GT7: PS4 makes incredible difference - Kaz

Much more detailed than what? This is my fear for GT7, that Kaz will look at DC and say, "Oh we can't let anyone have a prettier game than us, so hey guys, go out and make a game that looks that good, with 32 cars on track and 1080p/60fps and oh by the way, start working on that 4K thing"

Then what?

Sony fortunately already said that 4K is not going to be supported on the PS4. But the possibilities for being too ambitious are too numerous not to worry about. After the last two games, that's how our expectations changed. PD was in the same situation with the PS3. They had to plan their game with knowing the PS3's hardware capabilities, and they apparently misjudged what they could do with it, even though it's impressive what they achieved with it. That doesn't make up for the obvious shortcomings of GT5/GT6. I wish they would go nowhere near the PS4's limit with GT7.
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Likely is not as definitive as confirmed. Kaz also changes his views as things progress and maybe if there are such thing as standards, they will be like the VGT cars, Premium model body without interior until updated with them.
Premium or semi-Premium exterior is acceptable. I think the biggest problems of the series are somewhere else, as we all know it's not only a Premium vs. Standard thing.
This is my fear for GT7.

I hear ya. That's what I fear as well. But I hope they would have learned their lesson by now. I do not think that GT6 sold well at all because we have not heard anything about its sales from PD and they haven't even updated their site with the sales figures (I know its a stretch but if it had sold well, we would have heard about it). Sales is something Kaz and Sony cannot ignore at all. Hopefully they realize that people aren't happy with the way the franchise is evolving (or isn't evolving).
Then 70 at least.

Have you ever seen 100 or 70 drivers racing at the same time in a circuit? lol

I'd be glad with 22, but 16 would be fine.

BTW isn't it unbelievable how he wants to make a game of this era, yet said most likely standard cars (from 2004 and earlier) are coming back in his 2015-2016 game?

I mean,

Or in one picture: does this look like PS4, "this era" quality? No, this is literally 20 years behind.
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Have you ever seen 100 or 70 drivers racing at the same time in a circuit? lol

I'd be glad with 22, but 16 would be fine.

BTW isn't it unbelievable how he wants to make a game of this era, yet said most likely standard cars (from 2004 and earlier) are coming back in his 2015-2016 game?
Nascar has 43 drivers in a track. So we need more than 24.
You said 100. Now it's down to 43.

With that said, no console game will support 43 players on track, at least until 2020. Sorry but it's both a technical limitation and a design choice, even in this PS4 era.

If you want 43 players on track the only somewhat realistic place you are going to find that is iRacing. I say that adjective because one thing is that a game supports X number of players, while another is that there's enough players willing to play that mode and that the game holds it weill, both on your end (your PC) and the server's.

For example, in GT5 there were major issues with only 16 players, such as wheel and voice talk users slowing down (yep). That means GT5 couldn't handle 16 players.
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I'm interested to see what they come up with, but my faith in Kaz and his team has been completely shattered during the PS3 era. Gran Turismo has become one bloated and deeply flawed mess of a game. GT6 as successor to GT5 was an insult. The idea that it should've been the definitive Gran Turismo game of the previous generation is depressing.

The franchise is crying out for a complete overhaul. Get rid of all the fat and start with the basics that defined Gran Turismo: the handling model and single player progression system. Every improvement should start there. Every feature should be included with the aim to make the driving experience as good as possible and the game progression as compelling as it could possibly be. I don't want to drive on the moon or take pictures of my car in different locations when there are still fundamental flaws at the very core of the game.

The main question is whether Kaz has finally realized that and got his priorities right this time around. I'm pessimistic to say the least.
BTW isn't it unbelievable how he wants to make a game of this era, yet said most likely standard cars (from 2004 and earlier) are coming back in his 2015-2016 game?

For me it's not and you're aware of the many issues and questionable decisions made that make up GT5 and 6, so for you and many others, it shouldn't be unbelievable if/and/or/when standards jump to GT7.

For me, what would be unbelievable is GT7 coming out firing on all cylinders. Accurate car sounds (engine & exhaust note, valve timing changes, etc.), no standard cars or tracks (all re-rendered for PS4), much more in-depth car customization, day, night, weather cycle for all tracks, a game that is complete and functioning at launch among many other things. Not going to happen, but that would be unbelievable to me.
Premium or semi-Premium exterior is acceptable. I think the biggest problems of the series are somewhere else, as we all know it's not only a Premium vs. Standard thing.

