GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I’m glad to hear that it’s coming back soon as well! Thanks for sharing.

Timing is impeccable. 🤔

This is the queue for the baby seal clubbing chaps to live the DR go to hell message and enter the lower groups to live largely on bragging rights of top placements weekly and for the series total.

After all, it seems plausible that not caring about your placement in races or if you’re challenging yourself to potential, it could be overlooked that your DR tanked without knowing because you don’t look and don’t care and some A+ dude accidentally joins GT2 or even GT3 unknowingly. 😂

Rant over 😉
Wow. I had to read that 4 times and I'm still not sure what I read. But man, you obviously feel strongly about something! :lol:

The above link will start right near the end, and there's no bad language. But if you start it from the beginning, there's a LOT of bad language. You have been warned. *

* This warning is to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy which states: "You will not use profanity in the forums, nor link to content which contains offensive language without sufficient warning." (emphasis mine)
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And those are the drivers that suck. The dudes that pay to be in the seat and do nothing for the team other than bring money. Do they need to be engineers? No, not at that level, but a basic understanding will help. The drivers that can't do that are of little use and don't last long.

Name 1 who didn't know anything yet still succeeded. "Gentlemen" drivers are not drivers. They have the money to compete. They pay to be surrounded by people who know. If you go grass roots racing, you'll be lucky to have an engineer at your disposal.

And it's not like this week requires a PhD in physics. Crank both font dampers down to minimum and set the rears to 5 ticks higher and you'll gain tons of time.

The game has required tuning for 25 years so I'm a little lost as to why tuning is an issue, especially when it's so limited.
As much as I dislike lance stroll, the guy puts in some amazing qualifying and race pace and pays for his seat.

From our arm chairs it probably easy to game GT and set a car up like a dragster and go fast. Although weirdly none of the top times do that? So weird if it's that simple.

Having played the game for 25 years from that first disc in my PS1 and leaving it paused for the endurance races when I went to school through to the 2 disc number two where it was suppose to smell like a pit garage.

I sort of take your point but 14 year old me whacked a big turbo, better brakes and tires and won the races.

Hardly tuning nuance.
@Gearbanger I'm possibly one of those faster drivers you'll see 'seal clubbing' in GT2 this time. But it's not how you might assume. I basically vanished from this forum for a while now as due to good fortune and fantastic friends I scored a wheel and wheelstand, things I thought were years away. The resulting learning curve (split by continuing to finish out a league season on controller to help my team) has dropped me to mid B pace or lower. And that's where I'm at after more than 2 months.

My daily qualifying times or TT times might still look fast, but I tried a couple daily A's and still got passed by DR Bs as I can't keep the speed up all race. Also, due to timings I struggle to make any of the GT1 slots for either series. So I'll see you in GT2
@Gearbanger I'm possibly one of those faster drivers you'll see 'seal clubbing' in GT2 this time. But it's not how you might assume. I basically vanished from this forum for a while now as due to good fortune and fantastic friends I scored a wheel and wheelstand, things I thought were years away. The resulting learning curve (split by continuing to finish out a league season on controller to help my team) has dropped me to mid B pace or lower. And that's where I'm at after more than 2 months.

My daily qualifying times or TT times might still look fast, but I tried a couple daily A's and still got passed by DR Bs as I can't keep the speed up all race. Also, due to timings I struggle to make any of the GT1 slots for either series. So I'll see you in GT2

Hey man not directed at you and I get your situation and that’s real life and we should all do what fits our needs with this game.

My comments were more a rant about the conflicting DR discussions today where people pretend to not care about DR but constantly post high finishing results and stories while they chastise mention of DR going up or down.
My choice of how to display where it can lead if we all said DR means nothing may have been a harsh example so please don’t take it personally because I get where you’re at and I apologize if you took it that way.

I’ve felt like the trend today was again as though DR shouldn’t even be tracked but we all have our own opinions and ways that we enjoy the game and racing experiences.

