• Thread starter gtrotary
Ghosting is a side effect of reprojection, manifested in the form of a double-image as things move quickly past you. Since the "fake" frames injected into your vision by the reprojection algorithm can't keep up with fast-moving assets on the screen, these moving objects have the appearance of leaving "copies" of themselves behind as they move. Compared to the rest of what you're seeing, it kind of looks like a ghost is moving.

To see this in action in GT7, turn your head and focus on any trackside object as you fly by at 200 km/hr. You will immediately understand what ghosting is.

The reprojection algorithm can be tweaked by software updates so it's not unrealistic to expect some improvements over time.

GT7 runs at 60fps but is reprojected to 120fps. In a nutshell, half of the frames we see are "fake" and that's what causes ghosting on fast-moving objects.
Crystal Clear explanation.

Thank you

I see the surrounding area out of my peripheral vision. I never really turn my head to look at it. Probably why I didn't notice.

I'm too scared to take my eyes off the track
I've done two races at Le Mans, one at max brightness and one at 75% I think the graphics are the same as before the update. I do calibrate the headset before each session so it is always the best image I can get.

The area which does look quite a bit better is the 2D screens, both in GT7 and YouTube.
It's entirely possible that the update only affected a certain batch of headsets that were perhaps bugged. I am a VR veteran (years of racing in VR) and, believe me, the difference is night and day.
I was thinking this too, because I never had major problems to begin with, which would explain why I don't see much difference. But many people were very frustrated and are now saying there's a huge improvement, so I think yours is a very plausible explanation.
Yeah, hopefully we'll get an update around HUD customization. VR is important to Sony so I'm guessing better things ahead.

What is ghosting? Maybe I do have it but am oblivious to it
While racing look to either side of the track and you should see certain parts of the environment (light posts, etc) ghosting (doubled). It’s most noticeable during sharp turns on certain tracks. Daytona at night is one of them.
How's everyone's lap times in VR vs pancake so far? Been about a week and a half for me and I feel significantly faster in VR.
I think I am faster too, but haven't had a lot of time to play lately...
Yesterday I open some of the licences that I couldn't get gold on before, just silver or even bronze after multiple tries (and I don't really enjoy trying more than 10 times so I tend to give up on gold...) and after a few tries I got gold on all the ones that I tried !
I guess the trophy for all gold licenses is now reachable with less frustration now...
Two updates:

Brightness setting of PSVR2:
Yes, this makes a difference for image quality. During yesterday's gaming sesstion I lowered the brightness of the headset to approx. 80%, then 60%. You know, for science. I compensated this by increasing the in-game exposure in GT7. Yes, lowering the headset brightness does something. Finally, after so much tinkering, I managed to get the sweetspot perfectly sharp. That said, off-center I still see plenty of blurriness and chromatic abberation. The sweetspot remains small. Good, but small. Additionally, even this perfect sweetspot won't cure the softness of distant objects in GT7, since this is an issue of the game itself (which I believe will be improved over time).
I found the 60% brightness a tad pale, I guess I will settle with 70-80% brightness, which one will quickly adapt to and not even notice the brightness difference anymore.

Headphones for PSVR2:
Gentlemen, thank you for all your input. Yes, it seems that whether one can arrange PSVR2 and over-ear headphones on their head depends on the individual. I've always had the problem when selecting glasses that I need long side pieces for them. I guess that my ears just are far back on my head. This will definitely worsen the issue for me, and I guess for other people, too.

