Fun week at Spa, lookin' forward to this week's adventures. It was the teeth clenching, hands shaking fever fest I expected it to be, but I love the track too damn much to NOT run when offered.😁
Best I was able to do was a P2 and a truckload of top 5's. The P2 was pretty much gifted, too. Was pretty stuck to P4 (started P5) through L2. They picked up a penalty and then P1 and 2 got into it. Once the dust settled and the penalties kicked-in, P2 it was:
This was when I knew it was time to take a break...bad moves and worse manners:
All-in-all, loved (almost) every minute of it!
These are 'music replays.' I dig some of the camera angles...gotta work on the music choices tho, lol.