GT7 July 2024 Update Prediction

Okay I’m ready for the next update

What do you predict how the update will be revealed on the world series.
Will it be just a trailer, or does they have something special reveal for the cars,
I would like seeing the cars more in a hidden way and reveal one by one or something like that. Maybe having the update cars in the event. What date do you expect the update to drop i think july 11 could be a possible date. But not long to find out now.
What do you predict how the update will be revealed on the world series.
Will it be just a trailer, or does they have something special reveal for the cars,
I would like seeing the cars more in a hidden way and reveal one by one or something like that. Maybe having the update cars in the event. What date do you expect the update to drop i think july 11 could be a possible date. But not long to find out now.
Probably just a little crawl across the bottom of the screen saying suckers we got nothing for you ! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Seriously i think it will probably be like Kaz introducing a trailer or something like that
I have a question for u guys...
many want silverstone circuit and f1 is there 5.7 - 7.7. we know that timetrial usually is on similar track then f1....could that be circuit? when did they say they will announce this weekend?
I know it probably won't happen, but this whole Red Rock Valley + Espace F1 speculation is one hell of a dangerous hopium for me. Two Gran Turismo 2 exclusive legends, it sums up too perfectly...

Definitely gotta stay away from that hopium! 🤣
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