• Thread starter gtrotary
Being a moderator your kinda agressive exposing your position/opinions and its clear enough.., you hate GT.

That agressive way of trying to cut the fun and entusiasm of other people its mind bogling, that might work for some but not for people that have experience with PCs...

I build my own PC at the age of 15..., when jumpers had to be configured, i had countless and hundred of pirated games and sell them in school, now i´m 40 still build my own PCs but try to buy everything i own and dont use piracy anymore, always had a console along side my Pcs and that was Sega/nintendo and Playstation(this sentence might hurt your feelings).

Anyway any day of the week i´ll buy a PSVR2 to play GT7 over any VR headset or over any PC version of any game...
The amounth money alone puts me off, my PC build have a 2070s with a Ryzen 3500x (6/6 hard to find), great build to play games at 1080p/1440p using DLSS.

The simple fact that with a console and 600€ VR headset(oled) i can arrive at home and plug it and after 2 minutes im playing, console+VR for the price of a mediocre PC,mediocre PC build by todays standarts to play VR racing SIMs that run on old game engines only ACC and dirt 2.0 looks more aceptable, not to mention "full Sims" might sound funnier but actually they arent cause people play games its not only to simulate real world/life its actually to escape from it..., i also play them from time to time but they are boring compared to GT for the simple fact in my case i enjoy the compounds the strategies the private leagues that use those features to make fun races...
Its ok to enjoy stuff but using your anology its not fun for me playing others games..., still i play them.

Anyway i´ll buy it cause i enjoy the compound tyre system like in F1 and the aproach PD have to racing, it mixs Sim aspects with gaming industrie elements, no way i´ll spend over 2000€ on PC build alone to have limited fun over games elitist people like to overate cause its feels real..., tons of work to configure tons of money to play underwhelming looking games...

What i mean its that elitist mentality its present in every social media app/forum.

In my case and many others it make all sense, its a racing game i enjoy play and VR solves one problem of GT, its the camera views, i dont enjoy the 2D camera options GT have that much and they are very limited, in VR its possible to adjust FOV inside cockpit which was one of the most important aspects i was missing in GT.
I´ll buy PSVR2 just to play GT if it was the case but i´ll play more games offcourse and hope Half Life Elyx its ported also...
I´ll play the new FM on 2D screen when it launches on PC...

That mentality coming from a moderator dont suits you well...
In my case i searched enough every day i see the pros/cons like many people outthere.

PC have/had this Xbox had watever people talk about..., all that before Playstation and nintendo, ho cares..., people just whant to have fun so let them..
It ain’t that deep man lol. Scaff just has a different opinion its fine. The whole original comment that sparked all of this I agree in terms of what the person was trying to convey That for the money/time its the best way to race across platforms at the moment. You don’t have to do anything but plug in and get your headset position right.
No, there is an update for the Sense controllers and apparently the bug that always asked you to turn on your TV (for those who want to play in VR without the TV) has been addressed. Note that this bug didn't affect everyone.

There are currently multiple reports of:

  • Controller tracking improvements (although the update has also made a few people's play space go haywire).
  • Reduced haptic resistance in the Sense controllers
  • Reduced haptic feedback in the HMD
  • Improved visual clarity in GT7 and Horizon

Very very nice. Going home to play GT7 now.
Can you all check out the text quality. I heard some people say the text in the game seems sharper now.
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And I never dismissed them, I simply said they don't, currently, work for me.

To which you started going on about how I should comment off I don't own it, which is quite frankly inane given my views are on why it's not for me right now.

To be frank I can now add a second reason to avoid it currently, and that's so I can avoid this kind of intolerance to those that might disagree.

Feel free to 'have the last word'.
Yes we get it, it’s not for you, and it may not be for everyone. You’re the one that disagreed with my own comments as you highlighted. I couldn’t really care if you get it it not…
It took me about a week of play to get my VR legs, but now I love this thing. I'll never go back. I recommend ginger candy if you're getting motion sick! Follow all of Jordan's tips in the front page post, and you'll be good before long. :)
A point about the sounds through the supplied earphones. I have a set of headphones, but the earphones sound great. Haven’t felt the need to use my headphones. PD has everything turned Up to 11. Sounds in the distance, in tunnels, fly bys. it’s an aural treat.