If someone is dirty and kills to gain DR what will they do differently when only competing for a single race placement?
All the same in my book.
Keep it real and make a difference where you can.

I have lots of great race experiences and gain many new friends by racing clean and respectful to the best of my abilities.
I challenge myself to figure out what I’m doing wrong when I hit a downward spiral and usually find something that’s key where I’m lacking. Sometimes it’s as simple as using tc2 instead of tc1 which was smoother and faster but when I figure it out I’m back in the groove.

Yes I watch my DR and SR and yes I race respectfully and enjoy the experience. That’s what drives me. DR gains stop when you’re beyond your abilities if you keep things in check.
If DR wasn’t meant to be tracked then why even tell us what it is?
Likewise if DR is meant to be a matching tool then we don’t need to even know what it is, assuming a robust & equitable matching algorithm exists.

DR protection behaviour and Ladder anxiety only exist because DR / SR is in the public domain. These behaviours reduce the “fun” factor, can cause resentment and quite often result in actions that we may not be proud of.

Just my 2c
The announcement of the new GTWS season means one thing for me:

Find out which time zone will let me race the most events with my weird schedule and fire up a second account from that region. I'll use the interim between now and then to attempt to level up and minimise "seal clubbing" when the day comes around to enter the races.

Hopefully I'm not too washed up to get myself into GT1 (although it would present me with more time slots, it would negate the purpose of the whole rigmarole).
I don't like the DR mechanic I think it's flawed because you can go backwards, my ideal version of DR would be one where you can only gain DR, if your peak is mid B then that's where you should stay not go backwards.

In a system with NO DR losses:
  • reduce the points gained in the higher rankings
  • you must be SR S to gain DR
  • reduce the positions that earn you DR to the point where only 1st place gains DR. (e.g. D top 8, C top 5, B top 3, A 1st)
  • once you reach your peak all you need to care about is your SR

But we don't have that so this post is really a waste of oxygen :boggled:
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I don't like the DR mechanic I think it's flawed because you can go backwards, my ideal version of DR would be one where you can only gain DR, if your peak is mid B then that's where you should stay not go backwards.

In a system with NO DR losses:
  • reduce the points gained in the higher rankings
  • you must be SR S to gain DR
  • reduce the positions that earn you DR to the point where only 1st place gains DR. (e.g. D top 8, C top 5, B top 3, A 1st)
  • once you reach your peak all you need to care about is your SR

But we don't have that so this post is really a waste of oxygen electrons :boggled:

I'm fairly convinced that, no matter what kind of 'system' is in place you are going to have the same end result. If you're measuring something, someone's comparing. Seems woven into the fabric of human nature to be displeased with ALL systems, too. It's a perpetual cycle of working through "This is exactly what we asked for but not what we want" solutions between consumers and developers. Personally, I don't HATE the current system. Could be better, could be worse.

As to the whole Dr conversation, and to clarify where I was coming from:

'I don't care' = 'I don't let it make decisions for me'

If I didn't care about dr at all I doubt I'd bother with online racing to begin easier to go play with myself offline. Probably didn't need to know that but, hey, we're all friends, right?? 🤣

In the end, there's nothing 'wrong' with monitoring, appreciating and/or fostering your Dr. There's only an issue when it fuels negative behaviors, was the intended takeaway.

And man, did I have some 'justifiable' retaliatory opportunities at Suzuka tonight...ran one race and ran-away. Got parked three times in the first two laps and then cooked the final chicane on lap three. This ensured I was far enough back to help with garbage collection and getting drunks out of the parking lot after the race. Just suuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

So I decided to run race A. Got two in there with P5/6 finishes and a lot of fun...on lap 1. After that it was just kinda drivin' around in a cool car. 10 cars is NOT enough here, especially for seven laps. Still a fun car to drive, though.

DR is a journey, not a destination.

It's a measure of relative ability at a given point in time.

But it's just measuring race results. That's it.

The reason we have DR is to balance the measurement scale for various factors.

