GT6 visuals

  • Thread starter -viper-
Also, you know what I to this day have always despised about the daytime track visuals in Gran Turismo 4, PSP, and 5? It's almost always a boring a** late-afternoon skyline with heavy contrast between light and shadows, instead of a midday skyline with balanced contrast like in Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec and earlier GT games. If you're going to have a race generally late in the afternoon, make it a sunset or, if you're using time/weather change, and you're forced to that exact point in time, late afternoon, then just don't make it look so boring!!!!!
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Laguna Seca is a hopeless looking circuit with an abundance of awful textures and horribly boxy topography. It is the most obviously PS2 grade quality effort.

Were it not for the corkscrew it is a poor circuit anyway.

The corkscrew really is the only reason besides avoiding money and licensing issues that Kazunori-son ever picked it in the first place as the first ever officially-licensed real-world circuit in a Gran Turismo game back when they were making GT2. :crazy:
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Personally I think GT5 looks amazing drives amazing better then FM4 :)

forza's tracks are ****.. trail mountain quality at there finest. Gt 5 has 2 outdated looking tracks * and slight portions on 2 more* trail mountain, and grand valley * grand valley has the same puke texture on the outer grass * And trail mountain * the trees could have been made like in all the other tracks a layer of the normal trees * t shape "sprites" or textures followed by what we already have now * the wall of trees* and for the background that has a tree texture wrap , PS could have used a bunch of view following textures * flat and always turn your way lie the people in the game* It looks super realistic on the ring , any ways . autumn ring needs this on the first turn * those trees look like a wall with trees painted on it* and deep forest needs alot of little design changes * the last point looks amazing*but the first turn looks horrible*

If the two of you wish to try and drag this off topic then please continue. However be aware that will result in you receiving a two day temp ban.

This is NOT a FM vs GT discussion thread (we have one of those already) so keep it on topic or take a holiday.

Your choice.
If the two of you wish to try and drag this off topic then please continue. However be aware that will result in you receiving a two day temp ban.

This is NOT a FM vs GT discussion thread (we have one of those already) so keep it on topic or take a holiday.

Your choice.

Thank you, moderator, always keeping things under control from the immature. :lol: :)👍
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I'm not really sure why people expect, after 16 years, that a Gran Turismo game would put just as much focus on the scenery as they do the cars. The cars are the stars, and always have been.

I've said it before, but you can't have everything. If you want better scenery, you need to take a hit on the cars. How that would have impacted PD's "future proofing" plans, I'm not sure, but maybe on PS4 we can look forward to some improvements to scenery at last?

It's interesting that the complaints are only for texture quality, which is clearly a memory issue and won't ever be fixed on PS3 now, rather than the geometric detail, which could have been (still could be) boosted by using a more aggressive LoD scaling on the cars and more judicious use of GT5's geometry streaming (presumably the texture streaming is at a limit already, hence the disappearing track problems at Nürburgring at launch, as it's probably bound by decompressing performance on the SPUs - think RAGE on PS3 vs XBox360, or AMD / ATI vs. nVidia on PC).
Well, if all track in GT6 look like Suzuka, Fuji, Madrid, Eiger or even better I will be satisfied. I agree that environment must be better, more detailed a more a live. Also pits stop and pit wall must be more a live with people on wall, garage and walking around like in real race... Also better spectators.
I tried to simply avoid most of the tracks from GT4 and prior where possible, so it would not bother me if many of those tracks were cut.

Outside of the mostly awful visual damage model, the quantised car shadows are the most aggravating piece of visual inconsistency for me. It really undoes the effort PD underwent for the premium cars.

Pit stops for standard cars also look pretty poor, I think having a shot where most of the car work is implied and not explicitly seen (such as cockpit view during pit stops) shouldve been implemented.

Some of the poor backgrounds/spectators are quite noticeable when driving. Fixing up graphical issues concerning actually racing the vehicles should be a higher priority than Photo Travel mode, in my opinion.
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PD/KZ can't even do a proper sunrise/sunset for the endurance races. That just really kills me. All they did was darken the sky for late night.
Were it not for the corkscrew it is a poor circuit anyway.