It's the big picture. That's the problem I will admit myself the Premium/Standards and even the car count is a by product of an otherwise underwhelming (in my case horrible) two PS3 games.

Tell you now had the A.I been correct(better than what it was), and the Physics in GT6 and have a robust career mode no one says a peep. I'll even include myself.

It's once you start noticing the big picture problem that the smaller pieces become bigger.

Break it down more from my own perspective.

Midnight Club LA first racing game on PS3
Was excited when I had it, but noticed the first thing that again is part of the big picture career mode it's the first thing you MUST MUST MUST get correct in racing games. It was short, and races became repetitive quickly. So from there other things that turned out to be flaws starting becoming larger.

Soundtrack was hit/miss
Car customization wasn't even all that great
Car list was small compared to Midnight Club 3 etc etc.

I will go this far if your career mode isn't good you might as well scrap the game completely. The only thing I hear good about GT6 is Physics that's been the only thing that's dominated this site for awhile.

That's not a bad thing just when that's your best asset again scrap/start over.
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Really hard to take this KAZ statement serious when they have already confirmed standards will be in GT7. :odd:

I really wish KAZ and PD the best of luck with GT7 on the PS4. Hopefully they can turn the series around with a massive makeover.

Couple months ago, he said something like "GT on PS4 wouldn't look that different from the PS3 version". So, there is that: now he says the opposite. I gave up from PD and GT.
Well i believe Kaz will give us alot of content on the package. Good content? Complete content? Usable content? Fun content?
Have you ever seen 100 or 70 drivers racing at the same time in a circuit? lol

Ever heard of the 24 Hours of Nurburgring Endurance Race? You know, the one the creator of GT has been competing in for the last couple of years? That has 200 plus cars on the track.

I'm not saying that I want that many cars for GT7, but it's not nice to mock others (Harsk) just because you lacked specific knowledge regarding the matter. I highly doubt that GT7 will run that many cars at the same time, but no need to be a douche about it.

I face 40-50 drivers when I compete IRL, so that number sounds more realistic. Again, I doubt GT7 will reach that, and quite frankly, I could care less. 24 sounds like a solid number. I'd want PD to focus on other matters.
Ever heard of the 24 Hours of Nurburgring Endurance Race? You know, the one the creator of GT has been competing in for the last couple of years? That has 200 plus cars on the track.

I'm not saying that I want that many cars for GT7, but it's not nice to mock others (Harsk) just because you lacked specific knowledge regarding the matter. I highly doubt that GT7 will run that many cars at the same time, but no need to be a douche about it.

I face 40-50 drivers when I compete IRL, so that number sounds more realistic. Again, I doubt GT7 will reach that, and quite frankly, I could care less. 24 sounds like a solid number. I'd want PD to focus on other matters.

Talking about 16-100 cars on track call me when PD get 1 car on the track with competitive A.I
let the hype begins! :gtpflag:
Talking about 16-100 cars on track call me when PD get 1 car on the track with competitive A.I

I could have sworn I saw the AI overtake someone once....but now it's only a piece of history. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for 10 whole months, the overtake passed out of all knowledge...
I think PD should work on Sounds,AI, customization, etc before 4K

but that's none of .... sod it I hate that meme.
After GT5 and 6 I cannot believe anything Kaz says. His big announcement should have been that all the promised features for GT6 will be released by the end of this year. Of course I have no expectation of that coming true, and his comments sound so familiar... like how the PS3 would change everything and finally let GT be all it could be. We have all seen what became of that.

GT7 truly needs to reboot the series. Start from scratch and focus on the experience - of driving and racing. AI needs completely redone to be at least reasonably fast and consistent. Without that, offline racing is pointless. Career mode needs scrapped and rewritten - choose a career path and progress through spec and one-make race series until you reach the top level. Series should have far more races in them than the 2 or 3 we typically see in GT6. Races need to have practice/qualifying, grid starts where appropriate, tire wear/fuel use/mechanical damage, and more laps. Endurance races need to return (preferably with B-spec driver swaps). Field sizes in the area of 16 - 24 cars would be good enough for me.
And support for the G27, G25 and DFGT would be nice.

