When I saw Suzuka was the first round of the world series I jumped into Race B today for some 'practice'. Absolutely awful. Its the land of the unsafe re-entry at best, carnage at worst. The track really is a litmus test for people's actual race craft, and my high B low A DR level, both myself and the people around me are woefully inept at this track. Any gains are luck, not skill. Admittedly I have only done a handful of races, so it might be the luck of the draw.
Luck of the draw or not, this has been my exact experience.
After race chat I sent “?” To p2 starter and he replied “slow”
Licking my wounds I moved on and very next race it was like ground hog day.
Same guy behind me and he chat’s have a good race and I wish him luck too.
I knew he was going to be fast though the first sectors and I was at least a little warmed up now.
We came into spoon and he made a clean move, we all survived and I got to chase for the rest of the race finishing p2.
We ended congratulating each other and had a much better experience on that second go. Fun experience.
I hate being in front and knowing I'm driving slower than the guy behind me wants. Unless it's the last lap, I usually let them go by, because it takes the pressure off and makes it more enjoyable for me. Also, it's 50/50 whether he can handle the pressure of being in front.
In any case, I'm glad you had a good experience - it feels really good when you can race someone like this no matter who wins.
... from pole to this, driving like @TheNormsk drunk maybe ??? I did manage to salvage 7th place
LOL. I'll agree that you probably weren't driving at your best, but that car that pitted you was being dirty IMO. Even if he wasn't, he should be fined for that livery!
Yeah, good racing with you but this is what happens after one decides to race after a night out on the town.
I just put in my results to GranTracker and net result was a 2% loss and I will admit that part of the consideration for stopping tonight was that I did not want to risk dinging my DR more. I know this subject is a sore point for some but I think it was a good check as it reinforced my second consideration in that my driving potentially put at risk the races of other drivers and I did not want to feel responsible for ruining someone else's race. Had I not cared about DR/SR then I might have continued to race whatever the outcome.
So what you're saying is, you were 2% impaired? LOL. Good on you for considering your impact on other drivers. I'll try to remember that for myself - not that I drink, but driving tired can have the same impact (pun intended).
I really, really wish PD would build an API to support the stats environment we had in Sport. Loved the numbers and real-time racer stats places like GTBlade and KudosPrime had on offer. A lot of good information on-hand that is sorely missed.
We need way more statistics. We need Kudos Prime back. Better yet we need PD to integrate it into the game interface. If you don't care, don't look, but there should be lists and graphs for us to peruse until our hearts' content. They have all the data.
I've done well over 1500 races it would be nice to indulge in the story that has created.
100% agree, and this is one of the things I don't understand at all. Keeping the kind of stats we'd want is simple, and they might even be keeping them already.
Making the stats available via an interface on the website is relatively simple - and it wouldn't even require work from the actual developers - any decent backend (website) developer could create the interface. Could people forge the stats? Of course! But that's not the point at all. Such a simple thing to add, with such a far-reaching impact.
Is #PDlistens a thing?? No? Should it be a thing? Something accurate like #PDListensLOL might work.😁
I wish they were. It's possible the developers are listening, but the suits that decide what they should work on don't care. I've been there, and there's nothing more frustrating than knowing you can improve things, and not being allowed to.
There's nothing wrong with statistics, there's nothing wrong with chasing a higher DR or a longer clean race streak or what ever stat you choose.
There's something wrong with letting that chase ruin your enjoyment of the game and there's definitely something wrong when the chase for that statistics makes you ruin other people's enjoyment of the game.
Keep reminding me (and others).
People fail to realise that every post that glorifies their own endeavours diminishes the efforts of others. For some to “win”, someone has to ”lose”. Being in the latter category, a continuous litany of others detailed successes is hard to read. Some consideration would be appreciated.
I really, really, really don't want this to sound as harsh as it's going to sound. I like and respect you, so please take this with a huge grain of salt when I say this (and I've already admitted how much of an idiot I can be) (also, it's quite possible I've already said this before, but I'm old and can't remember stuff): It sounds to me like it's your issue, not others. Why should it bother you that other people want to share their success? Yes, it's at the expense of other people -
that's the definition of competition. When I read about other people's success, it just motivates me to want to be better. OK, yes, sometimes it bothers me that I'm one of the people they beat, but I'm bothered because I wish I was better, not because they posted what they did.
OK, end of soapbox. Like I said, I hope I didn't come off too harsh, and of course you're entitled to your feelings, so don't let an idiot like myself make you feel bad. It's just my opinion. [Insert every other groveling kind of sentence you can think of]
[about to click "post"... sure hope I don't regret it... Ah, what the hell...]