GT7 Penalty System

For me the solution of contacts would be easy. The game uses brake zones on every track like that red assistant lines to help new players. Why not use it as a measure of who is on fault on diving bombs? If you are not braking in the braking zone and you hit someone, it's your fault. If someone brakes too early before that zone, it's on him.

The same I would use in case of holding your line in the curve. When you are on inside part, you should keep it and don't turn outside.
Side by side contacts, like pushing someone out of the track could be also penalized easily, because you should hold straight line on the straights.

I don't think you would need to change something in code of the game
I agree with this for the most part. They have the ghost cars for the CE runs to compare to, and the proper driving line and right-of-way seem to be obvious problems for a lot of people who don’t seem to actually know the rules of racing. These would at the very least make good guidelines for penalties.
The red brake zones are wildly inconsistent. Some are too early, some are too late, some are not a breaking zone at all. This wouldn't work. Theres more than one way to fix this, but I am not holding my breath. It just got abandoned in GTS.
As if the penalties aren’t already wildly inconsistent? At least having a standard to measure against that we can see would be a good start towards consistency. The braking zones can be a bit odd, as you say, but certainly not a worse standard than penalizing the victim of obvious dive bombing for “making contact.”

Out of curiosity, what are they ways that you see to fix it? I’m always interested to hear more ideas about this!
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I agree with this for the most part. They have the ghost cars for the CE runs to compare to, and the proper driving line and right-of-way seem to be obvious problems for a lot of people who don’t seem to actually know the rules of racing. These would at the very least make good guidelines for penalties.

As if the penalties aren’t already wildly inconsistent? At least having a standard to measure against that we can see would be a good start towards consistency. The braking zones can be a bit odd, as you say, but certainly not a worse standard than penalizing the victim of obvious dive bombing for “making contact.”

Out of curiosity, what are they ways that you see to fix it? I’m always interested to hear more ideas about this!
Well yes. They are. But it would still be silly to use a system that is also flawed. Using the red braking zone as limits would punish actual racing. People who turn the zones off have absolutely no reference point on what is a penalty and what is not, as they can't see the limits of the zone, which are still as I said mostly wrong.

Penalties for track limits should be always the same. Just as in actual racing. 4 Wheels over the white line, is a warning. Get a few warnings, receive a penalty.

For racing incidents I would like to see them put Sophy to work. Let Sophy learn what is a correct penalty and what is not. Then use this to determine who's at fault.

Another idea is to differentiate penalties on different levels (D-A+) to determine if someone is just braking early because he is still learning, or is brake-checking. First offense for a D-driver without hitting someone is just a warning, second offense is a 1 sec penalty etc. One could assume an A+ driver does not brake early and could receive a penalty directly.

People hitting other cars on purpose should be disqualified immedieatly. Steer extreme to the left on a right corner into another car? Black flag. No braking and hitting a car in a corner? Black flag.

Theres so many ways. I am just one person thinking about this for a few minutes. PD has about 300 employees. I am sure they can think of something better than the current state.
I got sick of its inconsistencies in GT Sport and I had stopped racing online because of it. I haven't done one online race in GT7, it sucks in single player so I can only imagine the issues online with it.
It seems the wall penalties are off again for race C, shortcut penalties hardly ever trigger, you can wreck other cars with impunity, yet when someone loses control in front of you and bounces off the wall into you, 2 sec penalty :banghead:
It is basically f1 rules.

I dont understand the complaining by bros over gt penalty system, its more often than not fair and right. I have never received a penalty I did not know was coming or did not deserve (altho some of the track limit/yellow flag ones make me annoyed).

Alot of brodjust are not self aware on track and think they did nothing wrong. If you you truly feel that way record your penalties and upload them. I would say GT gets it right in my case 9/10 times, allowing for sometimes goofy track limits like the last turn in spain
Disagree mate 2 races now right tyres no contact and still got a 1 min pen each race, I understand the rules my SR is either s or a, so can't 4 the life of me work out y I've been penaised. Don't get me wrong lad I totally agree systems fair but I'm stumped now as to what happened.
1 min pen each race ... 4 the life of me work out y I've been penaised.
You didn't use the mandatory tyres - in this case Racing Hards. You must use them for at least one lap in the race, or you get a one-minute penalty...
Disagree mate 2 races now right tyres no contact and still got a 1 min pen each race, I understand the rules my SR is either s or a, so can't 4 the life of me work out y I've been penaised. Don't get me wrong lad I totally agree systems fair but I'm stumped now as to what happened.
The minute penalty is only for disobeying the tyre regulations. Seems pretty clear what’s happened.
So have just done 3 daily races at the Kyoto track, started with BS as my rankings - appropriate I think for how I feel about this game.. anyway started 8th, 8th, 9th…. In race 1 hit 4 times by the same driver - just straight ramming - I finish 8th overall and I’m happy with that, I don’t get any penalties in the game but equally no clean race - still BS - He does not get any penalties either.

