GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I tried one Race A last Monday at GV. I got side swiped into a barrier, I got a penalty, the offending driver got nothing. So it was once and done for that.

I tried one Race B at RBR without putting in a QT. Gained about 8 positions due to carnage. Once and done again, it was too filthy for me do another.

So a concentrated on Le Mans over the weekend. Half the races were decent and half of them were lunacy. I dont think half the time spent in the game being fun is a good enough ratio for me.

I'm not even going to try this week. The rally tracks make no sense to me in GT7, GR4 on hard tires speaks for itself and a repeat of the one make at Autopolis isnt appealing either.

Hope some peeps get some enjoyment out of them but deffo not for me.
It's quite telling really where I put loads of time in to QT of a given week and don't race and conversely when the racing is good (usually BH was an exception recently) I'll just race more than QT

I'm like Goldilocks I need a race where I can QT well quite quickly and then just race all week!
I'm not even going to try this week. The rally tracks make no sense to me in GT7, GR4 on hard tires speaks for itself and a repeat of the one make at Autopolis isnt appealing either.

Hope some peeps get some enjoyment out of them but deffo not for me.
For Race A, I think it makes sense to feature a newly-added car - one that's somewhat known for taking on rugged terrain, at that - and putting on a dirt track. It also likely helps that it's not too overwhelmingly powerful, too, considering the course itself. Honestly, I could say a bit more about dirt/snow courses, and the idea of more formal point-to-point rally stages where players simply need to set the best time in a session, like at the Goodwood Hillclimb, but that's another story in itself, really.

Race B? I think it could be fun, since I do happen to enjoy Laguna Seca. I'm betting on FF/4WD cars being especially popular, though, considering the twisty layout.

As for Race C, I can't say I mind it featuring road cars, especially with more than one model - even if the featured cars are effectively identical. Personally? I'd have a lot more races featuring multiple cars that fit a certain theme, and they'd all be pre-tuned by PD to be as balanced as possible. It'd be much like this one Nations Cup race that featured the various Nissan Fairlady Z models. Then again, I do suppose Sport Mode in general is meant to test the drivers' skills rather than their abilities to pick the "meta" car or play with certain settings. Perhaps what I had in mind would be better in the Manufacturers Series - I'd love to see it expand beyond Gr.4/Gr.3, too, even if it'd only be to say, Gr.2 and Gr.1. Especially as more eligible cars could be added from DTM/Super GT for the former, and LMH/LMDh for the latter.
It's quite telling really where I put loads of time in to QT of a given week and don't race and conversely when the racing is good (usually BH was an exception recently) I'll just race more than QT

I'm like Goldilocks I need a race where I can QT well quite quickly and then just race all week!

Yeah get yourself a good quali time in and just race, you guys spend far too much time knocking tenths off each other! 🤣

Couldn’t believe those almost flat 1.28s last week, I think my optimal was 1.29.7 or something and I’d bottled that lap!

Not really getting the time in the week at present so hoping I can nail a decent lap at the weekend to give me some good weekend racing!
Phew, I dozed off and went to sleep, I am really tired. I did about 50 races over the weekend and my DR/SR are still at 0, there is nothing in the bars. The big issue about races are if I finish 2-5 in one I get a ton of DR, but if I finish 9-13 in another one then the opponents that finish ahead of me take away my DR/SR and then I'm back to square one. It is jacked up, honestly it should be neutral for like every other race. I hate losing because then all my hard work earning the DR gets backfired. I wish I could be consistent and finish in the top 5 everytime.

I wish I could do more but my body gives me a signal of how much I can do, plus family is more important, without that, things wouldn't be the same for me, my mom has raised me from the get-go, so I need to be focused about the household and our stuff instead of getting sidetracked with gt7, it is addicting though, :)

So, what do you guys think of Race A, I guess it's fine. PD could have chosen a better car suited for the rally track, but they're not perfect either.

I'm going to bed, I am totally wiped out and exhausted. Bye!
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Race A: 1:36.831 QT. I shouldn't be allowed near other cars on dirt courses. Or snow. Or wet.

Race B: 1:30.044 QT in the NSX Gr.4. She doesn't like riding the sausage.


Race C: 2:11.759 QT in the GT86. Had to keep reminding myself that there's more grip than I think.
Note to self- never enter a daily race half asleep or drowsy, because I quit 3 of them the other day, I bet that hurt my DR/SR bad. I regret doing that Saturday night.

