• Thread starter gtrotary
About the cost of gadgets for GT7 and if it's worth to get PSVR2 just for it, I am not completely sure on that (haven't tested it so I have no idea how much my mind would be blown from the experience). If WRC23 is going to get PSVR2 support it's definitely a big plus. As for the cost of wheel pedals etc. it's just more justifiable since it can be used on my PC as well. If PSVR2 gets PC support later on then it's a no brainer to get one, as this VR is much better than what is offered for PC at these price range.

Since I am very doubtful if my body accepts VR I still have not bought one and probably will not find the courage to get one without testing it first after reading about people weeks after not being able to do a full lap :confused:
So I gave rallying a good go when I first started playing GT7 and managed to gold licences etc.. but never really enjoyed it. PSVR literally transforms this into an incredible experience! To the point that I am actually able to be fast and even got Gold on the Fisherman’s Ranch circuit experience thisafternoon within an hour.. something I struggled to get bronze on previously in 2D!

So I gave rallying a good go when I first started playing GT7 and managed to gold licences etc.. but never really enjoyed it. PSVR literally transforms this into an incredible experience! To the point that I am actually able to be fast and even got Gold on the Fisherman’s Ranch circuit experience thisafternoon within an hour.. something I struggled to get bronze on previously in 2D!

Didn't try it yet. I'll go for a spin this evening since I've never been into rally mode in GT.
So I'm guessing you race Indy?
What do you mean?
What I meant was, I haven’t noticed any issues with my vision/depth perception so far in real life, be it while skateboarding, playing basketball or driving karts or real cars—and I drive a lot of cars on quick roads. No, I’m not a pro race driver LOL
My comment on your post was sincere. If VR is messing with people’s eyes and brains in real life, that’s a concerning thing to hear.
Interesting data point/observation....

As far as I can see on the internets, Real Life drivers whom sim race, do so on Triples as opposed to VR. I've often wondered why? As I assumed that the likes of Verstappen and Grossjean (and their teams), could afford top level; or "above market" PC, motion rigs, and VR sets that emulate real life closely. Maybe they do.. I have no clue.


I was out practicing on my dirt bike today, and something with my vision felt off. I don't ride dirt bikes at anywhere near the stratosphere of the speeds they do in F1, but the rate in which I have to process information, is probably equivalent to F1. Like @Scaff mentioned a few pages ago; speed is relevant to FOV and for lack of better terms; width of the road. In my case, the "road" is 12-24" in width, and while traveling up to 40mph, I have to read terrain, figure out which rocks and bumps I can go over, and which rocks and bumps will throw me off the bike. And I have to do this while I rocket from turn to turn in the span of anywhere from 20-100'.

But I digress...
I don't play Gran Turismo but a few times a week, but I drive Fire Engines for a living, and ride dirt bikes 1-2 times a week. I haven't noticed a difference when commuting to/from work and while at work... But today something with my vision (in particular my depth perception) was off. I wasn't able to to process the high rate of information to judge my associated inputs very efficiently while on the bike. I could only surmise, that it had something to do with the recent VR binges I've been partaking in. It took me a good 90 minutes, before I could feel somewhat comfortable today.

----> I wonder if this is why some top real life drivers don't do VR? Because their fine motor skills might get affected similar to what I experienced today?

....Anyways, I love VR. I never thought I'd be a SIM-SNOB of any sort, but I think I'm now firmly in the camp of "No VR, No buy". It would have to take something really special for me to pursue a racing game that didn't offer VR support.

Also, I don't know why people are misrepresenting what @Scaff said in relations to his opinion concerning VR and GT7. If I was someone that didn't have a deep emotional connection to the Gran Turismo franchise, I could EASILY see how it wouldn't be worth the money to send $600 on a VR set for one game. Especially if I could scratch my VR Itch across several different titles in the PC universe. I'm embarrassed to say how much money I've spent this "Gran Turismo" year on equipment, but its all been worth it because I love the franchise. I can easily see how the juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze to someone else. Just like I could give a fork' about what goes on in iRacing or Rfactor.

