Well I am back in DR B. That didn't take long. Only 3.1 races. Why the .1? Well that is because one race only lasted 1/2 lap....
I finally found some get up an go at LM and got my QT to 1:56.602 with an optimal in the 1:56.4s. This is with the M6 Sprint '16. I found a subtle damper change eked out the best in this car (at least for my driving abilities). Basically I aim to balance the dampers to the weight balance of the car with stiffer damping where the car is heaver and softer where lighter (The theory being that were there is less mass over the springs I want less damping so the suspension can move while not jarring the body so much). I then usually stiffen the rear over the fronts once the initial balance is done. The M6 is 52:48 so it is fairly balanced but stock is 25/40 front and 30/35 rear for compression and expansion respectively. That is opposite to my balance approach so I tuned 28/40 front and 32/41 rear. The gap between compression and expansion is usually in the range or 10-15 but I will narrow it depending on the feel at the time. In this case it is 12 and 9.
This was the result of hours of laps trying to find the cars that work for me and those that allow me to tune for turning and balance. My tuning is subtle and I actually found that a value change of just 1 can sometime drastically affect braking and turn in performance. If the front end is bouncing around too much (which affects braking and turn-in) I can actually feel it through the feedback setting I have my GT DD Pro wheel tuned to. Why am I giving you this, well after hours of trying to find my groove on this track and trying to get better I'm not going to have any time to race for the rest of the week so if it helps you go for it.
The for assists, in QT I leave TCS at 0 but after
@Gearbanger 's comment about counter steer I switched that onto strong and that helped a lot with the M6. In race I used TCS 1.
Now to the race, the first of the night I bumped it
@Gearbanger (aka Deputy_fishtail). I was looking forward to the race but alas I did but 1/2 lap.
Considering I was on the inside, I don't know what the car behind was doing? Alas this is my only view as being disqualified there was no race replay to save.
Unfortunately that crash must have jolted my wheel as my wheel axle decided at that moment to disconnect from the base losing all wheel control. I could not continue and I was disqualified for a maximum point loss. My wheel is a Fanatec GT DD Pro and these have a history of axle drift. This is something like the fifth time it has done this now. The wheel is great when it works but it is an unreliable piece of #&%# as well. The way the axle is held in place and communicates via a USBc plug internally that disconnects if the axle moves just 1/2mm is a terrible design.
I fix the axle (I'm used to this now

) and get ready for the next race. On warm up the car appears to be sliding everywhere and the braking is like on ice. I can't drive like this so I exit before the lobby pops up. I discovered that in my wheel disconnect it reset my brake force back to a default 50 where as I brake with it at a setting of 30. So I was only putting in 60% of my expected braking causing the car to slide out. Once that was corrected I entered the next race.
That race I start in Q11 and by lap 2 I am up to 7th. Through lap 2 I remain in 7th and I am feeling comfortable. Then on turn 1, a driver, let's call them "Mr Green Flag" (who was P3 originally but went off at the banked turn 11 and who was P2 in the video above) dives down the inside from two cars back and slams into my side punting me into the wall. That drops me to 13th from 7th. Mr Green Flag does get a 5 second penalty, little good it does me now my race is ruined.
But wait there is more! I passed the punter at the penalty spot so he has the chance for a second go at me. Lap 4 I was up to 12th but some traffic caused me to drop to 13th with the punter moving up from 15th to 14th right behind me. Last turn he get on the inside of me as I turn in and we side swipe each other with me sliding into the grass. I drop to 15th. Now you could argue that one was on me for failing to defend but I figured I was on the limit of the corner anyway so I didn't expect someone to try the inside there. On the last lap someone else crashed out last turn to allow me to finish 14th. Still that was enough to wipe out my DR A rating, putting me back to B. 1.1 races was all it took tonight.
This Mr Green Flag person is a fast driver (QT'd in the low 1:55s) but he is a reckless driver as well. How he has a SR S rating I don't know. I feel like telling him to go **** himself next time I see him (Hmm, what is that in Portuguese?)