I thought about getting a wheel for my birthday but can I keep up with using it properly and what added equipment would I need, probably an extra entertainment center. Ok, off to bed I go.
Note to self- never enter a daily race half asleep or drowsy, because I quit 3 of them the other day, I bet that hurt my DR/SR bad. I regret doing that Saturday night.

I thought about getting a wheel for my birthday but can I keep up with using it properly and what added equipment would I need, probably an extra entertainment center. Ok, off to bed I go.
If you drive in real it can help moving to a wheel.

The thing to remember is it's not the wheel or turning it that gives you pace it's how you can brake with more fidelity and coast with more fidelity.

Force Feedback help that a little with communicating some of the information like grip and surfaces (track, curbs understeer or oversteer) but for me it feels natural to modulate the pedals with more control than I can with fingers.

Ultimately a wheel is a choice about immersion and "simulating" said very loosely because I don't imagine many of us drive in bumper cam, bonnet/roof cam or in 3rd person in real life...

It's typically not the peripherals that make us fast. If you watch @Tidgney TT guides he does them to gold on wheel and pad.

You'll notice he talks a lot about gear selection and braking points he eludes to a lot of the time it's not just smashing the brake at those points but either trail braking or fast braking which is to brake hard initially and then pump the brakes to control the speed. T1 is a good example of this.

Its not a corner that only has one line or brake style you can trail brake through it, brake hard in to it and coast, you can brake with different pressure all the way through it, you can take the right line or take the deeper but earlier throttle exit line.

To answer your question learning controller or wheel takes time and mastering them even more time but neither stop you from going faster or improving. The attention to control inputs and knowing the track are the key to that.
I havent done many sport mode races since the Kyoto Gr4 race. I hate the fixxed setups they give us. Gr4 car are so understeery, and the Stock GR86 on sports hards is slippery than a IRL GR86 because the LSD default setup is set WAY too aggressively.
It anti Grand Turismo IMO to not be able to set up a car.

Setting up the car has been something you do since Gt1, and IMO people's DR should be based on their skill and their ability to set up a car, you know like in IRL, for "the real driving" simulator. Basically if you do not know how to set up, then I feel your DR will just settle where you are with default setups.

Been focusing on a couple leagues I run and tuning the car for those until sport modes comes to back to the spurt of setup races they had, I really wish the pro streamers would complain about it. I legit wonder what the majority of the player bases wants.
I feel the majority of the player base doesn't care about tuning and just want jump in a daily with their favorite car and be competitive. Unfortunately, like you stated, that's not possible with the default setups. My hopes are that PD is gathering data from the races that allow tuning to apply to their default tunes. Ideally, we would have separate BOPs for individual tracks to bring the cars closer together.

I can appreciate people gaining an advantage because they know how to setup their car to specific tracks, but that should be kept to offline and open lobby races, not Sport Mode. If they continue to allow tuning, I feel it be fair to everyone if we were able to view the tunes of the top times. Afterall 99.9% of the player base are not aspiring E-sports drivers. They just want a level playing field and knowing they lost because of skill and not because someone has a tuned faster car.
So spread from a few laps this morning to another 15 or so after work frustrating this is where I landed

View attachment 1365699

I'm going to use a new Ghost strategy....

Put @TechnoIsLove -0.8 behind me and see how much further I can finish ahead of him

Check your math bro, it's 0.09s not 0.8s - trumpet! 😂 Nice time though, to be continued tomorrow however 🔥🔥
Check your math bro, it's 0.09s not 0.8s - trumpet! 😂 Nice time though, to be continued tomorrow however 🔥🔥
It's not about the math, it's about how small I can make you in my mirror. I'm not trying to race your ghost.....if I put you ahead you get in the way.

Again doing some different types of video because I think they can help in context.

Previous one was my QT session going faster.

This time it's 2 laps following @Tidgney the first one is a 1:30.126 the second is a 1:28.170

The aim is to be able to compare in an easy way in the same video.

Annoyingly the way replays work is that they don't quite track a few of the things pedal wise and you'll see lots of ABS action vs where I was just braking less and reapplying it briefly.

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I feel the majority of the player base doesn't care about tuning and just want jump in a daily with their favorite car and be competitive. Unfortunately, like you stated, that's not possible with the default setups. My hopes are that PD is gathering data from the races that allow tuning to apply to their default tunes. Ideally, we would have separate BOPs for individual tracks to bring the cars closer together.