F1 teams have simulators connected to real telemetry and they update in real time. Each silulator costs tons of money, Ferrari and Red Bull own one…

Regarding real life …after VR my real drive is affected, probably not in a good way :). I am more reckless by far
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I love this community ♥️ so please forgive me for the stupid question:

How do I activate the rally season? I am only halfaway with the career, collector level 21, and so far only two rallies…a mission, one with Toyota Yaris and little more. Is there a way to activate if ? Maybe going further ?

Tip regarding other topic: we should behave like teenagers (but for the good 😅) and go to Codemaster /Ea social of Formula 1 2023 and WRC and write : #NOVRNOBUY :)
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On Friday I finally received my PS5 (not thanks to you, Amazon) and make my first ever experiences with VR. Here are my takeaways:
  • Image quality is limited. Not catastrophic, but limited. You need a noteable amount of positioning try-and-error to get the sweetspot right in front of your eyes. If you really nail it, I'd compare GT7 in PSVR 2 to looking at a 1080p screen through a thinly stretched pantyhose. If you don't nail it, you will have severe blurriness and chromatic aberration (probably just for people with glasses) everywhere but dead center.
  • I guess it depends on the shape of your melon (head), but I have issues when wearing an over-ear headphone and then trying to position PSVR 2 properly. The headphone (Razer Opus 2020 gen.) already has small earcups and narrow ear cushions, thus this is not a case of oversized headphones. It works, but the placement of PSVR 2 on my head is not quite ideal, which has drawbacks (see previous point).
  • I am short-sighted and therefore need to wear glasses in the VR headset. It is perfectly comfortable, but there is a limit of how close to your eyes you can push the front unit of the headset - the PSVR 2's lenses will inevitably touch the surface of your glasses. This happens too soon imo, but these are probably limits of the technology as such. I am currently looking into getting prescription lenses for my headset to ditch the glasses. Hopefully this also gets rid of the severe chromatic abberation clearly visible when peeking off the main axis.
  • I have no motion sickness to report of. I only felt a little wonky when I initially tested PSVR 2 in GT7 driving with a controller. I don't recommend that - you should use a wheel. I've covered hundreds of kliometers in GT7 with PSVR 2 since then, with no issues.
  • At first, the VR experience blows you away. A day or two later this wears off to an extent. Nonetheless, driving in VR remains clearly superior to a screen. I was a tad worried beforehand as I don't have 3D vision due to a birth defect, but even with that VR is so clearly better than a flat screen. You suddenly get a natural sense of the car's dimensions. People have reported of suddenly nailing every apex - yes, this is true, and it is scary as I didn't even try. It just happens. You will naturally position the car so much better.
  • The elevation of any track becomes naturally apparent as well. Diving into drops fools my body into preparing for it every time. The Laguna Seca Corkscrew, the beautiful right-hander you dive into at Lago Maggiore. The Nürburgring, Alsace, Deep Forrest, Kyoto Driving Park - you name it. It feels great! Playing in VR is so much more immersive that your body believes it is actually happening.
  • If you're desperately trying to justify the purchase of PSVR 2 to a loved one, download the free demo of the VR game 'Puzzling Places' from the Playstore and let them play it. It is a 3D puzzle game for the whole family. Great fun, and a great way to sell VR to casual players.
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Removing the HUD, especially the Race Info adds a lot to the immersion.

I remain firmly addicted to Group 1. racing - at Le Mans no less.
A track I was completely over with because of all the grinding I have been doing there.

Looking forward to prescription lenses cause I press the headset so hard against my glasses that I get marks on my face that last for like an hour. lol.
Bought yesterday the PSVR2 headset.

Spent the evening driving a myriad of races, from classic GTIs in Laguna Seca to Gr.1 at Road Atlanta or classic Gr.1 in Daytona.