Next race start and going up the hill closing on the car in front he puts the brakes on and I hit him, but I’ve tried to swerve so clip the kerb, fly over and hit the wall - car running up behind hits me - 5 second penalty - nothing for the brake tester. We move on, I move from 11th over next few laps to get back to 5th behind brake tester, up the hill again he does same thing, I’m smart and avoid him, am in front - going down to the chicane he runs straight into back of me, no pen for him, half second for me for infringing track limits - I’m back in 11th, he gets pushed off track with 2 laps to go - guess who overtakes his ghosted car…. I’m not last anymore whoohoo… oh, then he drives into me full on at chicane again, but I catch it and stay in front, going into the final corner he hits me full on and I’m in the wall…. He finishes ahead with no penalty

im no angel, I like a block pass as well as anyone but I don’t think I’m a dirty driver - 2 races, no penalties for crashing but have been hit lots of times.. load game 3 I’m no longer BS just BB - start 9 th finish 2nd, hit once by a moron but he gets a half second track infringement pen so pass him and uneventful race

its not face the penalty system is so utterly utterly garbage - it’s the fact that Polyphony still stand behind it that annoys me, they don’t even have the balls to justify how bad it is - what we have is all we will ever have because a new game engine is required to deliver a new penalty system - you’d have thought for a next gen console PD might have done that. No this game is based on an engine at least 10 years old that’s why the game today hasn’t moved forward

GT7 is not a racing game, it’s a single player car collecting and tuning game, the online daily races without a 5 star penalty system are just not worth negative game experiences I’m getting
The minute penalty is only for disobeying the tyre regulations. Seems pretty clear what’s happened.
Yes mate, my own fault for not reading info and seeing mand-pitstop.
Was thinking min a bit light, as I see ppl myself included crossing the line with +1min ahead of nearest.
I've had what I would consider a good experience in Sport mode and don't really have anything to complain about. My current DR rating is C and SR is S. I've had a couple run-ins with aggressive drivers but I either pull away from them or they pull away from me and its not much of a worry at that point. All in all, I've really been enjoying both the Daily Races as well as the Time Trials. Definitely helps extend the replay value of this game for sure.
I've had what I would consider a good experience in Sport mode and don't really have anything to complain about. My current DR rating is C and SR is S. I've had a couple run-ins with aggressive drivers but I either pull away from them or they pull away from me and its not much of a worry at that point. All in all, I've really been enjoying both the Daily Races as well as the Time Trials. Definitely helps extend the replay value of this game for sure.
Agreed mate loving it too dr-d sr-s.

However the drivers that actively force ppl off are a scourge to players that love honest racing, god knows I've lost a few from not ramming but also won a few due to my opponents honour in not cheating,

It seems that's the only way they can win instead of relying on their skill.

It'll be hard for the programmers to implement proper penalties as there seems to be no consistency with peno's.

Would love to see DQ for constant offending but I think that's along way away.

Enjoy ur racing lad I know I will 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Hey, has anyone actually been able to understand specifically what the penalty system is. I understand most but from one race to other there are times when I get no penalties and end up jostling for a few laps and others when ive done nothing wrong and been slapped with a penalty because someone has gone into me. I can't work it out at all. I'm a clean racer on eother an A or S sportmanship rating but if i do 5 races in a night, i can guarantee that i'll lose out on unfair penalties in at least 2/3 of the races
Your not the only 1 to be confused mate, the system is a relic from a bygone era of ps3/2 which they haven't bothered updating and will be stuck like this till a new game comes out as it'll need a completely new game engine. Along with the frustrating penalties I've found the ridiculous appliance of damage to be just as frustrating e.g some1 rams u so u are screwed for a time with engine/wheel damage allowing offending car and veruous competitors to blast past you😔,
the system is a relic from a bygone era of ps3/2 which they haven't bothered updating
Weird and objectively untrue statement given that there were no penalty systems in place in PS3 era titles - and the PS2 era ones (with the exception of the rare, invite-only, GT4 Online) had no online multiplayer to which to apply a penalty system.

GT7's penalty system is pretty much GT Sport's. When you realise that it only looks at what happens after a contact, and only looks at contact (car-to-car, car-to-environment) and off-track driving - plus the yellow flag penalties which aren't relevant - and determines whether you travelled faster or slower than expected through a mini-sector after these things, there's nothing particularly confusing about it.