I'm happy you've said this because I was thinking something was wrong with me for thinking the sound was just fine with the included earbuds.

Also, I've tried F1-21 in cinematic mode, and though it was not as immersive, I like it a lot more than on a good but regular screen

Would you explain what cinematic mode is? Are you saying there IS a way to play other racing games using the PS VR2 headset?

This is my first foray into VR and I thought I was locked in to only playing VR compatible games.
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Just did a few laps after the update. There's still ghosting but it's quite much better than before, and the 2D screens look way sharper too, thought I'm not sure if it's due to the update or to the lens cleaner I received today 😅 The background colors look a little dim too, even if it's very good in the cockpit, but it might be due to the track. I'll try on a track I'm more used to!
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Would you explain what cinematic mode is? Are you saying there IS a way to play other racing games using the PS VR2 headset?
Cinematic mode is the 2D mode the HMD is in when you put it on in the PS5 OS. It's like a big movie screen. You can play any game in this mode. If you make the screen big enough you will actually have to turn your head to see the edges of the screen (kind of like sitting in the first row in a movie theater). It's 2D and it's not VR but some people use it for pancake games, movies and YouTube.
Just did a few laps after the update. There's still ghosting but it's quite much better than before, and the 2D screens look way sharper too, thought I'm not sure if it's due to the update or to the lens cleaner I received today 😅 The background colors look a little dim too, even if it's very good in the cockpit, but it might be due to the track. I'll try on a track I'm more used to!
Were you on the Beta for the PS5 OS previously? Or never did the beta?
What do you mean?
What I meant was, I haven’t noticed any issues with my vision/depth perception so far in real life, be it while skateboarding, playing basketball or driving karts or real cars—and I drive a lot of cars on quick roads. No, I’m not a pro race driver LOL
My comment on your post was sincere. If VR is messing with people’s eyes and brains in real life, that’s a concerning thing to hear.

My bad dude. My estrogen levels must’ve been spiking 😂. I drive A LOT. My commute to and from work is 120 miles each way, then of course I drive while at work. No issues there whatsoever, but then again, I’m not taking in nearly as much information as when I ride, not to mention, I’m not having to scan close range and down range nearly as much.
It was a weird sensation to say the least.

F1 teams have simulators connected to real telemetry and they update in real time. Each silulator costs tons of money, Ferrari and Red Bull own one…

Regarding real life …after VR my real drive is affected, probably not in a good way :). I am more reckless by far

Yea, saw those in drive to survive. Was shocked how big they were. Figured VR would be more realistic, but that doesn’t seem to be the case
Picked up the PSVR2 over the weekend and have had quite a bit of time with it.. Have been reading this thread since Page 1 so thought i would share my experience – It’s a little long.. apologies.

Firstly, i came into this with a very tapered expectation of the visual fidelity based on this forum and the king of PSVR2 Youtubers Kireth. However, i was still initially underwhelmed with the blur.. Coming from a Photography background i actually liken it to a photo that is ever so slightly out of focus. But i am not going to lie.. Once you get over that, the immersion and depth perception is just incredible.. It has genuinely made this game feel brand new.. and i've put close to 300hrs into this game already.

I was worried that i would suffer from motion sickness since i am unable to read my phone in a car for any extended period of time and suffer from sea sickness, but i can happily say i have experienced nothing other than feeling a little off balance due to inclines/drops/big turns, but that is fading. What i will say is that i have a weak neck, i work with a chiro to help me with headaches/migraines and come from a place of bad neck issues. After racing for about 2hrs on Sunday night i started to get a neck ache and headache.. Stopped for about 5 mins and it went away instantly. Played for another hour with no issues, but after going to bed I woke up the next day with a VERY sore neck and headache.. I was very concerned. However, it did go away after a few hours and I played again last night with no issues and woke up fine this morning. Something I am going to monitor, but thought I would share in case there are others out there.

I’ve seen others talk about tracking issues, and after playing for an hour during the day with sunlight and lights I had 0 issues. Once it got late though I experienced multiple issues and found that lights on full caused issues, so dimming helped and I can also see it really struggles with bare white walls. Another thing I noticed was that when my phone was on my lap the tracking went out.. I think it might have something to do with the IR sensor on the front? Not sure others have seen this.

