GT7 July 2024 Update Prediction

Okay I’m ready for the next update

What do you predict how the update will be revealed on the world series.
Will it be just a trailer, or does they have something special reveal for the cars,
I would like seeing the cars more in a hidden way and reveal one by one or something like that. Maybe having the update cars in the event. What date do you expect the update to drop i think july 11 could be a possible date. But not long to find out now.
What do you predict how the update will be revealed on the world series.
Will it be just a trailer, or does they have something special reveal for the cars,
I would like seeing the cars more in a hidden way and reveal one by one or something like that. Maybe having the update cars in the event. What date do you expect the update to drop i think july 11 could be a possible date. But not long to find out now.
Probably just a little crawl across the bottom of the screen saying suckers we got nothing for you ! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Seriously i think it will probably be like Kaz introducing a trailer or something like that
I have a question for u guys...
many want silverstone circuit and f1 is there 5.7 - 7.7. we know that timetrial usually is on similar track then f1....could that be circuit? when did they say they will announce this weekend?
Ever since this game launched, I've been seeing people making update predictions like "Event X is happening soon, so the update probably has content related to it".

But... has that ever even happened? I can't remember any of these updates being themed around a concurrent real-world event.
Ever since this game launched, I've been seeing people making update predictions like "Event X is happening soon, so the update probably has content related to it".

But... has that ever even happened? I can't remember any of these updates being themed around a concurrent real-world event.
In terms of update content, they got the Super Formulas and events out just as the 2023 season started, that's the only thing I think is even close to counting.

PD tend to reserve their tying in to real world motorsport for Sport Mode, where they absolutely do theme dailies and time trials around races happening at that time.