GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
What. Is. Wrong. With. People?
Nine out of ten races has been absolute purified horror. I am so done. No thanks. Nope. Nope. Nope.

(Sorry, I just had to vent.)
I’ve only had one race so far, managed a mid 1.15 so I’ll guess that’ll start me mid pack, I hit the time a second before my race started so it didn’t register.

It seems like last of the late breakers into T1 but I reckon you can go deep and wide, I started 13th yesterday, at one point was up to 5th whilst the carnage unfolded. Dropped back to 10th only watch some pair of clowns go at it and take themselves out on the last bends to claim 8th.

I guess when I’m on the wrong end of all that your post will be my post! 😁

But there’s some good racing to be had if you keep head down 👍
As I’ve stated earlier in the week, I’ve done a few things to improve my times, initially, this week at Daytona.

  1. I began practicing Daytona 3 days early
  2. I’ve changed my approach to corner entry/ exit
  3. No Traction control.
1 and 2 were huge successes (high C/ low B), my QT placed me in the top 3 and, at times I’ve had pole.

3: Well, I feel great with no traction control and it was the key factor in getting high qualifying times and leading a vast number of laps.
In pretty much every race, which required 140 corners, I successfully completed 139 of them. Either turn 5 or turn 6 however in EVERY race with no TC sent me from 1st to 6th ish place every time, usually after lap 5.

I finally gave up and raced the last 3 with TC at 3. No mistakes and a 2nd place finish, it just feels much slower.
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Hello it’s been a while.

Haven’t done a race yet but I ventured into daily A as I’ve never done that track before. I’ve got to say the combo is fun!

I decided to try every car. I got my non ghost QTs into the high 2.09s with the Diablo just a bit quicker than the XJ220. I didn’t enjoy the F40 and it looked like that might be becoming a meta, so I loaded up the XJ220, pulled out a ghost, chased that and got a top 500 time😁.


Not to try a race or two and hopefully remember not to put it into a wall…
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7 Daytonas done in the Corvette, and 6 wins from 5 poles. The only race I haven't won so far was the first one I did when I didn't get even 5 minutes of practice and hadn't set a qualifying time. In my 6th race, only 1 of the Top 5 finishers was a Supra - and they finished 5th behind me, an F1, a Porsche, and another Corvette.
My first race had me in P3 to my surprise. I botch the entry to the bus stop on lap 1 and cause a mess. I'm then deliberately rammed for no reason and I fall to dead last. I pit on the end of lap 2 and treat this race as a practice session. Well, somehow I finish P7 even with a few off track penalties. I'm shocked I finished where I did.

My second and final race has me in P2 this time. And once again I make a mess of the bus stop. So I fall to P16 again and hope for the best. I get an off track penalty at the end of lap 2 and duck into the pits as Tidgney did in the weekly race guide. Just by keeping it on track I get to P3 on the final lap, but have a spin in the first hairpin and fall to P4 where I finish. I think I can win one of these if I didn't mess up each time on the opening lap.
Maybe it's because it's a slightly longer race (as daily C often is), and it was early in the week. I got rammed of in 2 or 3 different races, ended up P16, 5 seconds or so behind P15. Still managed P7 - P10 finishes, sometimes while not coming into a good race rhythm at all. Other people must be making even more of a mess of their races..
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Chipping time at Tokyo venue from 2:11.8xx to 2:10.1xx with the Lambo (soundwise it's my preferred) and I find myself inside the top 1000... with a pad. Can't wait to get back a wheel asap.

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