It helps rate people with differing race numbers (those than can race lots vs those that can't can be measured in comparison)

It indicates the consistency of your performance over time. Some times you are inconsistent or slower and your results reflect that (DR) sometimes you are consistent, fast and your DR reflects that at that point in time

It is a sensible measure to try and group people of a similar ability to balance races.

It will always be fluid, in any given race regardless of DR roughly half of the field has to lose DR.

It's an interesting experiment setting up a new account, starting from a lower DR and SR level. What happened to me and I hypothesise this is what happens to a lot of people is that you initially perform awesomely because of the skill differential. So you progress much more quickly but that comes to a grinding halt when you hit your natural level similar to your first account.

It shows that DR works "mostly" as intended in classifying players in to logical groups of similar ability which is the point of it in the first place. SR then tries to balance behaviour and as Famine has mentioned is the first part the system tries to balance people on.

  • are players similarly considerate?
  • are they roughly of the same performance ability?
  • sort by quickest

So for me now DR isn't the badge I thought it was, it's just a brute force (although quite elegant brute force) mechanism to group players and roughly indicate performance at any given time.

DR is a journey, not a destination.

This is 95% of a quote famously attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1920’s. The subject was “Life”, however. I’m as sure as I can be that DR cannot be compared to Life.

It's a measure of relative ability at a given point in time.

If the factors of an equation are flexible then the result has no worth.

But it's just measuring race results. That's it.

Actually, it’s a reflection of your race results based solely on those races you participated in.

The reason we have DR is to balance the measurement scale for various factors.

Not according to the GT7 online manual:

・Driver Rating
This is an indicator of the player's "speed". There are seven different ratings in total: E, D, C, B, A, A+ and S. Achieving good results in Sport mode races will increase your Driver Rating.

It helps rate people with differing race numbers (those than can race lots vs those that can't can be measured in comparison)

“Chalk & Cheese”. And why does this comparative measure have to exist in the first place? People only “care” what rank they are because PD decided to rank everyone in the first place and then tell us what that rank was.

It indicates the consistency of your performance over time. Some times you are inconsistent or slower and your results reflect that (DR) sometimes you are consistent, fast and your DR reflects that at that point in time

It is a result solely calculated upon previous race results irrespective of when those races took place.

It is a sensible measure to try and group people of a similar ability to balance races.

Agree 100%……bet that surprised you. “Try”, however is the operative word. My personal experience is that the matching in GT7 has too many obvious flaws. There are many other posts within these hallowed pages where people have been confused by the make up of the fields they have been presented with. There seems to not be a published representation of the matching criteria/formula that PD uses. As far as I am aware, anything you may have read is either anecdotal or a guess, or both.

It will always be fluid, in any given race regardless of DR roughly half of the field has to lose DR.

Famine has said on many previous occasions that the net DR value in each race is always ZERO. Some will “win”, some will “lose”.

It's an interesting experiment setting up a new account, starting from a lower DR and SR level. What happened to me and I hypothesise this is what happens to a lot of people is that you initially perform awesomely because of the skill differential. So you progress much more quickly but that comes to a grinding halt when you hit your natural level similar to your first account.

Ok. So you have started an alt account. You then race in the knowledge that you will likely dominate these fields and thus increase your DR. In doing so, and because of the published Rank system, you will diminish the worth of those races and, more importantly, diminish the psychological worth of the players you have “beaten”. Some may actually “lose” a level as a result of your participation. If these races are in the WRS events, you have also reduced the perceived value of those events in addition to reducing the potential in-game currency rewards of others.

All in all, you will have artificially changed the DR mechanic to suit your own ends. If DR were not published, would you have still set up an alt account? Come to think of it, why did you set up an alt account in the first place? DR protection anyone?

It shows that DR works "mostly" as intended in classifying players in to logical groups of similar ability which is the point of it in the first place.

Agreed…to a point. That said, I didn’t ask to be classified nor should the classification of others matter to me. All that should matter is that I am racing in a field of drivers of a similar ability and mindset. Why do I need a published DR/SR system to enjoy that?