I just can't play in 2D anymore. This experience is...mind-blowing.

Also, I've tried F1-21 in cinematic mode, and though it was not as immersive, I like it a lot more than on a good but regular screen.

I hope this hardware reaches a bigger user base. I think it totally deserves it!
Dude. Thank you. Despite using cinema mode on like day three to watch the action scenes in Top Gun Maverick just to see what it was like, I keep totally forgetting about that functionality.
As I’ve posted in here, I am downsizing my rig to one that sits much lower and isn’t eye-level with my wall-mounted TV. The one thing I’ve kept thinking is, even though this VR experience has made me not really want to play F1 and ACC anymore, what happens when I do here and there? I’m going to be sitting too low and looking up at my screen like the old days with a small racing chair sitting on my floor. I forgot I can use the headset in cinema mode for those times. I feel massively relieved and content now LOL
I love this community ♥️ so please forgive me for the stupid question:

How do I activate the rally season? I am only halfaway with the career, collector level 21, and so far only two rallies…a mission, one with Toyota Yaris and little more. Is there a way to activate if ? Maybe going further ?

Tip regarding other topic: we should behave like teenagers (but for the good 😅) and go to Codemaster /Ea social of Formula 1 2023 and WRC and write : #NOVRNOBUY :)
I NEED the F1 games in VR on console. Hoping beyond hope EA/CM implement it in the 2024 game.
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I'm currently looking into ordering these. They are made in Germany and seemingly already available.
I ordered a set a week ago. The sales team are wonderful people; along with helping me deciphering my optometrist's prescription, I was IMMEDIATELY refunded an amount when I had mistakenly ordered two sets.

As an aside, I am older (62), and have astigmatism, and need reading glasses to focus on near objects. I found a pair of glasses around my house which were very close to the prescription I was given last week, and wearing them made the world of difference to both sharpness AND finding the sweetspot.

Really, guys, unless you are a youngster with good eyes, get your eyes checked out. You may be missing out big-time.
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Beautiful, but it costs too much. Many fans bought the VR paying 600 Euros, now they should spend 600 Euros more for the VR2, maybe in a year the VR3 model will be released. It is a jewel reserved only for the rich people.
There are those who can and those who cannot. I can't.
It does suck that you can't afford but tech costs money and this cost much less than a pc equivalent. Not much more Sony can do to make it accessible but maybe in time prices will drop

So I gave rallying a good go when I first started playing GT7 and managed to gold licences etc.. but never really enjoyed it. PSVR literally transforms this into an incredible experience! To the point that I am actually able to be fast and even got Gold on the Fisherman’s Ranch circuit experience thisafternoon within an hour.. something I struggled to get bronze on previously in 2D!

Exactly the same here!
Slowly getting used to it. I wanted to give it one week and then decide if I sell it again or keep it. This was the first session when I felt almost nothing after. Still didn’t beat Sophy on Suzuka yet, but getting closer :)

Anyone using an extension cable? For some other games it would be helpful for me. any special criteria for the cable? Does it cause any disadvantage?
So we have had a PSVR2 update, anyone feeling any changes in haptic feedback on headset, doesn't feel as strong too me, Wouldn't be surprised if they have, could maybe be getting sued for millions in years too come from brain injuries due too the effects :)
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So I gave rallying a good go when I first started playing GT7 and managed to gold licences etc.. but never really enjoyed it. PSVR literally transforms this into an incredible experience! To the point that I am actually able to be fast and even got Gold on the Fisherman’s Ranch circuit experience thisafternoon within an hour.. something I struggled to get bronze on previously in 2D!

Yes it's really really good. Sliding feels incredible.
Now that I've experienced racing in VR I'm not even active in those threads anymore because if they don't have VR I'm not sure I'll play them
That's for sure some of the super powers that VR has!

