GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems

No offence to controller users but that flashing looks so funny
As a controller user who doesn’t flash, my experience is that people who do flash like that in corners belong to the lesser skilled spectrum of drivers, I never see good ones do that and bad ones do it practically all the time, so yeah, they’re holding the controller in some very weird way I struggle to comprehend.
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I seem to have been going backwards in DR a lot recently - usually because I'm not running the meta car, whatever it is. But this week, on C, even where I've run the NSX and still been slow - getting poor exits and often getting passed on the straights. I went to try race A, and again everybody else was faster than me..

So I thought I'd check my wheel and pedal settings - and lo and behold - the maximum throttle I could get was 98.5% !! All sorted now, and a win and fastest lap on C felt very nice indeed.
I seem to have been going backwards in DR a lot recently - usually because I'm not running the meta car, whatever it is. But this week, on C, even where I've run the NSX and still been slow - getting poor exits and often getting passed on the straights. I went to try race A, and again everybody else was faster than me..

So I thought I'd check my wheel and pedal settings - and lo and behold - the maximum throttle I could get was 98.5% !! All sorted now, and a win and fastest lap on C felt very nice indeed.
Has 8k views and I have no idea why? 🤷‍♂️

Ok, quick question for the Deep Forest crowd. Before I irritate anyone (else), what is the collective opinion on going side-by-side through the first section (T1 through first tunnel)? Had someone argue post race that there was "no way" you could get through there two-by. I beg to differ, obviously, but that's just me...and now I'm here. Don't let me down, please show me the way.😁

So what say you, GTP? Is it:
  • Never Good
  • Perfectly Fine
  • Last Lap Only Shenanigans
And, yes, I know it's slower. I'm just curious is there's an etiquette based reason for me to NOT do that. I've only run three races so far, and am right where I though I'd be on the grid to start (P5-7). Was able to bring home two P3's and a P7 I had to fight tooth-n-nail for.🤣

Thanks in advance for the guidance!:cheers:

This is NOT something I would do on a longer race. And maybe that's the issue with the mentality sprints create as there is no pacing yourself....that just paces you out of the race. IMHO, of course. 👍
I'm finding that section of it irritating too, I really do not know how the top 1-1000 drivers can get through there so quick. What's their method? I keep clocking Sector 1 at 0'26.910-0'28.530. It falls anywhere between those values. I honestly don't get it, and I am not using a wheel or pad. I would still probably get the same results.

Yeah, I feel you. I have to fight like a warrior to finish in good high positions! It's a job, it's like going to work seven days a week.
Has 8k views and I have no idea why? 🤷‍♂️

I'm getting full throttle now, and I also gave myself a slightly larger dead zone so that I'm not inadvertently braking or applying a tiny bit of power. I wonder if it's just because everything has been broken in now, as I've not calibrated the pedals since when I first got the V2's.

It was like the throttle felt like it was at maximum, but if I pushed harder it gave a fraction more. I'm not sure how long it's been like it - I think this weeks selection of tracks with long straights/full throttle sections has highlighted the problem to me.
How are you driving then? Guitar Hero controller? Dance mat?
I use the regular Playstation 4 controller. The only time I used a wheel was when I had my Playstation 2 in 2002. It was for the NFS Hot Pursuit 2 game. That was a blast in my childhood. Will never forget all the fun I had with my friends. I was 8-9 years old when I got it.
As a controller user who doesn’t flash, my experience is that people who do flash like that in corners belong to the lesser skilled spectrum of drivers, I never see good ones do that and bad ones do it practically all the time, so yeah, they’re holding the controller in some very weird way I struggle to comprehend.
I can't deny being on the lesser skilled end of the spectrum, but I never realized just how often I was doing this until I remapped the stick push buttons so that they switch views on the MFD instead of flashing the lights. I use the analog sticks for acceleration/braking (R) and steering (L). When I brake heavily I often instinctively squeeze the controller and end up pressing the stick in. At least now, it only changes the MFD view, but I'm sure before the change I was flashing my lights all over the place.
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I never use the directional buttons, I abuse the joystick for steering. For MT, I may need to change the configuration settings. Or I guess AT is good enough. As long as I get a good solid lap time that gets me close to starting in 1-5th position for any race.
Ok, quick question for the Deep Forest crowd. Before I irritate anyone (else), what is the collective opinion on going side-by-side through the first section (T1 through first tunnel)?
Nothing wrong with it if you're respectful of each other.
Funny enough I have a vid to share of 3 switcheroos at the DF hairpin in the same race to share.
In this race we had 4-wide once, and at least twice we had 3-wide, all in less than 22 seconds!