In yesterday's gaming session I used the by far most comfortable in-ears I own, the Phonak Audéo PFE 112. They are comfortable to wear even for long sessions, no issue there. Hoewever, I am not a fan of the "sealed ear canal" feeling that in-ears inevitably provide. A full seal is necessary for a proper bass response, but it gives me that uncomfortable holding-your-ears-shut feeling. Additionally, with in-ears the microphonic effect (their cables touching something translates into well audible rumbling/scraping noises) naturally is pronounced.
I double-checked yesterday that even with the PSVR2's rear strap pulled far down, my earlobes remain clear - the strap rests just above the top edges of my earlobes. I therefore dropped the hammer on a pair of the on-ear headphones Beats Solo Pro Wireless. Reviews confirm they are quite comfortable on-ears with a balanced sound profile and very effective active noise cancellation (ANC). I do prefer ANC for a totally immersive sound experience when playing in VR. Note that they can not be used wirelessly with the PS5, but I'll MacGyver me a supershort custom cable solution and be done with it.
I am actually an open-back (headphone!) person. Before VR I used a pair of Sennheiser Massdrop HD 6xx, which are excellent. However, I found that visually entering another reality, but acoustically staying in the actual reality (due to open-back headphones) is detrimental for the experience as a whole. I therefore prefer closed-back headphones with ANC for PSVR2.
How's everyone's lap times in VR vs pancake so far? Been about a week and a half for me and I feel significantly faster in VR.
Much faster 2-3 seconds, been going back to license test & circuit experience that I could only get platinum and Golding them, only two test in the license test left to gold, in VR I don't have that slight hesitance to getting close to walls & barriers, the track is visually wider than on the flat screen.
You're getting there, dealt with same progression and now im fine. Re8 still gets me a lil but gt7 im dialed in and fine. Had a buddy come over and try it and while he was amazed he was crushed after a lap and had to stop.
Thanks, that's good to hear. I would rather not feel ill using a device I paid $600 for!
I was thinking this too, because I never had major problems to begin with, which would explain why I don't see much difference. But many people were very frustrated and are now saying there's a huge improvement, so I think yours is a very plausible explanation.
The theory that makes sense to me is that the launch headsets shipped with two different firmware revisions -- one with really bad image quality and broken foveated rendering, and one that was only slightly worse than the new update firmware. I don't know what the truth is, just that mine looks much better now.
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That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

But to be clear, I don't hate GT, my posting history over two decades here is enough to prove that, I personally don't see the value in PSVR2 just for GT7 (which I own both physically and digitally - must have been a hate-purchase - along with every title release in the series).

Oh and here's me physically assaulting Kaz, cos I hate GT so much (just after he signed my copy of GT3).

View attachment 1237756

Seriously actually read people's posts and understand their actual position, as not doing so could make you look foolish, oh and you might want to re-read the AUP, as admitting to criminal activity is a clear violation of it!
I dont post here much but i do enjoy to come and read and also link Gtplanet forums on social media cause it as great place for people to find GT info and its a great community.

Just to be clear, while it "sound" arsh the way i putted i mean, i only did it cause its not the first time i see you comment i mean i remember to see your profile picture/flag not the nick in others posts, its like you are always "trashing" GT with that negativity cloud, your comments dont sound impartial at all...

How come PSVR2 its not a great thing? I mean can we for 1st time praise PD and sony for the amazing job they did, GT its transformed on VR the VR headset have no competition in terms of features, the only limitation its game library that will increase overtime but we are talking about GT.

You really think its worths to spend 3000€+400€(entry wheel base) on a PC build plus 600€ or more in a game like Iracing and on top of that a subscrition service to play a game(SIM) that runs on a ugly game engine..., that elitist mentality its not "welcome" i mean, physics and damage model in SIMs tend to be slighty better but for the majority of gamers we like to apreciate other things and have more variety, amazing visuals, car models, compounds that easy to learn and make strategies uppn and so on, all that for arroun 1600€ +- (console+VR+GT7+wheelbase).

Yes i understand that many people like a more RL experience in terms of more accurate physics but GT have a very intuitive feeling and in VR just have no competition in quality overall.

I do play ACC, Raceroom on my PC on epic settings, while the sound and physics are slight better, ACC looks good also they dont come close to the experience o GT in VR, and there are people that only have a console to play GT so VR headset worth the money, features alone are steps above to the offers on PC.

The part i find most fun is that all the people that have that elitist mentality dont even own PSVR 2 but they claim the only way they can experience something amazing its on PC and will have to spend a small fortune which its a complete lie...

PSVR2 cost almost a minimum salary in my country which is a lot cause since early 2000s(joined euro) we lost arround 70% power to buy, its now possible to have an immersive amazing experience that surpasses in some fields anything a PC have to offer...

Its a good thing its amazing to be a gamer nowdays cause its just acessible to "everyone".
Its not a personal thing, its just that in social media there are people that join groups with similar comments, come on...
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The update yesterday took literally only seconds on my set and I didnt notice much of a difference.

Must admit I'm not seeing any discernible difference at all in GT7. In fact, if I wasn;t on here reading about it, I'd have no inkling whatsoever that any potential enhancements were made that effected GT7.