I played almost exclusively GT7 and GT sport VR last year. I was so addicted to GT7 that I just didn't want to play anything else. But after each VR session on GT sport, it was really difficult for me to go back to GT7. It took me at least 2 hours to readjust to the flat driving, and it felt so numb... Playing GT7 in VR was the thing I expected the most before PSVR2 was even announced, and what made me want a PS5 in the first place. Never imagined that we would have the whole campaign and all the online counterpart without major sacrifices like a cut in the number of cars on track or else. It's so damn good that I'm almost ready to abandon my 670 cars garage and start a new game on a second account!

I know that many players here are mostly/only interested in racing, but I always loved all genres of video games. I just wasn't interested in other games since GT7 came out, because it took all of my time as you can see here:
(and the day before GT7's release was the last time I played Cyberpunk... xD )

As for someone who's been waiting GT7 VR like the Messiah, I was surprised to see that PSVR2 actually reawakened my taste for all other video game genres as well!

I just finished RE: Village yesterday, and it was one of the most intense and best gaming experiences I had in my life and more than 35 years playing video games, period.
What a blast!! 😮

It was so much better than all I imagined, a true revelation for me, and it makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to play that kind of games on flat screen ever again. Tried the flat version just for fun, and it was so underwhelming and uncomparable to what I experienced in VR...! Maybe even more than what I experience when going from VR to TV on GT7. You've got to live one of those boss fights to understand what I'm talking about. It's not just a game on a screen, you're actually part of it and your level of implication is incomparably stronger.

I feel a little sad about it, since it's a game that many PSVR2 users won't be able to fully experience... It needs quite some strong VR legs and a good stomach as well. But it's definitively the greatest game changer I experienced since I first tried VR racing. It brings the game and the whole horror genre to a level that you just can't magine without playing it by yourself.

I was already used to VR racing, so even if GT7 wasn't the same wow effect as for someone who experienced VR racing for the first time, I knew long before launch that I wouldn't be able to play any other racing games in flat mode after this VR update. What I never expected was that it would be the same with some other genres I always loved, and especially with horror games.

Therefore, RE Village is the biggest blast I had so far with my PSVR2. To me it's a huge leap, not only for VR gaming, but for the whole gaming industry. It pushes the boundaries of what's possible to experience and feel in video games. You don't just play a game, you live it, and that makes a huge difference! I'm so excited to see what's coming up with this still young medium, but it will be some great video game moments for sure :)

TLDR: PSVR2 is the most well-spent money I had in a very long time!
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It's a massive (in comparison to console) VR community for PC sim racing, with some happy to do both flat and VR (myself) and some pure VR.

FM8 is very unlikely, if MS we serious about it then FH5 would have had support. Codemasters took years (and were beaten by modders) to add support for F1, and while the Dirt Rally series has always had it, the mainstream Dirt titles haven't, so it 50/50 for the upcoming WRC23. With regard to Ian's latest venture, well that is anyone's guess, the Madenss engine remains one of the best engines for VR implementation, but PC3 was worse in that regard than the first two titles and AMS2 (out of Ian's hands) remains the best, so it's hard to say, and hell this is Mr Bell, so it might all end up being vapourware again.

At the ends of the day they two most likely factors for PSVR2 support are how easy is the middleware for implementation and what size the user base is.

Add in that I was purely talking about sim racing and the value drops even further for me, I've tried other genres on both PSVR (fully bought into that) and PCVR, but sim racing is the only one that I would invest for, and it's either £550 for 1 title or £430 for a near dozen titles, add in that GT doesn't (quite yet) cut it as a sim for me and it further strengthens the difference in value (for me) even when you add base hardware into it. I've not ruled out that changing in the future, but the PS5 would have to see a lot more racing titles support it for that to change vs a PCVR upgrade or even photographic gear (which is actually where the money I could have spent on PSVR2 went - a nice OM-D EM1 II).
Being a moderator your kinda agressive exposing your position/opinions and its clear enough.., you hate GT.

That agressive way of trying to cut the fun and entusiasm of other people its mind bogling, that might work for some but not for people that have experience with PCs...