SR then tries to balance behaviour and as Famine has mentioned is the first part the system tries to balance people on.
  • are players similarly considerate?
  • are they roughly of the same performance ability?
  • sort by quickest
But it is flawed, both in its definition and application. There are many, many examples of this within these forums. In addition, there are too many opportunities to “game” both systems. If DR/SR were not in the public domain, surely such opportunities would be diminished?

So for me now DR isn't the badge I thought it was, it's just a brute force (although quite elegant brute force) mechanism to group players and roughly indicate performance at any given time.

It was only a “badge” because we chose it to be and PD gives us the opportunities to both flaunt and worry about it equally. It is a metric that has become far too important and in my opinion, detracts from the fun of car racing.

Sorry for the wall of text. These are just my thoughts, for what they are worth.

I don't like the DR mechanic I think it's flawed because you can go backwards, my ideal version of DR would be one where you can only gain DR, if your peak is mid B then that's where you should stay not go backwards.
I like the fact that DR goes down as well as up. Since DR is one of the factors in assigning lobbies, I want to be assigned a lobby that matches my current driving ability.
I’ve learned to accept that DR is fluid and it’s not the end of the world when you get knocked down.

One factor is that I am much better at some tracks than others so even if I’m having a bad week I know things will change. I consider myself a high B level on some tracks and a mid C level on others.

Unless you think you perform exactly as good on all the tracks and in all the classes, you must accept that your DR will inevitably vary from week to week.
Regarding DR -

for those that race in the WS leagues, DR matters a great deal since they have radically altered the events for GT2,3 and GT1. Hence, it has a real consequence for those racers. Many in GT2 would like to run the endurance events and many in GT1 don't have the time for those. Both views are valid and they don't have an easy choice. It's not so easy (for most of us) to quickly rank up, but very easy to tank it. I was in GT2 which required a B rating to enter and within two weeks(!), I was in lobbies with multiple A+ drivers. I'm not even upset about that because PD's decisions drove them to the league format they wanted. (Unless they did it deliberately to bully us lower rated drivers, which, shame on them)

edit. don't really want to discuss the WS formats here in in the daily thread, just wanted to point out the dr relation.
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I like the fact that DR goes down as well as up. Since DR is one of the factors in assigning lobbies, I want to be assigned a lobby that matches my current driving ability.
I don't think it would really matter for matching your ability , active number of players is more important.

So did you join a support group?, I might have to join one soon as I'm close to falling off the wagon :guilty:
Regarding DR -

for those that race in the WS leagues, DR matters a great deal since they have radically altered the events for GT2,3 and GT1. Hence, it has a real consequence for those racers. Many in GT2 would like to run the endurance events and many in GT1 don't have the time for those. Both views are valid and they don't have an easy choice. It's not so easy (for most of us) to quickly rank up, but very easy to tank it. I was in GT2 which required a B rating to enter and within two weeks(!), I was in lobbies with multiple A+ drivers. I'm not even upset about that because PD's decisions drove them to the league format they wanted. (Unless they did it deliberately to bully us lower rated drivers, which, shame on them)

edit. don't really want to discuss the WS formats here in in the daily thread, just wanted to point out the dr relation.
A lot of the high level A+ drivers who compete in the highest WS races don't use the same account for daily races.

Just use an alternate account when there's a daily race combo that you aren't good at, and use your main account for the races where you are more confident.
Of course, it's gaming the system, but is also a widely accepted practice.

*Also, racing on an alt account is much less stressful. You're not supposed to care about its ratings.
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A lot of the high level A+ drivers who compete in the highest WS races don't use the same account for daily races.

Just use an alternate account when there's a daily race combo that you aren't good at, and use your main account for the races where you are more confident.
Of course, it's gaming the system, but is also a widely accepted practice.

*Also, racing on an alt account is much less stressful. You're not supposed to care about its ratings.
I had an alt account when I was banned on PSN for 7 days that was a couple of months ago, I raced those 7 days and now it's just a zombie account.