Agreed. I don't think I've actually enjoyed racing on Laguna Seca on a GT game since GT2, and that was primarily because on GT2 the track was wider, faster and the Corkscrew was better.

Would not miss it.
Hopefully GT6 has a pit area that looks like this

Perhaps with the PS4, PD can achieve what they envisioned with the GT Vision trailer, that is 20 plus cars per track, with the visuals they desire. Obviously it couldn't be done on the PS3 as their priority on visuals is too high to get the game as busy as you see on that pic.

Anyway, I think you have to look at GT5 as a whole to appreciate its pretty visuals. I personally think it's the best looking racing game on consoles if you look at it this way. However, I'd have to agree that its inconsistency is a serious drawback, and when nitpicking, it may look disgusting. BUT, overall, it looks great and its lighting engine is certainly cutting edge. We just need to realize where the priorities are, and the limits they are working with on the console. It's not the fault of the developers' abilities.

PD/KZ can't even do a proper sunrise/sunset for the endurance races. That just really kills me. All they did was darken the sky for late night.

Also, I don't know if you guys realize this, but GT5 uses real time lighting effects (vs. pre-rendered like previous GTs), and apparently sunset is a pain to simulate. It must explain why previous sunset tracks like Laguna Seca, Motegi, Cote de Azur, and even Seattle it seems, are now just simply "sunny." It may also explain why night tracks have skies that are really dull looking, or why Forza 4 couldn't even emulate night racing, when previous versions had night tracks.
Perhaps with the PS4, PD can achieve what they envisioned with the GT Vision trailer, that is 20 plus cars per track, with the visuals they desire. Obviously it couldn't be done on the PS3 as their priority on visuals is too high to get the game as busy as you see on that pic.

Anyway, I think you have to look at GT5 as a whole to appreciate its pretty visuals. I personally think it's the best looking racing game on consoles if you look at it this way. However, I'd have to agree that its inconsistency is a serious drawback, and when nitpicking, it may look disgusting. BUT, overall, it looks great and its lighting engine is certainly cutting edge. We just need to realize where the priorities are, and the limits they are working with on the console. It's not the fault of the developers' abilities.

Also, I don't know if you guys realize this, but GT5 uses real time lighting effects (vs. pre-rendered like previous GTs), and apparently sunset is a pain to simulate. It must explain why previous sunset tracks like Laguna Seca, Motegi, Cote de Azur, and even Seattle it seems, are now just simply "sunny." It may also explain why night tracks have skies that are really dull looking, or why Forza 4 couldn't even emulate night racing, when previous versions had night tracks.

Gt5 can do sun set's , go to the ring and change the time to dusk.. best looking visuals on anything period.. The point is GT5 could have looked allot better without pushing the ps3. due to inconsistencies!
Perhaps with the PS4, PD can achieve what they envisioned with the GT Vision trailer, that is 20 plus cars per track, with the visuals they desire. Obviously it couldn't be done on the PS3 as their priority on visuals is too high to get the game as busy as you see on that pic.


Anyway, I think you have to look at GT5 as a whole to appreciate its pretty visuals. I personally think it's the best looking racing game on consoles if you look at it this way. However, I'd have to agree that its inconsistency is a serious drawback, and when nitpicking, it may look disgusting. BUT, overall, it looks great and its lighting engine is certainly cutting edge. We just need to realize where the priorities are, and the limits they are working with on the console. It's not the fault of the developers' abilities.

With regards to that first sentence, I'd actually say the opposite; looking at GT5 on the whole is precisely what knocks its visuals down for me! Give me a few Premium cars duking it out during sunset at the 'Ring and it's gorgeous, but throw a bunch of Standards on Trial Mountain or Deep Forest and it's a bit too GT4 for me. I'll absolutely agree that GT5's lighting engine is still a fine piece of work though, and a major saving grace for the visuals.