And lastly, just in regards to the blur… I have everything setup correctly and find that when if I look at the text in the middle of the screen when you hit the pass through and it is crystal clear (if I move the headset in any direction it goes off focus) then I know I have it setup as best as possible. PSA: This is as good a clarity that you’re going to get, so just go with it and tell yourself you are wearing a helmet with a slightly dirty visor!

The only suggestion I do have for PD/Sony is to enable a Foveated Rendering slider.. I feel that when I am deep into a race, online/time trial etc I don’t care about what the interior/periphery objects look like.. my eyes are focused intensely on the next corner or even the corner after that.. so things in the distance. I would much prefer to have where I am specifically looking to be rendered in better resolution and care less about everything else. I feel like a slider could help the individual adjust for this and help the Playstation focus its rendering on what benefits the individual driver.

Just my $0.02 – Loving the experience and still genuinely blown away every time I put this headset on!
I am suffering from severe next pain since I bought this kit in fact I'm just about to see the doctor about but seeing your post my have highlighted that the problem is with this kit.
if you have neck pain its always attributable to poor posture and sleep positions …ive got neck issues from decades of sitting in front of a computer screen incorrectly
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Wish Sony released what this update was intended to fix. I'm still getting the occasional Cant Track Surroundings glitch so hoping this was on their radar. Will test later to see if there's any difference in visual fidelity or tracking.
Just did a few laps after the update. There's still ghosting but it's quite much better than before, and the 2D screens look way sharper too, thought I'm not sure if it's due to the update or to the lens cleaner I received today 😅 The background colors look a little dim too, even if it's very good in the cockpit, but it might be due to the track. I'll try on a track I'm more used to!
Was there an update? When? Are we being upgraded!?
Was there an update?
A console update for PS5.
About ten hours ago.
Are we being upgraded!?
The PS5 console is, yes.
Wish Sony released what this update was intended to fix.
Thanks. Nothing been updated on the psvr2 implementation front it seems.
Perhaps this happend in the background / not in the release notes.
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Just did a few laps after the update. There's still ghosting but it's quite much better than before, and the 2D screens look way sharper too, thought I'm not sure if it's due to the update or to the lens cleaner I received today 😅 The background colors look a little dim too, even if it's very good in the cockpit, but it might be due to the track. I'll try on a track I'm more used to!

Seems to me only letters are a little more crisp in gt7, race data more readable
Had a PS5 update, then a controller update and a PSVR2 update. I'm in Japan, not sure if it's the same everywhere?
Regional firmware versions haven't been a thing since the PS3 died.

There's apparently a controller update too - I turned my PS5 off after the system update so haven't seen that yet, but you can now do that wirelessly as part of the PS5 update (yay). As for a PSVR2 update, I wouldn't know :lol:
Just did a few laps after the update. There's still ghosting but it's quite much better than before, and the 2D screens look way sharper too, thought I'm not sure if it's due to the update or to the lens cleaner I received today 😅 The background colors look a little dim too, even if it's very good in the cockpit, but it might be due to the track. I'll try on a track I'm more used to!
Has anyone yet tried running headset brightness at 50-75%? I've only just received my replacement headset, so not set-up yet.

NXG, who does analysis like Digital Foundry, says he often runs as low as 40% brightness, then uses in-game settings to fine tune. On the video below they say they run 50% brightness in GT7.

Maybe some of the improved clarity (if it is real!) is down to a slight adjustment in brightness or HDR across the board.

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Has anyone yet tried running headset brightness at 50-75%
I reduced mine to about 60% and it's an improvement. HDR still pops and everything looks a bit crisper. I wonder if those who are noticing an improvement with the update had the HMD set at 100%, and the update maybe lowered the default brightness?
Tried a couple laps during my lunch break, picture does seem to be a bit clearer overall imo. Wonder if the res was downscaled at all initially before this update? Or might be a mental thing but sure seems clearer
I reduced mine to about 60% and it's an improvement. HDR still pops and everything looks a bit crisper. I wonder if those who are noticing an improvement with the update had the HMD set at 100%, and the update maybe lowered the default brightness?
NXG did a quick test and found there has been some adjustments to brightness levels. He noticed this in darker areas. He's previously been using the Beta firmware. Will have to wait for more in-depth analysis.
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Being a moderator your kinda agressive exposing your position/opinions and its clear enough.., you hate GT.
That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

But to be clear, I don't hate GT, my posting history over two decades here is enough to prove that, I personally don't see the value in PSVR2 just for GT7 (which I own both physically and digitally - must have been a hate-purchase - along with every title release in the series).