I'm just of the belief of if I'm going to race and spend time playing I might as well make it count towards the profile I care about, is visible to friends.
I had an alt account when I was banned on PSN for 7 days that was a couple of months ago, I raced those 7 days and now it's just a zombie account.

I'm just of the belief of if I'm going to race and spend time playing I might as well make it count towards the profile I care about, is visible to friends.
Full disclosure: I have 4 GT7 accounts. I know someone who has 5. :D
I don't have a second account (or third, or...!) But I can see its purpose for some and don't care if I'm racing a ringer. For me, personally, I would probably end up with two accounts at the same level because I'm trying really really hard and it is just my nature. Although, I can certainly see the utility of another account for those weeks where I'm not competitive (like suzuka, right now.)
Each to their own and I don't mind either way but it does loosely tie back to an earlier post I made about creating behaviours. In your cases not negative but the measure becomes the shrine that must be protected. Not all the actual attributes that got you there improving etc

Just to bring the abstract to reality, certain meme drivers who like pink consistently out drive 90+ percent of us and are DR A/A+ more regularly than any of us.
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*Also, racing on an alt account is much less stressful. You're not supposed to care about its ratings.

Not supposed to care but I found I do care now my alt account got to B. Still, if a week is iffy I am more likely to try out a race there first.

Full disclosure: I have 4 GT7 accounts. I know someone who has 5. :D

You need professional help! 😀

For me, personally, I would probably end up with two accounts at the same level

That definitely happens.
I don't have a second account (or third, or...!) But I can see its purpose for some and don't care if I'm racing a ringer. For me, personally, I would probably end up with two accounts at the same level because I'm trying really really hard and it is just my nature. Although, I can certainly see the utility of another account for those weeks where I'm not competitive (like suzuka, right now.)

I started a second account because of GTWS when I was on the bubble and didn’t want to time a series start wrongly.

I quickly found myself maintaining both at the same level but decided to drop the original account because I made my nickname and psn match on the new account and added lots of friends to it as well.
I had great fun racing in the series with you when I had crossed the B line again and then you got caught out on the last series in the same predicament with no time to move back up.

It worked out great for me to see how I would use a second account and to decide what works for best for me.

I haven’t used the original account for at least 10 months at this point and I don’t believe I will in the future but you never know.
I friended that account at one point just so I could see my previous race counts and stats for races run without logging in to it.

The multi account decision is just one more thing that we all can choose what suits us best and works.
Great flexibility in this game and how we can choose our own ways to enjoy it.
Something makes me think because I'm massively guilty of this as well "this weeks combo doesn't work for me" and yet my pull to the game and the racing makes me try....learn...suck and keep going.

But I put it down to practice, every minute I can spend optimising a corner, learning how to follow. Setting up passing moves I've come to realise that these things are important regardless of where your position is.

Most of the time you suck it up and finish where ever but mastery takes 10,000 hours apparently and whilst the game is 25 years old I'm not playing that one now, I'm playing it with faster more skilful and some much better hardware so every mile driven is some sort of learning if I chose to look for it.
As much as I dislike lance stroll, the guy puts in some amazing qualifying and race pace and pays for his seat.

From our arm chairs it probably easy to game GT and set a car up like a dragster and go fast. Although weirdly none of the top times do that? So weird if it's that simple.

Having played the game for 25 years from that first disc in my PS1 and leaving it paused for the endurance races when I went to school through to the 2 disc number two where it was suppose to smell like a pit garage.

I sort of take your point but 14 year old me whacked a big turbo, better brakes and tires and won the races.

Hardly tuning nuance.
But all there is is the braking and the dampers. So, again, hardly tuning nuance, as you say. I am going to go out on a limb and say that they guys winning consistently this week are the ones that are consistently winning every week.

I'm enjoying the softer car, which works better for me, and I've deeply disliked the lack of brake balance since launch, so that's also a welcome return.

Mind you, I haven't been able to put it all together for a win this week, but I chalk it up to my own faults, rather than the game set up.