I also changed the VR2 brightness to just over halfway (60%ish?) and ramped up the 2 display options with GT7, as outlined in the video Nathan posted.

I'm not complaining btw, as I've been enjoying the experience so much, I found it no problem to look beyond any kind of blur, loss in sharpness versus my 4k on a decent tv.
Finally got another day off from work, haven't touched my PS5 since last Sunday. I'm too tired after working during the week to get any racing in. Not expecting to see any difference in image quality from this latest update but if I do I'll be sure to mention it here. Lots of activity in this thread this week, add me to the no (PS)VR(2) no buy camp. I won't go back to flat or triples and that makes me sad because some of my all time favorite games are on the other console.

I think I'll do a couple laps of the time trial to warmup, then work on a QT for the Daily B. Most likely I'll spent today offline learning the track then jump into some ranked races tomorrow.
Updates on Vr-rock website on my lens ordered to avoid to put glasses.
ordered : March 6
we are march 10, no news from them, I purchased the fastest way (78 Dollars......) "Expedited 5-10 days".
Maybe "expedited" was: "we need up to ten days to make the expedition". So far...if you have alternatives maybe they can be better of what I am experiencing.
Just a heads up for anyone returning their kit to PS Direct for any reason. I dropped mine at FedEx with the shipping label Sony gave me one week ago, last Friday. The package was received Tuesday of this week. Thursday my return was accepted, and today Friday I have the credit in my account. It was exactly one week from dropping off at FedEx to getting the refund.

I returned it because the left controller didn't work. It was not an exchange (that takes a few more days). I had simultaneously bought a new one while returning the old one so I didn't miss a single day of VR.
Same. I haven’t noticed a difference/improvement(as some are experiencing) with the motion blur in VR replays.… and I’m watching that sucka religiously. :lol:
How's everyone's lap times in VR vs pancake so far? Been about a week and a half for me and I feel significantly faster in VR.
I haven't been able to play much since I got the headset but I'm much slower. Interlagos is one of those tracks I tend to perform well at but my qualify time is over a second slower than what it used to be. I'm either braking too early, or too late.
You don't have problems with it fitting properly over the PSVR2 headset? I have a HyperX that I was using with GT7 prior and can comfortably wear with my Quest2.

I tried it the first day with PSVR2 and it was very awkward and didn't fit well, so I've just stuck with the included earbuds so far.
I have the HyperX Cloud Revolvers and use them comfortably with the PSVR2. I keep the headset a little loose and tuck the very tip of the cups (mostly the foam part) under it. I also wear them slightly tilted back. However. everyone's head is shaped differently so your mileage may vary.
How's everyone's lap times in VR vs pancake so far? Been about a week and a half for me and I feel significantly faster in VR.
I have easily golded all the time trials (except that damn NSX at the Ring) so I think I'm fairly fast. In VR I am at least as fast if not faster. I find it much easier to hit apexes. I went back and tried my old view (chase cam) and it just felt weird. I do all my driving in VR going forward. Now about that improved HUD PD.
While racing look to either side of the track and you should see certain parts of the environment (light posts, etc) ghosting (doubled).
A funny thing happened the other day. I was driving the BMW Z8 convertible at Bathurst checking out the scenery. I looked left coming down the mountain and there was a guy waving at me, I instinctually waved back at him. :lol: I thought now that's immersion when you forget you're in the game.
A funny thing happened the other day. I was driving the BMW Z8 convertible at Bathurst checking out the scenery. I looked left coming down the mountain and there was a guy waving at me, I instinctually waved back at him. :lol: I thought now that's immersion when you forget you're in the game.
In my last session I drove Bathurst in VR for the first time in the Early Morning. Coming over the top of the mountain and seeing the sunrise bathing the valley below, it was jaw-dropping. It felt like I was truly there for a second. The lighting model in this game is what truly sells the sense of presence in VR for me.
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How come PSVR2 its not a great thing?
I'm going to boil your nonsense down to this one outright misrepresentation.

I've not said PSVR2 isn't great, I've not even come close to saying that.

What I said was that I don't see it as good value for me.

Not even close to saying it's not great, nor does the fact that I'm critical of some areas of GT mean I hate it or even come close.