Oh and here's me physically assaulting Kaz, cos I hate GT so much (just after he signed my copy of GT3).


Seriously actually read people's posts and understand their actual position, as not doing so could make you look foolish, oh and you might want to re-read the AUP, as admitting to criminal activity is a clear violation of it!
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If you haven't used the PSVR2 headset since the PS5 update today, before turning the unit on, I would update both the dualsense controllers & PSVR2 controllers first, if you don't, then during the set up of your space in GT7 it may ask for the PSVR2 controller to set the floor height, if you turn on the controller it will turn off the headset thus going black, you will see on the flat screen the prompt to update the PSVR2 controller.

Add to: I don't know if anybody else had experience this, but after updating the controllers and the going into GT7, pressing the PS button would not show in the headset any of the quick menus, it would show up on the tv screen. I found restarting the PS5 will fix this.
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The new voice commands will come in handy. Haven’t tried it yet, but if the game doesn’t stop when I say, “Hey PlayStation! Capture the last five minutes!”, it’ll be sweet.
This might be a placebo effect - and it probably is, but I find the overall clarity significantly improved.

Image seems a bit darker overall though? Not sure. Will try to compensate that with the EV setting in GT after dinner.
There are quite a few reports already of improved image quality in GT7 and Horizon. I hope someone here can try it and report soon. If true, I imagine there could have been a tweak to eye tracking that improves the foveated rendering.
Improved image quality: you may be right. I thought it was sharper, but was perhaps imagining it.
Every man has their price...

And my price for more immersion; is Gran Turismo on PC, with full compatibility. That alone would make me probably sell one of my bikes for a motion platform. Right now, PS5 and PSVR2 is good enough to keep me from taking the plunge into the PC realm. Of course that could change. But the current recipe of PS5-PSVR2-ease of play, is hard to overlook or down play.

More than anything, its GT's car list that keeps it as my BEY. That, and I've been playing the franchise since I was 14. What can I say, I'm nostalgic. I'm curious to see what the impending AC2 will bring to console.
First I want to echo something you said in your prior post regarding the interesting dialogue here with @Scaff about PSVR2 vs. PC VR.

I think he was just honestly making the same point you did that regardless of how fun PSVR2 is for GT enthusiasts who have never tried VR before, if you race with other racing games on PC that also have VR, it is reasonably debatable which is the better experience and/or has more variety to offer. I love the fact that the GTPlanet crew encourages healthy debate. We're all better for it, or should be. Enough on that.

To your point about PC, I can tell you from experience that, as much as I LOVE GT and have since it's where I got my racing sim roots with GT5, there are some great racing games on PC that are definitely worth your while and run in VR.

I also find them mostly complementary rather than purely competitive. ACC has fantastic physics and immersion, but it solely focused on GT3/GT4, but if you like this kind of racing it can be argued that it is better than GT7 for pure racing. And the AI are definitely better than GT7, although I've seen some inkling of GT's AI possibilities with both Sophy and the "chili pepper" races. GT definitely seems to have short term potential to improve their AI if/when they want to.

iRacing also has excellent physics and VR immersion, but it is much more expensive and really more catered to hard core sim racers who really want a clean race experience. This is their core audience.

Overall, GT7 definitely caters to a wider audience, everyone really, which includes all of those above as well the (much-larger) user base of younger people, entry-level, and casual racers. We were all there once, and many of us still are. I am extremely fortunate that I got my start (and my addiction) with GT5. This can be both a blessing and a curse depending on the topic, and it's a difficult minefield for Sony/PD to navigate. "You can't please all of the people all of the time" definitely comes to mind.

The great thing is that the racing sim category is still getting better, and VR has taken it to the next level, with PSVR2 definitely being a significant milestone for the industry in general. GT was a pioneer in this space back in 1997, and after a long hiatus from being a front runner, PSVR2 puts them back in league with the other titles which built on GTs success. It will also be a key factor in the proliferation of VR among the general sim racing community.

Racing sims are definitely one of the best applications of VR technology on the market today. Market penetration will definitely improve with PSVR2 over the next year or so as the price inevitably comes down, and there's definitely a bright future for the market (and for us consumers) overall.

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