Incidentally "u" is "you", "ur" is "your", and "sum1" is "someone":
GT5 did have an online penalty system sort of. It would cut your engine for 5 or 10 seconds after running into someone. And there was damage (light and heavy same we have now), as well as visual melting car damage :lol:

The 5 second engine power cut after hitting someone was a very effective deterrent to dirty driving. It pretty much assured you wouldn't be getting ahead by bumping other people off the road. The next car simply passes you.
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GT5 and GT6 both had some really good approaches to online racing. I feel like every game has taken a bit of a step back from the variety and systems that GT5 offered.

I didn't think they could go much further back than what Sport did (in some aspects) but they somehow managed it with GT7!
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Weird and objectively untrue statement given that there were no penalty systems in place in PS3 era titles - and the PS2 era ones (with the exception of the rare, invite-only, GT4 Online) had no online multiplayer to which to apply a penalty system.

GT7's penalty system is pretty much GT Sport's. When you realise that it only looks at what happens after a contact, and only looks at contact (car-to-car, car-to-environment) and off-track driving - plus the yellow flag penalties which aren't relevant - and determines whether you travelled faster or slower than expected through a mini-sector after these things, there's nothing particularly confusing about it.

Incidentally "u" is "you", "ur" is "your", and "sum1" is "someone":
Admittedly the ps2 comment was an exaggeration but as has already been pointed out there was a penalty system in gt 5 and 6 though not as in depth as 7.

Incidentally if u want to pick at my abbreviated words then u should worry about my spelling because
Varouos is actually spelt various,
But then ur opinion on my grammer isn't the objective of this forum so I'm pretty sure that no1 else gives 2 hoots how I write on here.
Well the penalty system is annoying, sometimes i'll be in a race and a cluster of cars will be behind me and when I break for a corner/turn they ram me in the wall which results in a barrier collision penalty which can be unfair at times cause I didn't do it! And then sometimes my wheels go out of bounds for the track and they give me a 2-3 second penalty.
Admittedly the ps2 comment was an exaggeration but as has already been pointed out there was a penalty system in gt 5 and 6 though not as in depth as 7.
Not really. The games didn't apply any penalties at all, you simply got slowed down on the spot to 31mph (50km/h) and ghosted (in later games) for a set period if you hit a wall or another car, or shortcut the course - depending on the title - and it was always the exact same application. I mean, by that standard GT4 had more of a penalty system (although it only applied to player cars and not the AI which was almost always responsible for driving into you).

GT Sport was the first to have an actual penalty system, which gave actual and variable time penalties for different offences, and calculated according to... well, something, but not necessarily entirely proportionally, to either be served on track or applied to your time after the race. GT7's follows suit.

It is in fact entirely different from, and therefore not even slightly, a "relic from a bygone era of ps3/2 which they haven't bothered updating", because it's unrelated.

Incidentally if u want to pick at my abbreviated words then u should worry about my spelling because
Varouos is actually spelt various,
But then ur opinion on my grammer isn't the objective of this forum so I'm pretty sure that no1 else gives 2 hoots how I write on here.
Spelling proficiency is not a condition of your membership. Not using lazy textspeak words very much is a condition of your membership. As you should know, having agreed to it when you joined, and also having just been reminded of it when I linked you to the Acceptable Use Policy in the post you just quoted:
Acceptable Use Policy
You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.
It's not a "pick", it's a reminder of the site rules to which you agreed. Take the reminder on board, and take care not to use textspeak in future.
I was racing the Daily B yesterday and some idiot in Supra rental would wait up on the sweeping high speed left 1st turn and let people hit the front of his car with the back left of theirs and we were all getting penalties ranging from 1-4 seconds. He tapped me and I got "knocking car off track" or whatever. I think no matter what penalty system you have there will always be idiots with no life to mess it up for everyone. It's the human comedy. Too bad they couldn't just ban people permanently. If they had it I would pay a subscription fee for clean races and they could employ a marshall. It's such a rush having a close race with another good driver and I haven't had that much with GT7.
I was racing the Daily B yesterday and some idiot in Supra rental would wait up on the sweeping high speed left 1st turn and let people hit the front of his car with the back left of theirs and we were all getting penalties ranging from 1-4 seconds. He tapped me and I got "knocking car off track" or whatever. I think no matter what penalty system you have there will always be idiots with no life to mess it up for everyone. It's the human comedy. Too bad they couldn't just ban people permanently. If they had it I would pay a subscription fee for clean races and they could employ a marshall. It's such a rush having a close race with another good driver and I haven't had that much with GT7.
Yeah, racers like that will want people to quit/give up in racing industry. Honestly I wish the shortcut penalties did not exist cause then the races would be a breeze for me. I'd be able to get more wins.
Penalties suck when you play the game using remote play, that lag is real and not forgiving, maybe sony could listen to their fans since that cat like reflex doesn’t work well across the room when everything is hardwired, seriously, though, it’s frustrating that I’m running average times and not the low 18-19minutes times i’m used to.