I realize the priorities, and the limits of working with such an old console. However, that's the other side of the fact PD is working with a console; they've known about the limits of the console the entire time they've been developing the game. PC games have a lot more room for performance, as an example, but their goalposts are constantly moving. The limitations of the console are not the fault of the developers, absolutely not, but most every other developer out there works to these limitations. I respect that approach a lot more than the seemingly constant use of the system limitations as an excuse for poorly-realized ideas.

Also, I don't know if you guys realize this, but GT5 uses real time lighting effects (vs. pre-rendered like previous GTs), and apparently sunset is a pain to simulate. It must explain why previous sunset tracks like Laguna Seca, Motegi, Cote de Azur, and even Seattle it seems, are now just simply "sunny." It may also explain why night tracks have skies that are really dull looking, or why Forza 4 couldn't even emulate night racing, when previous versions had night tracks.

Another example of compromise in the case of FM4's disappointing lack of night races; the goal of keeping the game at a rock-solid 60fps took precedent. Much like certain aspects of the gameplay in GT5 took higher priority than others. It's just up to us as consumers to draw a line as to what we find acceptable in each scenario :).

I think a lot of people will be disappointed to find out that compromise will still exist on the next-generation too. And likely the one after. Racing sims seem so complicated these days compared to what we were playing only 15 years ago, but there's still so much that has yet to be included in these games. It's going to be a lot of fun to see how they grow, and what priorities the big players decide on 👍

Gt5 can do sun set's , go to the ring and change the time to dusk.. best looking visuals on anything period.. The point is GT5 could have looked allot better without pushing the ps3. due to inconsistencies!

It's already pushing the PS3 pretty hard; how exactly would it look even better doing less work? You could argue optimization, but considering PD's ties with Sony itself, and what sort of visuals they already pull off with only some slight hiccups in the frame-rate in the face of other games, I'm pretty sure they've scrutinized there too.
...PD bit off more then they could chew. They've admitted that, Kaz said GT5's cars are better suited to the next generation of hardware. That was their fault, not the PS3.
How is it not the hardware limitation's fault, if that is all there is to work with?

Appreciated that less overall could have been an option, but the game has improved graphically with each title. I wouldn't expect them to compromise in that direction because of hardware limitations.

The bad tree/spectator/occasional weird distance textures are only really noticeable during replay and when photos are taken.

I'm sure we'd all have liked consistent graphics across the board - but if the PS3 can't handle it...

We got a very good game, despite that.
@Mean Elf - Agree, however, I'm still expecting an improvement for the PS4, I want 60fps 1080p with higher res cars, or atleast much smoother cars, maybe more AA, 8/16 times would be nice (yes at 60fps, I'm not asking alot).

I think, the way it went down, was probably the best scenario, make the cars as good as possible, and ditch the rest, I will say this though, it does beat it's main competitor for graphics, but only by 5-15% on cars, and loses, imo, on many other graphical levels (excluding roads and cars, just about everything else in that game, seemed to me, after 15 hours, a fair bit better).

EDIT: And I'm saying this is a better call, because looking at the cars now, they still look, well modern, which is amazing given the PS3 is such a dinosaur.
Gt5 can do sun set's , go to the ring and change the time to dusk.. best looking visuals on anything period.. The point is GT5 could have looked allot better without pushing the ps3. due to inconsistencies!

I've raced the 24HR NRing race, and it's definitely beautiful. However, the sunset settings aren't exactly like the ones we see in GT3 or GT4. If you recall the sunset in GT3's cote de azur or Laguna Seca for example, it's not as strong of a sunlight as that. For something like that to be simulated in GT5 is tough (remember lighting in GT5 is real time as it reflects off surfaces and such), so I think that's why they just went with a simple daylight settings in GT5's version. I think all they did with the time change is changing the gamma/exposure, rather than the simulation of sunlight rising and setting. I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.

Also, I'm not sure I understand your last sentence.
I think all they did with the time change is changing the gamma/exposure, rather than the simulation of sunlight rising and setting. I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.
They did right.

Also, I'm not sure I understand your last sentence.

