site for months now. They also listed the 'stars' method to entering events. They showed damage continues OUTSIDE the race. Thats not minimal. Seems like youre nitpicking and not seeing the huge features already announced and now downplay the new announced features. So they went beyond what you expect from them, by your own admission from the past games. So clue me in as to how this is "minimal"?

Because I'm actually a long time fan of PD, but just like a sports team or anything else I support when they screw up I'm going to call them out on it, in hopes they'll get better. Just like I'd hope for same when I do work, living and being okay with the what is there isn't enough. PD aren't lowering anything they're still hyping and not showing, where did I say they've lowered they're promising? We knew the obvious was coming we still don't have any of the more expansive features. Also you might wanna read all my comments before you pass judgement.
Im sorry, but I can't take you seriously when you say things like this. You talk of a trend of hype and not showing. So if thats their trend, then thats what you expect! But to the contrary of that you say you don't expect it? Is that why you said "still" as in thats the norm? ;) You must not understand that the customers are the hype. Not PD. Then again, if that really is how they sell their product, it sure works!

Yeah we do know the reasons, because PD told us. As for the other part I already said there wont be a delay, I'm not worried about delays which I said in that post and others.
So there are known reasons for a delay. Then whats the problem? They aren't alone in exceeding a deadline, even if it isn't good showing. Thats how I feel about it at least.
You must've missed my previous post where I said they updated the physics, tire and aero model, like described on their site for months now. They also listed the 'stars' method to entering events. They showed damage continues OUTSIDE the race. Thats not minimal. Seems like youre nitpicking and not seeing the huge features already announced and now downplay the new announced features. So they went beyond what you expect from them, by your own admission from the past games. So clue me in as to how this is "minimal"?

And you must have missed the portion where I said that just saying doesn't quantify and show us, do we know how the aero updates work and if they've been changed properly to work like real world? No we don't. Do we know if we have an actual tire model that has deformation, flexing and g loads? No we don't. Also that vast other features of physics that are of concern too. I already said they will keep damage in my last post, what I said more so is that they wont fix it to make it realistic, if you think hitting a wall a 120 or above dead on results in a scratch good luck to you. PD has told us that they don't want a full on damage model. What huge features have been announced that we know about in good detail? Also I never said they went on from what I expected from past games...where did I say this? Or are you twisting what I've said?

Also for evidence on the damage model being the same here is this from PD earlier this year.

From Polyphony Digital
"And here's the most casual-fan GT6 question I could have asked: What are you doing with car damage in this one? (You know, because Gran Turismo used to not have it, whereas you can smash cars up in rival series.)"

"Answer: The rather pleasant producer tells me that it'll be similar to GT5. Polyphony isn't about smashing cars up. They like when people see the beauty of beautiful cars. They'd added some car damage effects in the previous game because people asked."

Im sorry, but I can't take you seriously when you say things like this. You talk of a trend of hype and not showing. So if thats their trend, then thats what you expect! But to the contrary of that you say you don't expect it? Is that why you said "still" as in thats the norm? ;) You must not understand that the customers are the hype. Not PD. Then again, if that really is how they sell their product, it sure works!

Wow you really know how to twist my words. Oh this old bit that has been debunked before, because they sell many games they're doing everything right and it makes it a good game? First off the game is the only one of its kind on Sony systems it has no competition. Also numbers of games sold doesn't mean much really, especially when there is a loyalist fan base which you seem to be apart of.

What do you not get, I've broken it down and you still seem to keep twisting it. Car lists and track lists tell us what we expect that there will be cars and tracks and since most GT games have had more and more each time, we can predict this one will too. What we don't know and never get full details on prior to release is the more detailed features I've listed and others are talking about around our posts. Also are you saying PD don't hype their product at all?

So there are known reasons for a delay. Then whats the problem? They aren't alone in exceeding a deadline, even if it isn't good showing. Thats how I feel about it at least.

Once again as I stated when this all began between you and me. You're an apologist for PD it would seem, while I hold them to a higher standard since others have proven to work within it.
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