I build my own PC at the age of 15..., when jumpers had to be configured, i had countless and hundred of pirated games and sell them in school, now i´m 40 still build my own PCs but try to buy everything i own and dont use piracy anymore, always had a console along side my Pcs and that was Sega/nintendo and Playstation(this sentence might hurt your feelings).

Anyway any day of the week i´ll buy a PSVR2 to play GT7 over any VR headset or over any PC version of any game...
The amounth money alone puts me off, my PC build have a 2070s with a Ryzen 3500x (6/6 hard to find), great build to play games at 1080p/1440p using DLSS.

The simple fact that with a console and 600€ VR headset(oled) i can arrive at home and plug it and after 2 minutes im playing, console+VR for the price of a mediocre PC,mediocre PC build by todays standarts to play VR racing SIMs that run on old game engines only ACC and dirt 2.0 looks more aceptable, not to mention "full Sims" might sound funnier but actually they arent cause people play games its not only to simulate real world/life its actually to escape from it..., i also play them from time to time but they are boring compared to GT for the simple fact in my case i enjoy the compounds the strategies the private leagues that use those features to make fun races...
Its ok to enjoy stuff but using your anology its not fun for me playing others games..., still i play them.

Anyway i´ll buy it cause i enjoy the compound tyre system like in F1 and the aproach PD have to racing, it mixs Sim aspects with gaming industrie elements, no way i´ll spend over 2000€ on PC build alone to have limited fun over games elitist people like to overate cause its feels real..., tons of work to configure tons of money to play underwhelming looking games...

What i mean its that elitist mentality its present in every social media app/forum.

In my case and many others it make all sense, its a racing game i enjoy play and VR solves one problem of GT, its the camera views, i dont enjoy the 2D camera options GT have that much and they are very limited, in VR its possible to adjust FOV inside cockpit which was one of the most important aspects i was missing in GT.
I´ll buy PSVR2 just to play GT if it was the case but i´ll play more games offcourse and hope Half Life Elyx its ported also...
I´ll play the new FM on 2D screen when it launches on PC...

That mentality coming from a moderator dont suits you well...
In my case i searched enough every day i see the pros/cons like many people outthere.

PC have/had this Xbox had watever people talk about..., all that before Playstation and nintendo, ho cares..., people just whant to have fun so let them..
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I love the PSVR2 but I wish I could hold the trophies, perhaps have a trophy room with them displayed and we could pick them up. In VR showcase I want to open the doors and hood/trunk, buckle seatbelts, grab and turn steering wheels, fiddle with gloveboxes, etc...
There are quite a few reports already of improved image quality in GT7 and Horizon. I hope someone here can try it and report soon. If true, I imagine there could have been a tweak to eye tracking that improves the foveated rendering.
I’ve seen reports text is clearer in VR on both Reddit and Resetera. Not read anything about general image quality.

I guess if there was something in the works, even if it’s PS VR2 specific, we’d have to wait for this general firmware update.
Pretty sure the VR update was to match the firmware of the PS5. Doubt it’s much else.
No, there is an update for the Sense controllers and apparently the bug that always asked you to turn on your TV (for those who want to play in VR without the TV) has been addressed. Note that this bug didn't affect everyone.

There are currently multiple reports of:

  • Controller tracking improvements (although the update has also made a few people's play space go haywire).
  • Reduced haptic resistance in the Sense controllers
  • Reduced haptic feedback in the HMD
  • Improved visual clarity in GT7 and Horizon
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No, there is an update for the Sense controllers and apparently the bug that always asked you to turn on your TV (for those who want to play in VR without the TV) has been addressed. Note that this bug didn't affect everyone.

There are currently multiple reports of:

  • Controller tracking improvements (although the update has also made a few people's play space go haywire).
  • Reduced haptic resistance in the Sense controllers
  • Reduced haptic feedback in the HMD
  • Improved visual clarity in GT7 and Horizon
Very very nice. Going home to play GT7 now.