He means that many of the issues with the visuals (and their inconsistencies) had nothing to do with the power of the console and everything to do with time/efficiency. It wasn't lack of power that meant there were standard cars or that time and weather change were only on a few tracks for example.
Now while I expect the cars to be beautifully detailed, one thing that really irks me is how bland and terrible the tracks look in GT5. They lack so much detail it isn't even funny. When I played Forza 4, what impressed me is the draw distance of the track, and how detailed every track was! GT5 on the other hand looks so plain, and so awful.

What you are describing is the different types of graphics.

In GT5 they use a certain type of HD graphics. While in most other games such as Forza they are using a certain type of animated graphics.

This is the reason for GT5's cars looking better in detail. But GT5's tracks looking good but the ceneroy looking gloomy. Certain things will look better in Forza or NFS ect than it does on GT5 for this reason. I honestly hope if push comes to shove they leave the graphics alone.
What you are describing is the different types of graphics.

In GT5 they use a certain type of HD graphics. While in most other games such as Forza they are using a certain type of animated graphics.

This is the reason for GT5's cars looking better in detail. But GT5's tracks looking good but the ceneroy looking gloomy. Certain things will look better in Forza or NFS ect than it does on GT5 for this reason. I honestly hope if push comes to shove they leave the graphics alone.

Sorry but that's the biggest load of rubbish I've read in a long time.
Sorry but that's the biggest load of rubbish I've read in a long time.

Not going to get into the argument about it and i am sure I am not 100 percent correct on where it used. But it is in fact HD graphics that are used in GT5. And that's why they look better
No please, let's get into it, but in the right thread:

Nope. No offense but let's not. It is my opinion. I shouldn't have to put "in my opinion" in everything I post. It is my opinion. I have owned both played them both that's what I had seen nuff said.

And yes it had all the necessary equipment (as in both running on HDMI cables and i am stating which one I thought looked better and my explanation on why and what I was expecting (well in a sumed and blunt way). I don't have to go into debate on things no one actually knows unless they work at the company the different games were made.

Sorry i didn't post "in my opinion" (which might be my fault for the way i worded my post) but that was my opinion sorry for the confusion.
Even in the slow races I run, I don't notice all the bad graphical stuff you guys like to point out - I'm too busy driving.

I agree 100%!👍 I'm trying to go as fast as i can and stay on the track. I would rather have more cars to races than more wasted polys on trees and track side stuff.
For me it's better to have beautiful game with 20 car's on grid then 30+ car's o track with poor graphic. Detail's are important, also awesome visual damage... I think that ps4 will handle this :)
@Mean Elf - Agree, however, I'm still expecting an improvement for the PS4, I want 60fps 1080p with higher res cars, or atleast much smoother cars, maybe more AA, 8/16 times would be nice (yes at 60fps, I'm not asking alot)...
I reckon it will be improved, judging by the PS4 specs (if those are true) as there will be far more processing power and RAM to handle what PD will want to do.
I've raced the 24HR NRing race, and it's definitely beautiful. However, the sunset settings aren't exactly like the ones we see in GT3 or GT4. If you recall the sunset in GT3's cote de azur or Laguna Seca for example, it's not as strong of a sunlight as that. For something like that to be simulated in GT5 is tough (remember lighting in GT5 is real time as it reflects off surfaces and such), so I think that's why they just went with a simple daylight settings in GT5's version. I think all they did with the time change is changing the gamma/exposure, rather than the simulation of sunlight rising and setting. I may be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me.

Are you blind or something? GT5's dynamic sunsets/sunrises are way better than any previous GT's static sunset tracks. It most certainly is not just changing the gamma/exposure, as you can clearly see in the videos that Zer0 posted in response to your post. GT5's dynamic day/night cycle is breathtaking.
He means that many of the issues with the visuals (and their inconsistencies) had nothing to do with the power of the console and everything to do with time/efficiency. It wasn't lack of power that meant there were standard cars or that time and weather change were only on a few tracks for example.

Define efficiency.
Define efficiency.


The state or quality of being efficient: "greater energy efficiency".
An action designed to achieve this.

To be serious I don't think it really matters in reference to the point I was making. In fact just remove "efficiency" and leave it at time if you like.