I can appreciate people gaining an advantage because they know how to setup their car to specific tracks, but that should be kept to offline and open lobby races, not Sport Mode. If they continue to allow tuning, I feel it be fair to everyone if we were able to view the tunes of the top times. Afterall 99.9% of the player base are not aspiring E-sports drivers. They just want a level playing field and knowing they lost because of skill and not because someone has a tuned faster car.
Agree, most of us have little interest in tuning, nor do we have the knowledge to set up a car properly. If we want to match real life, we’d all have our own race engineers like pro drivers do.

It’s true that the stock set up for most cars is understeer, but surely a good driver can adjust his style to mitigate that?
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Agree, most of us have little interest in tuning, nor do we have the knowledge to set up a car properly. If we want to match real life, we’d all have our own race engineers like pro drivers do.

It’s true that the stock set up for most cars is understeer, but surely a good driver can adjust his style to mitigate that?
I think the issue is a lot around Differential settings as that was the thing that made the most difference in the last few tuning allowed races.

The suspension stuff does have an effect but it seems to be extremes working against each other at the sharper end. Low front, high rear and natural frequency or oscillation to most people is counter balanced typically front to back.

I think most people just want to arrive and drive. What would be the nice option would be preset tunes to mix it up. All proven to be as quick as each other and then you pick the one that suits. Realistically I don't think the player base for sport is big enough to support that sort of thing.
Agree, most of us have little interest in tuning, nor do we have the knowledge to set up a car properly. If we want to match real life, we’d all have our own race engineers like pro drivers do.

It’s true that the stock set up for most cars is understeer, but surely a good driver can adjust his style to mitigate that?
IRL pro drivers could work as race engineers 99 percent of the time. If your an amateur you 100 percent know basic setup since you built the car your or at least wrench on it.

The reality is any good driver could do basic setup

If you dont want to, just drive the basic setup.

The thing I think tunes should be 100 percent open, but if the tune is tailor toward your driving and not just copy and paste you will go faster.

Allowing setups doesnt stop people from arriving and driving.

For me it not the ability to drive around(I am A+ on my main account) it just more engaging to me to be able to tune and make the car drive like how I want.

I would legit wonder what a poll would show what people want.

You could also go the Iracing route and do fixxed/versus open setups.
IRL pro drivers could work as race engineers 99 percent of the time. If your an amateur you 100 percent know basic setup since you built the car your or at least wrench on it.

The reality is any good driver could do basic setup

If you dont want to, just drive the basic setup.

The thing I think tunes should be 100 percent open, but if the tune is tailor toward your driving and not just copy and paste you will go faster.

Allowing setups doesnt stop people from arriving and driving.

For me it not the ability to drive around(I am A+ on my main account) it just more engaging to me to be able to tune and make the car drive like how I want.

I would legit wonder what a poll would show what people want.

You could also go the Iracing route and do fixxed/versus open setups.
I think the problem that PD genuinely have is that the consistent fast guys find setups so nothing changes it's just 1/1000ths that separate people further down the order you get everyone else either copying the meta setup or going their own way.

The problem is not "tuning the car to my style" it's the fact some configurations are inherently better than others so even though a car may feel or drive better for you, it's going to be slower than xyz setup.

Ignoring those who do or don't want setups the reality is very few are consistent enough with enough time and patience to do 10-20 lap sessions with a setup to then go and change it.

Even Brake Balance is polarising let alone ARB or natural frequency settings.

So on balance I just think it's a deliberate choice for game play.

Now if we could get bop closer tuning become moot as the cars and there are enough of them provide most of the characteristics tuning would provide?
I quit 3 of them the other day, I bet that hurt my DR/SR bad.
It definitely hurt your DR. Quitting puts you last (except for anyone who quit before you did), so you lose the most amount of DR you can as you lose it to everyone else.

It doesn't directly impact your SR, but if you've had a bunch of negative or zero SR sectors and don't balance it out by getting positive SR sectors in the rest of the race then your SR will stall or drop.
I feel the majority of the player base doesn't care about tuning and just want jump in a daily with their favorite car and be competitive. Unfortunately, like you stated, that's not possible with the default setups. My hopes are that PD is gathering data from the races that allow tuning to apply to their default tunes. Ideally, we would have separate BOPs for individual tracks to bring the cars closer together.