Although by then something equivalent to those especially in price should come out by then.
No one has any doubts about PD's technical prowess, I'm sure the game will be stunning. What we have doubts about is PD's ability to wrap an engaging, thrilling, immersive game experience around that stunning visual and technical wizardry, along with their ability now to deliver promised features in a timely fashion. The singular lack of development in the both the career mode and now the online experience leaves some of us doubting that PD is able to think outside the narrow little box they first had success with 15 years ago.

That's exactly what started their success, that narrow minded racing game without the flashing arrows to tell which way to go.
I suppose the doubting started 15 years ago with maufacturers rejecting their cars to displayed.
Seven guys and 5 years to make Gran Turismo, a game that widened up the racing genre and opened up the possibilities for budding developers to do the same.
Such a small group being employed by PD who get a lot of harsh treatment just because they made a complicated piece of software.
That's exactly what started their success, that narrow minded racing game without the flashing arrows to tell which way to go.
I suppose the doubting started 15 years ago with maufacturers rejecting their cars to displayed.
Seven guys and 5 years to make Gran Turismo, a game that widened up the racing genre and opened up the possibilities for budding developers to do the same.
Such a small group being employed by PD who get a lot of harsh treatment just because they made a complicated piece of software.

Because not going with the flow of the times PD will end up like Blackberry, and many other companies before them WHY! Change that's why not saying you got to change everything that's just stupid, but you got these other racing games putting in features that GT only just started doing recently, and some that still haven't been done (livery editor).

Like I said if you don't want to get left behind you change with the rest of them.
That's exactly what started their success, that narrow minded racing game without the flashing arrows to tell which way to go.
I suppose the doubting started 15 years ago with maufacturers rejecting their cars to displayed.
Seven guys and 5 years to make Gran Turismo, a game that widened up the racing genre and opened up the possibilities for budding developers to do the same.
Such a small group being employed by PD who get a lot of harsh treatment just because they made a complicated piece of software.
As @Zuku alludes to, 15 years in the tech business is like a century in most others. Just a few years ago a Blackberry was the cellphone and 15 years ago 1080p flatscreen tv's in every home were a pipe dream and high definition gaming was a fantasy. What PD did 15 years ago was wonderful, but this is 2014 not 1999. In the tech business you can't rest on your laurels because they don't exist, everything now is, "what have you done for me lately". The rest of the sim driving/racing world has lept right over the GT series in just a couple of years so that in objective terms, GT6 is now at the bottom rung as far as sim racing/driving goes in just about every category that matters other than car and track count. GT has lots of stuff, like a buffet, and not much more.
After i'v watched the specs of the PS3 vs the PS4 i'm 100% sure Kaz is right , the PS4 is going to make a revolution.
I can't belive GT5 and GT6 use a system with only 512MB RAM (256MB XDR Main RAM
256MB GDDR3 VRAM)!! , the PS4 has x16 more powerful 8 GB RAM (8GB GDDR5 RAM).
And the CPU , the PS3 has the not bad at all 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine , but still the next gen Eight-core X86 AMD Jaguar is just on a class of it's own.
And the GPU , like the CPU is just much better.
I am amazed what PD made with the PS3 so i can't wait to see what they can develop with the PS4.
On the subject of how many cars on track GT7 could or should support, I guess there's a couple of different scenarios to accomodate. For most tracks something in the area of 24-32 will be more than enough as more would just be clogging the track. For the long tracks like Le Mans (56 cars in the 24 hours) Nürburgring (~160 in 2014) or Sierra (or dare I mention course-maker tracks), one can imagine more cars being possible, and I'm convinced the PS4 could support more, that is, if PD doesn't go overboard with the physics-, weather-, damage- and AI-model. "What, we have 16 times the memory and 16 times the bus-speed of the PS3? Let's make everything 20 times more complex!!"

However, there's also Online Mode that needs to be supported. I have no idea what the major problem with GT6's online gameplay is, i.e. why they cannot achieve a stable experience with 16 players without invisibility of some players while others can see them. Maybe it's simply bad code or it has to do with the PS3's shortcomings. One has to hope the latter, because otherwise the chances of stable rooms with 24 or more players are very slim indeed. And 24 is the minimum they should go for, in my opinion. After all, they were talking about lobbies of 32 people with 16 concurrently driving before GT5 came out...
I think with the issue of how many cars on tracks, let's just have what the PS4 can handle smoothly with AI and all because that probably takes up a lot of memory apart from visuals, physics and sounds.