I would strongly suggest that you stop white knighting for GT and actually read what I have posted, not what you think I've posted. As this constant misrepresentation is not acceptable. Nor do you get to determine what is and isn't welcome here at GT Planet.
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A funny thing happened the other day. I was driving the BMW Z8 convertible at Bathurst checking out the scenery. I looked left coming down the mountain and there was a guy waving at me, I instinctually waved back at him. :lol: I thought now that's immersion when you forget you're in the game.
The other day, I was sitting in my rig and driving a Cayman GT4 RS in time trial mode, so it was just me on the track. When I began the session, I stopped the car on the road with the brakes (instead of pausing the game) so I could pick up my controller to reset the screen orientation by holding the options button (easier to find on controller than it is on my wheel with so many buttons).
Once I had reset it to my liking, I no lie came THIS close to dropping my controller straight down onto my wood floor--because my brain told me to just toss it onto the Cayman's passenger seat. I stopped my fingers from releasing it right at the last instant. I simultaneously started laughing and calling myself a freaking moron.
I'm going to boil your nonsense down to this one outright misrepresentation.

I've not said PSVR2 isn't great, I've not even come close to saying that.

What I said was that I don't see it as good value for me.

Not even close to saying it's not great, nor does the fact that I'm critical of some areas of GT mean I hate it or even comr close.

I would strongly suggest that you stop white knighting for GT and actually read what I have posted, not what you think I've posted. As this constant misrepresentation is not acceptable. Not do you get to determine what is and isn't welcome here at GT Planet.

People, please stop attacking other members for giving their opinions. That's what the forum is for. An opinion cannot be right or wrong since it lies with the person giving it.

Scaff has made great points and valid points whether someone agrees with them or not. Nothing he has said seems to go out of the way to attack GT7 or to attack the PS VR2

Perhaps I'm the only one, but I'm sick and tired of him having to explain to others (no names mentioned) why he says what he says. Nothing he has said is inflammatory and I challenge anyone to find a definitive statement that is incorrect factually.

Scaff, I'm begging you to stop replying to this person because I don't think they're going to get it.

Both GT7 and PS VR2 have good and bad elements. The people who love the game can't even recognize the downfalls and the people who don't love the game can recognize the high points.

None of us developed this game, as far as I know, so we should not take criticism or praise out of context and bend it to our personal beliefs.

Goodness gracious, if a group of us went to a restaurant and they had a signature dish some of us would love it and some of us would hate it and some of us would think it was just okay.

But, it doesn't have to result in a back and forth diatribe that can't be won when you're dealing with people's personal opinions.

The other day, I was sitting in my rig and driving a Cayman GT4 RS in time trial mode, so it was just me on the track. When I began the session, I stopped the car on the road with the brakes (instead of pausing the game) so I could pick up my controller to reset the screen orientation by holding the options button (easier to find on controller than it is on my wheel with so many buttons).
Once I had reset it to my liking, I no lie came THIS close to dropping my controller straight down onto my wood floor--because my brain told me to just toss it onto the Cayman's passenger seat. I stopped my fingers from releasing it right at the last instant. I simultaneously started laughing and calling myself a freaking moron.

At least you stopped short of dropping it. I have made that mistake two or three times with my cell phone. That's how realistic these cockpits are in VR.
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Thanks, that's good to hear. I would rather not feel ill using a device I paid $600 for!

The theory that makes sense to me is that the launch headsets shipped with two different firmware revisions -- one with really bad image quality and broken foveated rendering, and one that was only slightly worse than the new update firmware. I don't know what the truth is, just that mine looks much better now.
Im one of the people who don't see a huge difference and maybe got a good headset, idk. I do see a difference tho albeit small improvement for my headset.
A funny thing happened the other day. I was driving the BMW Z8 convertible at Bathurst checking out the scenery. I looked left coming down the mountain and there was a guy waving at me, I instinctually waved back at him. :lol: I thought now that's immersion when you forget you're in the game.
Speaking of immersion, I sensed an AI flipped me off after I swiped him.
The VR Replay I hope evolves more to a spectator view, that allows the player the ability to rotate the camera with the left stick, use the left & right bumper to advance to the next camera position
or go back to the previous one, the ability to stay at one camera position.

A nice little detail that would have been good had they added it, would have been in the replay mode to capture your avatars head movements during a race.