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First I show how the yellow flag happened, then I back up 10 seconds and show you my prespective.

Two things. How am I supposed to even avoid this?

Why are yellow flag penalties even in the game? They are there for safety IRL, but there is no safety concern in a game. No property destruction, no stewards cleaning debris, no drivers blocking the path (because they ghost). Yellow flag penalties don't do anything other than punish someone for another person's mistake.
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What was that title again? Oh yeah: "penalty system is still a piece of ****". Indeed.

My last few races

1) rating B-B, Race A @ Monza, started 1st, finished 1st, clean race bonus
2) rating B-B, Race A @ Monza, started 1st, finished 1st, clean race bonus
3) rating B-B, Race B @ Trial Mountain - stuck in the loading screen for 10 minutes - I disabled internet from the PS4 settings so that I could get "unstuck" from this screen
4) rating B-B, Race A @ Monza, started 1st, finished 1st, clean race bonus.

Back in the Sport menu after the last race it said I wa rated B-C!! (We know it takes a while for the system to update the ratings, so it must have been from the third race, or race attempt)

I'm the bad guy because I was in a limbo for that damn Trial Mountain race and decided to disconnect. Got it PD, thanks.
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Someone should make this game. They could call it eRacing or something. :lol:

I do have iRacing that I keep paying for and forgetting to play. Haha. I meant specifically for the GT series.

The great thing about GT7 is it saved me from upgrading to a PS5 because GT7 was the killer app for me and the GT series always has been. I got my fill on PS4 pro and I'll just upgrade my gpu now instead because the racing experience is on another level with pc even with games that are also on consoles. I should have listened to pc people years ago instead of being brainwashed.

First I show how the yellow flag happened, then I back up 10 seconds and show you my prespective.

Two things. How am I supposed to even avoid this?

Why are yellow flag penalties even in the game? They are there for safety IRL, but there is no safety concern in a game. No property destruction, no stewards cleaning debris, no drivers blocking the path (because they ghost). Yellow flag penalties don't do anything other than punish someone for another person's mistake.

It's ridiculous at trial mountain when there's a pile up in the corner and the cars are ghosted and I have to wait for the guy infront of me to negotiate it like a cat with anxiety and lose so much time but if I pass him I get a huge penalty. I don't get the yellow flags either. There's nothing to be cautious about if the cars are ghosted. I'm wondering if anyone at PD actually played the whole game or just the part they worked on?
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I was racing the Daily B yesterday and some idiot in Supra rental would wait up on the sweeping high speed left 1st turn and let people hit the front of his car with the back left of theirs and we were all getting penalties ranging from 1-4 seconds. He tapped me and I got "knocking car off track" or whatever. I think no matter what penalty system you have there will always be idiots with no life to mess it up for everyone. It's the human comedy. Too bad they couldn't just ban people permanently. If they had it I would pay a subscription fee for clean races and they could employ a marshall. It's such a rush having a close race with another good driver and I haven't had that much with GT7.
I hear you brother, I get the ½sec(corner cutting) or the 2/3 seconds pit lane infringement, those I take on the chin as they're my fault. It's the barrier penalties when I've been intentionally rammed that I'm finding frustrating. All the same though loving it when the car goes opaque and the rammer goes flying past into the gravel pit, love seeing that always makes my laugh out loud.

P.s it's definitely a rush racing other drivers who actively avoid contact, it just adds a whole new dimension to the racing, making the satisfaction of even a 5th or 6th huge.
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The penalty system still needs work. I was rammed so hard on the right corner after the pit exit in daily race C, that I hit the barrier, got full damage, got a 1.5 seconds for hitting the barrier. Yet the driver who hit still managed to stay in the first 3 positions on that lap. I was dead last. This sucks
Or they can simply take all the informations that already have and code a freaking algorithm that takes in consideration things like trajectories, speeds, space available on track, position of the wheel, brakes to assign proper penalties. I got 5 seconds at Spa because a guy dashed into me while we where side by side and then he spun. The replay shows me going straight (wheel position perfectly centered) and he suddenly moving into me (wheel suddenly moving halfway right). That sucks.

Since everyone is in the dark about penalties it might be a good time for the developers of GT& to actually explain their reasoning and thought processes on them.

I really don't see the big deal for the programmers..."ouch"............ They (if wanted to) could make many penalty scenarios but choose not to.. Penalties don't apply to AI and pens in 1on1 only to apply their rules. The question keeps coming up with no answer, what are GT7 rules in each race? Where is the clearly written??