I can appreciate people gaining an advantage because they know how to setup their car to specific tracks, but that should be kept to offline and open lobby races, not Sport Mode. If they continue to allow tuning, I feel it be fair to everyone if we were able to view the tunes of the top times. Afterall 99.9% of the player base are not aspiring E-sports drivers. They just want a level playing field and knowing they lost because of skill and not because someone has a tuned faster car.
Agree with this. I just want to be able to drop in and go. I like BB, but that's about it. I don't have the time to test and tune 100 different things, and when racing I want to know I am racing other drivers, not their tunes they've had 20 hours invested into perfecting.
I'm loving the return to no tuning personally. And bringing the Toyobaru twins back for race C. It's a really good combo only hurt by 2 things, the lac of strategy and people's unreasonable aversion to road cars. Yes, Autopolis is a difficult place to pass, but the cars really suit the track and there's a bit more room than you think in some areas.

As for the tuning, it's a very big problem if someone like me can only get on for a few dailies a week right now. Yes I can run a stock setup but they're so far away and much slower than a basic competently tuned setup that it's not remotely competitive or reasonable after the first couple of days in the week. Tuning is a huge part of GT history, and I am doing some leagues that have and do have tuning, but we have a week or more between races to find something that works. And teams that share tunes. Not having tunes visible really hampers part time racers. In my last tuning season I was at a massive disadvantage to the drivers that had up to 40 or 50 hours logged on tuning and practice between races. Yes some of that was consistency, but those guys often had very dialed in and specific tunes that meant others like myself had zero chance of keeping up. So we had our own races for mid pack stuff but it was definitely a very uneven playing field.

It also hurts that PD often have borked unnatural settings to make the cars fast and it randomly decides to delete your tune some times.
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I struggled to get below 1.28.6 using BB -2. Then you jump to the top of the list so had to try something else..... .BB 5 to the rear helped and lots of trail braking.
I've used BB 3 to the rear, but only after 20 laps when I realized that I had once again forgotten to check if it can be tweaked...🤪

Well, at least I got another tenth out of it to temporarily jump up the list. Could have made me my life easier though...😆
IRL pro drivers could work as race engineers 99 percent of the time. If your an amateur you 100 percent know basic setup since you built the car your or at least wrench on it.

The reality is any good driver could do basic setup

If you dont want to, just drive the basic setup.

The thing I think tunes should be 100 percent open, but if the tune is tailor toward your driving and not just copy and paste you will go faster.

Allowing setups doesnt stop people from arriving and driving.

For me it not the ability to drive around(I am A+ on my main account) it just more engaging to me to be able to tune and make the car drive like how I want.

I would legit wonder what a poll would show what people want.

You could also go the Iracing route and do fixxed/versus open setups.
I seriously doubt most pro drivers could be race engineers. My understanding is that most of them rely on their engineer to change the setup based on their feedback.

I get that you like to tune, and that GT used to be more of a tuning game. I just think you’re in a minority on this.

Fwiw, I don’t understand why, on the rare occasions when we can tune, camber and toe are usually locked and we’re left with far more inscrutable things like spring and shock frequency!

Edit @newmedia_dev makes a good point above - if the BoP were better and there wasn’t usually one meta, you could find a car within the class/group that suited your driving style with a standard tune, and that was still competitive.
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I think its because if someone truly understand camber and toe you can easily gain 2-3 percent per lap is my guess.

It would make many of the front wheel drive Gr4 car basically unstoppable by lessening rear camber and toeing out the rear. There is almost no such thing as too loose with front wheel drive. Some of the same trick work with 4wd but it not as foolproof. The week that we had glitched set up on that short Lago course, I briefly had the fastest Gr4 TT time because and the main reason why was I figured out how get the car to take the DH right hander flat out by aero balance and toeing out the rear.

You can probably guess how many people who race cars have mechanical/automotive engineering degree even to the highest levels.
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You can probably guess how many people who race cars have mechanical/automotive engineering degree even to the highest levels.
And I'd guess it's not the fast guys or the majority of online racers.

Just a guess....

Let's not conflate wanting better things and just how it is. We all have the same cars and some people do better some don't like it.

When we had some basic handling tunes available the same guys were at the top.

When we had the broken settings the same guys were still at the top.

In online racing tunes maybe make a difference in QT but no tune ever has stopped me being rear ended or used as and extra bit of Armco.

This is the problem with tuning is in that it isn't a silver bullet to make thing better it's just another way to separate people with loads of unintended consequences.