And yes, I did some bumping of my own, but only to "help" the people in front of me to keep moving. Seriously though, it was mostly accidental. Mostly.
A race without a single Veyron in it
Pics or it didn't happen. Just kidding, although it stretches the limits of credulity.

Regarding controller users flashing their lights:
Also HUGELY irritating to the person in front of you. Well, if it happens to be me, anyway.
I also hugely hate this, at least when I think they're doing it on purpose (on the straights, for instance).
I never realized just how often I was doing this
I suspect a lot of people have no idea they're doing this.
The Veyron is an okay car, it is slow and it's heavy but I can cope with it if I have to. I can tell by the weight and mass of it. And the shortshifting, well that's life.
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Lol, the Veyron sucks, it is too slow and it's heavy. I can tell by the weight and mass of it. And the shortshifting, OMG.

Edit: the top leaderboard is basically Veyron, I'm 1500th in the world in the Veyron have place either wins or top 5s in the Veyron racing other Veyron and oddly G70s

And you are telling us it sucks? Come on Chris mate. Are you playing the same game as the rest of us.

There are other competitive cars but the quickest one is sort of obvious.
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Well I guess I was harsh on that comment, I'll edit it, I don't want it starting a bunch of ruckus. I changed some of my message before. Sorry. I need to learn more patience with the cars we have, it's just all of them have different features and reactions to the track depending on what tires we use.

@newmedia_dev no hard feelings? I'm trying to make this a good peaceful place. I need to think about what I'm going to say before I post it from now on.
I honestly don't get it, and I am not using a wheel or pad.
How are you driving then? Guitar Hero controller? Dance mat?
Well that's enough race A for me 🫣

Might have to check replay and see what happened.. @GOTMAXPOWER was there lagging or was it just completely bonkers?

Edit/ had what I thought was @Famine in my next B race - but I think it was a bodysnatcher 🤔
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Well that's enough race A for me 🫣

Might have to check replay and see what happened.. @GOTMAXPOWER was there lagging or was it just completely bonkers?
I almost had a win today at SSRX but half the group passed me one the second right turn before the finish. Annoying sometimes. I work hard getting those times in the QT session specifically so I can get some wins. And the race always ends the way I don't want it too. It's not helping my SR.
I had a guy in front of me (I’m guessing we can’t publicly shame him by using his name) and he was a human wrecking ball. He bumped me to get past and I stayed behind him and watched him take out car after car but, by the end of the race, he gained me about 8 spots 😜.
Pretty funny to watch.
Well that's enough race A for me 🫣

Might have to check replay and see what happened.. @GOTMAXPOWER was there lagging or was it just completely bonkers?

Edit/ had what I thought was @Famine in my next B race - but I think it was a bodysnatcher 🤔
That is the first one I've had this week that was like that, a couple of Twitch streamers were in there with their mates and wanted a rammy race, that one was a lot cleaner than the one after it too 😳
That is the first one I've had this week that was like that, a couple of Twitch streamers were in there with their mates and wanted a rammy race, that one was a lot cleaner than the one after it too 😳
Blimey - glad I didn't try the next one 🤣 'll have a look at the replay tomorrow. One more C race and I'm done

Edit: the top leaderboard is basically Veyron, I'm 1500th in the world in the Veyron have place either wins or top 5s in the Veyron racing other Veyron and oddly G70s

And you are telling us it sucks? Come on Chris mate. Are you playing the same game as the rest of us.

