- 446
- Israel
On the subject of how many cars on track GT7 could or should support, I guess there's a couple of different scenarios to accomodate. For most tracks something in the area of 24-32 will be more than enough as more would just be clogging the track. For the long tracks like Le Mans (56 cars in the 24 hours) Nürburgring (~160 in 2014) or Sierra (or dare I mention course-maker tracks), one can imagine more cars being possible, and I'm convinced the PS4 could support more, that is, if PD doesn't go overboard with the physics-, weather-, damage- and AI-model. "What, we have 16 times the memory and 16 times the bus-speed of the PS3? Let's make everything 20 times more complex!!"
However, there's also Online Mode that needs to be supported. I have no idea what the major problem with GT6's online gameplay is, i.e. why they cannot achieve a stable experience with 16 players without invisibility of some players while others can see them. Maybe it's simply bad code or it has to do with the PS3's shortcomings. One has to hope the latter, because otherwise the chances of stable rooms with 24 or more players are very slim indeed. And 24 is the minimum they should go for, in my opinion. After all, they were talking about lobbies of 32 people with 16 concurrently driving before GT5 came out...
The problem with the online is that the PS3 was the first to have full online compatibility, And you know that the first device isn't perfect.I belive the people Sony have learned alot since 2007 and the PS4 will perform much better.
A device needs alot of power and memory to run online because the data takes time to even reach to the Playstation , when it needs to be analyzed and displayed.
Ill Explain using an example:
Imagine two PS3s in an opposite side of the earth in an online room.
Now the data has to travel from one PS3 Through optic cables to the second PS3 ( ignore the short way between the cable , the internet provider and the second PS3) ,a distance about ~20,000km
The data travels at the speed of light so the time takes to the data to reach the second PS3 is:
(20,000 km)(1000 meters in on Km)/(299,792,458 m/s)=~0.066 seconds.
Even if we ignore proccesing time we still get 0.066 seconds which is too much for a smooth experience.
Not just "Not so smooth expeirnce" but a very bad one.
Imagine our two people racing at fuji speedway:
They are at the end of the main street , one of them draft behind the second men.
The distance between them is 10 meters and they are both going at 250 km/h
Then the first men starts to brake , the data about the first men braking hasn't reached to the second PS3.
So the second men gets the data in a 0.06 seconds delay, at that time he already crashed into the back of the first men. But the data about the crash hasn't reach the first PS3 so see the crash in a 0.6 seconds delay in which time he was breaking normally. This is a lag.
So the PS3 need to try and predict what will happen using a very complex algorithem , this takes power and time and sometimes its just can't keep up.
The PS4 is has more processing power so it can predict what will happen faster .And if PD will improve the algorithem so it could be more efficient , we will get even smother game experience.
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