There are other competitive cars but the quickest one is sort of obvious.
I'm one of the odd G70 people 🤣 🤪
Does anybody know the algorithm for DR? I’m curious what increases it.
Outperforming your average track qualification time?
Or is it strictly finish position above X?

I’ve had some race times that were above my average but I was in races with pole positions well above my actual skills that put me ~ 10th or less. Conversely, I’ve had other races with pole positions near my normal qualification times that I end-up placing pretty well.
I’m curious if your DR comes down to what time of day you race and what races you get grouped into.
Does anybody know the algorithm for DR? I’m curious what increases it.
Outperforming your average track qualification time?
Or is it strictly finish position above X?

I’ve had some race times that were above my average but I was in races with pole positions well above my actual skills that put me ~ 10th or less. Conversely, I’ve had other races with pole positions near my normal qualification times that I end-up placing pretty well.
I’m curious if your DR comes down to what time of day you race and what races you get grouped into.
I think around page 1000 there’s a pretty good explanation. If you don’t want to think too much about it, shoot for the top 8 and it will increase.
Well I'm just gonna enjoy the rest of my weekend and try my best to grab some wins or good finishing placements. I'm just going to be myself. Trying to be better than someone else is more stressful in life. I learned that the hard way in sports and school.
Does anybody know the algorithm for DR? I’m curious what increases it.
Outperforming your average track qualification time?
Or is it strictly finish position above X?

I’ve had some race times that were above my average but I was in races with pole positions well above my actual skills that put me ~ 10th or less. Conversely, I’ve had other races with pole positions near my normal qualification times that I end-up placing pretty well.
I’m curious if your DR comes down to what time of day you race and what races you get grouped into.
Found it. Page 991 so not entirely far away from pg 1k 🤔

Your starting position and how many people you pass matter naught in the DR calculation. The only thing that matters is where you finish retaliative to the your DR vs the DR of people who finish ahead and behind.

Famine summed it up nicely (yes, I saved this quote):

"DR is solely determined by your race finishing positions: a straightforward exchange of points between you, the people you beat, and people who beat you, scaled according to the relative difference in points between you. "

The whole thing where someone was trying to argue with him regarding starting position vs finishing position:

But you do. The further ahead they are of you in terms of raw DR points, the less you lose, but you do lose points to them unless the difference is

For every car you finish in front of you gain: 80 - ((Player DR - Rival DR))/500)DR

For every car you finish behind, you lose: 80 + ((Player DR - Rival DR))/500)DR

As you can see, unless the difference is in excess of 39,500pt, you'll lose at least one point.

In a race where everyone has identical DR, this is the change in points after the race:
1: +1200
2: +1040
3: +880
4: +720
5: +560
6: +400
7: +240
8: +80
9: -80
10: -240
11: -400
12: -560
13: -720
14: -880
15: -1040
16: -1200

Start 16th, gain one place, lose 1040 DR. You do not gain it, you lose it because fourteen other people took points off you and you gained them from one person.

The only time you won't lose DR is if you have no DR to lose, because your DR ranking is D and your rating is one point - and in your first five races at DR E - although people will still gain the appropriate number of points for finishing ahead of you. Otherwise it goes up and down exactly like I say.

This is literally how it works. It has been known and well established for more than five years. Where. You. Start. Does. Not. Matter.
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Does anybody know the algorithm for DR? I’m curious what increases it.
Outperforming your average track qualification time?
Or is it strictly finish position above X?

I’ve had some race times that were above my average but I was in races with pole positions well above my actual skills that put me ~ 10th or less. Conversely, I’ve had other races with pole positions near my normal qualification times that I end-up placing pretty well.
I’m curious if your DR comes down to what time of day you race and what races you get grouped into.
It all comes own to who's in the room + where you finish.

Like @Kriptical said, there's a great, if not recurring, explanation of how it all works (search for posts from Famine). The reason it's not a straightforward 'finish here, get x points' is due to weighting of drivers based on their level (eg. low A -vs- A+). I've seen people finish first and lose points, for what it's worth. That's an outlier for sure, but a great example of how NON-linear it can be depending on who is on the track with you. 👍


Damn...took too long to type it out, lol!
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